「harvest time」を含む例文一覧(58)

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  • Now is the time for harvest―harvest-time.
    今は収穫時だ - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • harvest-time
    刈入れ時 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • harvest-time
    収穫時 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • harvest-time
    取り入れ時 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • harvest time
    刈り入れに適した時期 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • We are very busy as it is harvest time.
    刈り入れ時でとても忙しい. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • I took part in a tour of a hopfield at harvest time.
    刈り入れ時のホップ畑見学に参加した。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • Farmers are very busy and short‐handed at harvest‐time.
    収穫期の農家は猫の手も借りたいほど忙しい. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • a festival held by farmers at planting time in which prayers are said in order to protect against strong winds and thus a good harvest, called "wind festival"
    風祭りという,豊作祈願の祭り - EDR日英対訳辞書
    リンゴ果実の収穫時期の判定方法 - 特許庁
  • I began driving our tractor when I was 12 years old to help my father out at harvest time.
    収穫期に父を手伝うために12才の時トラクターの運転を始めました。 - Tatoeba例文
  • I began driving our tractor when I was 12 years old to help my father out at harvest time.
    収穫期に父を手伝うために12才の時トラクターの運転を始めました。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • To reap and harvest broadcast ridge-sowed and cultivated crops for many ridges at a time.
    全面条播で栽培された作物体を一度に多数条列を刈取り収穫しようとするものである。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a grape cultivating method enabling harvest of a large amount of grapes excellent in quality in a short time.
    品質に優れた葡萄を短期間で多く収穫することのできる葡萄栽培方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a root vegetable harvester in which a root vegetable conveyer is placed above the frame of a harvest portion and which can maintain the root vegetable conveyer in an extremely low level carriage posture on a harvest work time and can lift the harvest portion at a high place on a non- work time.
    収穫部フレームの上方に根菜コンベアが位置するものでありながら、収穫作業時には、収穫部の高さ調節にかかわらず根菜コンベアを極力低レベルで搬送用姿勢に維持でき、非作業時には収穫部を高く持ち上げられる根菜類収穫機を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • Let both grow together until the harvest, and in the harvest time I will tell the reapers, “First, gather up the darnel weeds, and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”
    収穫まで両方とも一緒に成長させなさい。そして収穫の時になったら,刈り取る者たちに,「まず毒麦を抜き集めて,燃やすためにそれらを縛って束にしなさい。そして小麦のほうはわたしの倉に集めなさい」と言おう』」。 - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 13:30』
  • This is a variety with a low harvest volume even where it grown and this will be the first time it is imported to Japan raw, not in a canned state.
    現地でも収穫量の少ない品種で、缶詰としてではなく生の状態としては本邦初入荷となります。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • In some areas of Japan, scarecrows are worshipped as symbols of mountain gods in scarecrow festivals held at the time of harvest or during New Year holidays.
    これが山の神の信仰と結びつき、収獲祭や小正月に「かかし上げ」の祭をする地方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • One theory states that the purpose of this crime is to usurp other people's fields by setting up stakes at harvest time.
    その目的は収穫時に他人の田畑に自分の土地であることを示す杭を立てて横領すること、とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In those days, in Dazaifu, continuous lean harvest resulted in tax revenue shortfalls and farmers had an even harder time due to diseases.
    当時、大宰府管内では不作が続いて税収不足に陥り、さらに疫病により百姓らの困窮が著しかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To provide a method aiming at reviving before shipping leaf vegetables which already started to wither after the lapse of a considerable time from the harvest.
    収穫から相当な時間が経過して、既に萎れ始めている葉物野菜を、出荷前に、蘇生することを目的とする。 - 特許庁
  • To efficiently harvest young leaves of rice plants containing nutrients richly and at the same time obtain rice of high quality.
    栄養素が豊富に含まれた稲の若葉を効率よく収穫できるようにするとともに、良質の米も得ることができるようにすること。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a method for manufacturing a perfume composition which has a supply stability, a quality stability and a natural feeling independent on a harvest time.
    収穫時期に左右されず、供給安定性及び品質安定性が良い、ナチュラル感のある香料組成物を製造する方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • The variety passing one month or more preservation time after the harvest is preferably shipped for distribution and/or subjected to the processing treatment after 25 days or later.
    収穫後1ヶ月以上の保存期間を経過した品種は、25日目以降に流通出荷/加工することが好ましい。 - 特許庁
  • Since the sugar content can be nondestructively evaluated before shipping, the harvest time of the fruit 1 can be properly set.
    出荷前に非破壊で糖度の評価が可能となるので、果物1の収穫時期の適切化も図ることができる。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a device and a method for predicting harvest, with which time and costs can be reduced and the crop over a wide area can be predicted.
    本発明は、時間とコストを削減でき、かつ、広域な領域の作物の収穫量を予測できる収穫予測装置及び方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a plant cultivation system capable of controlling a harvest time, a plant-cultivation plant, and a method for cultivating plants.
