
  • Cliques are as rampant as ever in the world of modern politics.
    政界はいぜんとして派閥がはびこっている. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • The clans that belonged to the toso and the clans that belonged to the seiso respectively cooperated within their own cliques and tried to make their cliques more powerful.
    東曹に属する諸家と西曹に属する諸家はそれぞれ連携して自派の勢力拡大に務めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Meanwhile, those in domain cliques seem to never die even if they were beaten.'
    「藩閥のやつらは、たたいても死にそうもないやつばかりだが...」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Here, a battle between the two big cliques seemed to be inevitable.
    これにより、両雄の大規模な交戦が避けられない状態になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Namely, in the new government led by the four domain cliques of Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa, and Hizen, these four people including Itagaki were the highest ranking feudal retainers representing each of their domains.
    すなわち板垣ら4人は、「薩長土肥」の藩閥新政府における筆頭藩士である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The tendency was to promote the formation of the academic cliques, and as a result, to promote the exclusion of the other clans and inheritance of hereditary learning.
    こうした傾向が学閥化を則し、結果的には他氏族の排除・家学化を促すことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yushi Sensei is a term criticizing the Meiji government for their domain cliques and transcendentalism.
    有司専制(ゆうしせんせい)とは、明治政府の藩閥官僚中心・超然主義の政府を批判した言葉。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This was carried out in order to end the long internal conflict of the Sekkan regents between the FUJIWARA no Yorimichi and Norimichi cliques.
    これは藤原頼通流と教通流による摂関家内部の長年の対立に終止符を打つものだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Rule by retired Emperor Goshirakawa was not liked; influence was brought to bear in favor of direct Imperial rule by Emperor Nijo and, within the court, battles between the political cliques gained prominence.
    また、後白河院の院政を好まず二条天皇の親政を望む勢力もあって、朝廷内は政治的派閥の対立が目立つようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Because he espoused aristocratism and thought nobles should lead society, it is said he had a critical attitude to domain cliques.
    このような社会の先達としての貴族主義から、転じて彼の政治姿勢は、藩閥に対して批判的であったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, he criticized other political parties, because political parties acted on the spoils system and became mere cliques.
    他方で政党に対しても批判を加えることを忘れず、政党が猟官主義に走る単なる「徒党」と化していることを嘆いていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since the domain cliques had strong power at that time, it was rare for a person from a small domain to be promoted that quickly.
    藩閥の力が強力な当時では、小藩出身の人物の出世としては珍しいほどの速さである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Taisho Seihen not only gave a huge blow to the domain-based cliques, but also caused a stagnation in the development of an alternative to the party in power.
    大正政変は藩閥勢力に大打撃を与えるとともに、政権担当能力を有する第二党の成長も出遅らせることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yet in reality, given the context of feuding among the domainal cliques, it was quite difficult for the Cabinet to function effectively.
    しかし実際には、藩閥が対立均衡している下で、内閣が十分に力を発揮することは難しかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Afterwards, many jokashi (outside castle samurai) departed Kagoshima/home towns and leveraged clan links in pursuit of careers as central-government bureaucrats or in the military whereas those of goshi origin formed cliques within the police.
    その後、城下士出身者の多くは郷里・鹿児島を離れ、藩閥の力で中央官吏や軍人として立身を目指し、一方の郷士出身者は警察で派閥を形成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Being critical of the oligarchic government dominated by hanbatsu (domain cliques), HOSHI participated in the political campaign called Sandaijikenpaku Undo (a movement triggered by the petition calling for establishment of three pillars) in 1887, but he was driven out of Tokyo according to hoan jorei (regulations for the preservation of law and order) and then was arrested for violation of publication regulations.
    藩閥政治を批判し、明治20年(1887年)の三大事件建白運動に参加し、保安条例で東京を追われ、出版条例違反で投獄される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • From 1892 to 1904, he kept a critical attitude to the government dominated by domain cliques as a prince-councilor and President of Kizokuin (the House of Peers), he strongly criticized election interference by the first Matsukata cabinet.
    貴族院の公爵議員として、そして1892年(明治25年)から1904年(明治37年)まで貴族院議長として歴代の藩閥政府には常に批判的であり、第1次松方内閣の選挙干渉などを厳しく批判した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Munemitsu MUTSU died while regretting over the failure to overthrow domain cliques and to accomplish parliamentary democracy, Kinmochi SAIONJI, who was said to have became so downhearted that those who saw him felt sorry, said as follows.
    陸奥宗光が、藩閥打倒、議会制民主主義の未達成を嘆きつつ死んだ時、西園寺公望は以下のとおり言って、周囲の見る目も痛わしいほど落胆したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, he thought that conservatives in Tosa and advocates of Freedom and Popular Rights needed to joined together to change politics led by domain cliques and made efforts for alliance between the both parties, but he died of illness without fulfilling his life ambition.
