「chief secretary of the Cabinet」を含む例文一覧(57)

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  • Chief secretary of the Cabinet
    内閣書記官長 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is the birthplace of the former chief cabinet secretary Takao FUJINAMI, who is known for his involvement in Recruit Scandal.
    リクルート事件の藤波孝生元官房長官の生家。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Minister (of Economy, Trade and Industry) Yosano and the Chief Cabinet Secretary (Kawamura) also attended the meeting.
    それから与謝野大臣、官房長官も同席されておりました。 - 金融庁
  • He held various posts such as Chief Cabinet Secretary of Daijokan (Grand Council of State) and Genroin gikan (councilor of Chamber of Elders) in the Meiji government.
    明治政府において太政官内閣書記官長・元老院議官などを歴任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Abe Shinzo, the chief Cabinet secretary, was elected the new president of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) on Sept. 20.
    9月20日,安(あ)倍(べ)晋(しん)三(ぞう)内閣官房長官が自民党の新総裁に選出された。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • (i) Ministers of State, other than the Chief Cabinet Secretary, who are designated by the Prime Minister
    一 内閣官房長官以外の国務大臣のうちから、内閣総理大臣が指定する者 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • The Prime Minister serves as the chief of the headquarters, and the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications and I have been appointed as his deputies
    本部長に総理、副本部長に官房長官、総務大臣、そして私の3名が充てられたわけでございます - 金融庁
  • This morning, North Korea launched a flying object.However, the Chief Cabinet Secretary will make an announcement on that on behalf of the entire cabinet, so it was agreed at the cabinet meeting that the cabinet ministers should leave this matter to the Chief Cabinet Secretary.
    今日は、朝から北朝鮮の飛翔体のことがございましたが、これは官房長官から全部一括してアナウンスさせて頂くので、各閣僚はこのことについては官房長官にお任せしたというふうにしてくれということが、今の閣議で申し合わせがございました。恐縮でございます。 - 金融庁
  • Fuyutsugu was installed as Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain, the chief of the newly-founded Kurodo dokoro (Chamberlain's Office)) in 810, which was the head secretary to the Emperor (or the Chief Cabinet Secretary), and compiled and presented a considerable group of laws and regulations, the Konin kyaku-shiki.
    冬嗣は810年、天皇の筆頭秘書官(又は官房長官)と言うべき蔵人頭(新設官庁である蔵人所の長官)に就任し、一大法令群である弘仁格式を撰上した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As an expert of German law, he worked as the Chief of the Translation Section at the Ministry of the Treasury, Assistant Secretary, and then the Senior Managing Director of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau.
    ドイツ法学の専門家として大蔵省翻訳課長、少書記官、法制局専務などを歴任。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • I would like you to ask the Chief Cabinet Secretary about this. Anyway, I do not think that the meeting was prolonged because of discussions about the reform of the national civil service system.
    官房長官に聞いていただきたいと思いますが、国家公務員制度改革の故に議論が長引いたということではないと思います。 - 金融庁
  • Fukuda, chief cabinet secretary at the time, relayed to the families North Korea’s message that some of the abductees were already dead.
    当時の官房長官だった福田氏は,拉致被害者のうち一部はすでに死亡したという北朝鮮のメッセージを家族に伝えた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Yesterday, the Chief Cabinet Secretary received a similar question. I and the Chief Cabinet Secretary discussed this matter at committee sessions in the House of Representatives. Within the inner circles of the government, a variety of possibilities and scenarios are apparently being studied behind the scenes.
    昨日官房長官も同じ質問を受けて、私と官房長官と衆議院の委員会で話しておりましたが、政府の内部では、色々な可能性といいますか、色々なケースを考えておられるようです。それはまだ水面下の話ですけれども。 - 金融庁
  • Executives of Yamarin wanted Suzuki, then deputy chief Cabinet secretary, to use his influence with the Forestry Agency to help them.
    やまりんの幹部は,当時内閣官房副長官だった鈴木議員に,自分達を助けるために林野庁へ影響力を行使してほしいと望んだ。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • He later came back to the former post through the mediation of Tomomi IWAKURA, Udaijin (Minister of the Right) and then he became a grand secretary of Daijokan (Grand Council of State) in 1877 and the first Chief Secretary of the Cabinet two years later.
    後に右大臣岩倉具視の取り成しによって復官し、明治10年(1877年)に太政官大書記官、2年後に初代内閣書記官長となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As reported by the media, the appointment of senior vice ministers was decided at today's cabinet meeting. The Chief Cabinet Secretary will probably talk to you about the full line-up of senior vice ministers.
