「enemy's general」を含む例文一覧(49)

  • the general of the enemy
    敵の大将 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • They took the enemy's general prisoner.
    敵の大将を生捕った - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • The general was picked off―sniped―by the enemy.
    大将は敵に狙撃された - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • Taking the cut head of the enemy general
    敵将の首級を挙げる - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The general was sure (that) he could defeat the enemy.
    将軍は敵を打ち破れると確信していた. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • The general moved his troops without letting the enemy notice them.
    将軍は敵に気づかれないように兵を進めた. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • The general went against the enemy at the head of a large army.
    大将は大軍を率いて敵に向かった - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • The general went against the enemy at the head of an army.
    大将が軍勢を率いて敵に向かった - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • The general declared―vowed―that he would bring the enemy to his knees.
    大将は敵を降参さしてみせるといきまいた - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • The General, with a flying army, struck at the enemy's capital.
    大将は懸軍長駆して敵の都をついた - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • A foolish general will play into the enemy's hands.
    ばかな大将は敵の利益を図る - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • The general decided to launch an offensive against the enemy camp.
    大将は敵陣に攻撃をかける決断を下した。 - Tatoeba例文
  • The general decided to launch an offensive against the enemy camp.
    大将は敵陣に攻撃をかける決断を下した。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • After the war, he executed the surrendered enemy general, TAIRA no Iehiro and his son.
    乱の後、敵方の降将・平家弘父子を処刑。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The general never lost his presence of mind in the face of the large force of the enemy.
    将軍は、敵の大軍を前にしても落ち着きを失わなかった。 - Tatoeba例文
  • The general never lost his presence of mind in the face of the large force of the enemy.
    将軍は、敵の大軍を前にしても落ち着きを失わなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • Finally, he made up his mind to counterattack and killed the enemy general, Ubunkai.
    彼はついに逆襲を決意、敵の将である宇文会を討ち取った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Then, Naozane KUMAGAI, who was looking for an enemy general, stopped Atsumori and said, 'only a coward shows his back to his enemy. You should come back'.
    すると、敵将を探していた熊谷直実が「敵に後ろを見せるのは卑怯でありましょう、お戻りなされ」と呼び止める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As a general art of handling, a person holds a chain in his right hand and kama in his left hand to take aim at the enemy's head, face, shank and forearm to hit with the weight, use the chain to knock off the enemy's weapon, entangle the chain with the enemy's wrist or leg while containing the movements of the enemy and then slashing the enemy with a blade of kama held in the left hand to kill him.
    一般的な操法として、右手に鎖、左手に鎌を持ち、敵の頭部・顔面・脛・小手の部分を狙って分銅を打ち付けたり、敵の武器を鎖で叩き落したり、敵の手首や足に鎖を絡めさせたりしながら、敵の動きを封じた後左手に持った鎌刃で斬りつけ止めを刺す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was awarded for his bravery with a marten fur from the enemy general Naomasa AKAI, who was known as the Red Ogre (Aka Oni) of Tamba.
    丹波の赤鬼といわれた敵将赤井直正から武勇を賞されて、貂の皮を拝領した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In "Genpei Seisuiki", her struggling with an enemy general and farewell to Yoshinaka were described in more details.
    敵将との組合いや義仲との別れがより詳しく描写されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Tadanori performed a meritorious deed of killing the enemy general Yasuke KARIYAHARA in cooperation with Shigemasa MURAO.
    忠則は村尾重昌と共に敵将の仮屋原弥助を討ち取る武勲をあげる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • By the way, mother of the enemy general Shigetada was a daughter of Yoshiaki; thus Shigetada was Yoshiaki's sotomago (a grandchild from a daughter married into another family).
    なお、敵将の重忠の母は義明の娘であり、義明から見ると外孫であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Fujitaka surrendered Tanabe-jo Castle and instead settled in Tanba-Kameyama-jo Castle in Tanba, which was owned by the enemy general, Shigekatsu MAEDA.
