「central provinces」を含む例文一覧(50)

  • one of the three prairie provinces in central Canada
    カナダ中部の3つあるプレーリー諸州の1つ - 日本語WordNet
  • one of the three prairie provinces in west central Canada
    3つあるプレーリー諸州の1つでカナダ中央西部の州 - 日本語WordNet
  • a member of the agricultural people living in the central Volga provinces of European Russia
    ヨーロッパロシアのヴォルガ中部地方に住む農耕民族 - 日本語WordNet
  • Rice and then barley (in the Kinai (the central provinces) and in western Japan) were grown as the two crops for Nimosaku (fields that produced two different crop harvests in a year).
    二毛作:米の裏作に麦を(畿内や西国) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1181, TAIRA no Munemori became sokan (military authority) of the Five Central Provinces and the provinces of Iga, Ise, Omi, and Tanba, so Suesada levied warriors at Yamashiro in Yamato.
    治承5年(1181年) 平宗盛が五畿内及び伊賀・伊勢・近江・丹波の惣管となり、季貞が大和・山城で兵士を徴集。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Koreyoshi held various positions, such as Dainaiki (Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs), Monjo hakase (Professor of Literature), Shikibu taifu (Senior Assistant Minister of Ceremonial), and Kokushi (a provincial governor) in various provinces.
    大内記・文章博士・式部大輔などとともに多くの国司を歴任。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Known as a capable official, he served as Naiki (Secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs) and Geki (Secretary of the Grand Council of State), and then he assumed the position of provincial governor in various provinces one after another.
    能吏として知られ、内記・外記を勤めた後、諸国国司を歴任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Incidentally, the word "Kanto" in this case indicates the Kamakura bakufu itself rather than the location of the provinces, (today, "Kanto" specifies the central-eastern region of Japan including Tokyo, and Kamakura, where the bakufu was also established) therefore Kanto Gobunkoku meant not just the provinces located in the eastern region, but also the provinces located in the western part of Japan under the ruling of the Kamakura bakufu.
    なお、ここで言う関東とは鎌倉幕府の所有という意味で、東国のという意味ではなく、西日本にも数多くあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Imperial Prince Sadazumi held positions such as governor of Kazusa and Hitachi Provinces, which were shinno ninkoku (provinces whose gubernatorial posts were reserved as sinecures for imperial princes), Nakatsukasa-kyo (Minister of the Ministry of Central Affairs), Hyobukyo (Minister of Hyobusho Ministry of Military), and was awarded the rank of Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade).
    親王任国とされる上総国や常陸国の太守を歴任したほか、中務卿・兵部卿などを経て正四位下に昇った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Around that time, the Peiyang militarists with Yuan Shikai as the central figure had great interest in Manchuria among bureaucrats of Qing Dynasty, and many of Yuan's trusted followers were put in important positions for establishing the Dongsansheng Provinces (the North-East Three Provinces).
    当時、清朝の官僚の中で満州に大きな関心を持っていたのは袁世凱を中心とする北洋軍閥であり、明治40年(1907年)4月の東三省建置に当たっては彼の腹心である人物が多く要職に配置された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Here, the force of the central government to provinces declined and the lawless era, in which gozoku (local ruling families) in various provinces developed power or relied on others who had power, commenced.
    ここに中央政府の地方への求心力が失墜し、各地豪族は自ら力を蓄え、或いは力ある存在に身を寄せる法なき時代に入ったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He successively held monjosho (student of literary studies in the Imperial University), naiki (secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs), Kurodo (Chamberlain), Shikibu no jo (the third officer of personnel department), and kokushi (provincial governors) of various provinces (such as Totomi Province and Mino Province).
    文章生(もんじょうしょう)から内記・蔵人・式部丞や諸国の国司(遠江国や美濃国など)を歴任。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Meanwhile, emissaries from the central government sent to the various provinces to urge contribution of sumo wrestlers were called 'sumo emissaries.'
