
<前へ 1 2 .... 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 次へ>
  • 6. With regard to transactions by auction method with a single amount of consideration or Contract Price, etc., the session (morning or afternoon session) shall be recorded. With regard to transactions by auction method with an amount of consideration or Contract Price, etc., which is individually determined, the time shall be recorded.
    六 単一の対価の額又は約定価格等による競売買の方法による取引については場節、個別に形成される対価の額又は約定価格等による競売買の方法による取引については時間 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • The six Buddhist memorial services have the names respectively, which are called "nicchu" (the time roughly from 10:00 to 14:00), "nichimotsu" (afternoon (roughly from 14:00 to 18:00)), "shoya" (evening (roughly from 18:00 to 22:00)), "hanya" (midnight (roughly from 0:00 to 2:00)), "goya" (the time from 2:00 to 6:00 in the morning) and "jinjo" (morning (roughly from 6:00 to 10:00)).
    6回の法要にはそれぞれ名前があり、「日中(にっちゅう)」「日没(にちもつ)」「初夜(しょや)」「半夜(はんや)」「後夜(ごや)」「晨朝(じんじょう)」と呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The most common form is the afternoon chaji which incorporated kaiseki for lunch, but depending upon the mood, chaji is performed in the morning or evening, and also after meal times (called after meal tea function)
    昼食として懐石を供してから茶をふるまう正午の茶事が最も基本的な形であるが、趣向によって朝・夜などの時間帯の茶事も行われ、また客が食事をすませた後の時間帯にもてなすこともある(飯後の茶事。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Formerly, the sento would be open from morning to early evening (around eight o'clock at night) in the Edo period, but today they're generally open from the afternoon or the evening to around midnight.
    江戸時代には朝から宵のうち(現在でいう夜の8時くらい)まで開店していたが、現代の日本では、午後あるいは夕方から深夜12時前後までの営業が一般的。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yoshimoto Kogyo offers a rakugo program entitled 'Hanahana Yose' held every afternoon (starting at 12:30) from Monday to Friday at 'Umeda Kagetsu,' and where young performers who either belong to Yoshimoto Kogyo or are free-lancers, appear.
    その他にも吉本興業は「うめだ花月」で月曜日から金曜まで昼の時間(12:30から)のみ「花花寄席」題して吉本所属・フリーの若手中心で構成されたプログラムを行なっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • For this reason, there is a theory that the time to eat an afternoon snack averaged out to 3 p.m. under the influence of this commercial, although each family had enjoyed it in various periods of time before.
    このことで、従来各々の家庭で適当な時間に楽しまれていたおやつの時間が平均化され午後3時になったという憶説も聞かれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A machi-bugyo officer went to the Edo castle in the morning, reporting to Roju members or holding meetings, and in the afternoon, made decisions and held trials, working until late night.
    その職務は午前中は江戸城に登城して老中などへの報告や打ち合わせを行い、午後は奉行所で決裁や裁判を行なうというもので、夜遅くまで執務していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The actual time and date of his death was said to be 'on July 29, around 10 o'clock forty three minutes in the afternoon,' however the officially announced date and time by the Department of the Imperial Household was 'on July 30, twelve o'clock forty three minutes in the morning.'
    なお、実際の崩御は「7月29日午後10時43分頃」と言われているが、宮内省告示に拠る崩御日時は「7月30日午前0時43分」となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1997, it sponsored the 'Kyoto University Press Literary Prize for New Writers Award' and awarded Manichi YOSHIMURA's "Afternoon at the Government-managed Giant Bathhouse" (Yoshimura received Akutagawa Award six years later).
    1997年には「京都大学新聞社新人文学賞」を主催、吉村萬壱(6年後に芥川賞受賞)の『国営巨大浴場の午後』が受賞した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When NAKAGAWA arrived in the afternoon of the next day on the 13th, 'the Duke asked him to stay during a certain time (the article dated November 13, 1940 of 'The collection of letters' in "Nakagawa Bunsho" (Nakagawa Document)' and never left OKITSU to the end.
