「go all out」を含む例文一覧(58)

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  • "why shouldn't we all go out?"
    「外にいこうよ」 - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』
  • I don't go out or meet people at all.
    私はひきこもりです。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • I am going to go hang out with my friends all night now.
    これから友達と徹夜で遊びに行く。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • Let's all go out to drink together sometime.
    私たちはいつかみんなで飲みに行きましょう。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • It was disappointing not to be able to go out after all.
    結局外出できなくてがっかりだった. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • Not all the bees go out for honey.
    ミツバチは花みつを取りに全部が出て行くわけではない. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • We should go all out to help him.
    全力をあげて彼を援助すべきだ. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • You must have all your wits about you when you go out into the world.
    世の中へ出るとそんなウカウカしたことではいかん - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • You must have all your wits about you when you go out into the world.
    世間へ出るとそんなうかつなことではいかん - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • If the sun were to go out, all living things would die.
    もし太陽が消滅したら、あらゆる生き物が死ぬだろう。 - Tatoeba例文
  • If the sun were to go out, all living things would die.
    もし太陽が消滅したら、生物は皆死ぬだろう。 - Tatoeba例文
  • I didn't go out at all because you told me not to.
    君が外出するなと言ったから、どこにも行かなかったよ。 - Tatoeba例文
  • Since we're college students, let's go all out!
    大学生なんだし,もっとフィーバーしようぜ! - Tatoeba例文
  • If the sun were to go out, all living things would die.
    もし太陽が消滅したら、生物は皆死ぬだろう。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • Thus, he came out on top of all the professional go players in Japan both in name and reality.
    名実ともに棋界第一人者になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He instructed his team to go all out.
    彼はチームに全力で戦うように指示した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Hey, has this been sitting out on the dinner table all day? It has to go in the refrigerator or it'll go bad.
    もしかして、食卓の上におきっぱなし?冷蔵庫に入れておかないと、くさっちゃうよ。 - Tatoeba例文
  • Hey, has this been sitting out on the dinner table all day? It has to go in the refrigerator or it'll go bad.
    もしかして、食卓の上におきっぱなし?冷蔵庫に入れておかないと、くさっちゃうよ。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • The emergency lighting will stay on even if the power supply fails and all the other lights go out.
    停電で明かりが消えても非常灯は消えないようになっている. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • Go out and have a good time once in a while instead of just studying all the time.
    終始勉強ばかりしていないで、たまには外出して楽しみなさい。 - Tatoeba例文
  • See to it that all the doors are locked before you go out.
    外出する前にドアにすべてかぎをかけたかどうか確認しなさい。 - Tatoeba例文
  • If the sun were to go out, all living things would die.
    万一太陽が消滅したら、あらゆる生き物が死ぬだろう。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • Go out and have a good time once in a while instead of just studying all the time.
    終始勉強ばかりしていないで、たまには外出して楽しみなさい。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • See to it that all the doors are locked before you go out.
    外出する前にドアにすべてかぎをかけたかどうか確認しなさい。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • If all the staff go out to eat for lunch, we cannot answer the telephone if someone calls.
    スタッフ全員が昼食時に外出すると電話が来ても対応できない。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work takes up all their time.
    病院の医師たちは彼等の時間がすべて仕事でふさがっているから、あまり外出しない。 - Tatoeba例文
  • I didn't go out at all because you told me not to.
    私はまったく外出しなかった、というのは君がそうしないように言ったから。 - Tatoeba例文
  • Today, people all over the world are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in big, noisy cities.
    今日世界中の人々は、田舎の小さな村から出て騒々しい大都会へ移動しつつある。 - Tatoeba例文
  • Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work takes up all their time.
    病院の医師たちは彼等の時間がすべて仕事でふさがっているから、あまり外出しない。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • I didn't go out at all because you told me not to.
    私はまったく外出しなかった、というのは君がそうしないように言ったから。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • Today, people all over the world are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in big, noisy cities.
    今日世界中の人々は、田舎の小さな村から出て騒々しい大都会へ移動しつつある。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • and when she has called the roll, they all go out for a walk and never come back.
