
  • to enthrone
    (皇位などの)位につく - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • to enthrone a monarch
    君主が即位する - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • to dethrone one ruler and enthrone another
    君主を廃して別の君主を立てる - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • On April 21, as if Teishi followed Masaruko, she entered into the palace, and was enthrone; she became the second consort of an emperor on June 22.
    多子の後を追うように、4月21日に呈子も入内して、6月22日に立后、中宮となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He secretly strengthened his intention to bring down the Soga clan's powers and searched for an imperial prince to enthrone for this purpose.
    密かに蘇我氏体制打倒の意志を固め、擁立すべき皇子を探した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1242, he maneuvered to enthrone the Emperor Gosaga on the order of Regent Yasutoki.
    仁治3年(1242年)、執権泰時の命を受けて後嵯峨天皇の擁立工作を行なった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moriya maneuvered to enthrone Prince Anahobe, but Umako preempted his moves by killing the Prince.
    守屋は穴穂部皇子を皇位に就けようと画策したが、馬子が先手を打って穴穂部皇子を殺した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yoshinaka wished to enthrone Hokuriku no miya (first son of Prince Mochihito) whom he had served, and asked Shungyo to mediate with Emperor Goshirakawa.
    義仲は、みずからが奉じていた北陸宮(以仁王第一王子)を皇位につけようとこの俊堯に後白河法皇への取り成しを依頼した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In March in 969, MINAMOTO no Takaakira, Sadaijin lost his position after a plot to raise a war in an attempt to enthrone Imperial Prince Tamehira was informed (Anna Incident).
    安和2年(969年)3月、為平親王を奉じて乱を起こそうとしているとの謀反の密告により、左大臣源高明が失脚する(安和の変)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After Emperor Buretsu died, he helped Emperor Keitai to enthrone, and he was appointed to the Omuraji again with OTOMO no Kanamura after Emperor Keitai's enthronement.
    武烈天皇の死後、継体天皇の擁立を働きかけ、その即位後に大伴金村と共に再び大連に任ぜられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Based on the last words, SOGA no Emishi thought that Empress Suiko had planned to enthrone Tamura no Miko, then put him forward as the next emperor of Yamato (Japan).
    蘇我蝦夷は、この遺詔から、推古の思惑は田村皇子後継にあったと考え、田村を次期ヤマト大王として擁立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • TACHIBANA no Naramaro planned to overpower FUJIWARA no Nakamaro and to enthrone and dethrone the emperor; however, the coup did not succeed due to its exposure by a force of betrayal.
    橘奈良麻呂が藤原仲麻呂を滅ぼして、天皇の廃立を企てたが、密告により露見して未遂に終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Naramaro asked OTOMO no Komaro to enthrone Prince Kibumi together with the Saeki clan; however, both SAEKI and OTOMO refused the proposal.
    このとき奈良麻呂は大伴古麻呂を誘い、大伴佐伯両氏族をもって黄文王擁立を告げるが佐伯大伴両氏はともにこれを拒絶した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since Prince Kusakabe ended up as Crown Prince and died young, Uno no Sarara no Himemiko succeeded to the throne temporarily as Emperor Jito in the lunar New Year in 690, until Prince Kusakabe's son, Prince Karu (Emperor Monmu) became old enough to enthrone.
    結局皇太子のまま草壁は早世してしまい、彼女は草壁の遺児・軽皇子(後の文武天皇)が成人するまでの中継ぎとして、690年旧正月にようやく持統天皇として即位した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to Shoku Nihongi (Chronicle of Japan Continued), after Emperor Monmu died, since the successor, Emperor Shomu was too young to enthrone and the issue as to who should succeed to the throne was raised, it was decided that Ahe no Himemiko rule the government temporarily, who was Emperor Monmu's mother and Emperor Tenchi/Tenji's Princess.
    続日本紀によると、文武天皇の崩御後、世継ぎの聖武天皇が幼少であったため後継問題が浮上し、そこで文武天皇の母で天智天皇の皇女にあたる阿閉皇女が仮に政務を執った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Mononobe clan of Omuraji (the most powerful of Muraji [one of the highest family names]) attempted to enthrone Prince Anahobe no Miko who, in reverse, was killed by SOGA no Umako.
