「give battle」を含む例文一覧(18)

  • give [offer] battle
    攻撃する. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • to give battle to the enemy―challenge the enemy
    戦いを挑む - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • to give battle to the enemy―throw down the gauntlet―fling down the glove
    戦いを挑む - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • I will try to give you an idea of what a naval battle is like.
    君達に海戦はどんなものだかわからせてみよう - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • According to "Shincho Koki," just before his death in the battle, Dosan left a will that stated that he would give Mino Province to Nobunaga.
    戦死する直前、信長に対して美濃を譲り渡すという遺言書を残したと信長公記にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Hidemasa was a talented person, Hideyoshi loved his talent and thought to give Kanhasshu (the Eight Provinces of the Kanto region) to him, but it is regrettable that Hidemasa died at the battle."
    「秀政は傑出の人なり。秀吉深く之を愛し、小田原の役終わらば、関八州を与へんと思はれしが、惜しい哉、戦に死せり」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Qing, which would like to keep the hegemony in Korea, could not give in the battle over Korea at any cost.
    せめて朝鮮における覇権だけは保ちたいと考える清は、威信に懸けても朝鮮をめぐる争いで譲るわけにはいかなくなってしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, Ieyasu ordered troops to give a battle cry and shoot teppo (guns) three times every night at torino koku (about 17:00 -19:00)/ino koku (about 19:00 - 21:00)/torano koku (about 3:00-5:00) in order to prevent the enemies from sleeping (the battle cries reached as far as Kyoto).
    また、諸隊に命じて毎夜三度(酉・戌・寅の刻)、鬨の声を挙げて鉄砲を放たせ、敵の不眠を誘っている(この鬨の声は京まで届いた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On this day, samurai families would take ancestral armor and kabuto (helmets) to the inner parlor (also for the purpose of airing them) and place decorated hatasashi-mono (battle flags) in the hallway; and the family heads would give instructions to their children.
    この日武士の家庭では、虫干しをかねて先祖伝来の鎧や兜を奥座敷に、玄関には旗指物(幟)を飾り、家長が子供達に訓示を垂れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the event of the Battle of Sekigahara, Yoshitsugu OTANI said to Mitsunari, "even if you (Mitsunari) give them a pep talk, your natural imperiousness makes even those who want peace and security of the Toyotomi Family go under Naifu (Ieyasu).
    関ヶ原の戦いの際に、大谷吉継は三成に対して「お主(三成)が檄を飛ばしても普段の横柄ぶりから、豊臣家安泰を願うものすら内府(家康)の下に走らせる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Michimori's army was defeated in the Battle of Suizu, Echizen Province by an inhabitant of the country (Yukichika NENOI under MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka), and he was obliged to give up the provincial office and retreat to Tsuruga
    越前国水津の戦いで通盛の軍は越前・加賀の国人(源義仲配下の根井行親)に敗れ、国府を放棄して津留賀城(敦賀城)への退却を余儀なくされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He joined the army of the MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune in the fight to hunt down and kill Ise-Heishi (Taira clan); at the battle of Yashima, he demonstrated his prowess as a warrior; for example, he burned down the fortress after the Taira's army escaped to the sea and made the Taira's army give up the will to counterattack.
    伊勢平氏追討の戦いでは源義経軍に加わり、屋島の戦いに際しては、平家軍が海上に逃れた後にその城塞を焼き払い、反撃意欲を絶つという活躍を見せている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the time of the Battle of Sekigahara, he was asked to join an army by Mitsunari ISHIDA on the condition that 'if you join an army as a general of the front side of the north provinces, I will make realize the revival of the Rokkaku family and approve it as a main domain' as well as to later give him all troops in the Omi Province, but he refused.
    関ヶ原の戦いにおいては、近江の地盤固め策としてか、石田三成より「北国表の大将として参陣すれば、六角家の再興を叶えて本領を安堵する」との条件、後には近江一国の軍勢をすべてつけるという条件で誘われたが、これを拒絶する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Mitsuhide, who was irritated by the prolonged battle, ended the tact of holding the castle by promising to save Hideharu and Hidenao under the condition that Mitsuhide would give his own mother (this could have been his aunt who brought him up) as a hostage to Hideharu and Hideharu and Hidenao would surrender and open the castle.
    長期戦に苛立つ光秀が、生母(あるいは育ての母同然の叔母とも)を秀治に人質として差し出し、代わりに秀治・秀尚が降伏して開城するという条件で助命するということで籠城戦を終結させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After this battle, thirteen commanders including Hideie UKITA submitted a proposal to Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI on their plan to give up three castles, Ulsan, Suncheon, and Yangsan, located in projecting positions, because of the difficulty in sending a rescue force, but Hideyoshi rejected this proposal and scolded those who made the proposal.
    戦いの後、宇喜多秀家など13人は、立地上突出している蔚山・順天・梁山の三城を援軍の困難さを理由として放棄する案を豊臣秀吉に上申しているが、秀吉はこれを却下し上申者を叱責した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the Battle of Sekigahara, Masamune DATE reluctantly returned to the Iwatesan-jo Castle because he was ordered by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA not to move his troops without permission, but he invaded the Fukushima-jo Castle held by Shigenaga HONJO on October 6, 1600 without waiting for command from Ieyasu because it was hard for him to give up the invasion to the Uesugi's territory.
    関ヶ原合戦後、伊達政宗は徳川家康からみだりに軍勢を動かすべからずとの命を受け、心ならずも岩手山城へ引き返したが、上杉領への侵略やみがたく、家康の下知をまたずに慶長5年10月6日、本庄繁長が立て籠もる福島城へ押し寄せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Around that time, when Emperor Gomurakami decided to present a special service reward to Yoshisuke WAKIYA (Yoshisada NITTA's younger brother) who lost the war against the Ashikaga clan in Hokuriku and fled to Yoshino, Saneyo TOIN objected, saying 'It will be the first time to give a special bonus to the head of a defeated army since the case of TAIRA no Koremori who lost the Battle of Fujigawa.'
    その頃、北陸における戦いで足利氏に敗れて吉野に落ち延びた脇屋義助(新田義貞の弟)に対して後村上天皇が慰労して褒賞を出すことを決めた際に洞院実世が「敗軍の将に恩賞を出すと言うのは富士川の戦いで敗れた平維盛以来である」と反対意見を述べた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Shusui KEYA said, 'The enemy are many and we are few. If we retreat one step backwards, the enemy will definitely give chase and our troops will be cut down, but if we try to advance and face death with all of our troops act together, we will definitely break through our enemy. If we use the chance to retreat, our troops might make it. This was the trick that Katsuyori TAKEDA used after the loss at the Battle of Nagashino, where he attacked in order to discourage the pursuit of his enemies.'
    毛屋主水曰く「敵は多く我は少なし。我若し一歩を退かば彼必ず追撃し我兵殲きん死は一成り寧ろ進んで死するに若かず且つ我兵一致団結して奮進すれば必ず敵の一部を突破せん。我その機に乗じて退却すれば或は軍を全うするを得ん。是れ武田勝頼が長篠の敗後に攻勢に出て敵の追撃を遅緩ならしめたる故智なり」と。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
