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  • The point in question is the origin of the institution of ownership, as it first takes shape in the habits of thought of the early barbarian.
    問題の重要な点は所有制度の起源であり、それは初期の野蛮人の思考習慣の中ではじめて形を成そうとしているのだ。 - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • In the apprehension of the savage and the barbarian the limits of his person do not coincide with the limits which modern biological science would recognize.
    未開人や野蛮人の理解するところでは、彼の人格の境界は、現代生物学が認識している境界とは一致しない。 - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • It is a prerogative of that class in the barbarian culture which leads a life of exploit rather than of industry.
    生活を産業的なものではなく搾取的なものへと導いたのは、野蛮文化の有閑階級の特権であった。 - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • The pervading characteristic of the barbarian culture, as distinguished from the peaceable phase of life that precedes it, is the element of exploit, coercion, and seizure.
    それ以前の生活の温和な段階と区別する、野蛮文化に満ちている特徴は、搾取、強制、強奪といった要素である。 - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • Koichi YAMAUCHI has pointed out the following; the Yamato Dynasty positioned Silla of the Korean Peninsula as a 'barbarian country' by the recognition of the world which put itself on the center and despised surrounding countries and the Sinocentrism which were introduced by China.
    山内弘一は大和朝廷が中国から導入した自身を中心とし周辺国を蔑む天下的世界認識や華夷思想によって朝鮮半島の新羅を「蕃国」と位置づけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The 'Language Course' of Kaisei School, which originated to Bansho-wage Goyo (Government Office for Translation of Barbarian Books) established in 1857 by the Tokugawa Shogunate, was separated from Kaisei School, and language schools of the Foreign Affairs Ministry were integrated together with the said separated course to become Tokyo School of Foreign Languages.
    1857年設置された江戸幕府の蛮書和解御用を源流とする開成学校の「語学課程」を分離、外務省の語学学校などを統合し設立。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Mitogaku's view of Takauji was inherited by the later generations, and in the late Tokugawa period when Sonno-Joi (Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarian) culminated, the heads of wooden statues of Takauji, Yoshiakira and Yoshimitsu (ASHIKAGA) in Toji-in were pilloried.
    水戸学に発する尊氏観はその後も継承され、尊王思想が高まった幕末期には尊皇攘夷論者によって等持院の尊氏・義詮・義満3代の木像が梟首される事件も発生している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since around that time, Monk-Emperor Go-Shirakawa and the aristocracy who valued tradition and formality began to dislike Yoshinaka, regarding him as a "barbarian" who had no knowledge and education.
    このあたりから伝統や格式を重んじる後白河法皇や貴族社会は知識や教養がまるでない義仲を「粗野な人物」として厭うようになっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The play depicts Garasha as a woman who kept her faith while enduring the unjustness of her barbarian and dominant husband, with her death reforming the tyrant at last.
    その戯曲の中でのガラシャは、夫である野蛮な君主の非道に耐えながらも信仰を貫き、最後は命を落として暴君を改心さるという解釈になっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1455, internal strife within the Chiba clan, the head family of the To clan, broke out in Shimotsuke Province, and as ordered by Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, the Barbarian-subduing General, Tsuneyori supported the bereaved children of Tanekata Chiba, Sanetaka and Yoritaka, and fought in the Kanto area.
    1455年(康正元年)下総国で起きた本家にあたる千葉氏の内紛を収めるため、征夷大将軍足利義政の命により、嫡流の千葉胤賢の遺児千葉実胤と千葉自胤を支援し関東を転戦した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the coming-of-age ceremony, it was announced that the ceremony was conducted and finished in a satisfactory manner, and Yoritsugu was given a new official rank, and appointed as Barbarian Subduing Generalissimo.
    この座にて、元服の儀が無事に終了した事、頼嗣が新たな官位に叙任されたこと、征夷大将軍に奉じられた事が申し述べられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was said that Sorin was impressed with Western medical technology when seeing the advanced emergency treatment of Western medicine when his younger brother was injured by accidental firing from a teppo (gun) introduced by a southern barbarian in its trial shooting in his early years.
