「famous music」を含む例文一覧(31)

  • a famous music record
    有名なレコード - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a famous work of music
    有名な曲 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a famous singer of rock music
    有名なロック歌手 - 日本語WordNet
  • What is the famous music of Malaysia?
    マレーシアで有名な音楽って何ですか? - Weblio Email例文集
  • With regards to music, he is one of the most famous critics.
    音楽に関しては、彼は最も有名な批評家の一人である。 - Tatoeba例文
  • In music, he is a famous critic.
    音楽に関しては、彼は最も有名な批評家の一人である。 - Tatoeba例文
  • As regards music he is one of the most famous critics.
    音楽に関しては、彼は最も有名な批評家の一人である。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • It is famous for 'Shinnai nagashi' (Shinnai theatrical music played by a strolling musician) in which the musician plucks the strings with the fingernails and performs standing up.
    爪を用い、立って演奏する「新内流し」が有名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Soshimari, seen in the section on Goryeo music in the Wamyosho (a famous Heian-period Japanese dictionary) is a song that tells of the customs of that place.
    按倭名鈔高麗樂曲有蘇志摩利疑其地風俗之歌曲乎 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Among others, the most famous tune of imayo is "Etenraku Imayo," which set the words to the tune of "Etenraku" (literally, the music brought from heaven).
    中でも有名なのは、『越天楽』のメロディーに歌詞を付けた『越天楽今様』である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Large fireworks are set off to the music of famous movies such as Harry Potter.
    大きな花火がハリー・ポッターのような有名な映画の音楽に合わせて打ち上げられます。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Chidori no kyoku' (a song for plover), one of his compositions, is famous as an excellent Kokyu-specific piece of music, and is also well-known as an excellent piece of music for So.
    作品のひとつ「千鳥の曲」は胡弓の本曲、名曲として、また箏の名曲として名高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kocho (Butterflies) and Engiraku for which Tadafusa composed the music and which Imperial Prince Atsumi choreographed were famous as representative works of Komagaku (Korean Music).
    忠房が作曲し敦実親王が振付を施した胡蝶や延喜楽は、高麗楽の代表的な作品として知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was famous as a man of refined taste at the time, so he played the role of judge in 'Eawase' (A Picture Contest) and 'Umegae' (The Plum Tree Branch), and often appeared in scenes of court music performance.
    当代きっての風流人として知られ、「絵合」「梅枝」などで判者をつとめた他、管弦の場面でもたびたび登場する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A pattern of waves in blue ocean which originates from a pattern in the dress of 'seigaiha,' which had been transmitted to the court music of Japan, is especially famous.
    宮廷雅楽に伝承されている「青海波」の装束紋に由来する青海波は特に有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, each issue has two 'Frank Speaking to Chief Priests and Temples': essays by famous peoples of various sectors, ranging from literary world, public entertainments, music, academics, to journalism.
    この他、文壇、芸能、音楽、学術、ジャーナリズムなど、各界の著名人によるエッセイ「住職・寺院に直言」が毎号2本掲載される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He is famous for the elimination of Shuten Doji of Oeyama (Mt. Oe) and his appearance in kagura (sacred music and dancing performed at shrine) (Noh song) 'Tsuchigumo,' 'Komochi Yamanba' and 'Takiyasha Hime.'
    大江山の酒呑童子退治や、神楽(謡曲)「土蜘蛛」「子持山姥」「滝夜叉姫」に登場することで有名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was the first of the Minamoto clan to successfully reach the position of Daijo Daijin (Grand Minister), and he was also famous as a man of culture with knowledge and skill in court dance, music, and literature.
    源氏初の太政大臣まで出世したほか、舞楽や文学に長じた文化人としても名を残す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Toyohara clan represented one of the Raku families of Sanpo gakuso (organization of transmission of gagaku, ancient court music), and Tokiaki's grandfather Tokimitsu TOYOHARA and father Tokimoto were famous as the great masters of Sho (traditional Japanese wind instrument resembling panpipes).
    豊原氏は代表的な三方楽所楽家の一つであり、時秋の祖父豊原時光、父の時元とも笙の大家として名高かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As for public entertainment, court nobles enjoyed songs and ballads from former generations; saibara (genre of Heian-period Japanese court music - primarily consisting of gagaku-styled folk melodies), kagura-uta (songs to accompany kagura performances) and roei recitation of famous phrases from Chinese-style poem or waka.
    芸能では、貴族層は前代以来の歌謡である催馬楽(さいばら)や神楽歌、漢詩や和歌の名句を吟ずる朗詠を楽しんだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Bugaku (traditional Japanese court music accompanied by dancing) of Shoryoe performed at Ishibutai (stone stage) as one of the three famous stages observes the tradition of Tennoji division of Sanpo gakuso (organization of transmission of Bugaku, ancient court music), which is Important Intangible Property of Folk Culture.
    日本三舞台の一つである石舞台で披露される聖霊会の舞楽は、三方楽所天王寺方の伝統を受け継ぐものであり、重要無形民俗文化財である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Music such as 'Kisen' and 'Karigane' named several tea brands lined up in the order of four seasons, and it produced a calm atmosphere with the idea to walk around in the four seasons of Uji, a famous tea production area.
    「喜撰」「雁が音」など、多数の茶の銘を詠み込み四季の順に配列しつつ、春夏秋冬の茶の名産地宇治を巡り歩くという風流な趣向の曲。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was a famous shamisen and kokyu (a Chinese fiddle) musician, but the new 'miyakobushi scale' (characteristic Japanese hemitonic pentatonic scale: mi, fa, la, ti, do) was already popularly used for shamisen music.
