
  • He became the heir after Masayuki FUKUSHIMA, his brother-in-law (originally his cousin), died.
    義兄・福島正之(本来は従兄弟)が没した後、嫡子となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He did not have any biological child, and therefore adopted Yoshinori UESUGI who was a son of Noriaki UESUGI (his brother-in-law and cousin) and Akiyoshi UESUGI who was a son of Shigeyuki UESUGI (also his brother-in-law and cousin).
    実子がいなかった為、上杉憲顕(義兄弟で従兄弟)の子息・上杉能憲と、上杉重行(憲顕と同じく)の子息・上杉顕能を養子にしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, after MINAMOTO no Noriyori's troops had broken through his line, he resolutely attacked the enemy's camp with his cousin Tsunetoshi and his brother-in-law Kiyosada, three horsemen in all, and was killed in battle.
    しかし源範頼軍に陣を突破されると、覚悟を決め、従兄弟の経俊、義弟の清貞とともに三騎で敵陣に突入し、討ち取られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Uno no Sarara no himemiko (Empress Jito) was her paternal half-sister, maternal cousin and mother-in-law (her husband's mother).
    鸕野讚良皇女(持統天皇)は父方の異母姉妹、母方の従姉妹で、夫の母であるため姑にもあたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since FUJIWARA no Motonari, Hidehira's father-in-law and political adviser, was a son of Naganari ICHIJO's cousin, it is probable that he (Yoshitsune) depended on that connection.
    秀衡の舅で政治顧問であった藤原基成は一条長成の従兄弟の子で、その伝をたどった可能性が高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Additionally, Yoshinobu (his biological mother, Yoshiko Joo, was as a sister of Takako Joo who was a lawful wife of Ieyoshi) was a cousin in law of Iesada.
    なお、慶喜は(生母吉子女王が家慶の正室喬子女王の姉妹にあたるので)義理の従弟である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI, who had been assigned to the position of Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) from Hideyoshi as his adopted heir and who was his cousin and brother-in-law, was ousted and forced to commit seppuku in 1595, Hideyori was brought up in Fushimi-jo Castle as the successor of the Toyotomi clan.
    文禄4年(1595年)、秀吉から養嗣子として関白職を譲られていた従兄で義兄の豊臣秀次が失脚して切腹したため、秀頼が豊臣氏の後継者として伏見城で育てられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Afterwards, unlike his cousin Sanesuke, he came to agree with Michinaga on political issues, in the face of the emergence of the Kujo line coupled with the downfall of Ononomiya line, and strengthened ties with Michinaga by taking his son FUJIWARA no Norimichi as his son-in-law.
    政治的にはその後、九条流の台頭と小野宮流の劣勢に際しては従兄弟の実資とは違って道長と接近し、その子藤原教通を娘婿にすることで連携を強めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However when the siege was broken by the army of MINAMOTO no Noriyori, Kiyosada charged to the enemy encampment with three horsemen, who were Kiyosada, his male cousin TAIRA no Tsunetoshi, and his brother-in-law TAIRA no Kiyofusa, and was killed in battle.
    しかし源範頼軍に陣を突破されると、従兄弟の平経俊、義兄の平清房とともに三騎で敵陣に突入し、討ち取られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • FUJIWARA no Motonari (a brother of FUJIWARA no Nobuyori, a boss of Yoshitomo, Yoshitsune's father. His daughter gave birth to FUJIWAWA no Yasuhira), who was Hidehira's father-in-law, was a son of FUJIWARA no Tadataka, who was the maternal cousin of Naganari so that they were relatives.
    秀衡の舅である藤原基成(義経の父義朝の上司藤原信頼の弟。娘が藤原泰衡を生む)は、長成の母方の従兄弟にあたる藤原忠隆の子であり、親戚関係にあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As TAIRA no Kiyomori came into power after the Hogen Rebellion and the Heiji Rebellion, Suetada get acquainted with Kiyomori as his cousin-in-law (the mother of Suetada's legal wife (the daughter of MINAMOTO no Yoshitada) was an aunt of TAIRA no Kiyomori).
    その後、保元の乱、平治の乱を経て、平清盛が権力を握ると、季忠はその義理の従兄弟(正室の源義忠の息女の母は平清盛の伯母にあたる)として接近した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A plan to spirit Emperor Nijo away by having him make a visit to Rokuhara was perfected thanks to Kiminori and Korekata, while FUJIWARA no Tadaaki (Shinzei's cousin and Korekata's brother-in-law, also known as Masaaki) paid a visit to the Imperial Palace bearing a secret order.
    公教と惟方により二条天皇の六波羅行幸の計画が練られ、藤原尹明(信西の従兄弟・惟方の義兄弟)が密命を帯びて内裏に参入する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The trio (court nobles and government officers) of Kintsune SAIONJI (Yoshiyasu's son-in-law), Yasuie JIMYOIN (Yoshiyasu's cousin and adopted son) and MINAMOTO no Takayasu, all of whom had a close relationship with the Ichijo family, were prohibited from entering the Imperial court and lost their power.
