
  • to cede a territory―alienate a territory―(to a power)
    国を割く - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • to cede a territory to a Power
    領土を譲与する - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • to cede a territory (to a power)
    土地を割譲する - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • In jest Prince Jeta said to Sudatta who asked him to cede the land, 'If you should cover the land with gold coins, I will give it to you.'
    その土地の譲渡を望むスダッタに対して、ジェータ太子が「必要な土地の表面を金貨で敷き詰めたら譲ってやろう」と戯れで言った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He proposed Korea to cede the territory of Tsushima to defeat the Shoni clan who had relied on the So clan and ran away to Tsushima.
    宗氏を頼って対馬へ逃れた少弐氏を討伐するために朝鮮に対して対馬の割譲を提言している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His father, Toshiaki, planned to cede the family estate to Shioichimaru, the paternal half-brother of Yoshishige, and had a scheme to disinherit Yoshishige together with Chikazane, his Moriyaku (guardian).
    父の義鑑は義鎮の異母弟である塩市丸に家督を譲ろうと画策して、守役の親実と共に義鎮の廃嫡を企んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Japanese government at first requested that the Korean government make an apology, give grants to the families of the dead, punish the culprits, and cede either Geoje Island or Ulleungdo Island.
    日本側は当初、朝鮮政府による謝罪と遺族への扶助料、犯人の処罰、巨済島または鬱陵島の割譲を要求した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hideyoshi's request aimed to avoid having Nobunaga doubt about Hideyoshi, who could dominate achievements (to invite Nobunaga and cede achievements to him), and there is a need to request reinforcement in spite of advantageous situation.
    秀吉の援軍要請は、手柄を独占する事によって信長に疑念を持たれるのを避ける(信長自身を招いて信長に手柄を譲る)為の保身であり、有利な状況でありながら援軍を求める必然性は存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that his father, Tadazane, loved his younger son Yorinaga so much that he pressured Tadamichi to cede the positions of Sesho and Kanpaku to Yorinaga.
    一般には父忠実が弟の藤原頼長を寵愛する余り、摂政・関白の座を弟に譲るように圧力をかけられたように言われているが、 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Meanwhile, Japan requested and obtained an agreement not to lease or cede Fujian Province, a neighbor of newly obtained Taiwan, to any other countries, which was a minimum defense demand Japan could make.
    日本も防衛上最低限の要求として、新規獲得した台湾のすぐ隣にある福建省を他国に租借、割譲することがない旨の約束を取り付けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Tadamichi's machinations on the inner palace were the last straw for Tadazane and Yorinaga, and that same year Tadazane severed his relationship with Tadamichi, forcing him to cede the title of Ujinochoja (head of the Fujiwara clan) to Yorinaga; however, Tadamichi countered by interfering in Tashi's relationship with the emperor, and when Emperor Goshirakawa ascended the throne in 1155, Tadamichi was reinstated to his former posts.
    この呈子立后にとうとう忠実・頼長は業を煮やし、忠通は同年父から義絶されて弟頼長に氏長者職を譲らされるが、多子と天皇の接触を妨害する事などで対抗し、1155年の後白河天皇の即位により復権。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Qing dynasty, of which the defeat was inevitable in the Sino-Japanese War in 1895, aimed at an early peace pact and signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japan on April 17 of the same year, in which it agreed to cede the Taiwan region (the island of Taiwan and Penghu archipelago) as Japan demanded.
    1895年に日清戦争の敗北が決定的になった清朝は、戦争の早期講和を目指して同年4月17日に日本と下関条約を締結し、その際に日本が求めた台湾地域(台湾島と澎湖諸島)の割譲を承認した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, the official residences that were in the possession of Tadazane and Yorinaga, including those for the regent and advisors, as well as their privately owned residences were to be forfeited; however, as Tadamichi had imposed upon Tadazane to cede possession of the official and private residences to him, Tadamichi was at length able to avert their confiscation.
    更に忠実・頼長が所有していた摂関家伝来の荘園及び個人の荘園が全て没官領として剥奪されることになったが、忠通が忠実に摂関家伝来のものと忠実個人の荘園を自分に譲与するように迫り、漸く忠通の所領として認められて没収を回避された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that the Takeda family switched their support to Kagekatsu UESUGI due to the following differences in the terms they were offered in exchange for their support: Kagetora UESUGI wanted the Takeda family to cede the northern Shinano area and the Kozuke Numata area to him in exchange for his entering into an alliance with them, but Kagekatsu offered to pay 20,000 ryo in gold to the Takeda family, who were in need of war funds (according to "Koyogunkan"), and turn over Numata-jo Castle in Kozuke Province to them if they entered into an alliance (virtually a vassalage) with him.
    武田家が上杉景勝支持に転じた理由として、上杉景虎が同盟するなら北信濃一帯及び上野沼田一帯の譲渡を求めたのに対し、景勝は武田家との同盟(事実上の臣従)と軍資金に困窮していた武田家に2万両とも云われる黄金を支払い(『甲陽軍鑑』による)、上野国沼田城を譲るという条件面での差があったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although the Qing dynasty had allowed foreign trade only at Canton port, Britain (the British Empire) concluded the treaties of Nanjing (in 1482), Tianjin (in 1858), and Beijing (in 1860) after First Opium War and the Second Opium War in 1840 and 1857 to make Qing dynasty pay a large amount of reparations, cede Hong Kong and Kawloon island, open 11 ports including Shanghai, recognize consular jurisdiction, abandon tariff autonomy, grant one-sided most-favored-nation treatment, permit an envoy to stay in Beijing, and officially recognize and protect Christianity.
    清はそれまで広州一港に貿易を限っていたがイギリス(大英帝国)は1840年と1857年のアヘン戦争および第二次アヘン戦争により南京条約(1842年)、天津条約(1858年)および北京条約(1860年)を結び多額の賠償金と香港、九竜半島の割譲、上海など11港の開港と領事裁判権の承認、関税自主権の喪失、片務的最恵国待遇、公使の北京駐在、キリスト教の公認と保護などを清に認めさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
