「expulsion from school」を含む例文一覧(4)

  • the child's expulsion from school
    その子供の退学処分 - 日本語WordNet
  • Because staying in the same grade for three years meant expulsion from school, it is said that there was a student audacious enough to 'deliberately' repeat the same year once in each grade of the three years in advanced course, staying in school for six years.
    おなじ学年に3年とどまると放校(退学)となるため、「計画的」に高等科3年間の修業年限を1回ずつ落第し6年いつづけた猛者もいたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The adoption of such a principle would mean that a shogun would be able to expel an emperor; consequently the Kimon school founded by Ansai YAMAZAKI took a position opposed to the expulsion of a disqualified monarch and transformed Zhu Xi's teachings from a pro-establishment ideology to one that was anti-establishment.
    それを認めると天皇を将軍が放伐してよいことになり、山崎闇斎を始祖とする崎門学派が湯武放伐を否定して、体制思想としての朱子学を反体制思想へと転化させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, as he lacked talent and repeatedly caused troubles and scandals, he was given an order by the Nohgaku Performers' Association to withdraw from membership (which is the second heaviest punishment after expulsion, but still leaves room for coming back) while occupational branch families in the school claimed that his succession should be invalid.
    加えて芸力の不足や度重なるトラブルとスキャンダルを引きおこしたこともあって、能楽協会からは退会命令(「除名」の次に重い処分、復帰の可能性は残されている)の処分を受け、流内職分から宗家相続無効を主張された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