    翌13日昼前に興津に到着した中川に、「公爵ヨリ当分滞在ヲ希望スル旨ノオ話アリ(1940年11月13日付「中川小十郎書簡」『中川文書』)」、結局最後まで興津を離れなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He came to direct "Daikon to Ninjin" (Radishes and Carrots), which was originally planned by director Ozu as a project to follow "Sanma no Aji" (An Autumn Afternoon), due to an appreciation for his popularity and ability.
    小津が『秋刀魚の味』の次回作として温めていた企画『大根と人参』を監督するに至ったのも、そうした人気と実力を評価された故である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He excelled in art and was selected to be guards of the Imperial Palace as a trusted vassal of Imperial Prince Munetaka, the sixth Shogun of Kamakura bakufu, such as hisashi ban (a valet who keeps the night watch at the eaves of building), 門見参衆, mikoshi joge ketsuban (a night watcher on a lattice), and hiru banshu (afternoon guards).
    学芸に優れ、鎌倉幕府6代将軍宗尊親王の近臣として廂衆・門見参衆・御格子上下結番・昼番衆等の御所内番役に選ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When the Jito (a landlord) office of Kokufu (a provincial capital) was informed about the raid at around six in the afternoon, Sukekuni SO, who was both the Jito of Tsushima Province and the substitute of Shugo (a military governor), Kagesuke SHONI, left for Sasuura through rocky mountains in the dark, with more than 80 horse soldiers.
    6時頃に国府の地頭所に連絡があり、対馬の地頭で守護少弐景資の代官でもある宗助国は、80余騎を率いて岩山の夜道を佐須浦へ馳せ向かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During the Imperial tour, the Emperor granted an item to the honor student and the prefecture government will pass it on to you, and therefore you are requested to come to receive it at three o'clock in the afternoon on October 8.
    今般 主上御巡幸之節 優等生へ下賜之品有之県庁より御渡に相成候間明八日午後第三時御請取に御出頭可有之候也 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • More specifically, it was a system in which each class in each grade was divided into the morning class and the afternoon class, which were taught by the same teacher, respectively; since this was a unique system in Japan at the time, it drew attention.
    すなわち、学年のクラスを午前と午後とに分け、一人の教師がそれぞれ授業を行う方式であり、当時全国に例を見なかったことから話題になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After that, the electrified sections did not extend for a long time and diesel trains ran between Kizu and Nagao one to two times in the afternoon, but in 1989 after the division and privatization of the JNR the line between Kizu and Nagao was electrified and many trains started to run.
    その後は、長らく電化区間が延びず、木津-長尾間は気動車が昼間以降1-2時間間隔で運転されるだけであったが、国鉄分割民営化後の1989年に木津-長尾間が電化され、多数の電車が運転されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the afternoon of January 27, 1868, a quarrel between the inspector general, Tomoaki TAKIGAWA and the soldiers of the Satsuma domain blocking the highway near Shimotoba resulted in a battle, and as soon as gunfire in Toba was heard, the battle in Fushimi began.
    慶応4年正月3日(1868年1月27日)の夕方に、下鳥羽付近で街道を封鎖する薩摩藩兵と大目付の滝川具挙の問答から軍事的衝突が起こり、鳥羽での銃声が聞こえると伏見でも衝突、戦端が開かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ironically, however, around one o'clock in the afternoon on that day, dark clouds lowered on Mt. Atago (Kyoto City) and overwhelmed Heiankyo along with a thunderstorm -- About an hour and a half later, a thunderbolt struck the first pillar at the southwest corner of the Seiryoden.
    ところが、午後1時頃より愛宕山(京都市)上空から黒雲が垂れ込めて平安京を覆いつくして雷雨が降り注ぎ、それから凡そ1時間半後に清涼殿の南西の第一柱に落雷が直撃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At three o'clock in the afternoon, upon learning that part of the government army marched into Ueki, the Satsuma army dispatched the platoons led by Sansuke MURATA and Naoji ITO to Ueki, and in the evening, Shokuro IWAKIRI of the ITO's platoon captured the battle flag of the 14th regiment ((Major Maresuke NOGI..)
