「by good luck」を含む例文一覧(52)

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  • by good luck
    幸運にも. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • fortunately―by good fortune―luckily―by good luck―as luck would have it
    運好く - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • By good luck I succeeded
    幸いにも成功した - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • By good luck I met him
    都合好く彼に逢いました - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • By good luck, I succeeded in my first attempt
    運好く始めから成功した - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • By good luck,
    間が好くちょうどに便船があった - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • By good luck I found him at home
    幸い彼は在宅でした - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • By good luck, he was in time for the train.
    運良く彼は汽車に間に合った。 - Tatoeba例文
  • By good luck, he was in time for the train.
    運良く彼は電車に間に合った。 - Tatoeba例文
  • By good luck, he was in time for the train.
    運良く彼は汽車に間に合った。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • As good luck would have it, a steamer passed by and they were saved.
    運よく汽船が通りかかって彼らは救助された。 - Tatoeba例文
  • successful conjecture by unusual insight or good luck
    独特な見識、または幸運によって上手く行った推測 - 日本語WordNet
  • to allow someone to be favored by similar good luck
    (他人の幸福に)あやかるようにさせる - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • As good luck would have it, a steamer passed by and they were saved.
    運よく汽船が通りかかって彼らは救助された。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • It is also known by the name, 'Daruma-dera Temple' (Daruma means the Indian priest Bodhidharma or a round, red-painted good-luck doll in the shape of Bodhidharma).
    通称の「だるま寺」で知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • in Japan, a New Year's decoration made by hanging confections or good luck charms on willow or other branches
    ヤナギなどの枝に菓子や縁起物などをつるした正月の飾りもの - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • to be favored by good luck similar to that of another person
    他人の幸福の影響が及んで自分も同じような状態になる - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • An exciting feeling about good luck or money and goods brought by chance.
    -偶然により齎される幸運や金品に高揚する心。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There is a way to visit shrines to get good luck by going to each of seven shrines in order.
    七柱それぞれの社(やしろ)を順に回り、縁起を呼ぶお参りがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Bill won the match, not so much by good luck as by real ability.
    ビルが試合に勝ったのは幸運によるよりもむしろ実力によるものだった。 - Tatoeba例文
  • Bill won the match, not so much by good luck as by real ability.
    ビルが試合に勝ったのは幸運によるよりもむしろ実力によるものだった。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • Inviting some popular wrestlers of the grand sumo tournaments, a mamemaki ceremony is performed there by yaku-otoko, yaku-onna (men and women of lucky age) to expel evil spirits and pray for good luck.
    -大相撲人気力士を迎え、厄男厄女による厄払い招福を祈る豆まき - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The restaurant was named by a painter, Taisui SUMA, who had a connection with Teiichi YUKI, for good luck.
    湯木貞一と縁故のあった画家須磨対水により縁起を担いで付けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Everybody eats boiled dumplings made by the bride’s mother and aunts to wish the couple good luck.
    新婦の母や叔母たちが作った水ギョーザを2人の幸運を祈って皆で食べます。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Many people passing by say to the volunteers, "Good luck on your next match!"
    通り過ぎる多くの人たちが「今度の試合がんばってね。」とボランティアに声をかける。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
    祝事、招福用等文字を刻印した小豆入りの赤飯と、この小豆を利用した赤飯の詰物 - 特許庁
  • The good-luck charm chain is formed by mounting a chain with hooks to both shoulder strap rings of a brassiere.
    ブラジャーの肩ひものリングにフックをつけたチェーンを装着してお守りチェーンとする。 - 特許庁
  • A prayer terminal 30 notifies a prayer server 40 of a good-luck charm ID and a shrine/temple ID read from an IC chip 20 incorporated in the good-luck charm 10, and a praying person's information and contents of prayers inputted by the praying person.
    祈願端末30は、御守り10に内蔵されるICチップ20から読み取った御守りID及び神社仏閣IDと、祈願者の入力した祈願者情報及び祈願内容を祈願サーバ40へ通知する。 - 特許庁
  • The redbean rice containing azuki beans stamped by letters for a celebrating occasion or a good-luck celebration is embodied through using a laser to the grains such as azuki beans or soybeans used for a celebrating occasion or a good-luck celebration to rapidly stamp letters on each of the grains.
