「elderly population」を含む例文一覧(59)

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  • The elderly population exceeded the number of children under the age of 14.
    高齢者人口が14歳以下の子ども人口を超えた - 京大-NICT 日英中基本文データ
  • On top of that, I think the elderly population will increase.
    これに加えて、高齢者の人口は増加すると思われます。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • A society in which the birthrate is falling and proportion of elderly is increasing is not only one whose overall population declines; due to the increase in the proportion of the elderly, it is also one in which the population of productive age shrinks as a proportion of the overall population.
    少子高齢化社会とは、総人口の減少もさることながら、高齢化率の上昇を反映し、全人口に占める生産年齢人口の比率が低下していく社会である。 - 経済産業省
  • The town’s elderly population was increasing and the mayor felt the town should provide the elderly with an easy way to stay healthy.
    町の高齢者人口が増加しており,町長は健康維持のための手軽な方法を高齢者に提供する必要があると考えた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Moreover, increasing work opportunities for the elderly who have extensive knowledge and experience should become ever more important, considering the growing elderly population.
    また、高齢者人口の増加を踏まえると、深い経験、知識を有する高齢者の労働機会の拡大も今まで以上に重要になると考えられる。 - 経済産業省
  • In the society with the fastest population aging, elderly welfare is an urgent problem that must be fixed.
    世界一の高齢化社会にあって、老人福祉は早急に解決しなければならない課題だ。 - Tatoeba例文
  • Presently in Japan, the birthrate is declining, the population of elderly people is growing, and social security payments are increasing.
    現在,日本では出生率が低下し,高齢者人口が増え,そして社会保障費は増加している。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • The proportion of elderly people aged 65, or over, in the total Japanese population jumped from 6.2percent, in 1964, to 24.2 percent in 2012, and accordingly, the number of persons in the working population supporting one elderly person decreased significantly from 9.2 persons to 2.4 persons.
    1964年の全人口に占める65歳以上の高齢者の割合は6.2パーセントだったところ、2012年には24.2パーセントにまで上昇し、高齢者1人を支える現役世代の数も9.2人から2.4人と大きく減少しています。 - 財務省
  • Among the elderly, the young-old population will peak in 2016 before going into decline. The old-old population, on the other hand, will continue to grow, and is projected to exceed the young-old population in 2018. It therefore appears that the proportion of old-old among the elderly will increase further.
    また、高齢者人口のうち、前期高齢者人口は2016年をピークにその後は減少に転ずる一方、後期高齢者人口は増加を続け、2018年には前期高齢者人口を上回るものと見込まれており、増加する高齢者数の中で後期高齢者の占める割合は、一層大きなものになるとみられる。 - 経済産業省
  • From 2000 to 2050, Japan’s birthrate is expected to remain at between 1.31 and 1.39, and it is forecast that the productive population (15-64) will start to fall after a peak in 1995, that the elderly population (over 65) will increase and that after peaking in 2006, the overall population will start to decrease4 (Fig.1.1.35).
    2000年から2050年までの我が国の出生率は1.31~1.39にとどまり、生産年齢(15~64歳)人口は1995年をピークに減少、老年(65歳以上)人口は増加、総人口は2006年をピークに減少過程に入ると推計されている4)(第1-1-35図)。 - 経済産業省
  • He said, "At present, only Japan has an elderly population of more than 30 percent, but by 2050, 64 countries will join Japan in that regard."
    彼は「現在,日本だけが高齢者人口が3割を超えているが,2050年までに64か国がその点において日本と同じ立場になるだろう。」と述べた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Signs of increase in the number of these people are being observed in depopulated areas with a large elderly population and in large apartment complexes built during Japan’s high-growth period.
    徐々にその増加の兆候は高齢者が多く暮らす過疎地や高度成長期に建てられた大規模団地等で見られ始めている。 - 経済産業省
  • As population aging advances, the promotion of use of the skills of the elderly by SMEs will likely become even more important than in the past.
    高齢化が進行する中では、中小企業が、高齢者の能力活用を図っていくことが、従来以上に重要となると考えられる。 - 経済産業省
  • This is conceivably due to active entries resulting from new demand accompanying the introduction of IT, the shift to a services-based economy, and the increasing elderly population.