    でも教師が出席をとると、生徒は外に歩きに出かけてしまい、戻ってこないのです。 - James Matthew Barrie『ケンジントン公園のピーターパン』
  • In 1959, in the second game out of three match series between Seigen GO and Hosai FUJISAWA, Go asked for playing the game under the theory of life-and-death in all stages.
    1959年の呉清源-藤沢朋斎の三番勝負第2局において、呉が全局死活論での対局を申し入れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Well, even so my score is far above yours isn't it?" "What did you say!? If I was to go all out you'd be as nothing to me!"
    「まあ、それでも君よりは、はるかに僕の方が点数高いけどね。」「なんですって!私が本気を出せば、あなたなんて、目じゃないわ!」 - Tatoeba例文
  • "Well, even so my score is far above yours isn't it?" "What did you say!? If I was to go all out you'd be as nothing to me!"
    「まあ、それでも君よりは、はるかに僕の方が点数高いけどね。」「なんですって!私が本気を出せば、あなたなんて、目じゃないわ!」 - Tanaka Corpus
  • Someone must keep all-night vigil (allowed to take turns) to not let Tomyo (votive light) and the incense sticks go out until dawn (it also acts as an amulet).
    誰かが寝ずの番をして(交代でもよい)、夜明けまで灯明や線香の火を絶やさないようにしなければならない(魔除けの意味がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Japanese-style hotels in hot spring resorts are equipped with yukata and Geta, and when guests visit sotoyu (any and all public baths in the town outside), Japanese-style hotels lend Geta, and guests go out wearing them.
    温泉の旅館では浴衣と下駄が備え付けてあり、外湯に行く場合は旅館は下駄を貸し、それを履いて出かける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Of course I said I would go with my mother, and of course they all cried out at our foolhardiness,
    もちろん僕も母親と一緒に行くと言いはり、村の人は全員、僕らを向こう見ずで無茶だとわめきたてた。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』
  • The doctor, with the pick-axe, demolished one of them, and then we all got aboard the other and set out to go round by sea for North Inlet.
    先生はつるはしでその一艘をばらばらに壊し、それから全員もう一艘にのりこんで、北の浦をめざして出発した。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』
  • Although there is the possibility that two bits or three bits out of these eight bits go high at the same time, it is impossible that all of bits go high.
    これら8ビット中の2ビットとか3ビットが同時にハイレベルとなることはあり得るとしても、全てのビットが一斉にハイレベルになることは考えられない。 - 特許庁
  • "But still and all he kept on saying that before the summer was over he'd go out for a drive one fine day just to see the old house again where we were all born down in Irishtown and take me and Nannie with him.
    「でもそれなのに彼は言い続けてたわ、夏が行く前にいい日和を選んで馬車旅行に出かけて私たちみんなが生まれ落ちたアイリッシュタウンに懐かしい家をもう一度見に行くんだって、私とナニーを連れて。 - James Joyce『姉妹』
  • On this occasion, the negotiation was going to be reopened, but 相良正樹, the government official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, lost his patience because the negotiation was not proceeded at all, so he went to Toraifu, although he was prohibited to go out of Choryang-dong Wakan (the residence office of the Tsushima clan), and he demanded to meet with an ambassador of Toraifu in May of 1872 (go out of Wakan).
    ここで交渉は再開されるはずであったが、1872年(明治5年)5月外務省官吏・相良正樹は、交渉が進展しない事にしびれを切らし、それまで外出を禁じられていた草梁倭館(対馬藩の朝鮮駐在事務所)を出て、東莱府へ出向き、府使との会見を求めた(倭館欄出)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some disagree with this by pointing out that the entrance of Ne no kuni (the land of the dead) Yomitsu Hirasaka was located in the former Izumo Province (Higashi Izumo-cho, Yatsuka-gun, Shimane Prefecture), thus it is odd to go all the way to Kii Province and "Ki no kuni" only means a place with many trees.
    しかし、根の国(黄泉)の入口である黄泉津比良坂は旧出雲国(島根県八束郡東出雲町)にあり、一旦紀伊国まで行くのはおかしいとして、これは単に木の多い所の意味であるとする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To offer services, by which all sorts of images can be obtained easily, giving the sensation as though of personally shooting at the scene, without having one to go out for shooting.