    田辺城を開城した藤孝は敵将前田茂勝の丹波亀山城に入った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On May 4, 1584, in the Battle of Okitanawate, when he fought the Ryuzoji clan of Hizen Province, he attacked the enemy's main force, and his heir Tadakata rendered distinguished service by killing the enemy General Takanobu RYUZOJI.
    天正12年(1584年)3月24日、沖田畷の戦いにおいて肥前国の龍造寺氏と戦いその本隊を襲撃、嫡子・川上忠堅が大将の龍造寺隆信を討ち取る大功を挙げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the time of the Battle of Tsushima, staff officer Saneyuki AKIYAMA sent a report by telegraph to the Imperial General Headquarters which read, "Have received report that that enemy fleet has been sighted and our fleet will proceed forthwith to sea to attack and destroy the enemy. Weather today is fine but waves are high."
    この日本海海戦に際し、「敵艦見ゆとの警報に接し、連合艦隊はただちに出動これを撃滅せんとす。本日天気晴朗なれども波高し」と秋山真之参謀が起草し大本営に一報を打電した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • And usually, the cut head had a meaning only if it was the enemy general or closer to the rank, heads of common soldiers were not cut.
    また通常、首級は敵の大将かそれに近い人物でなければ意味がなく、雑兵の首は首級にしなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Soon an order was issued to subjugate Yoshinobu as the enemy of the Imperial Court, and the Imperial Army led by General Prince Arisugawa Taruhito set off to the east.
    間もなく、慶喜を朝敵とする追討令が下り、大総督・有栖川宮熾仁親王に率いられた官軍が東征を開始する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the late Udaishogun (the great general of the right (MINAMOTO no Yoritomo) destroyed the Emperor's enemy and opened Kanto, the debt of gratitude is higher than the mountains, deeper than the sea, so are official court ranks, horoku (salary).'
    「故・右大将軍(頼朝)が朝敵を滅ぼし関東を開いて以降、官位も俸禄も、その恩は山より高く海より深い。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During the general offensive on Hakodate on June 20, Kuroda commanded a small group of troops and occupied Mt. Hakodate to the rear before driving the enemy into Goryokaku.
    11日の箱館総攻撃では、自ら少数の兵を率いて背後の箱館山を占領し、敵を五稜郭に追い込んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Oei War in 1399, he was a part of the army of bakufu as well as his father and achieved a military exploit in which he defeated the enemy general, Yoshihiro OUCHI.
    1399年の応永の乱では父と共に幕府軍の一翼を成し、敵将・大内義弘を討ち取る武功を挙げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that during this period, Michitoshi, with an approval of the military, entombed with courtesy the dead body of his enemy, General Takamori SAIGO, at Kagoshima Jokomyo-ji Temple.
    通俊はこの時、敵将である西郷隆盛の遺体を軍部の了解を得て鹿児島浄光明寺に丁重に葬ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Japan repeatedly set forth on expeditions with large armies, and eventually SAKANOUE no Tamuramaro, the seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians"), subdued the enemy by building the Isawa and Shiwa castles.
    日本は大軍で繰り返し遠征し、征夷大将軍坂上田村麻呂が胆沢城と志波城を築いて征服した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Before modern times, in a battle field, an enemy general was beheaded with a Japanese sword after being pushed down, which was called Kumiuchi.
    近世以前、戦場では敵将を倒し組み伏せて、日本刀でその首をとる事がなされたが、これを組討という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Tomoe did not agree to the Yoshinaka's order, but as she was ordered repeatedly, she said, 'This is my last service.' and when the enemy general who was famous for his strength appeared, she rode her hose side by side with the general's horse and brought him down, wrenching his neck off and throwing the head away.
    巴はなおも落ちようとしなかったが、再三言われたので「最後のいくさしてみせ奉らん(最後の奉公でございます)」と言い、大力と評判の敵将が現れると、馬を押し並べて引き落とし、首をねじ切って捨てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, the Dainagon (Major Counselor), Mitsuhiro KARASUMA, visited Edo as Imperial envoy during the era of Iemitsu TOKUGAWA, the third Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") of the Edo Shogunate, to hear of Masakado's achievements from the Shogunate, upon which he cleared Masakado tarnished reputation as an enemy of the Imperial Court, reporting the Emperor in proclaiming, "Masakado is not an enemy of the Imperial Court" during the era of Iemitsu.