    が、藩閥主導の政治を変えるためには土佐の保守派と自由民権派が手を携えるべきであると考えて両者の提携に尽力したが、志半ばで病死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Furthermore, a kind of academic cliques were formed among Daigaku-ryo's professors, who disputed over not only theories but also students' success in life, particularly in the Kidendo department, where fierce conflicts among the Sugawara clan, the Oe clan, and other clans took place.
    更に大学寮の教官の間でも学説のみならず学生の立身を巡って一種の学閥が形成されるようになり、その中でも紀伝道では菅原氏と大江氏、それ以外の諸氏の間で激しい争いが行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The persons who became too poor to continue working as tenant farmers flew into urban areas and were forced to work at low wages in the factories operated by the Zaibatsu (financial cliques or groups, or company syndicates), which were developed from former government-owned companies transferred to private ownership, increasing the number of persons in the poor class in urban areas.
    また、小作を続けられないほど困窮した者は都市に流入し、官営企業の払い下げで発生した財閥が経営する工場で低賃金労働をさせられ、都市部の貧困層が拡大した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This is considered a measure that the domain cliques, whose authority was derived from the military, took to retain their influence over the political parties that were expanding their power at that time.
    これは、当時勢力を伸張していた政党に対して、軍部を権力の淵源としていた藩閥が、影響力を維持するために執った措置とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, due to the global stabilization and maturity of the party government after the Russo-Japanese War, the domain cliques and the military lost their influence and the system was revised to regulate the military minister's appointing authority to only 'active-duty' in 1913.
    しかし、日露戦争後の国際状況の安定と政党政治の成熟により藩閥と軍部の影響力は衰え、1913年(大正2年)には軍部大臣の補任資格を「現役」に限る制度が改められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This action was taken by the domain cliques whose authority originated in the military, to go against the cut-back of military expenditures of the assembly and the political party which then had power.
    これは、軍部を権力の淵源としていた藩閥勢力が、当時力を付けて来た議会・政党勢力の軍事費削減攻勢に対する処置として執ったものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Contradicting to the fact above in some points, as the statesmen who contributed in Meiji Restoration and domain cliques had control over the both politics and military, the problems that occurred later due to the independence of the supreme command did not come to the surface.
    それといささか矛盾するが、元勲・藩閥が政治・軍事両面を掌握していたことから、後世に統帥権独立をめぐって起きたような問題が顕在化しなかったこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the first rally of the Campaign for the Defense of the Constitutionalism held at Kabuki-za Theater on December 19, many people took part, such as the Diet members of the Seiyukai and the Rikken Kokuminto (Constitutional National Party, hereinafter referred to the Kokuminto), journalists, businessmen, students and about 3,000 audiences, and they adopted a resolution that 'cliques should be overthrown and that constitutionalism should be defended.'
    19日の歌舞伎座での憲政擁護第1回大会では、政友会、国民党の代議士や新聞記者のほか実業家や学生も参加し、約3,000の聴衆を集めて「閥族打破、憲政擁護」を決議している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although there was no legal provisions to stipulate it, these nine people had the authority to name a Prime Minister in accordance with the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and they had developed the so-called Han-batsu Seiji (government dominated by cliques from the major han).
    法的な規定は無かったが、大日本帝国憲法の下で首相を決定することができる権限を持っていた人物たちで、いわゆる藩閥政治を形成していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Japan, in general, transcendentalism is often referred to a political position taken by the government consisting of han (domain) cliques and bureaucrats during the period between the establishment of the Imperial Diet followed by the issuance of Constitution of the Empire of Japan and the beginning of the Taisho period.
    一般的には、大日本帝国憲法発布後、帝国議会開設から大正時代初期頃までにおいて、藩閥・官僚から成る政府が採った立場を指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Even though Tosa and Hizen were included in Sacchodohi (the abbreviated form of Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa, Hizen), the people from these domains were the minority and those from Satsuma and Choshu domains formed far larger-scale cliques
    薩長土肥とはいうものの、土佐・肥前出身者は少数にとどまり、薩摩・長州両藩出身者が群を抜いて大規模な閥族を形成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yamagata started taking action in the certain serious incident of the Imperial Court, which later caused his power to drop, when Kinmochi SAIONJI consulted Yamagata, but to the public conflicts among domain cliques were so emphasized that ultimately Yamagata was considered to be the sole 'bad guy.'
