「conscription system」を含む例文一覧(37)

  • a system of universal conscription
    国民皆兵制 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • a military system called conscription
    徴兵制という兵役制度 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • When did the new conscription system go into operation?
    新徴兵制度はいつから実施になったか - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • How long has the new conscription system been in operation?
    新徴兵制度はいつから実施になったか - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • England adopted the conscription system to meet an emergency.
    英国は急に応じて徴兵制度を採用した - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • England adopted the conscription system to meet an emergency.
    英国は刻下の必要に応じて徴兵制度を採用した - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • Even England has adopted the conscription system in order to meet an emergency.
    英国ですら刻下の必要に応じて徴兵制度を採用した - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • England adopted the conscription system to meet an emergency―to meet the exigencies of the moment.
    英国は刻下の必要に応じて徴兵制度を採用した - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • A divisional militia system was one in which conscription was based on the family registry.
    府兵制は戸籍を元に兵役義務を負わせる制度であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After returning to Japan, he carried out the wish of Masujiro OMURA, who had been assassinated, and implemented the conscription system (the Conscription Ordinance).
    翌年帰国した後は暗殺された大村益次郎の遺志を継いで軍制改革を行い、徴兵制度を取り入れた(徴兵令)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since the government introduced a conscription system in 1872 and Japan became a nation with universal conscription, the military forces were no longer monopolized by the warrior class.
    明治5年(1872年)には徴兵制度を採用し、国民皆兵主義となったため、士族による軍事的職業の独占は破られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In January, 1873, a conscription system was enforced, and due to this new system, necessity of the stipend system was gone.
    1873年1月には徴兵制の施行により家禄支給の根拠が消失する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • They included hospitals, banks, the postal law, conscription ordinances, election system, and the parliamentary system, for example.
    たとえば病院や銀行、郵便法、徴兵令、選挙制度、議会制度などについてである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The members of the "Rusu-seifu" mainly reformed the educational system, the land-tax system, the conscription ordinance, the calendar (they adopted the Gregorian Calendar), the administration of justice, and introduced rules allowing freedom of hairstyle and banning the carrying of swords.
    主な改革としては、学制、地租改正、徴兵令、グレゴリオ暦の採用、司法制度の整備、散髪脱刀令などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • And also about that time the population of Hokkaido was reaching a level at which it was possible to recruit soldiers under the conscription system, which led to the foundation of the Dainana Shidan (Seventh Division).
    またこの頃、北海道の人口は徴兵制で兵士を集めることが可能な水準に達しつつあり、第7師団(日本軍)創設につながった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This system enabled the creation of the family register and yearly tax records, which were to be used as the original registers in allotting land, imposing taxes, and conscription.
    この制度の下で、班給・課税・徴兵の台帳となる戸籍・計帳の作成が可能となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, since universal conscription and the system of a patrol officer have been introduced, the necessity for individuals to carry a sword is no longer recognized.'
    「しかし、いまや国民皆兵の令がしかれ、巡査の制がもうけられ、個人が刀を佩びる必要はみとめない。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, the contribution of conscription cannot be denied as it helped the modern system or living in the military service to spread to the local areas.
    また、兵役における近代的なシステムや生活が地方に伝播するのに貢献したと言う面も否めない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In light of the above, the government put the postal service in place, constructed the railway system, developed export industries (with an example being Tomioka Seishi-jo (Tomioka Silk Mill)) (encouragement of new industry) and implemented conscription (which, since the household head was exempt from this legislation and the other sons of the family or male members of the poor peasant class were drafted into military service, caused the blood tax revolt (anti-conscription revolt)).
    このため、郵便制度の整備、鉄道の敷設、輸出産業の育成(一例が富岡製糸場)を行い(殖産興業)、徴兵制を実施した(戸主は徴兵を免除されたので、主に戸主以外の次三男層や貧農層の子弟が兵役を担った為、血税一揆が起きた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As a supporter of the military system of a warrior class, it is proper that, due to the situation involving the introduction of the Goshimpei (army to form a convoy to the Emperor) Saigo continued Yamagata's plan of the conscription system after Aritomo YAMAGATA lost his position, so it is of concern that Saigo himself trusted Yamagata, who formed the Goshimpei (army to convoy the Emperor) and Konoe, then accepted the effects of the Conscription Ordinance.