    また、通称加工用レーザーと呼称されるものでは、マーキング速度の点で課題を残すため、刻印するに際してスピード化が図れず、製品を大量生産することが困難な場合が生じる。 - 特許庁
  • Furthermore, there is also a theory that if you tie a 'kyo' (bad luck) mikuji with the opposite hand to your better hand, then by achieving or performing such a difficult action you can turn bad luck to good.
    また、「凶のおみくじを利き腕と反対の手で結べば、困難な行いを達成つまり修行をしたことになり、凶が吉に転じる」という説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As for the name of 'zangi,' the master of Torimatsu said that he thought the Chinese word for fried chicken was zagi (deep-fried chicken in Chinese) and created the name of 'zangi' by inserting the word of 運 (n) (luck) between za and gi in the hope that it would 'bring good luck.'
    「ザンギ」という名称は上記の鳥松の主人によれば、中国語で鳥の唐揚げを意味する言葉をザーギー(炸鶏)と認識していて、その間に「運がつくように」ウンを入れた、という事である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This term is used to describe the high prices caused by people making deals with no regard for profit or loss for good luck on the first business day of the New Year.
    損得関係なく商取引において、景気付けの縁起担ぎとして、一年の始まりなどに高値で取引する事を指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In a rakugo entitled 'Hitome agari' (Stepping up One by One), the story progresses as follows: '賛 san (meaning praise, and pronounced the same as 3) =>詩 shi (poem, 4)=>語(悟) go (saying or enlightenment, 5), and skip roku (6) and get to Shichifukujin (Seven Deities of Good Luck), which turns out to be the base material of stories.
    落語「一目あがり」で「賛→詩→語(悟)ときて(ロクがなくて)七福神」になるネタのはじまり。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • By the way, many of the persons with a masukare line had the good luck of ruling a nation, and even today, many persons in top groups of various fields had this teso.
    因みにマスカケ線の持ち主は、国家を支配する強運の持ち主が多く、現代でもあらゆる分野のトップ達に多く見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is a deity of the Shinto religion that was created by combining Daikokuten of Mikkyo and Okuninushi no mikoto, so called syncretism of Buddhism and Shinto, and known as one of Shichifukujin (Seven Deities of Good Luck).
    密教の大黒天が元になり、大国主命と神仏習合して出来た神道の神で、七福神の一柱としても知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Tibet, Mongolia and Nepal, Daikokuten was worshipped by traders as a god of wealth and in Tibet, a folk belief in Daikokuten as a god of good luck began to spread.
    チベット・モンゴル・ネパールでは貿易商から財の神としての信仰を集め、チベットでは福の神としての民間信仰も生まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • for if my narrative has hitherto escaped destruction, it has been by a combination of great prudence and great good luck.
    もし私の記述がめちゃくちゃにされなかったとしたら、大いなる用心と幸運とのたまものだろう。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『ジキルとハイド』
  • for by the greatest good luck the branches they had brought were sticky with red sap, and all the ground was carpeted with moss.
    というのもホントに幸運なことに運んできた小枝は赤い樹液でべたべたしていましたし、地面はあたり一面こけで覆われていたからでした。 - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』
  • In more detail he was very good at writing Shiranamimono (play featuring sympathetic or tragic rogues and thieve as protagonist), and bandits described by him are rather timid and the disadvantaged who are tossed about by ill luck.
    内容的には白浪物(盗賊が主人公となる)を得意としたが、そこに登場する悪人たちは、むしろ小心で因果に翻弄される弱者である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Gotoku-ji Temple (Setagaya Ward, Tokyo), which is believed to be the birthplace of manekineko (beckoning cat), attributes its prosperity to 'the good luck brought by having repaid obligations to cats and a miracle of well-wish; the very reason why the temple is called neko-dera.'
    招き猫発祥の地の伝説がある豪徳寺(東京都世田谷区)の由来には、寺の繁栄に関し「全く猫の恩に報い福を招き寄篤の霊験によるものにしてこの寺を猫寺と呼ぶに至れり」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Most designs drawn on smooth, white tiles are mainly themes of happiness and luxury, such as 'treasure ship,' 'carp rising and falling' and 'Seven Deities of Good Luck,' and some tiles are made by giving full play to the producer's technique at the same level as for art craftworks.
    白地の平滑な地に描かれる図柄は主に「宝船」や「鯉の瀧昇り」、「七福神」などおめでたく華美なものがほとんどを占め、美術工芸品並みの技巧を凝らし創られたタイルもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Lotus Leaf Trade were businesses that were asked by shrines and temples to sell holy good luck charms, rather than merchandise, receiving in return gifts of gratitude, and as such were indispensible for festivals.
