「gold paint」を含む例文一覧(34)

  • gold paint
    金色のペンキ. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • a gold colored paint
    金色の塗料 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • to paint with gold or silver paint using a brush
    はけなどで,金泥や銀泥を引く - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • to butter the bread on both sides―paint the lily―refine a violet―gild refined gold
    無駄なことをする - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • tanned leather patterned with gold paint
    金唐で模様を打ち出した革 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a paint into which gold has been mixed
    金粉をにかわで溶いたもの - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a gold or silver-coloured pasty-textured paint
    金や銀の泥状の絵の具 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • the act of drawing with gold or silver paint
    金泥や銀泥で描くこと - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a picture painted with gold and silver paint
    金泥や銀泥で描いた絵 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a high quality paint used in ceramics, called liquid gold
    水金という,陶磁器の上絵の具 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • to carry coals to Newcastle―butter the bread on both sides―teach a fish how to swim―kill the slain―paint the lily―refine a violet―gild refined gold
    余計なことをする - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • a paper with a leather like quality that is patterned with gold paint
    金唐で模様を打ち出した革の模造品 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • Rough designs are drawn with gold and silver paint on the paper.
    金銀泥で下絵を施してある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Gold paint on silk image of Amida and twenty-five bodhisattvas
    絹本金彩阿弥陀二十五菩薩来迎図 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In reality, this golden background was an effect obtained by kindei (gold paint).
    つまり、この作品の金地は金泥(金色の絵具。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • a woman's mask used in noh with the eyes lined with gold paint called a 'deigan'
    眼に金泥を薄く塗った女面である泥眼という能面 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • Pines and cranes were depicted with kindei (gold paint) on the front and butterflies and birds on the back.
    金泥で表に松鶴を描き、裏に蝶鳥を描く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Drawing on the fan were simply made with only whitewash and silver paint instead of showy drawings of usual fans made with crimson, gold paint, rokusho (malachite, an inorganic green pigment) or indigo.
    扇面の絵も普段の紅・金泥・緑青・藍などの派手なものでなく、胡粉と銀泥のみの絵である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The textures of gold foil, silver paint, sumi, and pigment are employed efficiently, thus it makes us think what excellent color sense the painter had.
    金箔、銀泥と墨、顔料の質感が生かされ、画家の優れた色彩感覚を思わせる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • They have been painted not in color but using gold and silver paint on a purple-dyed twill fabric.
    彩色本ではなく、紫色に染めた綾地に金銀泥で描いたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Fans for both girls and boys were made of cross-grained wood with colored binding strings and drawings of gold paint.
    男女共に子供用は、板目引きで色糸綴じの金泥などで絵が描かれたもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Shoin-zukuri room which used kakubashira, nageshi, and richly colored kinpeki shohekiga (a large painting on a wall, screen or sliding door where strong, bright, mineral pigments such as ultramarine, malachite, and red ocher were applied over gold backgrounds with gold foil and gold paint) on the wall and Fusuma-shoji were suitable for ceremonies to see a guest, but a little too stiff for daily life.
    角柱を使い、長押(なげし)を打ち、壁や襖障子に極彩色の金碧障壁画を描く書院造りは、対面儀式にはふさわしいが、日常の生活にはやや堅苦しい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, from the Muromachi period to the Edo period, the patterns became fixed gradually, and in addition, patterns using kindei (gold paint), instead of kirikane, had become used widely.
    しかしながら、室町時代から江戸時代にかけては次第に形式化し、また金箔に代わり金泥による文様も普及した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The principal image of Kokuzoho (an esoteric rite for fulfilling wishes and averting misfortune) in Esoteric Buddhism is painted in light colors, and a stately atmosphere is given by use of gindei (silver paint) and gold leaf in the Kirikane technique.
    密教の虚空蔵法の本尊が淡い色調で彩色され、銀泥と銀箔の截金で荘厳されている - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Gold and silver paint on purple twill Mandala of the Two Realms (Takao Mandala): Each large piece is over 4 meters in length and both include the Five Wisdom Buddhas of the Diamond Realm as well as the Five Wisdom Kings of the Womb Realm.
    紫綾金銀泥両界曼荼羅図(高雄曼荼羅)-金剛界曼荼羅・胎蔵界曼荼羅の2幅とも縦4メートルを超える大作。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When gold dust 11 is mixed in the paint 9, the decorated pearl 1 with a higher decorative effect is obtained.
    塗料9に金粉11を混入させるとより一層装飾効果の高い加飾真珠1を得ることができる。 - 特許庁
  • "Konshi Kingindei Issaikyo" (紺紙金銀字交書一切経) is a decorative sutras; sutra sentences are written alternately in kindei (gold paint) and gindei (silver paint) between silver lines on navy papers.
