「difference in grade」を含む例文一覧(23)

  • of quality or position, a difference in grade
    等級による違い - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • One side surface 21 of each block 2 is substantially flat without a difference in grade and one difference in grade 221 is formed on the other side surface 22.
    各ブロック体2は、その一方の側面21が実質的に段差のない平坦面とされ、その他方の側面22には、段差221が1つ形成されている。 - 特許庁
  • To suppress the degradation in a display grade due to separation lines by suppressing the difference in resistance by each of wiring for scanning signal lines of a display panel used in a display device.
    表示装置に用いられる表示パネルの走査信号線用配線ごとの抵抗の差を抑え、区切り線による表示品位の低下を抑える。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an ink jet recording medium for obtaining an image having no image irregularity and a sense of high grade by improving a grade due to a surface gloss without remarkable gloss difference in an image-like state between a printed portion and a non-printed portion.
    プリント部と非プリント部とで画像状に顕著な光沢差を生じることなく、表面光沢によるギラツキを改善して、しかも画像ムラがなく高級感のある画像が得られるインクジェット記録媒体の提供。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an album stock paper capable of obtaining an album base paper having less difference in color tone between its surface and cut surface, and having a high grade feeling.
    表面と断裁面の色調差が少なく、高級感のあるアルバム台紙を得ることができるアルバム原紙を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To realize a high-grade product with which the temperature difference between upper and lower dies can be controlled during a pressing process in press molding, and to realize a cost reduction of the apparatus.
    プレス成形において、プレス工程時に上下型の温度差を制御できて高品位な製品を実現しかつ装置の低コスト化を実現する。 - 特許庁
  • At the timing of (ts1-ts2) before the weld zone is rolled, the rolling tension is increased to (1+α) times according to an increase rate (α) which is predetermined in accordance with the difference in the steel grade of a steel strip and the difference between sheet thicknesses of the steel strips before and after the weld zone.
    溶接部が圧延される前のタイミング(ts1〜ts2)で、溶接部前後の鋼帯の鋼種の違いおよび板厚の差に応じて予め定められる増加率(α)に従って圧延張力を(1+α)倍に増加する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a high-grade thermal transfer recording material which can obtain a high printing density, which does not cause unevenness in printing, which brings about little difference in gloss between a print area and a non-print area, and which does not cause a blister in a high-density print area.
    本発明の目的は、高い印字濃度が得られ、印字ムラの発生がなく、印字部と非印字部の光沢差が少なく、高濃度印字部においてブリスターの発生のない高品位な熱転写記録材料を提供することである。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an image forming apparatus with which high grade both-side images having a small difference in image quality of both sides of a paper sheet are obtained even if the paper sheet varying in the glossiness between the front and the back is used.
    表裏で光沢度の異なる用紙を用いた場合でも、用紙両面の画像品質の差異が小さく、高品位な両面画像を得ることのできる画像形成装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • In the pressure contact terminal metal fitting 5, a height from the top and the bottom of the crimp connection part 7 is made lower than a height from the top and the bottom of the coupling part 8, and a terminal engaging part 18 of the retainer 3 is made possible to engage with a difference in grade 8A of coupling part 8 rear end.
    圧接端子金具5において、圧接部7の上下高さは、連結部8の上下高さよりも低くなっており、連結部8後端の段差8Aにリテーナ3の端子係合部18が係合可能とされている。 - 特許庁
  • Also, making the difference in grade 221 as a boundary, the width of the front side and the rear side of the block 2 are approximately even in a longitudinal direction (a front to rear direction) to form an L shape as a plan.
    また、ブロック体2の幅は、段差221を境として前方および後方において、それぞれ長さ方向(前後方向)に沿ってほぼ一定とされ、平面視でほぼL字状をなしている。 - 特許庁
  • In this method, the texture condition of a position of low muscle fatigue grade is compared with the texture condition of a position other than that in the face of a person to judge the texture of the face from the difference between texture conditions.
    人の顔面の筋肉疲労度の低い部位のキメ状態と、それ以外の部位のキメ状態とを比較し、そのキメ状態の差から顔面のキメを判断することを特徴とする顔面のキメの評価方法。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an ink jet recording sheet having a small gloss difference in an image-like state even by recording with a pigment ink and high grade feeling for giving suitable glossiness.
    顔料インクで記録しても画像状に光沢差が小さく、しかも適度の光沢度を付与した高級感のあるインクジェット記録用紙を提供すること。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a liquid crystal display device of a uniform display grade free of the luminance unevenness due to the stress in a configuration obtained by laminating a phase difference compensation element and a polarizing plate or configuration laminated with a liquid crystal panel.