    これは、IT化、経済のサービス化や高齢者人口の増加などに伴って新たな需要が生まれ、活発な開業が起きているためと考えられる。 - 経済産業省
  • To secure the labor force population, it will be necessary, for example, to improve the employment rates of the elderly and women as with Japan.
    労働力人口の確保に向けては、我が国同様高齢者や女性の就業率の改善などが必要であろう。 - 経済産業省
  • Young people today (15 to 39 years old) will grow in society with a rapidly declining birthrate and a growing proportion of elderly people, and will live in a society with a declining population in the future.
    現在の若者(15~39歳)は、少子高齢化が急速に進む社会で成長し、これからは人口減少社会を生きていくこととなる。 - 厚生労働省
  • Because of the rapid decrease in the working population due to a declining birthrate and a growing proportion of elderly people, benefit payments increased and employment structure changed due to globalization, etc.(increase of non-regular employment)
    急速な少子高齢化に伴う支え手の減少と給付費の増加、グローバル化等に伴う雇用基盤の変化(非正規雇用の増加)。 - 厚生労働省
  • According to estimates by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, the elderly population will continue to grow rapidly until 2020, and thereafter generally stabilize (Fig. 3-1-8).
    国立社会保障・人口問題研究所の推計では、今後も高齢者人口は2020年まで急速に増加し、その後はおおむね安定的に推移するとされている(第3-1-8図)。 - 経済産業省
  • (Postwar Population Change and Economic Growth)With respect to the changes in population structure, the proportion of elderly (over 65) in the populationcontinued increasing throughout the postwar period, and in 1997, it exceeded the proportion of youth (lessthan 15).
    また、貯蓄率については1995年頃までは高年齢層の貯蓄率が各年齢階層の中でも常に高かったが、1970年代後半あたりから貯蓄率の高さは低年齢層へと徐々にシフトしている。 - 厚生労働省
  • Naturally, the Japanese population fluctuates according to year of birth, and so this may have an effect depending on generation. Even if one considers trends by age group in the labor force population over the same period (Fig. 3-3-31), however, it can be seen that while the labor force population of elderly age groups is increasing, the labor force population of young and middle-aged groups is not falling substantially.
    もちろん、我が国の人口は出生年により変動が有るため、世代によってはこの影響を受けることもあり得るだろうが、同期間の労働力人口の年齢階級別推移を見ても(第3-3-31図)、高齢者層の労働力人口が増加していることが分かる一方で、若・中年層の労働力人口は大幅には減少していない。 - 経済産業省
  • (Changes in Population and Population Structure)Looking at the changes in population structure in Japan, the ratio of elderly (proportion of people over 65 years old to total population) reached 7% in 1970, meeting the United Nation's definition for an agingsociety. In the following 25 years, Japan's rate of aging accelerated sharply to 14%, a pace experienced byno other developed country.
    (人口と人口構造の変化)我が国の人口構造の変化をみると、高齢化については高齢化率(全人口に占める65歳以上人口割合)が1970年に7%となり国連が定義する高齢化社会に突入したのち、約25年間という先進国において類のない早さで1995年には14%まで上昇した。 - 厚生労働省
  • Declining birthrates and the aging of society will bring about a contraction in demand, influenced by the people’s concerns about the future. There are also concerns that the economy will lose its vitality as a result of the decline in the productive population, coupled with a rise in the elderly population, which decreases productivity and tax revenues and increases social insurance premiums5.
    少子・高齢化は、国民の先行き不安から需要の萎縮をもたらすとともに、生産年齢人口の減少は、老年人口の増大と相まって、生産の低下、租税収入の減少、社会保険料の負担増等から、経済の活力を失わせることが懸念されている5)。 - 経済産業省
  • On the other hand, the proportion of elderly in the total population will continue to increase due to the total population going into decline in 2005, reaching 22.5% in 2010 and 27.8% in 2020. Japan is therefore projected to become an extremely aged society, with approximately one in four people being aged 65 or over.
    一方で、総人口が2005年から減少に転じたことから高齢化率は上昇を続け、2010年には22.5%、2020年には27.8%に達し、国民の約4人に1人が65歳以上の高齢者という極めて高齢化の進んだ社会の到来が見込まれている。 - 経済産業省
  • Looking at the changes in population structure in Japan, the ratio of elderly (proportion of people over65 years old to total population) reached 7% in 1970, meeting the United Nation's definition for an agingsociety. In the following 25 years, Japan's rate of aging accelerated sharply to 14%, a pace experienced byno other developed country.