    また、将門の朝敵としての汚名は江戸幕府三代征夷大将軍徳川家光の時代に、勅使として江戸に下向した大納言烏丸光広が幕府より将門の事績について聞かされ、「将門は朝敵に非ず」との奏上により、除かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Making a sortie as the lieutenant general for interception, Noritsune said in a loud voice, "Everyone, it would be a pity if you get captured alive by those from the northern countries. Let's combine our boats!" and attacked by combining boats and placing boards onto them to provide a flat space and cross the sea together with horses; Noritsune fought furiously at the head and slew Yukihiro UNNO, Samurai chief of the enemy, and Yoshikiyo ASHIKAGA, the general of the enemy, scuttled his boat and killed himself, giving the Taira family a great victory(Battle of Mizushima).
    副将軍として迎撃に出撃した教経は「者ども、北国の奴ら生捕られては残念であろう、さあ味方の船を組め」と大音声をあげて、船をつなぎ合わせて板を渡して平坦にして馬とともに押し渡る戦法で攻めかかり、教経が先頭に立って奮戦、敵の侍大将の海野幸広を討ち取り、大将の足利義清は船を沈めて自害して大勝した(水島の戦い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was quite difficult to cut off a head quickly in the middle of a battlefield with Yari (spears) or weapons other than swords, and the cut head of the enemy general could show the achievement of a soldier in a battle, so it is said that swords were important.
    槍などの刀以外の武器では、戦場の真っ只中で迅速に首を切り落とすのは、非常に困難であり、合戦では自らの功績を示すものが敵将の首級であった為、重要であったとする説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Yasaka-bon text, after Tomoe killed an enemy general who had chased after her, she was told by Yoshinaka to run away and convinced that her last service should be to mourn him, and she headed eastward and she was lost.
    八坂本では、巴を追ってきた敵将を返り討ちにした後、義仲に落ちるように言われ、後世を弔うことが最後の奉公であると諭されて東へ向かい行方知れずとなったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Battle of Shizugatake in 1583, he distinguished himself by defeating Masakuni YAMAJI, the enemy general, for which Hideyoshi gave him a territory of 3,000 koku in crop yields as one of the Shizugatake-no-shichihon-yari.
    天正11年(1583年)の賤ヶ岳の戦いでは敵将・山路正国を討ち取るという武功を挙げ、秀吉より「賤ヶ岳の七本槍」の一人として3,000石の所領を与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although he was appointed as Governor General of Defense for this achievement, they were obviously outnumbered even with the reinforcements, so his wife was killed by an explosion, then Aizu Wakamatsu Casle fell to the enemy.
    この功績によって防衛総督に任じられるも加勢を持ってしても多勢に無勢は明らかで、妻のトセが爆死し、会津若松城は落城。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Jinshin War of year 672, Fukei raised his army to support Oama no Miko (Oshiama no Miko or Prince Oama who became Emperor Tenmu following the victory in the war); he beat enemy's troops which advanced to Yamato City, and took control of those troops to become a general of Yamato Province.
    672年の壬申の乱で、吹負は大海人皇子(天武天皇)側に立って兵を挙げ、飛鳥の倭京に集結中の敵軍を乗っ取って、倭(大和国)の方面の将軍になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Joshi KOKUSHI, who was awarded the post of the General of the Left Military Guard and the Vice Commander of the Kogen section as a reward for his contributions in former years, again made a night attack on the Toban camp with his best-picked elite 3,000 cavalrymen and made the enemy retreat.
    先年の戦功により左武衛将軍・河源軍副使となった黒歯常之は精鋭の騎兵3000を率いて、再び、吐蕃の陣を夜襲して、吐蕃軍を退却させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to a letter sent by Kyoga to a priest at Ada of Chofuku-ji Temple in Kai Province, in 1576, Shingen TAKEDA an old enemy always described Kenshin as an 'Unrivaled Taisho (general) in Japan.'