    なお、諸国に対して中央から相撲人貢進を促すために派遣された使者を相撲使と呼称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also, in the provinces local leaders produced cavalry horses, which were contributed to the central authority under the ritsuryo system.
    地方においても在地首長による乗用馬の生産が行われ、律令制下には中央への貢馬が行われるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In around the mid-Heian period, a number of lower-ranking noblemen with samurai status, who were left out of the central political world, went down to the provinces.
    平安中期頃、中央政界からあぶれた武士身分の下級貴族が多数、地方へ下向してきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • For the central government, however, the Hosokawa clan secured the political foothold in the Kinai region (the five capital provinces surrounding the ancient capital of Kyoto) and the Hatakeyama clan possessed the territories around the Kinai region.
    しかし、中央においては細川氏が政治の拠点 畿内を抑え、畠山氏も畿内近辺に所領を有した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although the central government had less control there than in the south of the Kanto region, it set up Mutsu and Dewa Provinces in the area during the era ruled under the ritsuryo system.
    中央政権の支配も関東以南ほど強くは及んでいなかったが律令制の時代には陸奥国と出羽国が置かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that there were many copies of administrative documents, such as shocho (account books or registers managed by central administrative offices) concerning Mutsu and Dewa Provinces and tabumi (registers of areas or ownerships of rice fields), left in Hiraizumi at the end of the Oshu Fujiwara clan.
    奥州藤原氏滅亡時、平泉には陸奥、出羽の省帳、田文などの行政文書の写しが多数あったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The departments in charge of patent-related work of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for patent administration within their respective administrative areas.
    省・自治区・直轄市人民政府の特許事務管理部門が当該行政区域内における特許管理事務を行う。 - 特許庁
  • Jishito revenue was used for replenishment of shozei (the rice tax stored in provincial offices' warehouse) in the Kinai region (provinces surrounding Kyoto and Nara) and Iga Province, and for maintaining public offices for Tsushima Province and Tane Province (abolished later) in provinces within Dazai-fu (local government office in Kyushu region), and for replenishment of army provisions for soldiers and for stipends to Ezo (northerners) in Mutsu Province and Dewa Province, and in other provinces under ryoseikoku (province), jishito was paid to Daijokan (Grand Council of State) in the form of shomai (rice made by pounding it in a mortar) in provinces near the central government or sea and in the form of keika (fabrics such as silk or cotton or other local specialties) after doing jishi trade in provinces other than those.
    地子稲収入は畿内・伊賀国では正税の補充に、大宰府管内諸国では対馬国・多禰国(後に廃止)の公廨の補充に、陸奥国・出羽国では兵士の兵糧や蝦夷への狄禄の補充に充てられ、他の令制国では中央に近い諸国や沿岸諸国では舂米の形で、それ以外の国々では地子交易を行って軽貨の形で太政官厨家に納入されることが定められていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At that time, many lower ranking aristocrats with samurai rank who could not get posts in the central government went down to the provinces, and shokan established heirachichal relationships with them in order to solve conflicts over the manors.
    当時、中央の官職にあぶれた武士身分の下級貴族が多数、地方へ下向してきており、荘官たちは荘園を巡る紛争解決のために、それらの武士貴族と主従関係を築いていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When a large military movements was required various ad-hoc shoguns (generals) and dai shogun (great generals) were dispatched from the central government (along with soldiers from other provinces) all of which came under the command of the Chinju-fu (Northern defenses) Shogun.
    大きな軍事行動が必要になると、中央から派遣されたさまざまな臨時の将軍・大将軍が他国からの兵とともに来着し、鎮守府将軍を指揮下におさめた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Similarly, there were positions reserved for ranked imperial princes including minister (director) of one of the eight central ministries, vice-commander of Daizaifu or provincial governor of some major provinces, guaranteeing them senior positions.
    また任官においても、八省卿(八省の長官)、大宰府帥、一部の大国の国守など、四品以上の親王に留保された官職があり、高官を保障された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yorimasa was a member of the Settsu-Genji family in the line of MINAMOTO no Yorimitsu with his feuds in provinces around Kinai (the area near Kyoto); he was a Kyo-samurai who had a position in the central government and did political activities in the Imperial Court and around the Sekkan regent families.
