「famous sword」を含む例文一覧(22)

  • a famous sword
    すぐれた刀 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a sword made by a famous English armorer
    有名な英国の兵器製造者によって作られた剣 - 日本語WordNet
  • The most famous sword craftsman who implemented Gimei was commonly called the 'Kajihei.'
    最も著名な偽銘師は直光、通称「鍛治平」である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Okita's most famous sword technique is the 'Sandantsuki' (Three Stage Thrust).
    沖田の剣技で有名なのが「三段突き」である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ieyasu also praised Nobumasa by giving him the famous sword Daihanya Nagamitsu.
    家康もまた、名刀大般若長光を授けて信昌を賞賛した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some of the major quenched Yoshimitsu include the famous sword Ichigo Hitofuri Toshiro, made from a cut sword, and the famous short sword Namazu Toshiro, made from a cut short pole sword.
    吉光の焼き直しの代表格としては、太刀を磨り上げた名物一期一振藤四郎(いちごひとふりとうしろう、刀)、小薙刀を磨り上げた名物鯰尾藤四郎(なまずおとうしろう、脇差)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Niten Ichi-ryu, the school established by Musashi MIYAMOTO, is the most famous among the Japanese sword art schools that emphasize two-sword fencing in Japan.
    日本で二刀流を重視する剣術流派としては、宮本武蔵が開いた二天一流が最も有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The most famous Totsuka no Tsurugi sword is the one that Susano used when he killed off Yamata no orochi (eight-forked-snake) (the sword is also called 'Ame no Habakiri' [a heavenly sword to cut a monster serpent]; "Haba" means "a monster serpent").
    最も有名なのはヤマタノオロチ退治の時にスサノオが使った十拳剣(別名「天羽々斬(あめのはばきり)」。"羽々"とは"大蛇"の意味)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In fact, the famous Masamune ISHIDA sword has numbers of big cuts and dents, which explains it was used in an actual fight.
    実際、名物石田正宗には、大きな切り込み傷が多数存在し、実戦で使用された事を窺わせている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • With the exception of several individuals with a relatively high status such as Kuranosuke OISHI, the famous Forty-seven Ronin used a fan or wooden sword.
    有名な赤穂浪士も、比較的身分が高かった大石内蔵助ら数人以外は、扇子や木刀を使用した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is known that ASANO Takumi no Kami, who was famous for Chushingura (The treasury of Loyal Retainers), served as kyooyaku for the imperial messenger when he had a sword fight with KIRA Kozuke no Suke.
    忠臣蔵で有名な浅野内匠頭は吉良上野介への刃傷の際に勅使饗応役を務めていたことで知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The famous short sword Atsushi Toshiro is a work known as 'yoroi doshi' that features especially thick layers, with its initial layer exceeding one centimeters in thickness.
    名物厚藤四郎(あつしとうしろう、短刀)は「鎧通し」と呼ばれる特に重ねの厚い作品で、元重ねは1cmを超える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A remake from a pole sword, the famous short sword Honebami Toshiro which was collected intact from a moat in Osaka Natsu no Jin, was also burned in Edo Castle in the Great Fire of Meireki and was quenched again by the later Yasutsugu.
    また、大阪夏の陣に際し、堀中から無傷で回収した薙刀直しの名物骨喰藤四郎(ほねばみとうしろう、脇差)も、江戸城明暦の大火で焼け、後代の康継によって焼き直された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Only the famous two-sword style fighter, Chuzaemon KASAI, was able to calmly remove his outer coat and sheath cover and release his sword using a cord; he fought hard to protect the palanquin, killing Jyuzo INADA in the process.
    二刀流の使い手として藩外にも知られていた河西忠左衛門だけは冷静に合羽を脱ぎ捨てて柄袋を外し、襷をかけて刀を抜き、駕籠脇を守って稲田重蔵を倒すなど襲撃者たちをてこずらせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, however, riggings of a sword such as Tsuba (handguard), Kozuka (accessory knife), Menuki (hilt ornaments), Kogai (hair pick accessory) were developed in this period, and also in such field of sword ornament goldsmiths, lots of famous swordsmiths including Matashichi HAYASHI, Yasuchika TSUCHIYA, Toshinaga NARA, Somin YOKOTANI, Shozui HAMANO and Ichijo GOTO appeared.
