「dethroned emperor」を含む例文一覧(25)

  • a dethroned emperor
    退位させられた皇帝 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • (From the section dealing with 'the Dethroned Emperor' (referring to Emperor Chukyo))
    (「廃帝」より(廃帝とは仲恭天皇のこと)) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In November 764, he escorted the Emperor Junnin who was dethroned (Dethroned Emperor of Awaji) to the place of exile.
    同年10月、廃位された淳仁天皇(淡路廃帝)を配所へ護送した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He is called Haitei (Dethroned Emperor) or Awaji Haitei (Deposed Emperor of Awaji) in ancient documents.
    古文書では廃帝(はいたい)または淡路廃帝(あわじはいたい)と呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On July 23, 1870, the young Meiji government gave posthumous titles of Emperor Kobun, Emperor Junnin, and Emperor Chukyo to Otomo Tei, Dethroned Emperor (Awaji) and Dethroned Emperor Kujo, respectively.
    明治時代の初め、1870年(明治3年)7月23日に、政府は大友帝、廃帝、九条廃帝にそれぞれ弘文天皇、淳仁天皇、仲恭天皇と追諡した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, although he ascended the throne, due to the wish of Empress Koken, he hadn't been admitted as an Emperor of Japan for a long time and called as Haitei (Dethroned Emperor) or Awaji Haitei (Deposed Emperor of Awaji).
    しかし践祚していながら、孝謙天皇の意向によって長らく天皇のひとりと認められず、廃帝または淡路廃帝と呼ばれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1221, after the Jokyu War, Emperor Chukyo was dethroned and Imperial Prince Yutahito, whom Nobuko gave birth to, ascended the throne as Emperor Gohorikawa.
    承久3年(1221年)、承久の乱の後に仲恭天皇が廃立されると、陳子が生んだ茂仁王が後堀河天皇として践祚した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The book was also harsh on the retired Emperor Juntoku who lost his decedents' right of succession to the Imperial Throne by siding with the retired Emperor Gotoba, referring to him as "Dethroned Emperor of Sado" and discriminated in favor of Emperor Awanoin (the retired Emperor Tsuchimikado) who didn't willingly come into the war.
    また、後鳥羽上皇に同調して子孫の皇位継承権を失うこととなった順徳上皇にも厳しく「佐渡廃帝」と記述して、乱に積極的に関与しなかった阿波院天皇(土御門上皇)と格差を付けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, four former Saigu married the Emperor, namely Imperial Princess Inoe (who was the Empress of Emperor Konin but was later dethroned), Imperial Princess Sakahito (who was the Consort of Emperor Kanmu), Imperial Princess Asahara (who was the Consort of Emperor Heizei), and Princess Kishi (who was the Consort of Emperor Murakami).
    なお、天皇と結婚した前斎宮は、井上内親王(光仁天皇皇后、後廃位)、酒人内親王(桓武天皇妃)、朝原内親王(平城天皇妃)、徽子女王(村上天皇女御)の4人であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Due to the "close relationship with Nakamaro," Emperor Junnin was dethroned by Retired Empress Koken and exiled to Awaji Province, having been treated as the Imperial Prince.
    そこで上皇より「仲麻呂と関係が深かったこと」を理由に廃位を宣告され、親王の待遇をもって淡路国に流される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In March, 757, Prince Funado, who had been appointed by Emperor Shomu's will, was dethroned by the idea of Empress Koken.
    天平宝字元年(757年)3月、聖武天皇の遺言で任ぜられた皇太子道祖王が孝謙天皇の勘を受けて廃される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In April of 757, Funado no Okimi was dethroned due to Empress Koken's displeasure and, instead, Emperor Junnin who was recommended by Nakamaro became Crowned Prince.
    翌天平宝字元年(757年)4月、道祖王が孝謙天皇の不興を受けて廃され、代わって仲麻呂が推す淳仁天皇が立太子される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After Emperor Godaigo was dethroned due to his attempt to overthrow the Kamakura bakufu (the Genko Incident) in 1331, Emperor Kogon of Jimyoin-to (imperial lineage from Emperor Gofukakusa to Emperor Gokomatsu) was enthroned.
    元徳3年(元弘元年/1331年)に、後醍醐天皇が鎌倉幕府倒幕を企てて廃位される(元弘の変)と、持明院統の光厳天皇が即位する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Rokudai" refers to six emperors of Takakura, Antoku, Gotoba, Tsuchimikado, Juntoku, and Gohorikawa (togin [the emperor reigning at that time]) but does not include the dethroned Emperor Kujo (Emperor Chukyo).
    「六代」とは高倉天皇・安徳天皇・後鳥羽天皇・土御門天皇・順徳天皇・後堀河天皇(「当今」)の各天皇を指す(九条廃帝〈仲恭天皇〉は含まない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Furthermore, the Kamakura bakufu identified the Emperor Godaigo as a 'rebel' (the Emperor's Rebellion) in the Genko Incident based on the right to judge criminal cases, dethroned and exiled the Emperor Godaigo who insisted he was the true emperor, and eventually enthroned 'the fake emperor' (Emperor Kogon of Jimyoin-to Line).
    更に元弘の変では鎌倉幕府が検断権を盾に後醍醐天皇を「謀反人」と認定して(天皇御謀反)、後醍醐天皇の主張するところの正統な天皇に対して廃位・配流を強要して、「偽主」(持明院統光厳天皇)を擁立するに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After becoming embroiled in a conflict with FUJIWARA no Nakamaro, the Emperor Junnin (dethroned in Awaji Province) was exiled to Awaji Province where he died, but in 1873 his spirit was returned to Kyoto and enshrined along with the Emperor Sutoku and the shrine was classified as a Kanpei Chusha (middle-scale government shrines).