    一方連(おおむらじ)の物部氏は、穴穂部皇子(あなほべのみこ)を即位させようとはかるが、穴穂部皇子は蘇我馬子によって逆に殺されてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, when the power in the Soga clan transferred to SOGA no Iruka, son of Emishi, Iruka planned to enthrone Furuhito no Oe no Miko, who Iruka could control at his will, and Iruka put up Empress Kogyoku as a interim successor.
    だが、蘇我氏の実権が蝦夷の息子の蘇我入鹿に移ると、入鹿はより蘇我氏の意のままになると見られた古人大兄皇子の擁立を企て、その中継ぎとして皇極天皇を擁立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since the prince was too young when the Emperor Bidatsu died and there was a movement to support Oshisaka no Hikohito no Oenomiko, his older paternal half-brother to enthrone; his enthronement was given up then the Emperor Yomei, the brother of the Emperor Bidatsu was enthroned.
    敏達天皇崩御時には皇子は幼少であった事や異母兄である押坂彦人大兄皇子を擁立する動きもあった為即位が見送られ敏達天皇の皇兄弟、用明天皇が即位する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On August 14th, Yoshinaka intervened on the enthronement of the new emperor by claiming that this great achievement was due to Prince Hokuriku whom he backed up; he insisted the Imperial Court to enthrone the Prince as the emperor.
    8月14日、義仲は新帝即位に介入し、今度の大功は自らが推戴してきた北陸宮の力であるとして、この宮を天皇として即位させるよう朝廷に執拗に申し立てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Takakuni killed one of his subordinates, Motomori KOZAI, in order to cause internal strife in the Hosokawa clan in 1526, Harumoto HOSOKAWA, who confronted Takakuni, fought against Takakuni with the assistance of Motonaga MIYOSHI in order to enthrone Yoshitsuna ASHIKAGA, the younger brother of Yoshiharu.
    大永6年(1526年)、高国が家臣の香西元盛を殺害して細川氏で内紛が起こると、高国と対立していた細川晴元は、三好元長の援助を受けて義晴の弟・足利義維を擁立して高国と戦う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1504, he attempted to dethrone his lord Masamoto to enthrone Masamoto's adopted son Sumimoto HOSOKAWA in conspiracy with Motokazu YAKUSHIJI, but they were overcome and arrested by Motokazu's younger brother Nagatada YAKUSHIJI and his team.
    永正元年(1504年)、薬師寺元一と結託して主君・政元の廃立とその養子である細川澄元の擁立を企てたが、元一の弟・薬師寺長忠らによって鎮圧されて捕らえられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After Emperor Shotoku passed away without selecting Crown Prince in 770, he worked together with his brother FUJIWARA no Yoshitsugu to enthrone Emperor Konin by overcoming the opposition from parties including Udaijin (Minister of the Right) KIBI no Makibi.
    宝亀元年(770年)称徳天皇が皇嗣を定めないまま崩御した際、右大臣吉備真備らの反対をおして、兄藤原良継とともに、光仁天皇を擁立。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • TACHIBANA no Naramaro, Komaro, and other members conspired to raise an army and plotted to kill Nakamaro, dethrone the crown prince and Emperess Koken, and enthrone the Emperor from among Prince Shioyaki, Prince Funado, Prince Asukabe, and Prince Kibumi.
    橘奈良麻呂、古麻呂らが一味して兵を起こして仲麻呂を殺して皇太子を退け、孝謙天皇を廃し、塩焼王、道祖王、安宿王、黄文王の中から天皇を推戴するという計画であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When the Empress Koken passed away in 770, he, as a councilor, helped to enthrone the Emperor Konin, with FUJIWARA no Nagate and so on, then he was promoted from Chunagon (Vice-Councilor of the State) to Dainagon Shosanmi (Councilor of the State, Senior Third Court Rank).
    宝亀元年(770年)孝謙天皇が没した時、参議として藤原永手などとともに光仁天皇を擁立、中納言を経て、大納言正三位にいたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Having no choice, he decided to enthrone one of the two princes of Emperor Takakura, but Yoshinaka suddenly insisted on enthroning Hokuroku no miya, the son of Prince Mochihito.