    今日、閣議の中では、既に報道等でも流れておりますが、副大臣の決定をみたところでありまして、おそらく全体像につきましては官房長官のほうからお話があると思います。 - 金融庁
  • Therefore, at a recent question-and-answer session before the Committee on Cabinet, the Chief Cabinet Secretary asked the DPJ to present a counterproposal, and the DPJ did so accordingly, although their proposal did not come in the form of a bill.
    したがって、官房長官もこの前の内閣委員会の一般質疑でおっしゃったように、民主党も対案を作って下さいということで、その対案が、法案という形ではございませんけれども出てきているわけでありますから、 - 金融庁
  • Although it has been reported in newspapers as if I have become a member of the council of cabinet ministers on the TPP, the Chief Cabinet Secretary has not yet consulted me about that.
    新聞ではTPPの閣僚委員会に私が入ったやに報道がありますけれども、まだ正式には官房長官から何もそういう連絡は実は頂いておりません。 - 金融庁
  • I have another question. The Prime Minister is now working on the reshuffle of the cabinet and the leadership team of the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party). According to media reports, Chief Cabinet Secretary Machimura will be retained in the new cabinet and Mr. Aso will be appointed LDP secretary-general. What do you expect of the new cabinet and the new LDP leadership team?
    もう一点ですが、総理が内閣改造、自民党役員人事に着手しておりますが、報道等によりますと、町村官房長官が留任、また麻生さんが幹事長にという方向になっているようですが、新しい内閣と党執行部に対して求めることを改めて教えていただけますでしょうか。 - 金融庁
  • Disaster victims’ double loan problem has been very frequently discussed at committee sessions, and the cabinet as a whole will deal with it. Therefore, at today’s informal meeting of cabinet ministers, I strongly asked the Prime Minister and Chief Cabinet Secretary to do their utmost.
    今日、閣僚懇で(被災者の)二重ローン・二重債務の問題で、今各委員会で大変頻繁に議題に出ておりますので、これを内閣全体として取り組むということでございますから、しっかりやってくれということを強く総理、官房長官に申し上げておきました。 - 金融庁
  • Kaoru YOSANO, a member of the House of Representatives and the former Minister of International Trade and Industry, the Minister of State for Economicand Fiscal Policy and Financial Services, and the Chairman of Policy Research Council of Liberal Democratic Party (and the Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Abe Administration in 2007) is Akiko's grandson.
    通産相や金融経済財政担当相、自民党政調会長などを務めた衆議院議員・与謝野馨(2007年安倍改造内閣時の内閣官房長官)は晶子の孫にあたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Article 14 (1) Headquarters shall include Headquarters Vice Chairmen (hereinafter referred to as "Vice Chairmen"); and the chief Cabinet secretary, the Minister of the Environment, and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall serve in this capacity.
    第十四条 本部に、地球温暖化対策推進副本部長(以下「副本部長」という。)を置き、内閣官房長官、環境大臣及び経済産業大臣をもって充てる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • In 1989, although chief cabinet secretary Mayumi MORIYAMA expressed her intention to present the prime minister's cup on behalf of the prime minister on the dohyo, the Japan Sumo Association rejected her proposal, causing fierce debate on discrimination against women.
    1989年(平成元年)には森山真弓官房長官が総理大臣賜杯授与を行いたいと明言したが相撲協会が拒否しこの際には女性差別問題を含め議論を呼んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The ministers of relevant ministries and agencies participated the meeting with the Chief Cabinet Secretary serving as chair and discussed on general support packages such as the strategy categorized by region and field type, a finance support reinforcement plan, personnel training, and technical cooperation.
    内閣官房長官を議長として関係省庁の大臣等が一同に会し、地域別・分野別戦略、金融支援強化策、人材育成、技術協力等の総合支援パッケージについて議論を行っている。 - 経済産業省
  • As you know, Prime Minister Aso is now in New York, so Chief Cabinet Secretary Kawamura, who is acting prime minister, took charge of the proceedings of the meeting.
    ご承知のとおり麻生総理が今ニューヨークに行かれているところでございますので、臨時代理の河村官房長官から会議の進行がございました。 - 金融庁
  • Chief Cabinet Secretary Kawamura Takeo said, "Ms. Mori has been active on the front lines of show business. Her more than 2,000 performances in "Horoki" have inspired the dreams and hopes of many people."
