
  • he treats his parents rather disrespectfully
    彼は彼の親を幾分無礼に扱う - 日本語WordNet
  • a person who speaks disrespectfully of sacred things
    神聖な事について無礼に話す人 - 日本語WordNet
  • In his reign, Tsukushi no Kimi Iwai often behaved disrespectfully to the word of the emperor.
    この御世に竺紫君石井(いはい)、天皇の命(みこと)に従わずして、多くの禮無かりき。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (It is said that this was to get Tsunayoshi to learn his place as a younger brother and not to act disrespectfully to Ietsuna.)
    (弟としての分をわきまえさせ、家綱に無礼を働かないようにするためだったという)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, as they made much noise day and night and also acted disrespectfully to the shrine, they were sent to the Imperial Court by the order of Yamatohime no mikoto.
    しかし、昼夜の別なく騒いで神宮にも無礼を働くので、倭姫命によって朝廷に差し出された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Emishi were sent to live at the foot of Mount Mimoro (Mount Miwa), where they then acted disrespectfully to the Omiwa Shrine and scared the villagers.
    次にこれを三諸山(三輪山)の山麓に住まわせたところ、今度は大神神社に無礼を働き里人を脅かした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Yoritomo regretted this order when the rumor turned out to be untrue later on, it was true that he was an extremely dangerous person for Yoritomo who wanted to establish a samurai government; Hirotsune had one of the largest armies among the Kamakura government armies and because of that he was behaving disrespectfully - in addition to which it seemed that he would rather defend local authority in the Kanto area than going to Kyoto to kill the Taira clan.
    後に謀反の疑いは晴れて頼朝は後悔しているが、広常は鎌倉政権軍の中でも飛びぬけて大きな兵力を擁しており、その為に不遜な振る舞いが多く、また上洛して平氏を倒すよりも関東での割拠を指向しており、武家政権の樹立を目指す頼朝にとって危険な存在であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