    若い頃、南蛮人が持ってきた鉄砲が試し撃ちの際に暴発して弟が手に怪我をしたが、その時に進んだ西洋医学による応急処置を見た宗麟は西洋の技術に感銘を受けたといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He helped to sumo to flourish during Kansei Period by holding the joranzumo (sumo match held in front of the Emperor) with Kajinosuke Tanikaze (the second) for the Barbarian Subduing General Ienari TOKUGAWA on June 11, 1791.
    征夷大将軍徳川家斉観戦の寛政3年(1791年)6月11日(旧暦)谷風梶之助(2代)と上覧相撲をおこなうなど寛政の繁栄期を築いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After he became a doctor of Tsuyama Domain in 1817, he became a translator for Bansho-wage Goyo (Government Office for Translation of Barbarian Books) in Shogunate Tenmonkata (officer in charge of astronomy) in 1826, and moved to Edo to make "Kosei Shinpen" which was a translation book of Chomel's Encyclopedia.
    1817年に津山藩医となった後、1826年には幕府の天文方蕃書和解御用の翻訳員となってショメール百科事典の翻訳書『厚生新編』(こうせいしんぺん)の作成に従事するため江戸に移った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, mainly from the material between Bunryaku era and Hoji era, it is evident that he was a powerful family head who accompanied FUJIWARA no Yoritsune, the Seii Taishogun (Barbarian Subduing General).
    しかし、主に文暦~宝治年間の資料において、有力御家人の当主として征夷大将軍藤原頼経に随列したことが確認される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kanezane also wrote regarding this and argued that promoting the 'barbarian' Hidehira was 'the cause of more troubled times,' but these actions led to further developments in Japan-Song trade.
    これについても兼実は「夷狄(いてき)」の秀衡を任じたことは「乱世の基」であると非難しているが、これらの施策により日宋貿易は本格化していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Even after the whole family line of the Kawachi Genji was destroyed, the position was taken over by the successive seii taishogun (barbarian-subduing generalissimo), which expanded its power by taking over the shoryo and various shiki (the right to use land and to share in the products of the land) which were confiscated in disturbances such as the Jokyu no ran (Jokyu disturbance; 1221) and in times of crisis and rebellion of gokenin.
    この地位は河内源氏宗家断絶後も歴代征夷大将軍に継承され、承久の乱などの内乱や御家人の不祥事などで没収された所領や所職を接収して拡大していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This period started at the time when Ieyasu TOKUGAWA was appointed shogun (a barbarian-quelling generalissimo) and settled the government in Edo (present Tokyo) on March 24, 1603, and lasted till the return of political power to the Emperor (taisei hokan) on November 15, 1867 for 264 years.
    慶長8年2月12日(旧暦)(1603年3月24日)に徳川家康が征夷大将軍に任ぜられ江戸(現在の東京)に幕府が開かれた時を始まりとし、慶応3年10月14日(旧暦)(1867年11月15日)に大政奉還するまでの264年間を指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Japan welcomed this tribute as the second coming of the 'barbarian country' Goguryeo and, highly valuing friendly relations with Balhae in relation to their struggle with Silla, they dispatched envoys.
    日本もこれを「蕃国」高句麗の再来としてその朝貢を歓迎し、また新羅との対抗関係から、渤海との通交をきわめて重視し、遣渤海使を派遣した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On March 24, 1603, Ieyasu assumed the post of Seiitaishougun (Barbarian Subduing Generalissimo) in Fushimi-jo Castle, established the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and started to strengthen his political power by performing construction projects including Edo Castle.
    慶長8年2月12日(旧暦)(1603年3月24日)、家康は伏見城で征夷大将軍に就任、江戸幕府を開き、江戸城を始め普請事業を行うなど政権作りを始める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In concrete terms disobedience means throwing oneself into a barbarian (foreign) country, or handing over the castle or territory to enemy, and in modern terms falls under seeking asylum, surrendering under enemy fire or conspiring with enemy.
    叛は具体的には蕃国(外国)に投じること、城や領土を敵に渡すことをいい、現代的に言えば亡命、敵前投降、外敵通謀にあたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As Rangaku flourished, bakufu adopted a proposal by Kageyasu TAKAHASHI, and established Bansho-wage Goyo (Government Office for Translation of Barbarian Books) and made them translate foreign books, but the project was left unfinished.