    河村建(たけ)夫(お)官房長官は,「森さんは芸能界の第一線で活躍し続けている。彼女の『放浪記』への2000回を超える出演は多くの人々の夢や希望となっている。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Seeing that finance is really the lifeblood or the artery of an economy, I made a comment along those lines last time and I firmly repeated the same comment once again to Chief Cabinet Secretary Sengoku today, as I have just explained.
    経済にまさに経済の血液、あるいは動脈でございますから、そういったことはこの前も発言したということを申し上げましたが、今日もまた仙谷官房長官にもそういうことはきちっと申し上げておきました。 - 金融庁
  • Also, active explanation has been made to opinion leaders worldwide, as seen in the announcement of a message by then-Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano at the World Economic Forum Global Risks Meeting.
    さらに世界経済フォーラム・グローバル・リスク会議に枝野官房長官(当時)がメッセージを発出する等、世界のオピニオンリーダーにしても積極的に説明を行っている。 - 経済産業省
  • As that issue was mentioned in newspaper articles today, I asked the Chief Cabinet Secretary about it. He told me - this was before the cabinet meeting - that I should join the debate, because I am the Minister for Financial Services and also because Mr. Kamei, leader of the People's New Party, has strongly requested my participation.
    今日、そんなことが紙面に少し踊ってありましたので、官房長官の方にお聞きいたしましたら、自見大臣は金融(担当)大臣でもあるし、また亀井静香国民新党党首からも強く言ってきたので、入ってもらうという話が閣議の前にございました。以上でございます。 - 金融庁
  • Details of today's cabinet meeting and informal meeting of cabinet ministers will be explained by the Chief Cabinet Secretary. The Prime Minister told us: "I have made the decision (to resign) because I have concluded that it is necessary to form a new cabinet that can avoid a stalemate in the conducting of national politics, so I would appreciate your understanding."
    今日の閣議、それから閣僚懇(閣僚懇談会)の話題につきまして、詳細は官房長官の方からまとめてご発言があると思いますが、総理からは「国政に停滞をかけない、新しい体制が必要と判断して、今回の決断をした。皆さんにご了解をいただきたい」というご発言がございました。 - 金融庁
  • Today’s meeting of vice ministers was attended by the Prime Minister, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, and Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretaries Kondo and Konoike. As an instruction regarding the conduct of work at government ministries and agencies, the Prime Minister said that civil servants should place priority on speed, and report unfavorable information quickly to their superiors. He also said that civil servants must devote themselves to serving national interests and must never disavow responsibility for doing what they must do.
    本日の事務次官等会議には、総理、官房長官、松本副長官、鴻池副長官がご出席になられまして、総理からは、役所における仕事の仕方に関して、スピーディーを旨とせよ、悪い情報ほどすぐ上にあげよ、省益を捨て国益に徹せよ、これは自分の仕事ではないと決して言ってはいけない、こういったご指示をいただいたところです。 - 金融庁
  • These orders provide for the establishment of the headquarters for the promotion of the reform of the national civil servant system on July 11 (Friday), the establishment of a council of advisers and a committee in charge of the study on the framework of labor-management relations under the headquarters, and the appointment of a deputy secretary-general, a councilor and director at the secretariat of the headquarters, as well as the designation of the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the State Minister in charge of the reform of the civil servant system and the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications as deputy chiefs of the headquarters.
    これは、国家公務員制度改革推進本部を7月11日(金)に発足させるとともに、本部に顧問会議、労使関係制度検討委員会を、本部事務局に次長、審議官、参事官をそれぞれ設置するほか、副本部長として内閣官房長官、公務員制度改革担当大臣及び総務大臣を指定するものです。 - 金融庁
  • After the cabinet meeting and the informal meeting of cabinet ministers, the Prime Minister summoned to his official residence several ministers and other officials, including the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the Minister of Finance, Minister for Fiscal and Economic Policy Yosano, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, the BOJ (Bank of Japan) Governor, the FSA Commissioner, Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs Shinohara, as well as me, in order to exchange opinions about the Lehman Brothers issue.
    閣議、閣僚懇の後、総理の方から招集がございまして、同じく官邸におきまして、官房長官、財務大臣、与謝野経済財政担当大臣、経済産業大臣、日銀総裁、そして、金融庁長官、財務省の篠原財務官、それに私も加わり、このリーマンの問題につきまして意見交換をさせていただきました。 - 金融庁
  • To that end, the government set up the Council for the Promotion of Accepting High-Level Human Resources (Chairman: Naoki Tanaka, President of the Center for International Public Policy Studies)and presided over the Chief Cabinet Secretary, to examine the future direction of the policy to accept high-level human resources.