    御親兵導入の経緯などからすれば、士族兵制論者と見るのが妥当であるが、山縣有朋の失脚後も西郷は山縣の徴兵制構想をそのまま継続させたことから、親兵・近衛を通じて形成された山縣に対する西郷の個人的信頼から徴兵令実施を受け入れたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The ideology of samurai families remained in modern Japan of the Meiji period in the form of a rooted family system enforced through education and a garrison state based on the conscription system, which became a model for later periods in Japan.
    武家の思想は、教育による家族制度の徹底化や徴兵制による軍事国家など明治近代日本に変化した形で生き残ってその後の日本を生み出す元になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Learning a lesson from this, Japan aimed to revise the treaties and improve national security by strengthening its economic power with land-tax reform and encouragement of industries (national enrichment), and military power with the conscription system and reformation of the military system (strengthening of the military) to catch up with other great powers.
    これを教訓とした日本は、地租改正や殖産興業で経済力をつけ(=富国)、徴兵制や軍制改革により軍備を増強(=強兵)して、列強に追いつくことにより条約改正と国家の保全を目指した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that some people actually drank a large amount of soy-sauce on the day before the induction exam in order to become ill and to evade military service when the conscription system was implemented.
    かつて徴兵制度が実施されていた時代に、検査の前日に大量の醤油を飲むことによって体調を崩し不合格となるといったことが、兵役を逃れる目的で実際に行われていたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The conscription system that was introduced by the Meiji government involved an aim, along with the compulsory education, to standardizethe lifestyle and the language of the nation to make the country rich and strong.
    明治政府が徴兵制度を導入したのは、義務教育と並び、国民の生活様式や言語を標準化させて富国強兵策を遂行する目的を担っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Takamori SAIGO was a supporter of a military system having a warrior class or conscription, and even government officials were divided on this issue, some adopted the former opinion, like Tateki TANI and Koyata TORIO, and others like Tosuke HIRATA had the latter opinion.
    西郷隆盛が士族兵制論者か徴兵制支持者なのか、当時の政府関係者ですら意見が分かれており、谷干城や鳥尾小弥太は前者を、平田東助は後者であったとする見解を採っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • From his experiences there, when the conscription ordinance promulgated in November, he looked at it critically, (and it is told that Kirino disdained the army under the new system and called it 'peasant soldiers' and some say that such a way of thinking caused carelessness in the Seinan War).
    このときの経験から、11月に徴兵令が発布されたときは批判的であった(桐野は新制の軍隊を「農民兵」と侮蔑したという話が伝わっており、こうした見方が西南戦争の際に油断を生んだのではと見る者もいる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Various new systems were implemented by rusu-seifu, including Conscription Ordinance (kairiku keibi no sei), education system (kyoiku sotsuiku no michi), judicial reform (shinri keibatsu no ho) and land tax reform (rizai kaikei no ho).
    留守政府の元で徴兵令(海陸警備ノ制)・学制(教令率育ノ道)・司法改革(審理刑罰ノ法)・地租改正(理財会計ノ方)といった新しい制度が行われていくことになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To rebuild the deficit-ridden finance into a more sound one, the national government introduced a conscription system in 1873 and Chitsuroku-shobun (an abolition measure of hereditary stipend) in 1876, appealing equality of all people in order to abolish the warrior class, a privileged class the persons in which could receive salary without being engaged in any productive activity.
    政府は、赤字財政健全化のため、生産活動をせずに俸禄を受けている特権階級の士族の廃止を目的に四民平等を謳い、1873年に徴兵制、1876年に秩禄処分を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The new educational system and Conscription Ordinance were made as alternatives to old hanko (domain school) and hanhei (domain samurai) and as some of educational and military systems, and had been in preparation before the delegation's departure.
    学制や徴兵制は既存の藩校・藩兵に代替して作られた教育・軍事システムの一環であり、その準備は使節団出発前から行われていたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At first the Meiji Government kept the class system, introducing the peerage system by transferring the samurai class, the previous ruling class, into one of the classes of the new system as Shizoku (literally, the warrior class), but the major political changes the government took, including Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domain and establishment of prefectures), Conscription Ordinance and Chitsuroku-shobun (measures to abolish hereditary stipends) were significant blows to the privileged class.
