
  • She was decided to be the Saiin by fortunetelling in March 1073, but her father passed away in May of the same year, and she retired after incumbency of two months, which is the shortest of all Saiins in the history.
    同5年(1073年)3月斎院に卜定されたが、同年5月に父上皇が崩御、在任2ヶ月という歴代斎院中最短で退下した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1974, George ARIYOSHI took the position of the third Governor of Hawaii, the first Japanese Governor, serving for three terms, or 12 years (13 years and 2 months including the terms he was deputed as Governor during his Lieutenant Governor incumbency).
    1974年ジョージ・アリヨシが第3代ハワイ州知事に就任、初の日系州知事となり、3期12年(副知事時代州知事代理を務めた期間を含めると13年2ヶ月)に亘り知事を務める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