    このため、政府では内閣官房長官が主催する「高度人材受入推進会議」を2008 年7月に設置し(座長:田中直毅 国際公共政策研究センター理事長)、今後の高度人材受入れ政策の方向性につき検討している。 - 経済産業省
  • He made various remarks when he was Chief Cabinet Secretary, and it is not clear to me whether there are differences between our views. However, as the scheme is prescribed in writing and a relevant law has been enacted, the most important thing is to respect the spirit of the scheme, so we should not kick up much of a fuss.
    官房長官のときもいろいろ発言をされまして、私はそう認識が違っているのか、違っていないか、よくわかりませんけれども、やはり紙に書いてあるほか、法律ができたわけですから、その精神が一番大事ですから、そう事を荒立てることはないと思います。 - 金融庁
  • He (Minister Edano) is a former Chief Cabinet Secretary, and I was a cabinet member when he was serving in that post, so I have worked with him for a long time. In particular, as he worked very hard to deal with the nuclear power plant accident, we may be reassured by his appointment as the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
    そういったことで、枝野さんが経産大臣になられたということは、彼(枝野大臣)は前官房長官で、私も大臣として(閣内に)いましたから、長いこと一緒に(やっておりまして)、特に原発の処理に対して、非常に精力的に見るところを見られてやってこられましたから、非常に安心して見ていられると思います。 - 金融庁
  • Article 33 (1) The Vice Director-General of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy (hereinafter referred to as "Vice Director-General") shall be assigned in the Headquarters, and The Chief Cabinet Secretary and the Minister for Ocean Policy (the Minister of the State, in charge of assistance to the Prime Minister, with regard to intensive and comprehensive promotion of measures with regard to the oceans upon the direction of the Prime Minister) shall serve as the Vice Director-General.
    第三十三条 本部に、総合海洋政策副本部長(以下「副本部長」という。)を置き、内閣官房長官及び海洋政策担当大臣(内閣総理大臣の命を受けて、海洋に関する施策の集中的かつ総合的な推進に関し内閣総理大臣を助けることをその職務とする国務大臣をいう。)をもって充てる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • At the first meeting of the Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters that was held recently, the Minister of Finance, the Minister for Financial Services, the Minister for Economic and Fiscal Policy, and the Chief Cabinet Secretary discussed rescue activity and daily-life support, as well as the economic situation in light of the fact that areas extending as much as 500 kilometers in three prefectures (Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate Prefectures) north of Ibaraki Prefecture have sustained such great damage.
    (緊急)対策本部でも財務大臣、それから金融担当大臣、それから経済財政(担当)大臣ということで、特に官房長官を中心にまずは、人命救助、それから生活支援、また茨城県から(北に)500キロにわたって、あれほどの甚大な被害に遭われた地域が3県(福島県・宮城県・岩手県)にまたがってあるわけですから、経済情勢についてもこの前、1回目の会合をやらせていただきました。 - 金融庁
  • Thus, 5 minister concerned, that is to say, the minister of education, the minister of health, labour and welfare, the minister of economy and industry, the minister of finance and the chief cabinet secretary gathered together in September to make the “youth independence and challenge plan” take form, as you can see at page 8. We demand a budget of 81 billion yen.
    そこで、政府全体の取り組みとしまして、これは文部科学大臣、厚生労働大臣、経済産業大臣、経済財政政策担当大臣、内閣官房長官といった関係5大臣により、今年の9月に「若者自立・挑戦プラン」の具体化ということで資料の8頁にあるような対策を策定いたしまして、総額 810 億円の来年度の予算要求を行ったところでございます。 - 厚生労働省
  • I understand that when we consider this matter from the viewpoint of the rules-based approach, that rule is now applicable to the director-general and higher posts at the FSA in light of past statements made by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Moroak and then FSA (Financial Supervisory Agency) Commissioner Hino. In this sense, my understanding is that this appointment does not have any particular inconsistency from the viewpoint of the rules-based approach.