    同日午後、薩軍は官軍一部の植木進出を聞き、午後3時に村田三介・伊東直二の小隊が植木に派遣され、夕刻、伊東隊の岩切正九郎が第十四連隊(乃木希典少佐)の軍旗を分捕った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the government army concentrated their firepower to break through the vanguard of the Satsuma army, closing in on the rear guard, but had its left flank fought back and routed by the Satsuma army led by Nakajima.
    午後3時には猛烈な火力を集中して薩軍の先陣を突破して後陣に迫ったが、中島が指揮する薩軍の逆襲で左翼部隊が総崩れとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that the battle started at five in the morning and lasted until two in the afternoon, and the estimated death toll was 1,800 on Azai and Asakura sides and 800 on Oda and Tokugawa sides, and the wounded was three times as much on each side.
    戦闘は午前5時に始まり午後2時まで続いたと伝えられており、死者は浅井朝倉方で1800人、織田徳川方で800人、負傷者は各方その3倍と推定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that the number of people reached 9,000 at its peak, but eventually about 4,000-6,000 people reached Kashiwazaki City on the afternoon of 5th as many people had left on their way.
    一説には、最盛時には9千名にも達したとされるが、途中逃げ帰るものも多く、5日午後に柏崎に到着した時には4~6千名ほどであったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Prefectural Office mustered an army in Heijima (present-day Niigata City) in order to prevent the uprising party from entering Niigata-machi, and on the afternoon of 8th, fired warning shots against the uprising party moving toward the north, shooting one of the ringleaders who intended to charge.
    県側は一揆勢が新潟町に入るのを阻止するため平島(現新潟市)に軍を集め、8日午後、北上してきた一揆勢に威嚇射撃を行い、突撃しようとした首謀者の1人を射殺した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Workers attacked offices, ate and drank what they robbed, and in the afternoon they set fire to the facilities, but it was said that someone ordered to get their hands off money.
    労働者らは事務所を襲い、食料や酒を奪って飲み食いしし、午後には施設に放火したが、現金には手をつけるなという指令がどこからか出ていたともいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Around two o'clock on the afternoon on July 18, Yoshitoki, who came back to Kamakura with his army, was asked about the battle by Tokimasa; he told him that the attempted rebellion against Tokimasa was just a rumor, and that he was innocent, as his army was small, due to the fact that his family had gone away.
    6月23日(旧暦)午後2時頃、軍勢を鎌倉へ引き上げた義時は、合戦の様子を聞いた時政に対し、重忠の一族は出払っていて小勢であり、謀反の企ては虚報で、重忠は無実であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In a TV program yesterday afternoon, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Kazuhiro Haraguchi stated that financial institutions' burden of premiums under the deposit insurance system is considerable, amounting to approximately 640 billion yen per year.
    昨日、お昼の番組で、原口(総務)大臣がおっしゃっていたのですが、預金保険制度で、金融機関の保険料負担が年間で6,400億円ぐらい、かなり保険料負担が大きいと。 - 金融庁
  • The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on a bill for financial stabilization measures Friday afternoon, U.S. Time. How do you feel about this?
    アメリカで金融安定化法案がアメリカ時間の金曜日の午後に下院で投票という運びになっていますが、大臣として今思われるところをお伺いできますか。 - 金融庁
  • Although you announced measures to stabilize stock prices yesterday, the stock market did not stop falling during afternoon trading and the rebound this morning is weak.
    昨日株価安定策を発表されましたが、後場に入ってからもなかなか下げは止まらず、今朝に入ってからも今日の市場でもなかなか反発の力が弱いと。 - 金融庁
  • As one of the purposes of the meeting of the Financial System Council this afternoon, you cited the strengthening of international competitiveness. Do you have in mind anything specific, such as a region and profitability, that may strengthen competitiveness?