    蘭学興隆に伴い、幕府は高橋景保の建議を容れ、1811年に天文方に蛮書和解御用を設けて洋書翻訳をさせたが、これは未完に終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Both powerful and non powerful countries shared a mindset to accomplish fortifying their country by measuring the difference between being civilized and barbarian by comparison, and inciting a desire to minimize or expand the difference.
    他者との比較を通じて文明/野蛮の差異を計測し、その差異を埋める/広げるという欲望を喚起することによって富国強兵を達成しようとする思想構造が列強諸国にも、非列強諸国にもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The government increased support "Bansho shirabesho" (the Institute for the Investigation of Barbarian Books) to "Yosho shirabesho" (the Institute for the Investigation of Western Books) as well as sent the Takeaki ENOMOTO and Amane NISHI (illuminator) to study in the Netherlands.
    それまでの蕃書調所を洋書調所と改め洋学研究をてこ入れするとともに、榎本武揚・西周(啓蒙家)らをオランダへ留学させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Subsequently, ryochi-hanmono, shuinjo and ryochi-mokuroku, written in the same format respectively, were issued simultaneously to daimyo throughout the country under the name of Ietsuna TOKUGAWA, Seiitaishogun (seiitaishogun: barbarian-quelling generalissimo).
    続いて、4月5日付で全国の大名に対して同時に征夷大将軍徳川家綱の名義によって同一書式の領知判物・朱印状・領知目録を交付したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The writing '諸蕃 (Shoban),' '蕃 (Ban)' (foreign lands) and '蕃国 (Bankoku)' (barbarian countries) were often used, for example in "the Nihon Shoki" (the Chronicle of Japan) in its Article of November, 482 (under the reign of Emperor Seinei,) and in several other Articles of the Chronicle, on the other hand '玄番寮 (Genba-ryo)' (a bureau for Buddhism and aliens) was established under the Ritsuryo System.
    『日本書紀』清寧天皇3年11月条(482年)以下複数の記事が見られ、律令制でも「玄蕃寮」が設置されるなど、「諸蕃」・「蕃」・「蕃国」の表記がしばしば用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Therefore the able-bodied barbarian of the predatory culture, who is at all mindful of his good name, severely leaves all uneventful drudgery to the women and minors of the group.
    したがって、略奪文化の強健な野蛮人は、ともかく自分の名声に気を配り、波乱の無い苦役を集団の女性と未成年者に厳しく押しつける。 - Thorstein Veblen『ワークマンシップの本能と労働の煩わしさ』
  • What is of interest for the present purpose is not whether we, with our preconceptions, would look upon the relation of the primitive savage or barbarian to his slight personal effects as a relation of ownership,
    先入見から、我々が、原始人ないし野蛮人とそのちょっと個人的な支配力との関係を、所有権の関係とみなすかどうかは問題ではない。 - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • Farther back in the barbarian culture, while the patriarchal household was in better preservation than it is now, this position was accepted with more unquestioning faith.
    さらに野蛮な文化まで遡れば、家父長制家族制度は今よりよく保存されているのだが、次のような主張が無条件の信念を持って受け入れられている。 - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • The recourse to prowess as the definitive basis of tenure becomes more immediate and more habitual the farther the development is traced back into the early barbarian culture;
    財産保有の確固たる根拠を武勇に頼ることは、初期の野蛮な文化へと発展段階を遡っていけばいくほど、より直接的により習慣的なものになっていく。 - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • Throughout the barbarian culture, where this tenure by prowess prevails, the population falls into two economic classes: those engaged in industrial employments, and those engaged in such non-industrial pursuits as war, government, sports, and religious observances.
    野蛮文化の期間中、この武勇による財産保有が優勢なところでは、人口は、産業的業務に従事する階級と、戦争、統治、スポーツ、宗教儀式といった仕事に従事する階級という、二つの経済的な階級に分かれる。 - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • In Confucianism, cremation is an act of mutilation to the body, and in the codes of Chinese imperial dynasties, its prohibition is clearly stated (Sumio NAKA, 'A study on Jeo chon Sim Yuk's Thought of Hwayi and of So Junghwa' (A study on Centric vs. Barbarian concept and Small Sino centrism in Jeo chon Sim Yuk (literary remains of Jeo chon, edited by Sim Yuk)), 'Academic Report of Kyoto Prefectural University, Humanities and Social Science,' December 2003: ISSN13433946).