    やむを得ず、都に残っている高倉天皇の皇子2人の中から新天皇を擁立することを決めるが、ここで義仲は突如として以仁王の子息・北陸宮の即位を主張する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At Izumi-dono, which was designated as a residence of the Retired Emperor Kogen, the ceremony of geupuku (attaining manhood) for Imperial Prince Yutahiro was carried out, and then immediately after his Senso-no-gi (a ceremony to enthrone as a new emperor) as an adopted son of the Retired Emperor was carried out at the main house.
    光厳上皇の御所とされた泉殿にて親王の元服が行われ、そのまま上皇の猶子として寝殿において践祚の儀が執り行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Naramaro, who felt threatened by the empowerment of the Fujiwara clan, talked to SAEKI no Matanari again about his plan of rebellion during the Daijo-sai festival (a festival that celebrated the succession of an emperor) to enthrone Empress Koken in December.
    藤原氏の台頭に危機感を抱いた奈良麻呂は11月の孝謙天皇即位大嘗祭の時佐伯全成に再び謀反の計画を謀った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The plan was as follows; Naramaro and others would rise an army to kill Nakamaro and relieve the Crown Prince of his position, then deprive ekirei (a bell needed for the exercise of imperial power) and Imperial Seal, enact the decree under udaijin (minister of the right) FUJIWARA no Toyonari, relieve the Emperor of his position and enthrone a new emperor among Prince Shioyaki, Prince Funado, Prince Asukabe and Prince Kibumi.
    計画は、奈良麻呂らが兵を起こして仲麻呂を殺して皇太子を退け、次いで駅鈴と玉璽(ぎょくじ)を奪い、右大臣・藤原豊成を奉じて天下に号令し、天皇を廃して塩焼王、道祖王、安宿王、黄文王の中から天皇を推戴するというものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 660, after Kudara was destroyed by the Silla-Tang allied forces, Fukushin KISHITSU and Joshi KOKUSHI led the surviving members of Kudara to take up arms for Kudara's restoration, and sought help from Wakoku to enthrone the King of Kudara, Prince Fuyo Hosho, who was residing there at the time.
    660年(斉明天皇6年)に唐・新羅連合軍の攻撃によって百済が攻め滅ぼされたのち、百済の遺臣は、鬼室福信・黒歯常之らを中心として百済復興の兵をあげ、倭国に滞在していた百済王の太子扶余豊璋を擁立しようと、倭国に救援を要請した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • That the Empress Shotoku emphasized her intention again to appoint the successor to the Imperial Throne herself in an imperial rescript issued in November 769, which was after the incident; (Since the time of Taro SAKAMOTO [historian], this has been interpreted as the renunciation to let Dokyo ascend the throne; Hosoi thinks that it was no more than that the empress only emphasized her intention to enthrone a person in her mind [including Dokyo] while cautioning Imperial family members and court nobles not to act rashly.)
    事件後の神護景雲3年10月の詔勅によって称徳天皇自身が改めて皇位継承者を自らが決める意思を強調していること(坂本太郎(歴史学者)以来、これを道鏡への譲位断念と解釈されるが、細井は皇族の軽挙を戒めているが、天皇が意中の人物(道鏡を含めて)を求める旨を強調したに過ぎないとする)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It also states things as follows: after Bogo JANG returned to Silla first and got a higher ranking position (ambassador of Cheonghaejin), Jeongyeon, who lost his job, starving and frozen from cold, visited Jang and Jang welcomed him; as soon as Jang heard about the capital being in chaos after King Minae was killed in the middle of a party, Jang gave a force of 5,000 men to Jeongyeon, saying 'No one else apart from you can settle this distress', he let Jeongyeon killed the rebels to enthrone a new King; Jang was appointed as the Chancellor by the new King and that Jeongyeon took over the position of the ambassador of Cheonghaejin.
    張保皐が先に新羅に帰って高い官位(清海鎮大使)を得た後に、職を去って餓え凍えていた鄭年が張保皐を頼っていったときに暖かくこれを迎えたこと、歓迎の宴の最中に閔哀王が殺されて国都が混乱していることを聞くや、張保皐が鄭年に兵5千を与えて「あなた(鄭年)でなくては、この禍難を収めることはできないだろう」といい、反乱者を討たせて新王を立てたこと、新王によって張保皐は宰相に取り立てられたこと、代わりに鄭年が清海鎮大使を継いだこと、を記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