    山縣の権威が失墜した宮中某重大事件は西園寺公望が山縣に相談したことをきっかけに山縣が動き始めたものであったが、世間では藩閥間の対立ばかりが強調されて捉えられて、結果的に山縣一人が「悪者」となった側面もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Organized with an emphasis on balanced assignment, the cabinet consisted mainly of people from domain cliques, with 4 people from the Choshu Domain and four from the Satsuma Domain being inducted into the cabinet (however, Kiyotaka KURODA, who was thought to be the central figure of the Satsuma clique, did not get a place in the Cabinet at that time).
    いわゆる藩閥出身者が殆どを占め、長州藩・薩摩藩出身者が各4名ずつ入閣させる(ただし、薩摩閥の中核と見られていた黒田清隆は当初入閣せず)などのバランス重視型の布陣となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The people, however, considered that KATSURA's intention was to expand armaments, following the advice of Aritomo YAMAGATA, and this provoked an angry response towards the Hanbatsu Seiji from the people who wished for constitutional government, which led to the first campaign for defending constitutionalism under the slogan 'Down with cliques from the major hans and protect constitutional government.'
    民衆はこれを、山県の意を受けた桂が陸軍の軍備拡張を推し進めようとしたものとみなし、国民も議会中心の政治などを望んで藩閥政治に反発し、「閥族打破・憲政擁護」をスローガンとする憲政擁護運動(第一次)が起こったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When the Second Matsukata's cabinet proposed this policy in 1898, heated arguments erupted between the government and Minto or landowners and peasants against commercial and industrial men, which caused a radical change in the composition of the political world such as the cooperative relationships between political parties and domain cliques.
    1898年に第2次松方内閣がこの構想を打ち出すと、政府と民党、あるいは地主・農村と商工業者の間で激しい議論を巻き起こすようになり、政党と藩閥の連携などの政界の構図を激変させる原因の1つとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Mutsu was from non-domain clique and gained political foundation inside the government only by Ito's confidence, but he was a sworn friend of Nobuyuki NAKAJIMA and Toru HOSHI who belonged to the Liberal Party (Meiji) that had an adversarial relationship with statesmen of domain cliques.
    陸奥は非藩閥出身であり政府内部では伊藤の信頼によって政治的な基盤を得ているような状態であったが、逆に藩閥政治家とは敵対関係にあった自由党(明治)の中島信行・星亨とは盟友関係にあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The word Zaibatsu means a tremendous exclusive capitalist or enterprise of the pre-disposition of the era of financial cliques, but generally it is defined as a business group in which a parent company (holding company) capitalized by a family or its kinship forms the core of the group and has its subsidiaries run a variety of businesses, some of which hold monopoly positions in their respective fields or industries.
    財閥(ざいばつ)とは、財閥解体以前の非常に大きい独占的な資本家または企業の事であるが、一般的には、家族または同族によって出資された親会社(持株会社)が中核となり、それが支配している諸会社(子会社)に多種の産業を経営させている企業集団であって、大規模な子会社はそれぞれの産業部門において寡占的地位を占めると定義される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, there came the trend of forming kinds of academic cliques as the families which produced excellent scholars, such as the above mentioned Sugawara clan as well as the Oe clan and families like the Fujiwara clan (mainly Hino Line of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan, the Southern House of the Fujiwara clan and the Ceremonial House of the Fujiwara clan), which were able to receive similar education at Kangakuin (educational institutions) despite their not being kyuryo gakusei, started to pass down monjo hakase and monjosho and monjo hakase began recommending their followers to the positions.
    しかし、前述の菅原氏や大江氏など優秀な学者を代々輩出した一族や給料学生以外の学生でも勧学院より同じような学問料が支給された藤原氏(主として藤原北家日野流・藤原南家・藤原式家)などによる文章博士や文章生の世襲や文章博士による門人の推挙による一種の学閥化の風潮が次第に見られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The idea of the independence of the supreme command came originally from the facts that the leaders at that time were afraid of the revival of the government by the shogunate if statesmen acquired the supreme command, despite the contradiction to that, as the statesmen who contributed in Meiji Restoration and domain cliques had control over the both politics and military, the problems that occurred later due to the independence of the supreme command did not come to the surface, the anecdote of Masashige KUSUNOKI who died at Minatogawa River because his strategy of the war was denied by the ignorant court nobles in the Northern and Southern Court Period (Japan), and it led to the decline of the Southern Court (Japan).
    なお、統帥権独立の考えが生まれた源流としては、当時の指導者が、政治家が統帥権をも握ることにより幕府政治が再興される可能性をおそれたこと、それといささか矛盾するが、元勲・藩閥が政治・軍事両面を掌握していたことから、後世に統帥権独立をめぐって起きたような問題が顕在化しなかったこと、南北朝時代(日本)に楠木正成が軍事に無知な公家によって作戦を退けられて湊川で戦死し、南朝(日本)の衰退につながった逸話が広く知られていたことなどがあげられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