    頼政は源頼光の系統の摂津源氏で、畿内近国に地盤を持ち中央に進出し、朝廷や摂関家近くで活動する京武士だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • With the collapse of the Taira clan administration, the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) came to power after sorting out the civil wars aside from the Imperial Court, and the central govenment gained the right to rule the Eastern provinces, leading to the end of the Heian period.
    平氏政権の崩壊とともに、中央政府である朝廷とは別個に、内乱を収拾して東国の支配権を得た鎌倉幕府が登場し、平安時代は幕を下ろした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the past, political/social situations in the early 10th century was thought of as a society where the central government abandoned almost of its ruling power and invited the state of chaos in the provinces.
    かつては10世紀初頭以降の政治状況・社会状況を指して、中央政府が統治権をほとんど放棄し、地方の無秩序状態をきたした状態と評価されたこともあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Governors of provinces that were required to submit a land tax quota would use rice collected from koden as a financial resource in order to purchase silk or iron based on koka (selling prices) and sent it to the Daijokan chuke (manager of the kitchen of the Great Council of State) in the central government.
    地子の割当を受けた令制国では、公田から賃租された地子稲を財源として沽価に基づいて絹や鉄などを調達して中央の太政官厨家に送付した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nenryo bekko zomotsu was the system where a designated amount of Zomotsu such as paper, brushes, horse skin and herbal plants were directly tithed to the central government by Ritsuryo provinces.
    年料別貢雑物(ねんりょうべっこうぞうもつ)とは、律令制において紙・筆・ウマ皮革・薬草などの雑物を現物の形で毎年規定量を令制国より中央に貢納させた制度。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nenryososhomai was the term for the shomai (milled rice) itself or the system determined by Daijokanpu (official documents issued by Daijokan, Grand Council of State) during the Heian period which required the raw grain collected as So in the provinces to be tithed to the central government as refined white rice
    年料租舂米(ねんりょうそしょうまい)とは、平安時代に太政官符によって、令制国の租の稲穀を精米した白米を中央に貢進させる制度、またその舂米そのもののこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nenryoshomai was the term for the shomai itself or the system under the Ritsuryo system which required a designated amount of white rice from the provinces to be tithed to the central government every year.
    年料舂米(ねんりょうしょうまい)とは、日本の律令制において、令制国より毎年一定量の白米を中央に貢進させる制度、またその舂米そのもののこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When the Nenryososhomai system required part of the Fudokoku (emergency grain) to be tithed to the central government, the target of the system was mainly the Nenryoshomai provinces.
    なお、後年において不動穀の一部を中央に貢進させる年料租舂米の制が布かれた際には主として年料舂米負担国が対象とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Before the standardized form was established, the central regime had yet to bring all local provinces under control, so in some cases, it was doubtful whether the register was based on the survey result.
    また、統一以前の時期にはまだ政権による地方支配が完成されておらず、実際の検地内容を反映しているか問題が残されている場合がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There is a tendency to consider that the tumulus belongs to Himiko, the queen of Wa-koku (the oldest recorded name for Japan), described in the Gishiwajin-den (the Wei Chronicle) (in accordance with the Yamatai-koku Kinai-setsu, which argues that the Yamatai-koku Kingdom was in Kinai, or the five central provinces surrounding the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto, namely Yamato, Kawachi, Settsu, Izumi and Yamashiro, which are now the municipalities of Kyoto and Osaka and the prefectures of Nara and Hyogo).
    この古墳を、魏志倭人伝が伝える倭国の女王「卑弥呼」の墓とする(=邪馬台国畿内説)向きもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During the same period, in the central government, Nobunaga ODA overthrew Muromachi bakufu and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI became Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) as a successor of Nobunaga and issued with his authority sobuji rei (Peace edicts) throughout the nation to ban wars in all the provinces.