    古くは寺社などの神託を受けて商品ではなく縁起物を振舞うことを生業とし、その謝意として祝儀を受け取る祭りには欠かせない、職である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The front surface of the disk 1 is provided with a display region 7, by which the characters, such as 'great good luck' as a written oracle displayed in the display region 7 is made visible through the window part 6 from outside the case.
    そして、ディスク1の表面に表示領域7を設けることにより、前記窓部6を介して表示領域7に表示されたおみくじとしての「大吉」の文字などがケース外部から視認できる。 - 特許庁
  • By good luck you came along and pulled me off the stake, and from what you say I am sure the Great Oz will give me brains as soon as we get to the Emerald City."
    運のいいことにきみが通りかかって、棒から引っ張りおろしてくれたし、きみの話だとえらいオズはエメラルドの都についたらすぐに脳みそをくれるにちがいない」 - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』
  • The 'bake' and 'obake' are also used for good luck brought by chance, in which case the meaning includes not only a change in the subject concerned but also an expectation of change brought about by a speculative spirit as well as fortune-telling that the subject would change for the better.
    偶然に訪れる幸運にも、この「化け」や「大化け」が使われているが、そのときには対象そのものの変化だけではなく、期待値が大きく好いほうへ変化する、という射幸心や占いなどとも、結びついている感情ともいえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The current city symbol of Fukuchiyama was chosen from about 2,000 entries from across Japan and was established in 1938; it was designed by laying side-by-side the nine katakana characters of 'Fu,' the initial letter of 'Fukuchiyama'; this design expresses 'Fuku' (good luck) with the 'nine Fu' pronounced as 'Fuku.'
    現在の福知山市章は、1938年(昭和13年)12月に公募により二千点近くの中から選ばれ制定されたもので、「ふくちやま」の頭文字である「ふ」をカタカナにし、それを九つ並べて図案化されたものであり、その図案はフ九」つまり「福」をこの市章は表している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To allow a player to feel special feeling to the occurrence of a big winning by making it identifiable for the player at the occurrence of the big winning whether the big winning is an inevitable consequence under a high probability state or an accidental good luck under a regular probability state.
    大当り発生時に、遊技者は、当該大当りが高確率状態の下でいわば必然的に発生した大当りなのか、通常確率状態の下で偶然に運良く発生した大当りなのかを識別可能にし、遊技者に、大当り発生に対して特別な感情が湧くようにさせること。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an amulet having a modern style design combined with a portable digital apparatus provided with a function to strengthen the good-luck promised by the amulet and the safety of the body in the form visible to the eyes and a function to guard the freedom of belief while retaining the form of the amulet.
    お守りが約束する開運や身の安全を、目に見える形で強化する機能や、お守りの形態を保存したまま信仰の自由を守る機能などをもたせた携帯用のデジタル機器と組み合わせた、現代風のデザインを持ったお守りを提供する。 - 特許庁
  • The prayer server 40 writes the received praying person's information and contents of prayers to a storage means, associating them with the good-luck charm ID and the shrine/temple ID, and notifies a shrine/temple server 50 of the shrine/temple indicated by the shrine/temple ID.
    祈願サーバ40は、受信した祈願者情報及び祈願内容を御守りID及び神社仏閣IDに対応させて記憶手段に書き込むとともに、神社仏閣IDで示される神社仏閣の神社仏閣サーバ50へ通知する。 - 特許庁
  • Before long, as the ritsuryo system became more relaxed after the mid-Heian period, with the Sekkan seiji (politics run by the sessho and kanpaku) and the shoen (manor) system becoming widespread, a custom developed in which 'illegal onmyoji,' who were not bureaucrats that belonged officially to the Onmyoryo, openly violated the ritsuryo by privately getting close to noblemen, starting what became a common practice of them secretly performing divinations to judge good and bad luck or ceremonies to prevent disasters; in some cases, people would even contract them to cast a spell to kill an adversary.
    やがて平安時代中期以降に、摂関政治や荘園制が蔓延して律令体制がさらに緩むと、堂々と律令の禁を破って、正式な陰陽寮所属の官人ではない「ヤミ陰陽師」が私的に貴族らと結びつき、彼らの吉凶を占ったり災害を祓うための祭祓を密かに執り行い、場合によっては敵対者の呪殺まで請け負うような風習が横行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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