    天正4年に甲斐の僧・教賀が長福寺の空陀に送った書状によれば、宿敵たる武田信玄も常々謙信をして「日本無双之名大将」と評していたそうである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Rebellion of KOREHARI no Azamaro (Hoki Rebellion) broke out in 780, he was appointed to Jisetsu Seito Taishi (the great general of conquering east-barbarians) as a successor to FUJIWARA no Tsugutada from the Southern House of the Fujiwara clan, so he led 2,000 troops and blocked the enemy's fort.
    翌11年(780年)伊治呰麻呂の乱(宝亀の乱)が起こると、藤原南家の藤原継縄の後任として持節征東大使に任ぜられ2,000の兵を率いて出兵し、敵の要害を遮断したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The western army with Onogi, which was becoming dominant, was not able to refuse the royal command because it was a command from the Emperor, and Yusai surrendered Tanabe-jo Castle to the western army and entered Kameyama-jo Castle, the lord of which was Shigekatsu MAEDA, the enemy general, in Tanba on September 6.
    勅命ということで、優位であった小野木ら西軍も拒絶することがでず、9月6日に幽斎は西軍に田辺城を開城して明け渡し、敵将・前田茂勝の居城である丹波亀山城に入った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In principle, 'Shozan' should have been designated by the decree of Seii Taishogun (great general who subdues the barbarians) of the Muromachi shogunate government as in the case of 'Gozan', but as the upper limit was not set for the designation, commands from Emperor Daijo of the Northern Court or even qualifications by the Southern Court, which was the enemy of the bakufu, were confirmed so that 'Shozan' was given to a lot of 'Zenrin.'
    原則的には五山と同様に室町幕府の征夷大将軍御教書によって指定されることになっていたが、特に上限を設けなかったために多くの禅林に諸山の称号が与えられ、北朝_(日本)太上天皇の院宣や果ては敵である南朝_(日本)による諸山称号が追認されたものまであったと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In this battle, Yaichiro NAGAYAMA, a brave general of the Satsuma army, encouraged his warriors through the following appeal but could not change the battle situation to their advantage: 'Why are you so cowardly?; If we allowed the enemy to seize this place, how the soldiers stationed outside Kumamoto Castle would become?; Only what is important is to defend this place to the last; It is for that achievement that you are to be praised as a good warrior, if alive, or a loyal retainer, if dead; Fight desperately until all of our weapons are used up' (according to "Satsunan Ketsurui-shi" (the history of Satsunan full of blood and tears)).
    この時、薩軍の猛将永山弥一郎は「諸君何ぞ斯(かく)の如く怯なる、若し敵をして此地を奪はしめんか、熊本城外の我守兵を如何にせん、大事之に因て去らんのみ、生きて善士と称し、死して忠臣と称せらるゝは唯此時にあり、各死力を尽し刀折れ矢竭(つ)き而して後已(やまん)」(『薩南血涙史』)と激励したが、戦況を逆転することはできなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Combined Fleet overwhelmed and annihilated the Baltic Fleet which was said to be the strongest in Europe through the superior tactics of the commander Heihachiro TOGO, the outstanding strategy of his two staff officers (Saneyuki AKIYAMA and Tetsutaro SATO), the pursuit of the enemy by the Second Fleet (a cruiser fleet) under the command of General Hikonojo KAMIMURA, torpedo operations with destroyers led by Kantaro SUZUKI, and the use of Shimose gunpowder (What was then the world's most powerful gunpowder), Ijuin fuse, cutting-edge radio sets, the invention and application of volley tactics, and the deployment of the world's fastest fleet in battle among several other factors.
    連合艦隊は、東郷平八郎司令長官の優れた戦術、二人の参謀(秋山真之、佐藤鉄太郎)による見事な作戦、上村彦之丞将軍率いる第二艦隊(巡洋艦を中心とした艦隊)による追撃、鈴木貫太郎の駆逐隊による魚雷攻撃作戦、下瀬火薬(世界最強火薬)、伊集院信管、新型無線機、世界初の斉射戦術、世界最高水準の高速艦隊運動などによって、欧州最強と言われたバルチック艦隊を圧倒、これを殲滅した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
