
  • He strayed from Yoshihiro and his party during the backdown from Sekigahara and hid away in Kurama, where he was discovered by Naotomo YAMAGUCHI, Ochiudo Sengi yaku (a role of investigation into the fleeing warrior) of Ieyasu and taken as prisoner of war of the Eastern Camp.
    関ヶ原からの退却途中で義弘一行とはぐれ、鞍馬に潜伏、そこで家康の落人詮議役であった、山口直友に見つかり、東軍の捕虜となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • But he encountered the Uragami's forces at Tennobara to the east of the Yoshii-gawa River on the way, where he suffered a major defeat at the battle, and he killed himself at Yagami Murayama in Iwanashi County when he was caught up by the Uragami's forces on his way of backdown.
    が、途中の吉井川東の天王原で浦上勢と遭遇し合戦に及ぶも大敗し、退却する途中、浦上勢に追いつかれ磐梨郡弥上村山で自害する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