    この間、室町幕府を打倒しこれにとってかわった織田信長の後継者たる地位を得た豊臣秀吉が関白となり、その権威を以って天下に惣無事令を発し、諸国の戦乱を禁じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • With respect to areas of investments, the share of the coastal area (such as Jiangsu and Guangdong Provinces), the central area (such as Henan Province), the western area (such as Sichuan Province and Chongging)and the northeastern area (such as Liaoning Province) has been increasing (see Figure 1-4-1-18).
    また、投資対象地域は、沿海部(江蘇省、広東省等)から、中部(河南省等)、西部(四川省、重慶市等)、東北(遼寧省等)のシェアが拡大している(第1-4-1-18 図)。 - 経済産業省
  • In Indonesia, about 60% of its population, totaling more than 200 million people, concentrates on natural resources-scarce Java Island. About 60% of all people who are categorized as being in poverty live in the provinces of West Java, Central Java and East Java.
    また、インドネシアでは2億人を超える人口の約6割が天然資源に恵まれないジャワ島に集中、西ジャワ州、中部ジャワ州、東ジャワ州に全貧困人口の約6割が集中している。 - 経済産業省
  • Under the strong leadership of Prime Minister Thaksin, the "OTOP office" was set up within the Prime Minister's Office and special organizations were also set up within the central government, provinces and Tambons to promote efforts into the project all over the country.
    タクシン首相の強力なリーダーシップの下、首相府に「一村一品運動事務局」が置かれた、中央の役所や、各県、タンボンにそれぞれ専門組織が作られ、国を挙げて一村一品運動に取り組んだ。 - 経済産業省
  • Such unity of politics and religion was not limited to the central government, however; in the provinces, towns and villages of Japan, festivals were held to determine whether the area in question could expect to enjoy good fortune or to conduct construction work so as to raise funds for 'autonomous matsurigoto' and, based on the results of the fortune telling, to determine when to start social infrastructure work and provide guidance for the administration.
    またこうした政と祭りに一致は中央政府に限らず、地方や町や集落でも、その年の吉凶を占う祭りや、普請としての祭りが行われ、「自治としての政」に対し資金調達や、吉凶の結果による社会基盤の実施の時期の決定や執政の指針とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the end of the year, he was assigned to serve as a Gokinai Shokoku Betto (a director of the five central provinces), then in the following year of 896, he assigned TAIRA no Suenaga as a Momikushi (an inspector of local politics) of Yamashiro Province and according to his report, Yoshiari came up with policies covering farmers such as dajokanpu which banned illegal expansion of territory by Ingu oshin ke (imperial families and aristocrats who had strong connection with the Emperor).
    この年の暮れには「五畿内諸国別当」に任じられ、翌寛平8年(896年)には平季長を山城国問民苦使に任じて、その報告を元にして院宮王臣家による土地の不法拡大を禁じる太政官符などの農民保護政策を打ち出している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Similarly, in recent years there is an influential theory among Japanese historians, that the Meio Incident was not only a coup d'etat in the central government but also a critical turning point, which led to social upheaval and rebellions against the ruling classes, especially in the eastern provinces, and was the initial stage of the Warring States period.
    このように、明応の政変は中央だけのクーデター事件ではなく、全国、特に東国で戦乱と下克上の動きを恒常化させる契機となる、重大な分岐点であり、戦国時代の始期とする説が近年の日本史学界では有力となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, while some historians, such as Shinichi SATO and Susumu ISHII consider the extent of the area subject to this decree as the whole area throughout Tokaido (an old Japanese geographical region that was situated along the southeastern edge of Honshu) and Tosando(an old Japanese geographical region that was situated along the central mountains of Honshu), Masataka UWAYOKOTE insists that it was limited to the thirteen provinces located eastward of Totomi Province and Shinano Province.
