
  • In 1867, he was appointed to Yugeki-tai Todorinami (the corresponding post of a chief of the commando unit).
    1867年には遊撃隊頭取並に任じられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Domain assigned him to a commando unit.
    藩から遊撃隊御用掛に任命された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Thus the Sakai commando overwhelmed the Takeda force in the battle.
    このように酒井隊の一方的な展開となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Battle of Ichinotani of the same year, took part in the brigade of commando, following MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune.
    同年の一ノ谷の戦いでは源義経に従って、奇襲部隊に参加。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Israel's elite secret commando unit responsible for counterterrorist and top secret intelligence gathering and hostage rescue missions
    対テロ、最高機密の情報収集、人質救出作戦に対して責任があるイスラエルの精鋭秘密の特殊部隊 - 日本語WordNet
  • a specialist regiment of the British army that is trained in commando techniques of warfare and used in clandestine operations (especially against terrorist groups)
    戦争の特攻隊のテクニックで訓練されて、地下活動(特にテロリスト集団に対する)に使用される英国の軍隊の専門家連隊 - 日本語WordNet
  • Reinforced by Okudaira's army that had taken refuge in the castle, Sakai's commando continued to assail the enemy and defeated Takeda's troops stationed in Ariake-mura Village.
    さらに籠城していた奥平軍を加えた酒井奇襲隊は追撃の手を緩めず、有海村駐留中の武田支軍までも掃討した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, fiercely pursued by the Sakai commando, Masazumi KOSAKA and others were killed in Ariake-mura Village west of Nagashino-jo Castle.
    しかし、酒井奇襲隊の猛追を受けたために、長篠城の西岸・有海村においても高坂昌澄が討ち取られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On July 25, 1894, the first commando unit of the Imperial Japanese Navy (commander Kozo TSUBOI 'Yoshino (defense cruiser),' 'Naniwa (defense cruiser),' and 'Akitsushima (defense cruiser') encountered Qing warships 'Tsi yuen' and 'Guangyi' and started the war.
    1894年7月25日、豊島沖で大日本帝国海軍第1遊撃隊(司令官坪井航三少将、「吉野(防護巡洋艦)」「浪速(防護巡洋艦)」「秋津洲(防護巡洋艦)」)は、清国軍艦「済遠」「広乙」と遭遇し、戦闘が始まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Under the order from the commander of the first commando unit, Heihachiro TOGO, the commanding officer of 'Naniwa' requested 'Kowshing' to stop for inspection after warning fire, but when Qing soldiers ignored, he torpedoed the steamship (Kowshing Incident).
    第1遊撃隊司令官の命により「浪速」艦長の東郷平八郎大佐は「高陞号」に停船を命じて臨検を行うように発砲し、清国兵が停船命令に従わないため、魚雷で「高陞号」を撃沈する(高陞号事件)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The First Regiment: the First Battalion (Mitsutaro TAKIGAWA, four platoons, Troop of Denshu commissioned officers, Shoshogi-tai, Shinboku-tai), the Second Battalion (Hachiro IBA, seven platoons, Commando unit, Shinsengumi, Shogitai).
    第一列士満:第一大隊(瀧川充太郎、4個小隊、伝習士官隊、小彰義隊、神木隊)、第二大隊(伊庭八郎、7個小隊、遊撃隊、新選組、彰義隊) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Hikone Domain coped in Akazonae and with matchlock gun which came down from the ancient period with Choshu Domain equipped with Minié rifle, they received the tactic of outranging by the commando unit led by Kogoro ISHIKAWA of Choshu Army when they were about to cross the Oze-gawa River, which led to their self-defeat.
    長州藩のミニエー銃に対し、彦根藩は赤備えに火縄銃という古来より伝わる兵装で挑むが、小瀬川を渡ろうとした所を長州軍石川小五郎率いる遊撃隊のアウトレンジ戦法を受け一方的に敗れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Murata was an army supervisor of the second platoon of Yugeki (commando unit) at the onset of the Boshin War (in 1868) and served as a guard at the gate of Midaidokoro (the gate where a wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman used) at the time of the Battle of Toba and Fushimi, and later he went into the Battle of Yodo and the Battle of Hachiman, and participated in the acceptance of Osaka-jo Castle and marching into Himeji (since Himeji surrendered, he went to Akashi and went back).
    村田は、戊辰戦争開始時(明治元年(1868年))は遊撃二番小隊の監軍であり、鳥羽伏見の戦いのときは御台所御門の警備をしていたが、のちに淀の戦い・八幡の戦い・大阪城受け取り・姫路進撃(姫路が降伏したので、明石まで行って帰る)などにも出陣した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Japanese force consisted of the flagship 'Matsushima' led by Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet Lieutenant General Yuko ITO and another eight warships as well as the flagship 'Yoshino' led by the commander of the first commando unit Major General Kozo TSUBOI and other four warships, while the Qing consisted of the'Dingyuan' and the 'Chen Yuen' led by Adminaral Jyosho TEI and other 14 torpedo boats.
    日本側は連合艦隊司令長官伊東祐亨中将率いる旗艦「松島(巡洋艦)」以下8隻と第一遊撃隊司令長官坪井航三少将率いる旗艦「吉野(防護巡洋艦)」以下4隻であるのに対して、清国艦隊は丁汝昌提督率いる「定遠」「鎮遠」等14隻と水雷艇4隻であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When the new government army occupied Edo, Kaiyo Maru Warship, Kaitenmaru Warship, Banryu Maru, Chiyodagatamaru led by the former retainers of the resistance force who were dissatisfied with the treatment of the Tokugawa family by the new government, including Takeaki ENOMOTO and other four transport ships (Kanrin Maru, Chogei Maru, Shinsoku Maru, Mikaho Maru) (the first Japanese ship ever to cross the Pacific) which accommodated the soldiers of rikugun (army) including commando unit escaped Shinagawa oki (coast).
    新政府軍が江戸を占領すると、徳川家に対する政府の処置を不満とする榎本武揚ら抗戦派の旧幕臣に率いられ、開陽丸、回天丸、蟠竜丸、千代田形丸は、遊撃隊など陸軍兵を乗せた運送船4隻(咸臨丸・長鯨丸・神速丸・美賀保丸)を加えて品川沖を脱走。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