    今日の午後の(金融)審議会の目的の一つとして、国際競争力の強化を挙げられましたけれども、例えば地域とか収益力とか、この競争力強化のための具体的なものは何かありますか。 - 金融庁
  • Yesterday, I talked to you in a door-step interview. Yesterday, on February 2 (Thursday), the TSE reported to us that it had suspended trading in some stocks due to a system glitch that occurred that morning, and trading was resumed in the afternoon.
    昨日、私もぶら下がり(会見)を急遽させて頂きましたが、昨日の2月2日(木)、東証から、同日朝のシステム障害により、一部の銘柄の取引を停止したが、午後には取引を再開したいとの報告を受けました。 - 金融庁
  • Yesterday afternoon, there was a glitch in Japan Post Bank’s system linked to other financial institutions, making it impossible to remit and withdraw funds from ATMs nationwide.
    昨日の夕方、郵政グループのゆうちょ銀行で、他の金融機関との接続システムでトラブルが発生しまして、全国のATMで送金だとか引き落としができない事態になりました。 - 金融庁
  • Instead of broadcasting the game between Toyota Motor Corporation and Waseda University live in the afternoon, NHK was planning to show a recorded broadcast of the game late that night.
    NHKは,トヨタ自動車対早(わ)稲(せ)田(だ)大学の試合を,午後に生中継するのではなく,その夜遅くに試合の録画番組を放送するつもりにしていた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • We look forward to seeing the concrete outcomes this afternoon regarding ASEAN+3 Financial Cooperation, including strengthening the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM) in its size and function and enhancing the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI).
    我々は、本日午後に、ASEAN+3 の金融協力について、チェンマイ・イニシアティブ・マルチ化(CMIM)の規模と機能の強化及びアジア債券市場育成イニシアティブ(ABMI)の強化を含め、具体的な成果が上がることを期待。 - 財務省
  • For example, when an invention that has been publicly been known in the morning in Japan is filed for application in the afternoon of that same day, the invention is deemed to be the one publicly known in Japan prior to the filing of the patent application.
    したがって、例えば、午前中に日本国内において公知になった発明についてその日の午後に特許出願がされたときは、その発明は特許出願前に日本国内において公然知られた発明である。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a photographing apparatus and a time correction program which allow morning/afternoon decision easily and surely when performing the setting of a time for an internal timepiece through image recognition processing.
    画像認識処理により内蔵時計の時刻の設定を行う際に、午前/午後の判定を容易かつ確実に行うことができる撮影装置及び時刻補正プログラムを提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a bean curd having a caramel milk taste, easily takable by anyone at anywhere, having high nutrient and rich taste and flavor and suitable as salad, afternoon snack and dessert.
    誰もがどこでも手軽に食することができ、かつ栄養に富み、風味豊かで、香ばしく、かつサラダ、おやつ、デザートとして最適なキャラメルミルク風味の豆腐。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a timepiece capable of displaying clearly whether a present time is in the forenoon or in the afternoon, and having fun by executing very decorative display.
    現在の時刻が午前であるのか午後であるのかを明確に表示すると共に、装飾性の富む表示を行うことにより面白味のある時計を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • A second hand 4c has a different function in each mode, namely, second display in an ordinary mode and forenoon-afternoon display in time difference correction or in a time difference correction mode.
    秒針4cは各モードごとに機能が異なり、通常モードでは秒表示、時差修正ないしは時刻修正モードでは午前午後表示となる。 - 特許庁
  • A clocking data storage part 5 and a received data storage part 6 are constituted of forenoon-afternoon storage parts 5a, 6a and 12-hour counters 5b, 6b, and perform substantially time management in 24-hour period.
    計時データ記憶部5および受信データ記憶部6は、午前午後記憶部5aおよび6a、12時間カウンタ5bおよび6bから構成され実質的に24時間周期の時間管理を行っている。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an exterior character display device having a rainproof structure, which can accuratery display characters even in a position with low sunlight in the morning and afternoon without being affected by sunlight.