    明治政府は華族制度の創設や武士身分の士族への編入など、当初は旧来の身分制度をある程度継承したものの、廃藩置県・徴兵令・秩禄処分といった政策の強行は特権身分に対して大きな打撃を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Japan, as the Empire of Japan carried on the universal conscription to confront the allied Western powers by force, easy-to-learn Kendo, as derived from time-honored Kenjutsu, was acquired and became popular among students of the old-system junior high schools who were not samurai (warriors) of the former warrior class, and this influenced the national spirit.
    日本が大日本帝国として欧米列強に力で対抗しようと国民皆兵を進めてゆく時、古来の剣術の習得を簡便にしたものとしての剣道が旧士族の武士ではない旧制中学生に習得され広まったことは、国民の精神に影響を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In a broad sense, gunyaku meant conscription which included the labor service that was imposed on the people; but in a narrow sense, gunyaku referred to a retainer's offering of military service to the lord in exchange for recognition and guarantee of ownership of the fief (debt) in the relationship of 'debts and service' in the feudal system.
    軍役は広義には民衆に課せられる夫役のうちの兵役なども含まれるが、狭義には封建制度における「御恩と奉公」の関係において、知行地の安堵(御恩)と引き替えに主君に軍事的奉公を行うことである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The fact that the government army, mostly composed of conscripted soldiers, won the war against Saigo's army, mainly consisted of persons in the warrior class, verified that the fighting ability of soldiers from the warrior class and that of those from farmers were not different; accordingly, a system of general conscription was established.
    士族を中心にした西郷軍に、徴兵を主体とした政府軍が勝利したことで、士族出身の兵士も農民出身の兵士も戦闘力に違いはないことが実証され、徴兵制による国民皆兵体制が定着した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Therefore, there were a lot of conservative people against it within the government, with Hisamitsu SHIMAZU as the leader, Issei MAEBARA, Toshiaki KIRINO and others, and Takamori SAIGO took a passive stance for conscription because he had his own plan of the volunteer 'sohei' military system in consideration of the middle to lower class samurai.
    そのため、政府内にも島津久光を筆頭に前原一誠・桐野利秋ら保守的な反対論者を多数抱えており、また西郷隆盛も「壮兵」といって、中下層士族の立場を考慮した志願兵制度を構想していて徴兵制には消極的であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although introduction of an educational system and Conscription Ordinance and land-tax reform are certainly considered a large-scale reform and seem to be against the treaty at a glance, today they are thought to be part of work of accomplishing Haihan-chiken that was stated in Article 7 and Iwakura Mission had approved on the whole.
    確かに学制や徴兵令・地租改正などは大規模な改革に相当し、一見すると盟約書に反するようにも見えるが、現在ではこれは第7条によって規定された後始末の一環であり、岩倉使節団も事前に大筋で了承していたとする説が出されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the delegation departed, Rusu-seifu carried out reforms positively such as introduction of an educational system and Conscription Ordinance, land-tax reform, adoption of the solar calendar, improvement of the judicial system, a halt of Christian oppression, but confrontation between Rusu-seifu and Iwakura Mission was aggravated over personnel affairs and Seikanron, which led to the political change in 1873.
    使節団出発後、留守政府は学制・徴兵令・地租改正・太陽暦の採用・司法制度の整備・キリスト教弾圧の中止などの改革を積極的に行ったが、人事を巡る問題と征韓論を巡って留守政府と岩倉使節団の対立が激化して明治6年の政変に至る事になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Rusu-seifu had promised to freeze personnel affairs during the absence of Iwakura Mission and Takamori SAIGO had been greatly expected to work as a coordinator, but SAIGO placed 'kyohei (powerful army)' as one of the top priorities of the Restoration, supported Aritomo YAMAGATA, who was promoting 'kyohei,' to establish a plot of the conscription system instead of realizing SAIGO's own idea of the warrior-class-centered volunteer system, and persuaded people from Satsuma not to throw YAMAGATA out of power even when YAMAGATA came to a crisis of being forced to step down due to the Yamashiroya incident.
    留守政府は岩倉使節団派遣中は人事を凍結する約束であり、西郷隆盛に調整役としての期待が大きかったが、西郷自身が「強兵」を維新の主軸に置いており、「強兵」を推進しようとする山縣有朋に対しては自説の士族主体の志願兵構想を撤回して彼の構想する徴兵制の確立に協力し、山城屋事件で山縣が辞任に追い込まれた時でさえ、これを擁護して山縣追い落としを図る薩摩出身者を宥めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