    『紺紙金銀泥一切経(紺紙金銀字交書一切経)』は、紺紙に銀で罫線を引き、金泥と銀泥で一行ごとに交互に経文を書いた装飾経である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The decorative material is applied by a method for applying adhesive, spraying and fixing foil or powder of gold, silver and copper thereto, by a coloring method by applying lacquer paint or acrylic paint, a vapor deposition method, etc.
    装飾材は、接着剤を塗布して金、銀、銅などの箔や粉末を振り掛けて固定する方法、ラッカー系塗料やアクリル系塗料を塗布して着色する方法、蒸着法などにより付与される。 - 特許庁
  • Fans of Yamashina school in the early-modern times had a picture as follows: gold Genjigumo (floating clouds) with brilliant-colored frames (both pigments made from earth materials and foil were used for gold; gold and silver were used for girl's fan of Yamashina school but only gold was used for cross-grained fans); two flying cranes and a big pine tree; bamboo grass on the hill at the bottom of the pine tree; ultramarine water on the left; in the water there were Kanzemizu (whirling waves) drawn with silver paint; and a green turtle.
    近世の山科流は極彩色で縁取りした金の源氏雲を描き(金は泥絵具・箔ともに例がある。山科流の女子用は雲に金銀を用いるが、横目扇は金一色)、飛鶴2羽と大松を描き、松の根元の丘には笹を描き、左に群青色の水を配し、水には銀泥で観世水(波)を描き、なかに緑色の亀を描く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • They were, however, of elaborate craftsmanship in that when the characters were written on a blue or black background, they were traced with kindei (gold paint) or half a character was written in kindei and the other half in black ink.
    ただし、彩色下絵の青色や墨の部分の上に字を書く場合は、墨書の上を金泥でなぞったり、1字を半分ずつ金泥と墨とで書き分けたりするなど、手のこんだ書写がなされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This paint for forming transparent conductive layer has a solvent and noble metal fine powders that contains gold fine powders with average diameter of 1 to 100 nm or gold to 5 to 95 wt.% suspended in this solution as the major component, and contains a compound having a mercaptan, sulfide or disulfide group.
    この透明導電層形成用塗液は、溶媒とこの溶媒に分散された平均粒径1〜100nmの金微粒子若しくは金を5〜95重量%含有する金含有貴金属微粒子を主成分とし、かつ、メルカプト基、スルフィド基またはジスルフィド基を有する化合物が含まれていることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁
  • The pattern dyeing and the base dyeing may be repeated several times depending on the design, and sometimes minute sections such as the center of a flower, the eye of an animal, a pattern of wings of a bird or an antenna of an insect may be finished with black ink or pigments and additionally decorated with kindei (gold paint), foil, or embroidery at the end.
    図案によっては、こうした模様付けや地色染めが数回繰り返される場合もあり、最後に花の中心部分や動物の目、鳥の羽の模様、昆虫の触角などの細かい部分を墨や顔料で仕上げ、金泥、箔、刺繍などで加飾する場合もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In a document preserved at Shoso-in, Fukushin KOMANO and KAZURAKI no Henushi (the husband of WAKE no Hiromushi) were recorded as Jushi who conveyed in 757 the message of zojishi (an official in charge of building temples) to the Empress Dowager Komyo requesting her to provide gold dust to paint the statue of Birushana Buddha in Todai-ji Temple.
    正倉院文書に残されている天平勝宝9歳(757年)に、東大寺盧舎那仏像に塗る沙金を造寺司より光明皇太后に要請した奏文を取り次いだ豎子の名前として高麗福信・葛木戸主(和気広虫の夫)の2名が挙げられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As a direct descendant of the Sasaki Rokkaku clan, he owned the genealogy of the head family of the Sasaki clan "Kindei no Maki" (a horizontal scroll written with gold paint), he had Ikai (Court rank) of Shii (Fourth Rank), and he was admitted inshoden (access to the retired emperor in the imperial court) by Emperor Gomizunoo ("Muso Kokushi Zokufu" [夢窓国師俗譜], "Hagakure Monryaku" [葉隠聞略], the genealogy of the Sasaki clan possessed by Sasaki-jinja Shrine [沙沙貴神社所蔵佐々木系図]),
    佐々木六角氏の正統として佐々木氏本家系図「金泥の巻き」を所持、四位の位階を持ち、後水尾天皇から院昇殿を許されていた(『夢窓国師俗譜』、『葉隠聞略』、沙沙貴神社所蔵佐々木系図)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
