
  • Adorn shumidan (An altar made of fine timber, generally with paneling, hame) in the main hall.
    本堂須弥壇に飾られていたもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It guards the four directions of shumidan (An altar made of fine timber, generally with paneling, hame) at Kon-do Hall.
    金堂須弥壇の四隅を護る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There are craftsmen dedicated solely to manufacturing of sumidan (An altar made of fine timber, generally with paneling, hame).
    須弥壇を専門に製作する職人が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The miniature shrine doors are adorned with makie imagery such as autumn flowers, pine trees and bamboo, and the shumidan (an altar made of fine timber, generally with panelling, hame) feature makie images which include musical instruments.
    厨子の扉には秋草、松竹など、須弥壇には楽器などの蒔絵が施されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Judging from the inscription "1288" on a metal fitting of Shumidan (an altar made of fine timber, generally with paneling, hame), the hall itself seems to have been built at that time.
    須弥壇の金具に弘安11年(1288年)の銘があり、堂自体もそのころの建築と思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On shumidan (An altar made of fine timber, generally with paneling, hame) at the center of the hall is the principal image Shaka Nyorai statue housed within a raden zushi (a miniature temple with mother-of-pearl inlay work).
    堂内中央の須弥壇には螺鈿厨子に収められた本尊、釈迦如来像が安置されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When the key of Naijin (the inner sanctum located in the main halls, Kondo or Hondo of a Buddhist temple, or Honden of a Shinto shrine) is opened and the door opens, Rengyoshu run into Naijin, go around shumidan (an altar made of fine timber, generally with paneling, hame) three times, pray to the honzon, clean Naijin and decorate the shumidan.
    内陣の錠があけられ、扉が開くと、練行衆は内陣にかけいり、須弥壇の周囲を3周し、本尊を礼拝し、内陣の掃除や須弥壇の飾り付けを行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although only the elements described above are placed in Buddhist alters of lay believers, Jogyo Bosatsu (Superior Practice Bodhisattva), Muhengyo Bosatsu (Limitless Practice Bodhisattva), Jogyo Bosatsu (Pure Practice Bodhisattva), and Anryugyo Bosatsu, which are Hongeshidaibosatsu (four Bosatsu (Bodhisattva) enlightened by True Buddha) of Hokke sect are additionally placed on shumidan (An altar made of fine timber, generally with panelling, hame) in Hokke sect temples.
    在家の仏壇には上述のもののみであるが、法華宗寺院の須弥壇では二世尊のほか、上行菩薩(じょうぎょうぼさつ)、無辺行菩薩(むへんぎょうぼさつ)、浄行菩薩(じょうぎょうぼさつ)、安立行菩薩(あんりゅうぎょうぼさつ)という法華宗の四菩薩日蓮宗・法華宗における四菩薩(ほんげしだいぼさつ)などが加わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Are ano hana wo mite, okokoro wo oyawaragi ya to iu (they say you should relieve the tension watching that flower), ubuko hauko ni itaru made, kono uiro no gohyoban, gozonji nai towa mosare maimaitsuburi (even newborn babies or crawlers will never say that they have never heard Uiro's reputation, snail), tsuno dase bo dase (stick out your horns or tentacles) bobo mayu ni (shaggy eyebrows, then), usu kine suribachi bachi bachi guwara guwara guwara to (a mill-stone, pounder and earthenware mortar are making a noise), hame wo hazushi te konnichi oide no izure mo sama ni, agene ba nara nu, urane ba nara nu to, iki seihippari (being eager to sell this medicine to you all here today, on a spree), tohosekai no kusuri no motojime, Yakushinyorai mo shoran are to, ho-ho uyamatte, uiro wa irassharimasenu ka (asking Yakushi Nyorai [the Healing Buddha], the manager of medicine in the Pure Land, to see this; with respect, would you like Uiro)?
    アレあの花を見て、御心を御和らぎやと言う、産子・這子に至るまで、此の外郎の御評判、御存じ無いとは申されまいまいつぶり、角出せ棒出せぼうぼう眉に、臼杵擂鉢ばちばちぐわらぐわらぐわらと、羽目を外して今日御出での何れも様に、上げねばならぬ、売らねばならぬと、息せい引っ張り、浄土の薬の元締、薬師如来も照覧あれと、ホホ敬って外郎はいらっしゃいませぬか。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