    儒教では火葬は身体の毀損行為であり、中国の歴代王朝の法典においても禁止が明記されている(中純夫「樗村沈錥における華夷観念と小中華思想」「京都府立大学学術報告人文・社会」2003年12月ISSN13433946)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Consequently, Takauji ASHIKAGA was regarded as a rebel, while Masashige KUSUNOKI, Yoshisada NITTA and others on the side of the Southern Court were idealized as loyal vassals (the Tokugawa shogunate family claimed that it had descended from the Nitta clan), with this continuing up through the Mitogaku, which led to sonno joi (revere the emperor; expel the barbarian) at the end of the Edo period, and koukoku-shikan (emperor-centered historiography) before the Pacific War.
    これにより足利尊氏は逆賊であり南朝側の楠木正成や新田義貞などは忠臣として美化され(徳川将軍家は新田氏の末裔を称していた)、これがのちに水戸学として幕末の尊王攘夷運動、さらに太平洋戦争前の皇国史観へと至る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His appearance shows that he is an innate carpenter, because he has eyes like an inkpot, clarifying what is right and what is wrong, and has saw-like teeth, an adze-like neck, a mallet-shaped head (his forehead and the back of the head protrude like a mallet), fingers like a bamboo brushes, elbows like a carpenter's square, shoulders like the Southern barbarian gimlet, and hammer-shaped feet.
    その風貌は、目は墨壷のようで曲直を正し、歯は鋸のよう、首は手斧のよう、さいづち頭(木槌のように額と後頭部のでっぱった頭)で、指は墨刺(竹の筆)、肘は曲尺(直角に曲がったものさし)、肩は南蛮錐の柄のよう、足は金づちと、まさに生まれついての大工である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the beginning of the Meiji period, Shoshii (Senior Fourth Rank) was conferred as a posthumous honor on those who had accomplished a great deed, except for those who had already received a rank above Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank), kazoku (new nobility) such as kugyo and daimyo, and especially on people of merit who had died during the 'Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarian'-Period and the Meiji Restoration.
    明治時代以降は、幕末の尊皇攘夷や明治維新において亡くなった功労者のうち、従三位以上に叙せられた元勲や公卿、大名などの華族を除いた、特に偉勲著しい者に対して正四位が贈位された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Kamakura family's vassal clans that were appointed as new land stewards in western Japan included the Mori and Kumagaya clans of Aki Province, the Otomo clan of Bungo Province and the Chiba and Shibuya clans of Satsuma Province, and these great waves of migration are called by some the "Great Barbarian Invasion" in the history of Japan.
    新補地頭として西日本へ移住した御家人には、安芸国の毛利氏・熊谷氏、豊後国の大友氏、薩摩国の千葉氏・渋谷氏などがおり、かなり大規模な移住だったため、「日本史上の民族大移動」と評する論者もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Kanto kanrei (a shogunal deputy for the Kanto region) Fusaaki UESUGI (the Yamanouchi-Uesugi family) died childless in battle in 1466, Fusasada gave his biological son Tatsuwaka (later, Akisada) to the family to comply with a request from Kagenobu NAGAO who was under the orders of Seii taishogun (Barbarian Subduing Generalissimo) Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, and had Tatsuwaka succeed to Kanto kanrei.
    文正元年(1466年)関東管領の上杉房顕(山内上杉家)が子供を遺さずに陣没した際には、征夷大将軍足利義政の命を受けた長尾景信の求めにより実子の龍若(後の顕定)を養子に送り、関東管領に就任させている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Even in the present day, it is inevitable to use the term when discussing the philosophy of religion, and, contrary to Tylor's view of the animism, Robert Ranulph MARETT advocated that there is a notion of a power or a life without a personality among 'barbarian' tribes.