    自ら撮影に出かけることなくあらゆるジャンルの画像を、自ら撮影現場に出かけて撮影している感覚で容易に得ることが可能なサービスを提供する。 - 特許庁
  • In a cylinder cut-off operation switching part carrying out switching from all cylinder operation to cylinder cut-off operation, if it is determined that there is a cylinder cut-off operation demand in S1, go to S2, and a cooling water temperature Tw is compared with a predetermined lower limit temperature Ts.
    全筒運転から減筒運転への切換を行う減筒運転切換制御では、S1にて減筒運転要求が有ると判定された場合に、S2に進み、冷却水温Twと所定の下限温度Tsとを比較する。 - 特許庁
  • Paul wanted to have him go out with him, and he took and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those parts; for they all knew that his father was a Greek.
    パウロは彼を一緒に連れて行きたいと思ったので,その地帯にいるユダヤ人たちのために,彼を連れて来て割礼を施した。彼の父がギリシャ人であることを,みんなが知っていたからである。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 16:3』
  • "When I asked to go out drinking with some friends, did you not say that it was fine? So why are you so angry? You're contradicting yourself." "Not at all! You never said that you were going to be drinking with men!" "That's because Tom is just a friend, and I know that if I said I was going with him then you'd have said no."
    「私が『友達と飲みに行ってもいい?』って聞いたらあなたが『いいよ』って言ったんじゃない!どうしてそんなに怒ってるの?理不尽な」「理不尽じゃないだろう?男と飲みに行くなんて一言も言ってなかったじゃないか!」「だって、トムはただの友達だし、そんなの言ったら『ダメ』って言われるの分かってるもん」 - Tatoeba例文
  • Superstitious Brothel' ('Credulous Brothel' in Tokyo), 'Selling Bamboo Baskets' ('Seller of Sieves' in Tokyo), 'Renting a House' ('Kobe KOGOTO' in Tokyo), 'Dying Incense' ('Time Out' in Tokyo), 'Sasaki's Judgment' ('Sasaki's Politics' or 'Daisuke IKEDA' in Tokyo), 'Fox in Takakura' ('Fox in Oji' in Tokyo), 'All Shaven Heads' ('Pilgrimage to Mt. Oyama' in Tokyo), 'Bed,' 'Recent Son,' 'Terrible Manju,' 'Korekiyo,' 'Straw Umbrella Hat and Go Players,' 'Three Written Vows,' 'Kitten,' etc.
    「けんげしゃ茶屋」(同「かつぎ茶屋」)、「米揚げ笊」(同「ざる屋」)、「借家借り」(同「小言幸兵衛」)、「立ち切れ線香」(同「たちきり」)、「佐々木裁き」(同「佐々木政談」「池田大助」)、「高倉狐」(同「王子の狐」)、「百人坊主」(同「大山詣り」)、「寝床」、「近日息子」、「饅頭こわい」、「景清」、「笠碁」、「三枚起請」、「仔猫」など。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Study was famous for paintings on the walls or fusuma of the building by Mitsuoki TOSA and his child, it is said these pictures of well known places of Provinces around Kyoto were painted to comfort Empress Meisho, who spent all her life not being able to go out or to see people without the approval of the Edo bakufu and Emperor Gomizunoo.
    書院は土佐光起親子が書いた障壁画で有名であるが、これらの絵画は江戸幕府や後水尾上皇らの許可無しでは、外出や他人との面会もままならない一生を過ごした明正天皇を慰めるために畿内の名所を書いた物と伝わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Maekawa Haruka, 20, a member of the Nagasaki Youth Delegation, said, "The survivors of the atomic bombing are all getting very old. This seminar was a good chance for young people like us from Nagasaki to go out into the world and give people a true picture of the consequences of using nuclear weapons."
    ナガサキ・ユース代表団のメンバーの1人,前川陽(はる)香(か)さん(20)は「被爆者はみな高齢になりつつある。このセミナーは私たち長崎の若者が世界に出て,核兵器利用による影響の実態を人々に伝える良い機会になった。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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