「courtesy visit」を含む例文一覧(8)

  • a courtesy call [visit]
    儀礼[表敬]訪問. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • to pay a courtesy visit to one's lord
    (家来が)出仕して主君に目通りする - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • of a boss, the act of paying a courtesy visit to someone and asking for some cooperation with the work
    (目上の人が目下の人を)何度も礼を尽くして訪問し,仕事への協力を頼むこと - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • They paid a courtesy visit to the Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa once again to acquire Inzen (a decree from the Cloistered Emperor) to expel Yoritomo, however, since Yoritomo celebrated the Buddhist memorial service for his father, Yoshitomo, on 24th, inviting his subordinate commanders and warriors, there were few parties who were willing to join Yoshitsune's side.
    彼らは後白河法皇に再び奏上して頼朝追討の院宣を得たが、頼朝が父、義朝供養の法要を24日営み、家臣を集めたこともあり賛同する勢力は少なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The reasons for his disappearance were said to be that he had not been chosen to serve as a gobunin (member of a retinue) on the occasion of Yoritomo's Udaisho-haiga, a courtesy visit to the Imperial Court to receive the appointment to Udaisho (Major Captain of the Right Division of the Inner Palace Guards), and that his wishes regarding the governance of Suruga Province were not respected.
    逐電の理由は、頼朝の右大将拝賀の際に供奉人に選ばれなかったこと、駿河国の国務について希望がかなえられなかったことだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the ministerial economic dialogue, Foreign Minister Gemba, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Edano, and I, as well as the senior vice ministers and parliamentary secretary paid a courtesy visit to Prime Minister Singh.
    閣僚級経済対話の後には、玄葉外務大臣、枝野経済産業大臣、私及び日本側の副大臣、政務官でシン首相を表敬訪問いたしました。 - 金融庁
  • This room is used for various purposes: as an antechamber where guests paying a courtesy visit are first ushered into, as a place where dinner party guests first meet state or official guests, as a venue for the signing ceremonies of treaties, and for holding interviews with state or official guests.
    この部屋は、表敬訪問のために訪れた来客が最初に案内される控えの間として使用されたり、晩餐会の招待客が国・公賓に謁見したり、条約・協定の調印式や国・公賓とのインタビュー等に使用されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The General Insurance Association of Japan, for example, provided very vigorous cooperation. Usually, assessment of the extent of damage is very important for non-life insurance. This time, one of the association's member companies has undertaken the assessment of damage based on aerial photographs. As you know, the estimated amount of earthquake insurance claims paid, mainly in the six prefectures of the Tohoku region, is 1,200 billion yen, with the amount for Miyagi Prefecture alone at 520 billion to 530 billion yen, according to a recent newspaper report. The chairman of a bank with nation-wide operations recently paid me a courtesy visit after being elected at the general shareholders' meeting and told me about an increase in deposits at his bank's Sendai branch.
    例えば損保協会は非常に協力してくれまして、今までは損保協会というのは全壊か損壊か半壊かと、そこの判断が非常に大事なところですけれども、(今回は)航空写真で見て、(協会に)入っている損保会社の一社が、それはもう全壊だと言えば、全部全壊にしてくれということをお願いをして、その辺でご存じのように、この前の新聞でも東北6県を主として、(地震保険の支払い見込み額が)1兆2,000億(円)、宮城県だけで5,200~5,300億(円)出ているということで私は申し上げたかと思いますが、全国規模の銀行の会長が私のところに株主総会で選ばれましたと言って挨拶に来まして、「自見さん、びっくりしました。うちの仙台支店は預金量が増えました」と、こう言ったのです。 - 金融庁
