
  • He was from Habu, Musashi Province.
    武蔵国羽生出身。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The common mongoose is a natural enemy of the habu.
    ハブの天敵はマングース. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • Usaburo SHIMIZU (1829 - January 20, 1910) was a well-known businessman who was born in Habu Village, Saitama County, Musashi Province (currently it is Habu City).
    清水卯三郎(しみずうさぶろう、文政12年(1829年)-明治43年(1910年)1月20日)は、武蔵国埼玉郡羽生村(現在の羽生市)出身の実業家。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The mongooses were expected to control the number of habu snakes.
    マングースはヘビのハブの数を抑えてくれると期待されていた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Mongooses were initially brought into the islands of Okinawa and Amami to control the number of habu.
    マングースは当初,ハブの数を抑制するために沖縄島と奄美大島に持ち込まれた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • A piece of string called a tsuru is tied along one side from the tip to the tsuka (hilt), and the side with the tsuru is called 'mine' and the other side is called 'habu.'
    剣先から柄までに一本の糸(つるという)を張り、つるが張られた側を峰とし、反対側を刃部とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the tombstone of Usaburo SHIMIZU located in Shoko-ji Temple in the northern part of Habu City, it is written as "SHIMIZU Usaburo no haka" (the tomb of Usaburo SHIMIZU) in kana alphabet (except the character "SHI" of SHIMIZU written in Chinese character "志").
    羽生市北の正光寺にある清水卯三郎の墓には「志みづうさぶらうのはか」と記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sakusaemon FURUYA as commander of the infantry gathered together the deserting troops, up to a total of eighteen hundred soldiers to Habu jinya (a regional government office; this place is currently located in Hanyu City, Saitama Prefecture) by the end of the month.
    これらは歩兵頭古屋作左衛門に統率されて同月末、羽生陣屋(埼玉県羽生市)に1800人が結集した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Other three chief retainers Habu, Tamematsu, Anami, and others reached an agreement to force Kanesada to retire in September, 1573, at the age of thirty-one, and he was expelled to Usuki in Bungo Province in 1574, where he depended on the Otomo clan.
    兼定は、他の三家老羽生、為松、安並等の合議によって、天正元年(1573年)9月兼定31歳の時、隠居を強制され天正2年(1574年)に豊後国臼杵へ追放され、大友氏を頼った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To provide a snake venom myonecrosis factor inhibitor having a potent myonecrosis inhibitory effect and also having no fear in view of safety, especially a habu (Trimeresurus flabobiridis) snake venom muscle necrosis factor inhibitor.
    強い筋壊死阻害効果を有すると共に、安全性の点でも問題のないヘビ毒筋壊死因子阻害剤、特にハブ毒筋壊死因子阻害剤を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • It is considered that his common name, 'Sakai' was derived from the fact that the foothold of the Chiba clan was located in the watershed of Sakai-gawa River, which is running through the outskirt of their base territory, Chiba no sho (the private estate of the Chiba clan); later he also reigned Habu no sho in Shimousa Province and Tamasaki no sho in Kazusa Province, and established his foothold at Oyanagi no tate (currently Mutsuzawa-cho, Chiba Prefecture) in Tamasaki no sho; he further expanded his territory to the opposite shore of Sakai-gawa River from Chiba no sho, Ichihara District in Kazusa Province.
    通称である「境」は千葉氏の本拠である千葉荘の外れにあった境川(現在の村田川)流域に拠点があったからとされ、後に下総国垣生荘及び上総国玉崎荘などを支配して玉崎荘の大柳館(現在の千葉県睦沢町)を拠点とし、更に千葉荘とは境川対岸の上総国市原郡にも進出することになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