    ルール・ベースの話としてこの問題の頭の整理をするときに、当時の村岡官房長官、あるいは日野金融監督庁長官のご発言等に沿って、これを現在に置き換えた場合には、今で言う金融庁の局長以上というものがその対象になるという理解をしておりまして、そういう意味では、このルール・ベースの発想からしても、これと特段の齟齬はないと理解しております。 - 金融庁
  • Today, a wide range of comments were presented on the subject of the budget ceiling issue at the informal ministerial gathering, but the Chief Cabinet Secretary has asked us, as was also the case last time, not to make public any comments as individual ministers. It was just said that a decision will be made by the next informal ministerial gathering.
    今日は、お聞きになっていると思いますが、予算のシーリングの問題について閣僚懇、侃々諤々(かんかんがくがく)の意見が出ましたが、官房長官からこの前と同じでございますが、個々の大臣の意見は公表しないでくれということでございまして、次回の閣僚懇までに決定をしたいという話がございました。 - 金融庁
  • Let me ask you one more question, which concerns the appointment of a new FSA Commissioner. Media reports say that Mr. Hatanaka, director-general of the Supervisory Bureau, will be promoted to the FSA Commissioner. Could you explain the thinking behind this appointment? Also, the Chief Cabinet Secretary has said that personnel changes related to director-generals and higher positions will be frozen. Am I correct in understanding that the freeze has been lifted?
    もう1点、郵政改革法案なのですが、昨日、民主党の有志議員が総理と会って早期の審議入りというのを求めて、総理の方も今月中に審議入りできるような環境づくりをしたいという発言をされたということなのですが、審議入りの見通しについてどのようにお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁
  • The Emperor decided that Michinaga would be nairan (chief secretary) instead of kampaku (chief adviser) to the Emperor, once he became older, since he wanted to run the government directly instead of having a regent and kampaku, like his great-grandfather Emperor Daigo and his grandfather, Emperor MurakamiI; on the other hand, Michinaga agreed to be nairan and also the head of various sections to control the government, since the regent and kampaku weren't entitled to attend the meetings of the Cabinet; thus a strong political framework was set up and OE no Masahusa acknowledged through "Zoku Honcho Ojoden," with which talented people like FUJIWARA no Sanesuke and FUJIWARA no Yukinari were produced.
    また、天皇が道長を関白とせずに内覧に留めたのは、天皇自身が長ずるにつれ、曽祖父の醍醐天皇・祖父の村上天皇のように、摂政関白を置かずに親政する事を志したのと、道長自身も、当時閣議に出られない決まりがある摂政関白よりも、内覧を兼ねたまま一上(閣員の首座)として実権を掌握しようとした事が一致した為で、これにより、後に大江匡房が『続本朝往生伝』で藤原実資や藤原行成等の有能な人材を輩出したと称えたほど、有為な政治体制が確立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • While, especially since the Lehman crisis, various arrangements have been made on behalf of the FSA, including hiring additional personnel, I am well aware that in addition to the Office of International Affairs that I mentioned, other sections are also quite short of human and organizational resources. That said, considering the whole picture, including the overall government policy, I am intending to form an informed final decision in view of the whole picture, while I have also made requests to the Chief Cabinet Secretary, recognizing that I am a publicly elected member of the Cabinet.
    特にリーマン・ショック以来、そういった意味でなかなか我が省人員の増強をはじめいろいろご配慮いただいたようでございますが、確かに今は国際室のことを申し上げましたけれども、ほかの室も非常に人や組織が足りないということを私も実感しておりますし、しかし全体を見て、政府全体の方針もございますから、ひとつしっかり最終的にはこれは選挙で選ばれた私、あるいは内閣全体ですから、官房長官ですか、こういう方とお願いはしていますが、全体を見てしっかりぜひ考えていきたいというふうに思っています。 - 金融庁
  • Various ministers worked together on the bill under the leadership of the Chief Cabinet Secretary. Mr. Yosano (Minister of Economic and Fiscal Policy) and I joined the work on the bill halfway through it as Mr. Yosano strongly insisted on our participation at an informal meeting of cabinet ministers, to which Mr. Kaieda agreed and the Prime Minister gave his approval.
    これは皆さん方、もうよくご存じだと思いますが、インナーと言ったらおかしいのですけれども、官房長官を中心に、色々と各大臣で最初から案をやりまして、途中から、実は閣僚懇で(経済政策財政担当大臣の)与謝野さんが強く手を挙げて、「自見さんと私を入れてくれ」ということを与謝野さんが言われまして、それを海江田さんが「結構だ」ということで、総理も了解されたので、私と与謝野さんと、途中から入らせていただきました。 - 金融庁
  • During today's informal gathering with Cabinet ministers, Finance Minister Noda gave a report on this recent meeting of the G7 financial ministers and central bank governors in Washington D.C. The Chief Cabinet Secretary will probably give a statement on the subject later on, but Minister Noda said that he had stated that Japan intervened in the exchange market partly because of disapproval shared by the G7 towards any sharp exchange rate fluctuations.