    しかし一方でこの時代には鐔(つば)、小柄(こづか)、目貫(めぬき)、笄(こうがい)などの刀装具の装飾が発達し、これらの装剣金工の分野にも林又七、土屋安親、奈良利壽、横谷宗珉、濱野政随、後藤一乗ら多くの名工が生まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • These special blades were called 'Showa swords,' 'New Murata sword' and 'New Japanese swords,' and it is said that a lot of them outweighed conventional Japanese swords (even famous swords) in quality as weapons.
    これら特殊軍刀々身は「昭和刀」「新村田刀」「新日本刀」などと呼称され、物によっては従来の日本刀よりも(俗に名刀と呼ばれる刀であっても)武器としての資質において勝るものも数多くあったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The typical way to celebrate tango no sekku is to display armor, helmet, sword, doll warrior, or gogatsu-ningyo dolls (literally, dolls of May) modeled after Kintaro (a famous brave boy in a nursery tale) in a tiered stand in a room, and to fly Koinobori (carp streamers) are flown on a pole in the front yard.
    鎧、兜、刀、武者人形や金太郎を模した五月人形などを室内の飾り段に飾り、庭前に鯉幟(こいのぼり)を立てるのが、典型的な祝い方である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He is famous for the legends of his defeat of Shuten Doji, one of the most powerful oni (demons), at Mount Oe-yama and his slicing off the arm of the Rashomon Gate ogre on Ichijo-modori-bashi Bridge in Kyoto with the celebrated sword of the Genji, known as 'Higekiri.'
    大江山の酒呑童子退治や、京都の一条戻り橋の上で羅城門の鬼の腕を源氏の名刀「髭切」で切り落とした逸話で有名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was involved in two famous series of Daiei films, providing the scripts of "Nemuri Kyoshiro Buraiken" (Sleepy Eyes of Death: Sword of Villainy) of the 'Nemuri Kyoshiro Series' starring Raizo in 1965 as well as "Zatoichi Jigokutabi" (Zatoichi hell journey) of the 'Zatoichi Series' starring Shintaro KATSU in 1966.
    また、1965年(昭和40年)、雷蔵主演の「眠狂四郎シリーズ」の『眠狂四郎無頼剣』、1966年(昭和41年)に勝新太郎主演の「座頭市シリーズの『座頭市地獄旅』に脚本を提供、大映の2大シリーズに関わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sanyo is also famous as a composer of Chinese poem titled "Fushikian kizan o utsu no zu ni daisu" ('題不識庵撃機山図') beginning with a phrase "bensei shukushuku yoru kawa o wataru", which described the Battle of Kawanakajima and is also popular as a number for shigin (Japanese art of reciting or chanting poems) and kenbu (sword dance).
    なお山陽は詩吟・剣舞でも馴染み深い「鞭声粛粛夜河を過る~」で始まる川中島の戦いを描いた漢詩『題不識庵撃機山図』の作者としても有名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Takeo HATTORI was famous as being skillful in using two swords at once, and his bloodcurdling presence of fighting alone overwhelmed the men he fought against; however, he was killed by Sanosuke HARADA's spear when his sword broke.
    服部武雄は隊内でも相当な二刀流の使い手として鳴らしていたため、服部の孤軍奮闘は鬼気迫るものがあったというが、最後は服部の刀が折れたスキを狙って原田左之助が繰り出した槍によって、落命したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The "Heiji monogatari" describes a scene in which Shigemori and Yoshihira fought in single combat at the Taikenmon gate, Yoshihira driving Shigemori back seven times in an area of the palace between the tachibana on the right and the cherry tree on the left, and meanwhile, Yorimori was staging a fighting withdrawal, but when he came under danger of being overrun by his foes he furiously struck all around him with 'Nukimaru,' his famous and ancient sword; needless to say, this episode is considered to be a literary embellishment to create a stirring climactic scene.
    『平治物語』では重盛と義平が待賢門で一騎打ちを繰り広げ、御所の右近の橘・左近の桜の間を7度も義平が重盛を追い回した、頼盛が退却中に敵に追いつかれそうになり重代の名刀「抜丸」で辛くも撃退した、というエピソードが出てくるがこれらは話を盛り上げるための創作と思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
