「gold coinage」を含む例文一覧(15)

  • currency that is composed of both gold coinage and paper notes
    金貨と紙幣 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • From then on, the economy became gradually stabilized and in 1897, the Coinage Law was enacted and the gold standard was formalized.
    その後安定してくるようになり、1897年に貨幣法を制定、金本位制を確定させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1601 before the foundation of the government, the gold guild (kin-za) (the coinage guild) and the silver guild (gin-za) (history) were established, and the mintage of Keicho Koban (gold oval coin) and Keicho Chogin (silver oval coin) was ordered.
    幕府創立前のに金座(小判座)および銀座(歴史)を設立し、慶長小判慶長丁銀の鋳造を命じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The official name used in kin-za (an organization in charge of casting and appraising of gold during the Edo period) was ichibu ban, which also appeared in "Sankazue" (Picture Collection of Three Coins: History of Coinage in Japan) using different Kanji character, 一歩金.
    金座などで用いられた公式の名称は一分判(いちぶばん)であり『三貨図彙』には一歩判と記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The first legal implementation of gold standard system was Coinage act (55 GeorgeIII.c.68) in 1816, England, in which the country gave the governmental recognition of free coinage and melting to the gold coin called sovereign (coined in 1817) and circulated the coin as the only unrestrained legal currency, one pound.
    金本位制が法的に初めて実施されたのは、1816年、イギリスの貨幣法(55GeorgeIII.c.68)でソブリン金貨(発行は1817年)と呼ばれる金貨に自由鋳造、自由融解を認め、唯一の無制限法貨としてこれを1ポンドに流通させることになってからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The formal name is koban, which was clearly mentioned in "Sankazue" (Picture Collection of Three Coins: History of Coinage in Japan), however, ancient coin books including "Kinginzuroku" (Gold & Silver catalog) and "Dainihon Kaheishi" (Great history of Japanese coins) called it kobankin.
    公式な呼称は小判であり『三貨図彙』では「小判」と明記されているが、『金銀図録』および『大日本貨幣史』などの古銭書には小判金(こばんきん)という名称で収録されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At that time, the formal name used at Ginza (an organization in charge of casting and appraising of silver during the Edo period) was 'Kodamagin,' but in the books of old coinage, such as "Kinginzuroku" (Gold & Silver catalog) and "Sanka zui" (Illustrations of the three types of money), it was recorded under the name of 'Mameitagin'.
    当時、銀座(歴史)において用いられた正式名称は「小玉銀」であるが、『金銀図録』および『三貨図彙』などの古銭書には「豆板銀」という名称で収録されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In a narrow sense, it is the system to regard gold as the standard money that forms basis of the monetary system in a country, giving the governmental recognition of free coinage and melting, and admitting unrestrained passableness.
    狭義では、その国の貨幣制度の根幹を成す基準を金と定め、その基礎となる貨幣、すなわち本位貨幣を金貨とし、これに自由鋳造、自由融解を認め、無制限通用力を与えた制度である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Edo period, there was Sanka seido (Tokugawa coinage) in which Koban (oval gold coins), Chogin (silver coins), and Senka (small coins) were unlimitedly passable as standard coins in effect.
    日本の江戸時代においては、金貨(小判)、銀貨(丁銀)、そして小額貨幣として銭貨がそれぞれ事実上の本位貨幣として無制限通用を認められるという、いわゆる三貨制度が存在していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However,"catalogs money in Japan" estimated the amount of currency exported to foreign countries 13,024,000 ryo, adopting 2,397,600 ryo based on "Honcho Houka Tsuyoujiryaku", saying "The Book of interrogation copy about the year and old high gold and silver coinage"estimates it too high.
    しかしながら『図録日本の貨幣』では海外流出高を高く見積もりすぎているとして、輸出高として『本朝寳貨通用事略』による2,397,600両を採用し、13,024,000両としている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since the Genroku era at the end of the 17th century the shogunate government had tried to restore their finances by the issue of coins with low content of gold and silver and the further issue of currency so as to get profits from the issue of coinage, but every case caused hyper-inflation and resulted in failure (the issue of the genroku gold coin [genroku koban] by Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA, Genbun gold coin [genbun koban] by Yoshimune TOKUGAWA, Nanryo silver coin (nanryo nishu gin) around the era of Ienari TOKUGAWA, and so on).
    幕府は17世紀末の元禄年間以降、貨幣の中に含まれる金を減らし、貨幣の発行量を多くすることによって貨幣発行益を上げて財政を持ち直そうとしたが、いずれも過度のインフレーションを招き失敗に終わっている(徳川綱吉の元禄小判、徳川吉宗の元文小判、徳川家斉の頃の南鐐二朱銀の発行など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • By MATSUKATA, OKUMA, and IWASAKI who was promoted as the Governor of the Bank of Japan due to achievement in the Cabinet organization, establishment of gold standard system which was a long-cherished wish of OKUMA Finance" and "MATSUKATA Finance" but have not been achieved yet was finally realized with the Coinage Act issued on March 26 (enforced on October 1 of the same year).
    松方・大隈、そして組閣の功労で日本銀行総裁に抜擢された岩崎の手によって、「大隈財政」・「松方財政」の悲願でありながら実現できなかった金本位制の確立が3月26日公布の貨幣法によって実現する(同年10月1日施行)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, Koban and Ichibukin were cast 14,727,055 ryo in total,estimating the amount of circulation in the country 100,000 ryo and in the foreign countries 4,100,000 ryo and the amount of the reminted coin such as Genroku Koban 10,527,055 ryo, according to " The Book of interrogation copy about the year and old high gold and silver coinage".
    一方、明治8年(1875年)に大蔵省が刊行した『新旧金銀貨幣鋳造高并流通年度取調書』の中で、世上流通高を10万両、海外流出高を410万両と見積もり、元禄小判などへの改鋳高を10,527,055両として推定した数値によれば、小判および一分金の合計で14,727,055両である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Money changers were later divided into 'Honryogae' (main exchangers) who handled changing koban and chogin, i.e., gold and silver, money orders, deposits, lending and credit transactions agency through the issuance of credit bills, and 'Wakiryogae' (subsidiary exchangers) who specialized in copper coinage transactions.
    両替商はやがて小判および丁銀の金銀両替および、為替、預金、貸付、手形の発行により信用取引を仲介する業務を行う本両替(ほんりょうがえ)と、専ら銭貨の売買を行う脇両替(わきりょうがえ)に分化していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Sankazue" (Picture Collection of Three Coins: History of Coinage in Japan), authored by Morishige KONDO and Naokata KUSAMA, includes many gold and silver coins issued from the Sengoku period to the Edo period, among which there were even those created later on and not a few of which were made using the old diagrams and are now treated as ganshohin (ornamental items), but many of them lack accurate records, and it is unknown whether some of them were originally circulated coins or ganshohin.
    近藤守重のおよび草間直方の『三貨図彙』には戦国時代から江戸時代に掛けての多くの金貨および銀貨が収録されているが、その中でも領国貨幣には後世の創作によると思われるものまで含まれ、またそれが後世に図録を元に作成され、今日、玩賞品(がんしょうひん)として扱われているものも少なくないが、確固たる記録に欠けるものが多く、本来の通貨であるか玩賞品であるか判明していないものも存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