    我が国の人口構造の変化をみると、高齢化については高齢化率(全人口に占める65歳以上人口割合)が1970年に7%となり国連が定義する高齢化社会に突入したのち、約25年間という先進国において類のない早さで1995年には14%まで上昇した。 - 厚生労働省
  • In Japan’s case, people over 65 years old accounted for only 6.3 percent of the total population of 98.26 million in 1965, with 9.1 working-age people (20 to 64 years old) taking care of one elderly person.
    日本の場合、65歳以上の高齢人口の比率は1965年には全人口9826万人の6.3%であり、高齢者1人を20歳以上64歳以下の者9.1人で支えていた。 - 財務省
  • In 2012, however, it is projected that 24.2 percent of the total population of 127.5 million will be over 65 years old, meaning that 2.4 working-age people will need to care for one elderly person.
    これに対し、2012年には1億2750万人の人口の24.2%が高齢者であり、高齢者1人を20歳以上64歳以下の者2.4人で支えなければならない。 - 財務省
  • It is possible that Japan will face a decline in its labor force population in the long-run despite maximizing the employment of women and the elderly if measures against the declining birthrate do not generate any positive effect.
    女性・高齢者の労働力を最大限高めたとしても、少子化対策の効果が生じない場合、長期的には我が国の労働力人口が減少する可能性がある。 - 経済産業省
  • However, as will be discussed later, there remains the possibility that Japan will face a decline in its labor force population in the long-run despite maximizing the employment of women and the elderly if such an approach does not generate any positive effect for measures against the declining birthrate.
    しかしながら、女性・高齢者の労働力を最大限高めたとしても、後述するように、少子化対策の効果が生じない場合、長期的には我が国の労働力人口が減少する可能性がある。 - 経済産業省
  • Therefore, this section will cover the topics of encouraging employment of the elderly and women, as well as the modality of a desirable measure in accepting foreign workers into Japan as the society faces a population decline in the future.
    そこで、本節においては、高齢者・女性の就業促進及び今後の人口減少社会における、外国人の望ましい受入政策の在り方について検討していく。 - 経済産業省
  • Moreover, a heated debate took place at the European Council meeting in Stockholm in 2001 regarding the promotion of employment of the elderly and targets, such as increasing the average employment rate of the aged population (ages 55-64, total of male and female) in the EU to 50% by 2010.
    さらに、2001年のストックホルム欧州理事会で、高齢者(55~64歳、男女計)のEU平均就業率を2010年までに50%までに引き上げる目標が設定される等、高齢者の就業促進についての議論が高まっている。 - 経済産業省
  • Although the employment rate of the elderly in Japan is quite high by international standards, it is trending downward as the size of the population aged 75 or over increases, mandatory retirement systems and pensions spread, and the number of self-employed declines.
    日本の高齢者の就業率は、国際的に見てかなり高い水準にあるが、75歳以上の後期高齢者の増加、定年制と年金の普及、自営業者の減少等に伴いこのところ低下傾向にある。 - 経済産業省
  • Thus with the population projected to grow even more aged, town development is likely to assume greater importance in the future as a means of making life more convenient for the elderly.
    このように高齢化は今後ますます進むと推測されることから、まちづくりについても、高齢者の住みやすさという観点は、今後更に重要になってくると思われる。 - 経済産業省
  • This demographic growth did not simply mean that the size of the total population was rising it also created a “young society” in which the next generation of young people in the prime of their lives was constantly more numerous than the elderly.
    人口増加社会は、単に総人口の問題だけでなく、次世代を担う働き盛りの若年者が高齢者よりも常に多いという「若い社会」でもあった。 - 経済産業省
  • As examined above, elderly households account for a large portion of final income balance recipients, and the expansion of income surplus is expected to ease the transient impact by the aging population.
    このように、所得収支の最終的な受取者は、高齢者世帯が大きな割合となっており、所得収支拡大は高齢化の過渡的影響を緩和する可能性もある。 - 経済産業省
  • Few of these activities, however, are aimed at addressing the problems associated with Japan's aging and declining population, such as child care support and support for the elderly.