    また、本宣旨が対象とする地域範囲についても、佐藤進一や石井進(歴史学者)らが東海道・東山道全域とするのに対し、上横手雅敬は遠江・信濃以東の13カ国に限定されていたとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nenryo betsuno sokoku was rice kept as seed at the local level, separate from that of So collected in the Shoso (warehouse) of Ritsuryo provinces as Fudokoku (staples for an emergency), and was given to kyokan (an official of the Capital) as Iroku, Kiroku and Ifukuryo based on the Daijokanpu (official documents issued by Daijokan, Grand Council of State) when the central government did not have sufficient funds.
    年料別納租穀(ねんりょうべつのうそこく)とは、平安時代に令制国の正倉に納められた租を不動穀とは別に稲穀の形態で現地で保管して、中央において財政が不足した折に太政官符に基づいて位禄・季禄・衣服料として京官に支給したもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Larger keyhole-shaped tumuli with a burial mound longer than 100 meters were concentrated in the Nara Basin and the Kinai region (five central provinces surrounding the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto, namely Yamato, Kawachi, Settsu, Izumi, and Yamashiro that are now the municipalities of Kyoto and Osaka and the prefectures of Nara and Hyogo) including Furuichi-kofun Tumuli Group, with some exceptions such as Iwatoyama-kofun Tumulus in Kyushu and Danpusan-kofun Tumulus in Owari.
    そして、墳丘長100メートル以上の規模の比較的大きなものは九州の岩戸山古墳、尾張の断夫山古墳など一部を除くと、奈良盆地内や古市古墳群など、畿内に集中するようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The northern part of the region, and seemingly the center (including Tanba-gun and Tanba-go), was not included in Tanba Province but was instead separated to form Tango Province when the former was first established as one of the provinces administered by the Ryo-sei; this could be explained by the assumption that the central area of Tanba Province had been incorporated into the southern part of Tanba Province (a part of Tanba Province after the separation of Tango Province) from Tanba-gun in the north.
    丹波国が令制国として成立した当初には、丹波郡・丹波郷を有して丹波国の中心であったとみられる北部の地域が丹波国として残されず、逆に丹後国として分離されてしまったのは、丹波国の中心が北部の丹波郡から、より都に近い丹波国南部(丹後分国後の丹波国の地域)へと移動していたためと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Thus, in Heian period, Imperial Court began to launch political measures to recover the shozei for the purpose of maintaining the tribute-to-central system, such as introduction of 'shozei ritsubun (the tax system where two-tenth of the tax delivered from the provinces to the Ministry of Finance at Heian-kyo [the ancient capital of Japan in current Kyoto] were supplied to the tax storage called "ritsubun-do")' that made up the shortage of shozei with the interest on kugaito and establishment of 'shozei shikisu' in which kokushi's minimum liability for shozei suiko (compulsory loaning to and collecting repayments from peasants) was prescribed in kyakushiki (a kind of law in the ritsuryo system).
    そこで平安時代に入ると、朝廷も公廨稲の利息より正税の不足分を補わせる「正税率分」の導入や格式に必要最低限の正税出挙に対する国司の支出義務(農民への強制的な貸付強制と徴収(返済)の義務化)を定めた「正税式数」を規定するなど、中央への上供体制維持を目的とした正税回復政策を取り始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Later the Imperial government came up with the reform ideas of stopping a part of the nenryo betsuno sokoku and transfering it to fudokoku; however, there was no effect; in 964 a new rule, Shini Fudokokusei was introduced, determining that the source of fudokoku should be a new tax substituting rice field tax, but the central government left the execution and management of this new rule to the officials in provinces; therefore, it seems to have come to an end before anything was done there.