    現在でもこの語は宗教学で触れる際など抜きにしては考えられない語であるが、一方タイラーのアニミズム観に対してはマレット(RobertRanulphMarett)が「未開」民族の間では人格性を欠いた力あるいは生命のような観念もあるとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued) describes that the Inspector of Mutsu (Mutsu no azuchi) KI no Hirozumi disliked Azamaro at first then fully trusted him later, but Azamaro secretly bore a deep grudge against MICHISHIMA no Otate, Dairyo of Oshika County, who was the same barbarian as Azamaro, looked down on Azamaro as Ifu (Emishi).
    『続日本紀』には、陸奥按察使紀広純は、はじめ呰麻呂を嫌ったが、後にはなはだ信用するようになったこと、しかし同じ俘囚出身である牡鹿郡大領の道嶋大盾は呰麻呂を見下して夷俘として侮り、呰麻呂は内心深く恨んでいたことが記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Japanese history, besides the Imperial Court ruled by the Emperor, existed military governments such as Bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun): bakufu was headed by a shogun (a barbarian-quelling generalissimo in official name) who was called at times "the King of Japan" or "the Emperor of Japan", and therefore, there are various discussions and understandings as to what a capital is defined as, including both the capital systems of Tokyo and Kyoto.
    日本では歴史上天皇による朝廷の他に、国際的には時に「日本国王」「日本国大君」とも称された征夷大将軍による幕府のような武家政権が存在したことや、東京と京都の両京制などの面から首都の議論があり、様々な首都論・首都認識がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hideo SUZUKI has pointed out the following; after the defeat at the Battle of Hakusukinoe, the vision to see Silla as a 'barbarian country' by the Japanese nation under the ritsuryo codes in the eighth century exaggerated the fact that 'Japanese followers of Alla' were controlled by King Baekje and that the dispatched army of the Yamato Dynasty was a kind of 'mercenary' of Baekje, and as a result, the historical idea centering on the existence of a 'Japanese government at Minama' and the subordinance of Baekje and 'Minama' which were '官家' of the Yamato Dynasty was established when "Ninhonshoki" was compiled.
    鈴木英夫は『日本書紀』編纂時に白村江の敗戦を契機とする八世紀代律令国家の新羅「蕃国」視によって、「在安羅諸倭臣」は百済王の統制に服し、倭王権の派遣軍は百済の「傭兵」的性格を帯びていたという事実が誇張・拡大されて「任那日本府」の存在や倭王権の「官家」たる百済・「任那」の従属を核とする内容の史的構想が成立したと指摘する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • MIURA and so on noted that medieval Europe was supported by the knights who were 'armed suzerain' emerging on the frontier by the Great Barbarian Invasion of Germanic peoples, positioned the bushi, who flourished in the frontier society centering on Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) from the middle of Heian period in Japan, as 'armed suzerain' who were the same as the knights, 'discovered' that there also existed medieval times in Japan, which was the only country in Asia, and insisted that Japan could be modernized.
    三浦らは、ヨーロッパの中世が、ゲルマン民族の大移動によって辺境で発生した「武装した封建領主」である騎士によって支えられていたことに着目し、日本で平安時代中期から東国を中心とした辺境社会で活躍した武士を騎士と同じ「武装した封建領主」と位置づけ、アジアで唯一日本にも中世が存在したことを「発見」し、日本は近代化できると主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • nation debt, annexation, independence, prize of war, special privilege, time of peace, democratic, allied power, barbarian, exceeding one's authority, strait, in every, excessive, traditional practice, system of government, express, compulsion, common, cooperation, right of ruler, present, present, lawful, pledge, misunderstanding, national assembly, private, real power, practical business affairs, first place, sovereignty, final appeal, business affairs, bible, exclusive prerogative, whole country, wartime, prewar, on boat, total abolition, appurtenant land, recapture, direct, special contract, sudden, article, cannonball, certain country, exception, federation, right etc.
    国債・合邦・自主・戦利・特権・平時・民主・盟邦・野蛮・越権・海峡・各処・過大・慣行・管制・急行・強制・共用・協力・君権・現今・現在・合法・公約・誤解・国会・私権・実権・実務・首位・主権・上告・商事・聖書・専権・全国・戦時・戦前・船内・全廃・属地・奪回・直行・特約・突然・物件・砲弾・某国・例外・聯邦・権利etc。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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