    しかしながら、いずれの活動でも子育て支援や高齢者支援といった少子高齢化社会が直面する課題の分野での活動はあまり見られない。 - 経済産業省
  • A large labour shortage (mainly of cheap labour) had been generated in Taiwan since the 1980‟s, because of Asian NIE‟s economic growth, the advance of economic globalization and a declining birth rate and growing elderly population.
    台湾では、1980年代から、アジアNIEsの経済成長、経済のグローバル化進展、少子高齢化等によって低賃金労働者を中心に大量の労働力不足が発生していた。 - 経済産業省
  • By rapid progression of aging population combined with the diminishing number of children and prolongation of mean life-span, etc., medical care expense for citizens, especially, medical care expense for the elderly acutely increase and further increase is expected in the future (Figs. 6 to 8).
    急速な高齢化の進行、平均寿命の伸長等により、国民医療費、特に、老人医療費が増加しており、今後、さらなる増大が見込まれている(図表6~8)。 - 厚生労働省
  • The age group of less than 15 years occupies the lowest rate, and the proportion of those age 65 or over is the highest in a society of declining birthrate and a growing proportion of elderly people. The production-age population is the lowest.
    少子高齢化により、15歳未満の割合は最も低く、65歳以上の割合は最も高い。生産年齢人口割合は最も低い。 - 厚生労働省
  • (Outlook for the Elderly and Local Communities)There is a large population of baby boomers (those between 51 and 53 years as of 2000) in themetropolitan cities, especially in the suburbs (Figure 27).
    人々の意識の変化は現実の社会的な活動分野にも現れており、社会貢献意識の高まりによって、その受け皿としてNPOも増加している。 - 厚生労働省
  • Whereas the rise in elderly self-employed proprietors has been commensurate with the rise in the elderly labor force population rather than occurring as a result of structural changes in the form of an increase in the proportion of older persons choosing to become selfemployed proprietors, the decline in the number of young and middle-aged self-employed proprietors has been the result of a powerful mechanism differing from this natural process.
    高齢自営業主が増加したことは高齢者の中で自営業主を選択する割合が高まるような構造的な変化が起こったわけではなく、高齢労働力人口の増加に見合ったものといえるのに対して、若・中年自営業主数の減少にはそうした自然な流れとは異なった作用が強く働いているのである。 - 経済産業省
  • The Gini coefficients of the elderly are relatively high compared with other age brackets. Since the population of the elderly, an age group with wider income disparities than other age brackets, is expected to increase, the government should continue to promote measures to secure the economic base of older people, such as a sustainable pension system that provides peace of mind.
    高齢者のジ二係数は、他の年齢階級に比べて高い水準となっており、今後、所得格差が他の年齢階級に比べて高い水準となっている高齢者の増大に伴い、引き続き、持続可能で安心できる年金制度など、高齢期の経済的基盤を確保するための施策を推進していく必要がある。 - 厚生労働省
  • (6) Amid social changes such as population decline, SMEs are capable of offering a diversity of employment opportunities, including self-employment, that meet the needs of the young, women, middle-aged and elderly, who are expected to play an increasing role in the labor market. By offering diverse forms of employment, they can also help meet demands arising from social and lifestyle changes, such as the demands of those who want to balance pregnancy, parenting and work, which will be important if society is to cope with the decrease in the birthrate and population decline.
    〔6〕人口減少等の社会の変化の中で、労働市場において活用が期待される若年者、女性、中高齢者のいずれについても、また、少子化・人口減少対策の上で重要な出産・育児と就業との両立など、社会やライフスタイルの変化による要請についても、中小企業は自営業の形態を含め、多様な就業機会を提供し得る。 - 経済産業省
  • In addition, we specifically conduct measures to improve life-styles for the high-risk population of life-style related diseases and the young adults and middle-aged adults who will be the elderly during the period when proportion of elderly population becomes largest, and also reinforce health promotion among citizens through communities and workplaces, based on effect of social environment on health of citizens.