    朝夕の太陽光の低い位置でも太陽光の影響を受けないで文字を的確に表示でき且つ防雨構造の屋外用文字表示装置を得るにある。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a method for reducing a time period required for two processings when dispensing cash for change to be used for delivery in the afternoon after money reception processing for counting proceeds in the morning.
    午前中の売上げ計数のための入金処理後に続けて午後の配達に用いる釣銭用の現金の出金処理を行う際の、2つの処理に掛かる時間を短縮するための方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • Instructions inputted from 13 and 14 are automatically stored in 1 together with date and time data and classified by time, the forenoon and afternoon, the days of the week, and the months to extract instruction groups having the same conditions.
    13、14から入力される命令を年月日、時刻と一緒に1に自動的に記憶、時刻別、午前午後別、曜日別、月別で分類することにより、同じ条件の命令群を抽出。 - 特許庁
  • Time which a user usually has in notion such as 13:00 for the first in the afternoon or 10:00 for the first in the morning is registered in advance in an alarm time registration file 41 by an alarm register (process) 43.
    「昼一番」は13時00分とか「朝一番」は10時00分とか利用者が時刻概念として持っている時刻をアラーム登録部(工程)43によりアラーム時刻登録ファイル41に予め登録する。 - 特許庁
  • The sunshade device increases a light shielding action to the afternoon sun by sliding an awning 6 to both right and left directions, adjusting an angle of inclination of the awning 6 and stretching a side curtain 43 or a front curtain 46.
    左右方向への天幕6のスライド、天幕6の傾斜角の調節、側幕43又は前幕46の張設により、西日に対する遮光作用を高めた。 - 特許庁
  • For example, when the scenario of an athletic meet is selected as a photo movie scenario, scene categories such as "OPENING CEREMONY", "MORNING PART", "LUNCH TIME", "AFTERNOON PART" and "CLOSING CEREMONY" included in that scenario are displayed.
    例えば、フォトムービーのシナリオとして運動会のシナリオが選択された場合には、そのシナリオに含まれる、「開会式」,「午前の部」,「お昼休み」,「午後の部」,「閉会式」などのシーンカテゴリが表示される。 - 特許庁
  • The traffic sign comprises, on the rear surface thereof, a light scattering particle mixing plate 2 allowing the back light of the morning sun and the afternoon sun to be partially transmitted so that a scattering light beam transmittancy is 25 to 60%.
    裏面側に朝日及び西日の逆光線を散乱光線透過率が25%以上60%以下となるように部分透過する光散乱粒子混入板2を有する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a full-flat baby carrier including shoulder straps, wrapping the body of a baby with a flat cloth piece and fastening the ends of the cloth piece so that when the baby is put down from a piggyback (carrying), he/she can be easily laid down for an afternoon nap intact.
    赤ちゃんをおんぶ(抱っこ)から下ろした時、そのままお昼寝しやすいように、赤ちゃんの体を平らな布で包み、止め具でとめ、ショルダ−ベルトを設けたフルフラット子守帯を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a timepiece with the function for displaying day, AM and PM, capable of confirming a type of before noon and afternoon, if required when a winding stem is drawn to a drawn position different from a normal needle handling position.
    巻真が通常運針位置とは異なる引出位置に引出された際に必要に応じて午前午後の種別を確認し得るようにした日及び午前・午後の表示機能付き時計を提供すること。 - 特許庁
  • When the light receiving sensor 217_1 is used for the electronic apparatus, the photodiode 275 is prevented from causing erroneous detection even if strong light such as afternoon sun is made incident on an inner part of a device.
    電子機器にこの受光センサ217_1を使用すれば、西日等の強力な光が装置内部に入射してもフォトダイオード275がこれによる誤検知を発生させることがなくなる。 - 特許庁
  • In Japan, an angle of elevation of the sun on winter solstice is smallest, and the angle of elevation of the sun is 8.5 degrees on 8 o'clock in the morning and on 4 o'clock in the afternoon at 35 degrees of north latitude.
    日本国内では、冬至の太陽の仰角が最も小さく、北緯35度における午前8時および午後4時の太陽の仰角は8.5度である。 - 特許庁
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