    位相差補償素子と偏光板と貼り合せた構成や、液晶パネルと貼り合せた構成において、応力に起因する輝度ムラのない均一な表示品位の液晶表示装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a resin composition having a high impact strength and rigidity, and a small shrinkage difference between the flowing direction of the resin and its right angle direction, excellent in bending and dimensional accuracy, and having a high grade appearance.
    高い衝撃強度、剛性を有し、樹脂の流動方向と直角方向の収縮差が小さく、そり、寸法精度に優れ、かつ高外観の樹脂組成物を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • Large and small grooves are installed which are partitioned off with difference in grade at a tip of pressure contact member 6, and a peaky protrusion 6b is installed toward the tip end.
    圧着部材6の先端に段差で仕切られた大小の溝が設けられており、前記溝の大きい方に先端に向けて尖った突起6bが設けられている - 特許庁
  • To provide a cellulosic phase difference film of an extremely stable display grade by suppressing the fluctuation in the phase difference value which is the drawback of the conventional cellulosic phase difference film while effectively utilizing the advantage of saponification lamination of a cellulosic protective film, a polarizing plate protective film, an elliptical polarizing plate, and a display device.
    本発明の目的は、セルロース系保護フィルムのけん化貼合の良さを活かしたまま、従来のセルロース系位相差フィルムの欠点である位相差値の湿度変動を抑制して、表示品位が極めて安定したセルロース系位相差フィルム、偏光板保護フィルム、楕円偏光板、及び表示装置を提供することにある。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an image forming method with which unevenness in toner attaching amount (TMA) and image unevenness such as unevenness in gloss and unevenness in color difference are reduced, and a high image quality/high grade color image stably having a wide color reproduction range with no unevenness in gloss and coloring of an image can be formed.
    トナーのり量のむら、光沢むら、及び色差むら等の画像むらを低減し、画像の光沢や発色の不均一がなく、安定して広色再現範囲を有する高画質・高品位のカラー画像を形成できる画像形成方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a rotary drum, capable of feeding an electric command using a simple device with accuracy in the processing sequence or time difference in a processing device, producing a high grade of products in a large quantity, and disengaging a seat belt automatically with electric command in the event of accidents involving cars or planes.
    加工装置の加工順序や時間差を正確に簡単な装置で電気的指令を送り、高度な製品を大量に生産でき、又、自動車や航空機の事故のとき、シートベルトの解離を電気的指令で自動的に行なう、多目的な指令電送装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • The transmission film on the rear side has an interface of the maximum refractive index grade difference that gives smaller luminous efficiency than the front side luminous efficiency in the luminous efficiency characteristics in which the luminous efficiency from the luminous layer changes in relation to the thickness of the transmission layer by the optical interference.
    背面側の透過膜は、発光層からの発光の効率が光学的干渉により透過膜の膜厚に対して変化する発光効率特性における前面側の発光効率よりも小なる発光効率を生ぜしめる最大屈折率段差の界面を有する。 - 特許庁
  • A difference price calculation part 30 performs access to a database system 10 in which the used automobile auction transaction information for every model, grade and body color in a specific foreign country is stored, and calculates a difference price S between an n-year-old used automobile circulation price U in a specific foreign country and a new vehicle sales price N in Japan.
    差分価格算出部30は、特定外国における車種、グレード、車体色別の中古自動車オークション取引情報を蓄積したデータベースシステム10にアクセスし、特定外国におけるn年落ちの中古自動車流通価格Uと日本での新車販売価格Nとの差分価格Sを算出する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a thermal transfer sheet with a protective layer having a gloss adjustment layer with which the grade of a printed image is enhanced by making the surface of the protective layer formed on printed matter adjustable in gloss according to the printed image, and enables obtaining the printed matter having not much difference in terms of durability from that of the conventional protective layer, and the printed matter.
    印画物上に形成される保護層表面を印画画像に応じて光沢調整可能にすることで印画画像を高品位化させ、耐久性の面でも従来の保護層と大差ない印画物を得ることが可能な光沢調整層を有する保護層熱転写シート、および印画物を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • However, in January in 1979, the epitaph of O no Yasumari was unearthed in Konose town, Nara City, on the epitaph, it was stated that Sakyo Shijo Shibo Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade) the fifth order of Merit, O no Ason Yasumaro 七月六日卒之 養老七年十二月十五日乙巳, thus, the rationale regarding the difference in Kanji writing was denied.
    ところが、昭和54年(1979年)1月に奈良市此瀬(このせ)町より太安万侶の墓誌銘が出土し、そこに左京四條四坊従四位下勲五等太朝臣安萬侶以癸亥年七月六日卒之養老七年十二月十五日乙巳とあったことが判明し、漢字表記の異同という論拠に関しては否定されることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