    その上で、その内容に応じて、生活習慣病を発症する危険度の高い集団や、総人口に占める高齢者の割合が最も高くなる時期に高齢期を迎える現在の青壮年期の世代への生活習慣の改善に向けた働きかけを重点的に行うとともに、社会環境の改善が国民の健康に影響を及ぼすことも踏まえ、地域や職場等を通じて国民に対し健康増進への働きかけを進める。 - 厚生労働省
  • Then, using the ratio, by the correction of an assigned number of the lay judge candidates assigned to the (b) town by a district court, the assigned number of the lay judge candidates fit to the regional characteristic of the (b) town (for example, a population composition ratio of elderly persons 70 years old or older) is provided.
    そして、この比率を用いて地方裁判所からb町に割り当てられた裁判員候補者の割当数を補正することにより、b町の地域特性(たとえば、70歳以上の高齢者の人口構成比率)にあった裁判員候補者の割当数を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • Where the labor force is predicted to decrease in tandem with the declining birthrate and aging population, it is argued that Japan should actively accept foreign workers in parallel with the harnessing of the labor power provided by the aforementioned women and elderly workers.
    このように少子高齢化に伴って労働力人口が減少していくと予測されている中で、先述した女性・高齢者の労働力の活用と並んで外国人労働者を積極的に受け入れるべきであるとの議論がある。 - 経済産業省
  • Accordingly, it is important that economic policy, including SME policy, include measures to expand employment opportunities for older people with the desire and ability to work and so counter the decline in the labor force population, and to develop the environment for maximum use to be made of the abilities and experienced accumulated by the elderly.
    したがって、中小企業政策を含む経済政策の中では、働く意欲と能力のある高齢者の就業機会を拡大し、労働力人口の減少を下支えするとともに、高齢者がこれまで蓄積してきた能力・経験ができるだけ活用される環境整備を図ることが重要である。 - 経済産業省
  • Although social security's primary role is a safety net for people's living, it is also effective in supporting personal consumption and creating effective demand and employment opportunities. In addition, since social security also plays the role of redistributing income among different regions, it actually supports people's livelihood in areas with a high elderly population.
    社会保障には、暮らしを支えるセーフティネットという本来目的のほか、個人消費を支え、有効需要や雇用機会を創出するという効果があり、また、実態として、地域間の所得再分配の効果を持ち、高齢者の多い地域の生活を支えている。 - 厚生労働省
  • A declining birthrate and a growing proportion of elderly people is a common phenomenon in many developed countries. Japan is progressing ​​rapidly in this regard in comparison with other countries. (Various impacts of an aging population) ・Change of course of life ... Diversification of course of life (late marriage, unmarried, etc.), longer period of retirement life, etc. ・Impact on the economy ... The potential growth rate decreases due to a decrease in the labor force and the reduction of savings. The consumption in general is getting smaller due to a decrease in the size of the working generation, resulting in less demand. ・Impact on local communities ... Aging of the metropolitan area, and depopulation of the non-metropolitan areas is becoming more pronounced. There is a concern for difficulty in maintaining communities. ・Impact on finance ... Spending on social security programs, such as pensions, medical and long-term care, has increased more.
    少子高齢化は、多くの先進国に共通の現象ではあるが、日本の場合は、諸外国と比較して急速に進展。 (少子高齢化による様々な影響) - 厚生労働省
  • In rural areas, in particular, there is a big concern that ensuring services related to daily living will be difficult, because the population is decreasing. Providing medical, nursing and welfare services, etc. may become difficult in municipalities, due to the increase in the number of elderly, and a reduction in the number of people of the working generation engaged in the health care and long-term care fields.
    特に地方では、人口減少の中で、生活関連サービスの確保が困難になることが懸念され、基礎自治体レベルでは、高齢者の増加 と医療・介護等サービスに従事する現役世代の減少により、医療、介護、福祉等のサービス提供も難しくなるおそれがある。 - 厚生労働省
  • These results suggest that the companies planto overcome the negative impacts of declining population and aging/declining birthrate by making full usetheir profits, for which a significant rise is not expected in the future, to provide better services andproducts, developing existing personnel skills, and utilizing elderly and female workers, which were notvalued highly as the human resources before.
    [労働市場政策の総合的な推進]第三に、人口減少下においても、労働者の意欲と能力の発揮を通じて、持続的な経済発展を実現していくために、労働市場政策を総合的に展開すること、である。 - 厚生労働省
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