「adhesion contract」を含む例文一覧(3)

  • Since the pack does not contract in the vertical direction to the cooling liquid flow direction, close adhesion is continued over the hole periphery of the inner wall 56.
    冷却液の流れ方向に対し垂直な方向には収縮しないため、内壁56全周に亘って密着し続ける。 - 特許庁
  • To obtain excellent transparency and surface physical properties to enable lamination in good adhesion even in the case of an inexpensive polyolefin resin, and to prevent the generation of wrinkles and return in a contract part during handling in on-line preliminary molding etc. by improving shape holding properties.
    透明性と表面物性に優れ且つ安価なポリオレフィン系樹脂でも密着良くラミネ−トできる上、形状保持性を良くしてオフライン予備成形等でハンドリング時の皺発生や絞り部分での戻り発生を防ぐ。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an image forming method and an image forming apparatus, capable of stably providing satisfactory electrophotographic image for a long period by improving adhesion of foreign matter to an organic photoreceptor which tends to occur in a contact charging image forming method, and preventing streaky flaw of the photoreceptor surface which tends to occur due to contract friction with a charging member.
    本発明の目的は、接触帯電方式の画像形成方法で発生しやすい有機感光体への異物付着を改良し、又、帯電部材との接触摩擦により発生しやすい感光体表面の筋状の傷を防止し、良好な電子写真画像を長期的に安定して得ることができる画像形成方法及び画像形成装置を提供することである。 - 特許庁


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