    その後も年料別納租穀の一部停止と不動穀への転用などの再建策が出されたが効果は無く、康保元年(964年)には令制国に対して不動穀の財源を田租に代わる税より賄うとする新委不動穀制(しんいふどうこくせい)が導入されるが、その実施と管理を令制国側に一任したために、現地ではほとんど実施されずに終わったとみられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The provinces where Hatamoto-satsu was confirmed to have been issued were the followings: the Omi Province (present Shiga Prefecture), the Yamato Province (present Nara Prefecture), the Settsu Province (present northern part of Osaka Prefecture and present southeastern part of the Hyogo Prefecture), the Kawachi Province (present southeastern part of Osaka Prefecture), the Izumi Province (present southwestern part of Osaka Prefecture), the Tanba Province (present central part of Kyoto Prefecture, and Sasayama City and Tanba City, Hyogo Prefecture), the Tajima Province (present northern part of Hyogo Prefecture), and the Harima Province (present southwestern part of Hyogo Prefecture).
    旗本札の発行が確認される地域としては、近江国(現・滋賀県)、大和国(現・奈良県)、摂津国(現・大阪府北部及び兵庫県南東部)、河内国(現・大阪府南東部)、和泉国(現・大阪府南西部)、丹波国(現・京都府中部及び兵庫県篠山市・丹波市)、但馬国(現・兵庫県北部)、播磨国(現・兵庫県南西部)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Furthermore, a system of bulletins on energy consumption per unit of GDP, the rate of reduction, and so forth at the national and province level was introduced, responsibility documents on the objectives for energy conservation are exchanged between the central government and provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, and energy conservation objectives are integrated into the system for assessment and appraisal of each region. Thus, going forward, energy conservation efforts can be expected to accelerate.
    さらに、全国及び各省市レベルの単位 GDP当たりエネルギー消費量及びその削減率等の公報制度が導入されるとともに、中央政府と各省・直轄市・自治区との間で省エネの目標責任書が取り交わされ、省エネ目標が各地の評価考課体系に組み込まれることとなったため、今後、省エネの取組が加速していくことが期待される。 - 経済産業省
  • This proceeded apace with the change to autocratic rule at the hands of the central Hojo family (Tokuso, the patrimonial head of the main branch of the Hojo clan), namely the establishment of the Tokuso autocracy; the Hojo clan's Shugo provinces were 2 in the early Kamakura period around 1200 (36 to other clans, 4 with no Shugo), around 1250 they were 17 (24 to other clans, 5 with no Shugo), around 1285 they were 33 (18 to other clans, 5 with no Shugo), and in 1333 at the end of the Kamakura period they were 38 (15 to other clans, 5 with no Shugo), expanding rapidly from around the middle Kamakura period.
    これは、北条時頼の頃から北条本家(得宗)による政治の専制化、すなわち得宗専制が確立していったことに伴うもので、北条一門の守護国は、鎌倉初期の1200年頃に2国(他氏36国、守護不設置4国)、1250年頃に17国(他氏24国、不設置5国)、1285年頃に33国(他氏18国、不設置5国)、鎌倉最末期の1333年には38国(他氏15国、不設置5国)と鎌倉中期を境に一気に増加していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Keicho koban (oval gold coin) and keicho chogin (oval silver coin), which can be considered as ryogoku kahei issued by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, eventually established their position as an official currency cast by the government for the unification of the whole country, but were not made sufficiently available in the chiho (regions) because a large amount of Keicho gold and silver flowed out to foreign countries, failing in the nation-wide currency unification, and therefore, ryogoku kahei such as chiho hallmark silver issued by silver mines at various places, were still used in parallel, serving to fill the shortage of Keicho gold and silver, silently allowed to circulate, and used by daimyo (Japanese feudal lords) of various provinces also as a means to exchange with Keicho gold coins, the central currency at the time of Sankin-kotai (daimyo's alternate-year residence in Edo).
    最終的に徳川家康による領国貨幣とも言うべき慶長小判慶長丁銀が全国統一により公鋳貨幣としての地位を築くことになるが、多額に上る慶長金銀の海外流出などにより地方まで充分に行き渡らなかったため通貨の全国統一を達成するには至らず、依然、各地銀山から発行される極印銀などの領国貨幣が並行して通用し、国内で不足気味の慶長金銀を補佐する役割を果たしていたため幕府も流通を黙認し、また諸国大名が、参勤交代のとき中央貨幣である慶長金銀と交換するための手段としても用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
