
  • The first and the second apertures include an area S including an optical axis position AXL common to each other.
    第1及び第2の開口は、光軸位置AXLを含んだ互いに共通の領域Sを含む。 - 特許庁
  • The microlenses 31a, 31b have the same arrangement intervals and are arranged so that respective optical axes AXL thereof aligned with each other.
    マイクロレンズ31a,31bの配列間隔は同じで、それぞれの光軸AXLが一致するように配置されている。 - 特許庁
  • A light beam group 2R is totally reflected by the surface 4B of the small prism 4, and reflected by a reflecting plate 3, and emitted as a light flux almost parallel to the optical axis AXL.
    光線群2Rは、小プリズム4の面4Bで全反射した後、反射板3で反射され、ほぼ光軸AXLに平行な光束として射出される。 - 特許庁
  • Optical equipment has: a first member 51; a second member 54 rotatable around an optical axis AXL with respect to the first member; and driving mechanisms 27 and 28 driving the optical device.
    光学機器は、第1の部材51と、該第1の部材に対し、光軸AXLの周囲で回転可能な第2の部材54と、光学素子を駆動する駆動機構27,28とを有する。 - 特許庁
  • A light beam group 1R is reflected by the reflecting plate 3, transmitted through a part 6D having no condensing function of the small prism 5 and the large prism 6, and emitted as a light flux almost parallel to the optical axis AXL.
    光束群1Rは、反射板3で反射され、小プリズム5、大プリズム6の集光作用のない部分6Dを透過して、ほぼ光軸AXLに平行な光束として射出される。 - 特許庁
  • A light beam group 3R is totally reflected by a surface 4B opposing to an air layer AIR of a small prism 4, again totally reflected by the incident surface 4A of the small prism 4, furthermore totally reflected by another surface 4C, transmitted through a large prism 6, and emitted as a light flux almost parallel to an optical axis AXL.
    光線群3Rは、小プリズム4の空気層AIRに対向している面4Bで全反射し、再び小プリズム4の入射面4Aで全反射し、もうひとつの面4Cでさらに全反射し、大プリズム6を透過して、ほぼ光軸AXLに平行な光束として射出される。 - 特許庁
  • The projection lens includes a negative lens unit I and a mechanism CB that tilts the negative lens unit with respect to the optical axis AXL of the projection lens such that field tilt is generated in a direction opposite to that of curvature of field generated at the projection surface.
    該投射レンズは、負レンズユニットIを含み、被投射面における像面湾曲の方向とは反対方向に像面が倒れるように負レンズユニットを投射レンズの光軸AXLに対して傾ける機構CBを有する。 - 特許庁
  • The illumination optical system has a light source 5 and a reflection member reflecting 1st luminous flux which is luminous flux emitted from the center O of the light source and whose emission angle from the light source to an irradiation optical axis AXL is larger than a predetermined angle toward a side to be irradiated.
    照明光学系は、光源5と、該光源の中心Oから射出された光束であって、照射光軸AXLに対する光源からの射出角度が所定角度より大きい第1の光束を被照射側に向けて反射する反射部材とを有する。 - 特許庁
  • The imaging device has a lens mirror cylinder 5, an electric circuit board 6 which is placed along a plane A vertical to an optical axis AXL of the lens mirror cylinder, and a battery 7 which is placed along the electric circuit board in an area B surrounded by the lens mirror cylinder, the electric circuit board and an external member 1 of the imaging device.
    撮像装置は、レンズ鏡筒5と、該レンズ鏡筒の光軸AXLに対して直交する面Aに沿って配置された電気回路基板6と、レンズ鏡筒と電気回路基板と該撮像装置の外装部材1とにより囲まれた領域Bに、電気回路基板に沿って配置された電池7とを有する。 - 特許庁
  • The optical member is provided with a first emitting surface 6 for emitting light emitted from the light emitting element to an irradiation light axis AXL at an angle smaller than a prescribed angle, a reflecting surface 7 for reflecting light emitted from the light emitting element to the irradiation light axis at an angle larger than the prescribed angle, and a second emitting surface 8 formed around the first emitting surface for emitting the light reflected on the reflecting surface.
    光学部材は、発光素子から照射光軸AXLに対して所定角度より小さい角度で発せられた光を射出する第1の射出面6と、発光素子から照射光軸に対して所定角度より大きい角度で発せられた光を反射する反射面7と、第1の射出面の周囲に形成され、反射面で反射した光を射出する第2の射出面8とを有する。 - 特許庁


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