    収穫時期を管理できる植物栽培システム、植物栽培プラント及び植物栽培方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • As a general rule, cultivated mushrooms are inspected prior to shipment and Wild mushrooms are inspected in harvest-time.
    きのこ類の検査については、原則として、栽培のものは出荷開始前に、野生のものは収穫の段階で実施する。 - 厚生労働省
  • Until around then, he mainly did translation, but after the issue of "Subaru" (literature magazine) in 1909, he started writing again and contributed to the magazine every month (A time Mokutaro KINOSHITA referred to as 'The Time of Harvest').
    このころまでは翻訳が多かったが、1909年(明治42年)に『スバル(文芸雑誌)』が創刊されると、これに毎号寄稿して創作活動を再開した(木下杢太郎のいう「豊熟の時代」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Once upon a time, when Emperor NINTOKU went up to the tower of his palace on New Year's Day, he noticed that there was no smoke rising up from the kitchen chimneys of houses because of shortage of foods due to a bad harvest.
    ある時、凶作によって食料が枯渇し、正月に炊飯する為の竈から煙が上がらないのを高殿に昇った仁徳天皇が見つけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some people insist that Sekien created it for fun, while others believe that it was a tsukumo-gami (a type of Japanese spirits that originate in items or artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday and become alive) transmuted from an old straw raincoat and straw sandals which had been possessed by the grudge of farmers upon whom heavy taxes had been imposed at prolonged poor harvest time.
    石燕が遊び絵として創作したものとの説や、凶作が続いた時期に年貢を厳しく取り立てられた農民の怨みの念が、古い蓑や草鞋に乗り移って付喪神と化したものだとの説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During the early Heian period, this ceremony originated in the Imperial Palace and spread to lords and ordinary people as a wish to be in full harvest and a perfect state of health by praying in various directions no matter what the year might bring, but as time went by the ceremony remained simply as a court function.
    平安時代初期、宮中を始源とし、これに倣って貴族や庶民の間でも行われ、四方を拝して一年間の豊作と無病息災を祈っていたが、時代を経るごとに宮中行事として残るのみとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some peasants, handen (allotted farmland) farmers, old gunji (a district officer) families, and local kokushi (a provincial governor) scions of that time started to form a wealthy class called tato, and they gained riches by suiko (rice loans in ancient Japan that had to be repaid after the autumn harvest at a substantial rate of interest) and farming activities.
    当時の百姓・班田農民や古来の郡司一族、土着国司子弟の中には、出挙や営田活動により富を蓄積する富豪層が現れており、田堵(たと)と呼ばれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although the harvest time of August and September was close at hand, the Imperial Court was in a condition of little possibility of nengu unjo from the shoen and the koryo in the various districts to the Imperial Court and the influential families.
    8月・9月という収穫期を目前としながら、諸国の荘園・公領から朝廷・諸権門への年貢運上はほとんど見込めない状況にあったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Whatever the reason, sake brewing was limited according to rice yields for each year, starting from this time, in such a manner that no more than 20 or 30 percent of these values was allowed in a poor harvest year.
    いずれにせよこれ以後、毎年の米の作柄によって、この数値を基準にして凶作年にはその二割とか三割といった具合に酒造が制限されていくようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, from around the time that Hidetake KOIDE became the seventh lord, the domain was assailed by a series of disasters including famine, drought, and flooding, weakening the finances of the administration, and, in 1787, a bad harvest and jump in rice price caused a peasant's revolt.
    しかし第7代藩主・小出英タケの頃から飢饉や旱魃、洪水などの天災によって藩財政の窮乏化が表面化し、天明7年(1787年)には凶作と米価高騰などから百姓一揆が発生する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To combust vegetable combustibles, such as grain harvest wastes including chaff and agricultural wastes, to completely carbonized combustion ash efficiently in a time/labor-saving manner.
    籾殻等の穀物の収穫廃棄物や農産廃棄物などの植物性可燃物を、手間や時間をかけずに効率よく燃焼させて完全に炭化した燃焼灰を得られるようにする。 - 特許庁
  • To enable a user to harvest and flower desired fruits by smoothly performing growth and development of fruit trees and garden trees by receiving presentation of various kinds of information about the fruit trees and the garden trees in real time.
    ユーザーが果樹、庭木に関する各種の情報を、リアルタイムに情報提供を受けるようにして、果樹、庭木の生育と成育をスムーズに行って、所望する果実の収穫や開花ができる。 - 特許庁
  • The new method for harvesting non-raw-edible mulukhiya includes the following process: At such time intervals that the height of mulukhiya extends by 5 cm to less than 25 cm from the preceding harvest, the mulukhiya is plucked and harvested using a portable or riding-type tea plucker.
    モロヘイヤの草丈が前回の収穫から新たに5cm〜25cm未満伸びる間隔をおいて、可搬式又は乗用式の茶用摘採機を用いて摘採し収穫する非生食用モロヘイヤの収穫方法を提案する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an extremely easy and inexpensive cooling apparatus for strawberry cultivation, capable of promoting flower bud growth even in a high temperature period and quickening a harvest time and enabling cultivation even in a region at high temperature.