    彼は三味線や胡弓の名手でもあったが、三味線の音楽などではすでに民間の新しい音階である「都節音階」が使われ、普及していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was known as a brilliant koto player and composed his own shamisen songs, but he was far more famous for playing lots of jiuta excellently, especially tegotomono (a form of Japanese chamber music) songs.
    箏の名手として知られ、三味線の自作曲もあるが、むしろ多くの地歌、特に手事物曲に優れた箏の手付をしたことの方がはるかに有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Masazane possessed outstanding skill in court dance and music, and there is a famous story that upon the unnatural death of Suketada ONO, who was supposed to pass down the court dance, Konju, Emperor Horikawa ordered Masazane to teach the dance to Tadataka ONO (Suketada's son).
    雅実は舞楽に優れ、秘曲『胡飲酒』を伝える楽家の多資忠が変死したとき、堀河天皇が『胡飲酒』を伝受していた雅実に命じて多忠方(資忠の子)に伝えさせた話は名高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The 25 winners this fall include singer-songwriter Nakajima Miyuki and composer Hisaishi Joe, famous for the music he has written for Miyazaki Hayao’s animated movies.
    今秋の受章者25人の中には,シンガーソングライターの中島みゆきさんや,宮﨑駿(はやお)さんのアニメ映画のために書いた音楽で有名な作曲家の久(ひさ)石(いし)譲(じょう)さんがいる。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • In 975, at 27 years old, Imperial Princess Kishi was the imperial princess chosen to serve as high priestess of Ise for Emperor Enyu, so the following year in 976, Queen Kishi traveled with her daughter for the ceremonial first entry of the new high priestess; it was in the winter of that same year that Queen Kishi composed her famous Shofu nyu yakin (Into the Night of Koto Music Comes the Wind of the Pines) poem, during the poetry contest held at the temporary shrine of Ise.
    天延3年(975年)、規子内親王が27歳で円融天皇の斎宮に選ばれると、翌貞元_(日本)元年(976年)の初斎院入りに徽子女王も同行、同年冬の野宮歌合では有名な「松風入夜琴」の歌を詠む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His father, Imperial Prince Atsuzane, was famous for his biwa play and, most probably because of its influence, Masanobu was also a past master mentioned as 'very good at music and the greatest master of his period' and he defined 'Gen-ke Konpon Roei Nanashu' (seven singing poems for the Minamoto family) and later called "the patriarch of Roei recitation."
    また、父敦実親王が琵琶の名手として有名で、その影響か雅信自身も「音楽堪能、一代之名匠也」といわるほどの達人で「源家根本朗詠七首」などを定め、後世に朗詠の祖とまで言われるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There is a famous anecdote related to this occasion as follows: to the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa, who said to him 'As you were living a country life, you have forgotten music, haven't you?' he replied reciting a verse of imayo (popular style of song in Heian period) that originally reads, 'The river along the Kisoji Road which is supposed to be in deep Shinano,' by changing it slightly as, 'The river along the Kisoji Road which surely exists in deep Shinano,' (recorded in "Jikkinsho" [Miscellany of Ten Maxims], "Heike Monogatari" [The Tale of the Heike], etc.).
    その際、後白河院に「田舎住まいで音曲など忘れただろう」という問いに対して、「信濃にあんなる木曽路河」という今様を「信濃に有し木曽路河」と謡い替えた逸話は有名(『十訓抄』『平家物語』などに記載)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was originally part of the precincts of Yasaka-jinja Shrine, with the plan of the park made by Goichi TAKEDA, and it has a circuit style garden built by Jibe OGAWA, an outdoor music hall, statues of Ryoma SAKAMOTO and Shintaro NAKAOKA, and a scenic spot famous for its cherry trees called 'Gion weeping cherry trees.'
    もとは八坂神社の境内で現在の園地計画は武田五一がまとめ、園内にある回遊式の日本庭園は小川治兵衛が作庭、野外音楽堂や坂本龍馬と中岡慎太郎の銅像などもあり、「祇園枝垂桜」に代表される桜の名所である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Furthermore, these came down to musicians in Kyoto, refined by them and 'Kyoto-style tegotomono' (a form of Japanese chamber music) was spawned and the following numerous famous works were composed: "Uji meguri" (uji tour), "Shiki no Nagame" (Viewing the Four Seasons), "Sue-no-chigiri" and so on by kengyo MATSUURA and "Yaegoromo" (An Eight-Fold Garment), "Shin Aoyagi" (new green willow) and so on by koto ISHIKAWA and "Nagara-no-haru," "Iso Chidori" (beach plover), "Yugao" (Evening Face), "Cha ondo" (Tea Song) and so on by kengyo KIKUOKA and "Sakuragawa" (Sakura river), "Nanakomachi" (Seven Komachi) and so on by kengyo MITSUZAKI.
    さらにこれが京都の音楽家たちに受け継がれ、洗練されて「京流手事物」が生まれ、松浦検校の『宇治巡り』、『四季の眺』、『末の契』など、石川勾当の『八重衣』、『新青柳』など、菊岡検校の『長等の春』、『磯千鳥』、『夕顔』、『茶音頭』など、光崎検校の『桜川』、『七小町』など、数多くの名曲が作られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