    明治6年(1873年)、藤原仲麻呂の乱に巻き込まれて淡路国に配流されてそこで亡くなった淳仁天皇(淡路廃帝)の神霊を淡路から迎えて合祀し、官幣中社とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Initially, a prince of Emperor Junna, Prince Tsunesada, was recommended to become the crown prince; however, after the Showa Incident (842) Prince Tsunesada was dethroned, so instead Emperor Nimmyo's first prince, Michiyasu, became the crown prince.
    当初、淳和天皇の皇子恒貞親王を皇太子に立てたが、承和9年(842年)の承和の変により、恒貞は廃せられ、代わりに仁明天皇の第一皇子道康親王が立太子した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to a couple of theories, the knoll was a mausoleum of Emperor Chukyo (Dethroned Emperor Kujo) and the divine spirit was enshrined in the shrine, or it was a grave of Imperial Prince Toneri or FUJIWARA no Sanetomo.
    一説に、仲恭天皇(九条廃帝)の陵で、神社は神霊を奉斉したものであるとも、あるいは舎人親王の墓であるとも、藤原実頼の墓であるともいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the rebellion, the Retired Empress dethroned Emperor Junnin, who had ascended the throne with the recommendation of Nakamaro, with the military power, and made Emperor Junnin exile to Awaji Province; thereafter she declared that she herself would ascend the throne again.
    乱後、上皇は仲麻呂の推挙で天皇に立てられた淳仁天皇を武力をもって廃位して淡路国に流刑にすると、自らが再度天皇に復位する(重祚)ことを宣言した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • HIKAMI no Kawatsugu was the child of Shioyaki no okimi (Prince Shioyaki or HIKAMI no Shioyaki) and Imperial Princess Fuwa (the Imperial princess of Emperor Shomu) and was also the great-grandchild of Emperor Tenmu, however, Hikami was dethroned due to the execution of Shioyaki no okimi from his involvement in FUJIWARA no Nakamaro's War.
    氷上川継は塩焼王(氷上塩焼)と不破内親王(聖武天皇の皇女)の子で天武天皇の曾孫になるが、塩焼王が藤原仲麻呂の乱に与して処刑されたこともあり、皇嗣からは外されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Then when the emperor tried to transfer the Imperial Throne to his younger brother, Imperial Prince Hachijonomiya Toshihito, Ieyasu objected it saying that the prince had once become an adopted son of Hideyoshi, dethroned Emperor Goyozei in 1611 and transferred the Throne to Imperial Prince Kotohito (Emperor Gomizunoo).
    そして天皇がこれに応じて弟の八条宮智仁親王に皇位を譲ろうとすると、家康はかつて親王が秀吉の猶子になったことがあるとして反対し、慶長16年(1611年)には後陽成天皇を廃して、皇位を後水尾天皇(後水尾天皇)に譲らせている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After Takauji left Kyoto, Emperor Suko of the Northern Court was dethroned and the post of Kanpaku Yoshimoto NIJO was brought to an end whereby the pro-Southern Court Kinkata TOIN was assigned as the Minister of the Left making him in charge of kuji (public duties) in Kyoto.
    尊氏が京を発った後、北朝の崇光天皇を廃位し、関白二条良基の職務を停止し、親南朝派の洞院公賢を左大臣に任じ京における公事を委ねた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was the first such ceremony in well over 300 years since Emperor Suko's heir Imperial Prince Naohito had been invested in crown princedom (although this prince was arrested by the Yoshino Court on the occasion of Shohei Itto (temporal unification of the Northern and Southern Courts) and dethroned).
    これは、崇光天皇の皇太子直仁親王(正平一統の際に吉野朝廷に捕えられて廃位)以来三百数十年ぶりの立太子であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To most Emperors, the titles of Daijo Tenno were awarded soon after transfer of the throne but, because it was not awarded automatically with the transfer, there were cases where the honorary titles were not awarded as was the case with Awaji haitei (the deposed Emperor of Awaji) (Emperor Junnin), who was abdicated in something like a coup, and with Emperor Antoku and Dethroned Emperor Kujo (Emperor Chukyo) whose abdication and enthronement were made obscure.
    殆どの天皇には、譲位後すみやかに太上天皇号が奉られるが、退位によって自動的に奉られるものではないので、淡路廃帝(淳仁天皇)のようにクーデター的に廃位されたり、安徳天皇や九条廃帝(仲恭天皇)のように退位・即位の事実が曖昧にされたりして、尊号が奉られなかった例もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Empress was also keenly aware of this atmosphere, and purges to the Imperial family were done one after another as follows: the dethroned Emperor Junnin's mysterious death, the sudden execution of the Prince Wake, sudden abridgment of register of the Imperial family from Imperial Princess Fuwa who was a younger paternal half-sister of the Empress; accordingly, the subject of the succession to the Imperial Throne became virtually a taboo.
    天皇もこの空気を敏感に察しており、淡路に流された廃帝(淳仁天皇)の謎の死、和気王の突然の処刑、天皇の異母妹である不破内親王の皇籍剥奪など皇族に対する粛清が次々と行われていき、皇位継承問題は事実上のタブーとなっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