    一条家と関係の深かった西園寺公経(能保の娘婿)・持明院保家(能保の従兄弟・猶子)・源隆保の3名の公卿・官人も出仕を止められて失脚した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On July 1, while he was preparing to cross the sea, the Honnoji Incident broke out in Sakai City, but he only managed to kill Nobusumi TSUDA, his cousin and Mitsuhide AKECHI's son-in-law, hampered by a series of escaping soldiers (however, there is no evidence that Nobusumi participated in the Honnoji Incident).
    堺市にて渡海の準備中である6月2日に本能寺の変が勃発したが、逃亡兵が相次いだため積極的な行動はできず、明智光秀の娘婿である従兄弟の津田信澄を殺害した程度であった(しかし信澄が本能寺の変に加担した証拠は存在しない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • And there are theories that Tenkai was Mitsuharu AKECHI, a cousin of Mitsuhide, or Hidemitsu AKECHI, an adopted son-in-law who was reported to have killed himself in Sakamoto-jo Castle after the Battle of Yamasaki or to have escaped over Lake Biwa on horseback.
    ここから光秀の従弟とされる明智光春、あるいは本能寺の変で先鋒を務め、山崎の合戦の敗戦後に坂本城で自害したとも琵琶湖の湖上を馬で越えて逃亡したとも伝わる娘婿の明智秀満(旧名:三宅弥平次)とする説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, because FUJIWARA no Fuhito was still too young at the time, it is likely that Kamatari's cousin and son-in-law, NAKATOMI no Omimaro, assumed responsibility as the head of the clan in order to govern it as a temporary successor until Fuhito was ready to take on the leadership; additionally, other members of the Nakatomi family were permitted to use the title FUJIWARA no Asomi until Fuhito was old enough.
    その際藤原不比等がまだ若かった事もあって鎌足の従兄弟で娘婿でもあった中臣意美麻呂が不比等が成長するまでの中継ぎとして暫定的に氏上となったらしく、それ以外の成員にも不比等が成長するまで暫定的に藤原朝臣が与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some people assert that he was a cousin (brother in law) of Ringoro YAMAZAKI (Shinjiro HAYASHI), a member of Shinsengumi, and that he should have a wife based on the family tree of Ringoro's family, but it is not certain whether he actually had a blood relation with Ringoro in the first place.
    新選組隊士の山崎林五郎(林新次郎)の従兄弟(義兄弟)で、林五郎の実家の家系図により、妻が居たとの話もあるが、そもそも林五郎と本当に血縁関係があったのかどうかも証明されておらず定かではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Tomohiko OKANO adopted the fact that the ryoke (virtual proprietor of manor) of Mt. Rokka in Iga Province, where the base of the Taira clan lay, was TAIRA no Mitsumori (son of TAIRA no Yorimori) and Takao SUGIHASHI's theory that Munechika MAKI was Ike no zenni's brother, that is, Maki no Kata, who was Tomomasa's mother-in-law, was TAIRA no Yorimori's cousin.
    岡野友彦は平氏側の拠点となった伊賀国六箇山の領家が平光盛(平頼盛の子)であった事実と杉橋隆夫が唱えた牧宗親・池禅尼兄弟説(すなわち平賀朝雅の義母牧の方と平頼盛を従兄弟とする)を採用している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Kiyohara family had KIYOHARA no Sanehira, who was the first son of Takesada and Kiyohira's older brother-in-law, Kiyohira, and KIYOHARA no Iehira, who was Kiyohira's younger maternal half-brother, as well as KIMIKO no Hidetake, who was a cousin and son-in-law of KIYOHARA no Takenori, and thus this complex kinship relationship might easily cause a dispute between the family members.
    清原家には、清衡の異父異母兄になる武貞の長子清原真衡、清衡、異父弟になる清原家衡があったうえに、吉彦秀武が清原武則の従兄弟にして娘婿であるなど複雑な血縁関係で結ばれた一族が存在しており、ややもすると血族の間で内紛が起こり易い状態にあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the same year of 1564, Yoshiteru utilized the Miyoshi clan in driving Sadataka ISE, then head of Mandokoro (the government administrative office) who had been hostile to the Shogun, into death in a losing battle; appointed his (Yoshiteru's) cousin-in-law Harukado SETTSU as new head of Mandokoro; strengthened his control of official decisions of the Bakufu through the Mandokoro, previously out of his real authority but now more at his mercy, and thereby steadily achieved direct rule by the Shogun as the wisest leader after Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA.
    また、三好氏を利用して永禄7年(1564年)には敵対していた政所執事伊勢貞孝を敗死に追い込み、新たな政所執事に義輝の義従兄弟にあたる摂津晴門を起用し、従来将軍の意向が及ばなかった政所を掌握して幕府決裁に対する影響力を強め、義満以来の聡明な将軍として幕府の将軍親政を着実に進めていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