    今日も閣僚懇で野田財務大臣から、ワシントンでのG7の財務大臣・中央銀行総裁、日本から白川さんが行きまして、それについてのご報告がございましたが、その中で後から官房長官から話があると思いますが、野田大臣が、急激な為替の変動は好ましくないというのはG7の共通認識でございますから、そういったことで為替介入をしたということを発表されたということを言っておられました。 - 金融庁
  • Although I could do that on my own authority, I held a discussion with the Chief Cabinet Secretary and obtained his understanding. Although accounting standards may appear to be a minor matter, they have a major impact on such issues as employment and economic revitalization, so I briefly explained this matter at today’s informal meeting of cabinet ministers. As there was no objection from other ministers, I take it that I have obtained their understanding.
    このことは、私の権限でできますけれども、官房長官とも話をし、官房長官からも理解を得ておりまして、今日は閣僚懇でもこのことを簡単に、会計基準というのは小さいような話でも、やっぱり雇用の問題、経済の活性化だとか、そういったことで大きな影響力があるわけでございますから、一応簡単に閣僚懇でも申し上げておりました。異議は、何もほかの大臣から出ませんでしたから、ご理解をしていただけたというふうに認識をいたしております。 - 金融庁
  • After returning to Japan, he successively held posts as the second-ranked shusshi (a supernumerary government official) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gaimu-taifu (a post in the Foreign Ministry), gijokan (a post in the Decoration Bureau), kaigunkyo (the chief of the navy), goyo-gakari (a government official assigned to perform a certain task) in the construction of the Imperial Palace, jimu fuku-sosai (a vice-secretary-general) in the construction of the Imperial Palace, a minister to Shin (China), and goyo-gakari in the investigation of the revision of a treaty; after the cabinet system was established, due to his ability, he assumed the ministership in six Cabinets in a row as the Minister of Communication, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Commerce and Agriculture (between the Minister of Education and the Minister of the Foreign Affairs, he assumed the membership of the Privy Council [Japan]).
    帰国後は外務省二等出仕、外務大輔、議定官、海軍卿、皇居御造営御用掛、皇居御造営事務副総裁、駐清公使、条約改正取調御用掛等を歴任し、内閣制度の成立後は能力を買われ6度の内閣で連続して、逓信大臣、文部大臣、外務大臣、農商務大臣を歴任した(文相・外相の前後に枢密院(日本)就任)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Under such circumstances, with the aim of developing "global human resources," who can serve as a driving force for the growth of Japan, and building a structure in which such human resources are fully utilized in the society, in May 2011 the government established the "Council on Promotion of Human Resource for Globalization Development," which is presided over by Chief Cabinet Secretary and consists of the related ministers. In June, the conference compiled the government's global human resources measures in "An Interim Report of the Council on Promotion of Human Resource for Globalization Development".
    政府ではこうした現状を踏まえ、我が国の成長の牽引力となるべき「グローバル人材の」の育成と、そのような人材が社会で十分に活用される仕組みの構築を目指して、2011 年5 月官房長官を議長とし、関係閣僚を構成員とする「グローバル人材育成推進会議」を設置し、6 月に政府のグローバル人材施策を「グローバル人材育成推進会議 中間まとめ」としてとりまとめた。 - 経済産業省
  • As for the so-called "no-return rule," in June 1998, when the Financial Supervisory Agency (the predecessor of the FSA) was established, then Chief Cabinet Secretary Moroak made a statement to the effect that senior officials of the agency should devote themselves to financial administration with a resolve to spend the rest of their career at the agency (instead of returning to the Ministry of Finance).
    それから、いわゆる「ノーリターンルール」についてでありますけれども、これは既にお答えしていると思いますが、金融監督庁の発足当時、平成10年6月に、当時の村岡官房長官から、部長以上の幹部職員、現在の金融庁で言えば局長以上に該当すると思いますが、これについて「金融監督庁に骨を埋める覚悟で金融監督行政に取り組んでもらいたい」、こういった趣旨の発言がなされたという経緯があります。 - 金融庁
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