    極めて簡単で安価な装置により、高温期でも花芽の生長が促進され、収穫時期を早めることができると共に、気温の高い地域でも栽培を可能にしたイチゴ栽培冷却装置を提供するものである。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a Pleurotus nebrodensis strain that has excellent disease prophylactic and ameliorative effects, a diseases prophylactic and ameliorative agents containing the same and a cultivation method for Pleurotus nebrodensis that can harvest a sufficient amount of fruit bodies in a short period of time.
    優れた疾患予防改善効果を有するPleurotus nebrodensis株、及びそれを含む疾患予防改善剤、さらに、短期間で充分な量の子実体を収穫することのできるPleurotus nebrodensisの栽培方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a culturing method and culturing apparatus capable of optionally and at any time taking out a culturing tank having crops already attained a harvest season or a transplantation period by a mechanical operation.
    作物の成長が進み、既に収穫期或いは移植時期に達した作物の栽培槽がある場合に、その栽培槽を随時、随意に取り出し位置へ機械的操作で先出し出来る栽培方法及び栽培装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a virtual reality system for agriculture which makes it possible to experience farming, etc., by overcoming the restrictions of distance and time, makes it possible to expect a sufficient harvest, and directly connects virtuality and reality.
    距離や時間の制限を克服して農業等の体験をすることができるとともに、十分な収穫を期待することができる仮想と現実とを直結した農業などの擬似的な体験システムを提供する。 - 特許庁
  • The grate is a movable grate which is laterally movable and angle is adjustable, and can be folded, easily carried and effectively used in accordance with harvest time.
    横移動と角度の調整ができ、折りたたむことができる移動式の獣撃退具で、持ち運びが簡単なので、収穫時期に合わせて、効率的に使うことができる。 - 特許庁
  • Ending stocks are expected to compensate for the reduced supply due to decrease in production. As such, it is likely that reduction in the ending stock rate will increase the concern over tight supply and demand balance at a time of poor harvest and will result in price volatility.
    期末在庫は、生産の低下による供給量の減少を補う機能を持っており、期末在庫率の低下は、不作時の需給ひっ迫懸念を増大させ、価格変動をもたらすと考えられる。 - 経済産業省
  • With food being supplied excessively, food-purchase prices have declined significantly in China, creating a situation called “poverty despite a good harvest” in which farm production almost hits an all-time high but revenues in farm households do not rise.
    他方、供給過剰に伴い食糧買取価格も大幅に下落し、生産量は過去最高に近い水準となりながら、農村部家計の収入が伸びない「豊作貧乏」の状態となった。 - 経済産業省
  • To provide a combine harvester which can properly perform a ridge-matching operation along an un-reaped grain straw row with a manual switch in the time of a harvesting work, prevent the turning of the combine harvester by the error operation of the manual switch in the time except the harvest work, and improve driving operability, handleability and the like.
    収穫作業時においては手動スイッチによって未刈り穀稈列に沿わせる条合せ操作を適正に行わせ、且つ、収穫作業時以外における手動スイッチへの誤操作によってコンバインが旋回することを防ぎ、運転操作性並びに取扱い性などの向上を図る。 - 特許庁
  • To grow root or leaf soundly, to keep a deep green color of leaf at the time of harvesting, to enhance the resistance to diseases at the time of cultivating, to prevent the soil from becoming sterile, and to reduce the content of nitrate-nitrogen in the harvest, without giving a compound fertilizer or an organic fertilizer excessively in growing agricultural products.
    農作物の栽培に於いて化成肥料や有機質肥料を過剰に与えずに、根や葉が健全に生育し、収穫時の葉の色が濃い緑色を保持し、栽培時の病気に対する抵抗力を高め、また土壌が痩せず、収穫物の硝酸態窒素の含有量を減少させること。 - 特許庁
  • Since data of the raising state by the size and the saccharinity are accumulated relative to the individual fruit in a process of measurement of the angle of rotation, not only saccharinity estimation of the individual fruit but also raising management such as determination or prediction of a harvest time or a shipping time are enabled.
    旋光度測定の過程で、個々の果実について、大きさおよび糖度による育成状況のデータが蓄積されるので、個別の果実の糖度推定だけでなく、収穫時期や出荷時期の判定・予測等の育成管理も可能となる。 - 特許庁
  • Nobuhiro SATO criticized that Konyo's sweet potato cultivation method was a 'Careless method' in his book "Six-step method in cultivating plants"and introduced high temperature and humidity seedlings as a harvest method at early time, in contrast to Konyo's method of planting the seed tuber directly on ground.
    佐藤信淵はその著書『草木六部耕種法』の中で、昆陽の薩摩芋栽培法を「疎放なる作法」と批判し、昆陽の種芋を直接地面に植える方法に対して、高温多湿な苗代を作り早い時期に収穫する方法を紹介している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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