of finance, an annuity purchased with a single premium and on which the initialpayment is made to the annuitant within the first year, called immediate annuity 即時年金という年金 - EDR日英対訳辞書
The payment document may be submitted within a period of one month from the filing date, retaining the initial filing date (Paragraph 3 of this Article). 納付書類は,出願日から1月以内に提出することができ,その際,原出願日(本条 (3))は維持される。 - 特許庁
If proof of payment is filed within the period laid down in paragraph (3), the fact shall be recorded in the margin of the initial registration.
(3)に規定される期間内に納付証明が提出された場合は,その旨が当初の登録時に余白に記入されるものとする。 - 特許庁
The member performs procedures for initial setting of the payment number (102), and then the number is written into member data (103). 会員は、支払回数を初期設定する手続を行い(102)、その回数は会員データに書き込まれる(103)。 - 特許庁
Payment of the extra wage calculated at the rate of 50% or higher must be made after reaching 60 overtime hours accumulated from the initial calculation date of one month. 50%以上の率で計算した割増賃金の支払義務が発生するのは、1ヶ月の起算日から時間外労働を累計して60時間に達した後。 - 厚生労働省
The peak around the middle of 1960s was generated mostly because, based on the initial land-leasing contract, it became necessary in 1962 to make a yearly payment (from profits from the logging business) and therefore, it became necessary to log a huge amount of trees to make the payment.
1960年代中期のピークは、1962年に当初の借地契約による分収金の効力が発生し、その支払いに充当するために大規模伐採を進めていたことが大きい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The trainees are issued a SVC that replaces the old method of cash and check payment of their initial advance pay.
実習生はストアドバリューカード(SVC)を発行される.これは,彼らの初めての前払い給与について,旧手法の現金や小切手による支給に取って代わるものである. - コンピューター用語辞典
Upon payment of the fee for the renewal of the time limit, the applicant, the design holder or his representative may, within 2 months from the date of expiry of the initial time limit, submit an application for the renewal of the missed time limit. 出願人,意匠所有者又はその代理人は,逸した期限の更新を,最初の期限の満了日後2月以内に期限の更新の手数料納付の上で申請することができる。 - 特許庁
The period of protection conferred by the registration of the mark is 10 years, renewable for an identical period or periods upon request of its owner and every time within the last year of the protection period, against payment of the fees due for the initial registration application.
登録商標が保護される期間は10 年間で、保護期間満了前一年以内であればいつでも、初回登録出願に支払われるべき手数料を納付することで、所有者の請求に応じて同一期間で更新できる。 - 特許庁
The data written on the application form are transferred from the card company's host 3 to a manufacturer's host 4 and initial connection information is transferred to the payment terminal device 6 via the mobile communication terminal 5. 申込書の内容はカード会社ホスト3からメーカホスト4へ転送され、初期接続情報は携帯通信端末5を経由して決済端末装置6へ転送する。 - 特許庁
To reduce the cost for initial introduction of a store payment method using a handy terminal and a settlement terminal, and to increase satisfaction of a customer carrying out a settlement. ハンディターミナルと決済端末とを用いた店舗決済システムの初期導入にかかる費用を低減するとともに、決済を行う顧客の満足度を高める。 - 特許庁
Then, initial costs to be reflected on the price of the new and powerful facility in the production starting stage is calculated from the total payment, the corresponding costs of the new and powerful facility and the loan sum. そして、この総返済額、新鋭設備の対応コストおよび借入金額から、生産立上げ段階の新鋭設備の価格に反映させる初期費用を算出する。 - 特許庁
“1 month” refers to 1 month of the calendar and the initial calculation date should be set forth in work rules. (Article 89, item 2 of the Act “Methods for determination, calculation and payment of wages”) 「1ヶ月」とは暦による1ヶ月をいい、その起算日は就業規則に記載する必要あり(法第89条第2号の「賃金の決定、計算及び支払の方法」)。 - 厚生労働省
Article 15 A person who intends to join a cooperative shall become a member when he/she has, after gaining the consent of the cooperative with regard to becoming a member pursuant to the provisions of the articles of association, completed the payment of the amount corresponding to the number of units of contribution he/she offers or, if the cooperative has rules for collecting an initial fee, the payment of said fee, or succeeded to all or part of the equity interest of a member.
第十五条 組合に加入しようとする者は、定款の定めるところにより加入につき組合の承諾を得て、引受出資口数に応ずる金額の払込及び組合が加入金を徴収することを定めた場合にはその支払を了した時又は組合員の持分の全部又は一部を承継した時に組合員となる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(a) At any time before the grant or refusal of a patent, an applicant for a patent, may, upon payment of the prescribed fee convert his application into an application for registration of a utility model, which shall be accorded the filing date of the initial application. An application may be converted only once. (Sec. 110, IP CODE) (b) At any time before the grant or refusal of a utility model registration, an applicant for a utility model registration may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, convert his application into a patent application, which shall be accorded the filing date of the initial application. (Sec. 110, IP CODE) (a)特許出願人は,特許の付与又は拒絶の前のいつでも,所定の手数料を納付して,特許出願を実用新案登録出願に変更することができ,変更後の出願には,当初の出願の出願日が付与される。出願は,1回に限り変更することができる。(IP法第110条) (b)実用新案登録出願人は,実用新案登録の付与又は拒絶の前のいつでも,所定の手数料を納付して,実用新案登録出願を特許出願に変更することができ,変更後の出願には,当初の出願の出願日が付与される。(IP法第110条) - 特許庁
At any time before the grant or refusal of a patent, an applicant for a patent may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, as referred to in Article 130 of this Law, convert his application into an application for a utility model certificate, which shall be accorded the filing date of the initial application.
特許の付与又は拒絶の前は何時でも,特許出願人は,第130条にいう所定の手数料を納付の上,自己の出願を実用新案証出願に変更することができ,当該実用新案証出願には原出願の出願日が認定される。 - 特許庁
At any time before the grant or refusal of utility model certificate, an applicant for a utility model certificate may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, as referred to in Article 130 of this Law, convert his application into a patent application, which shall be accorded the filing date of the initial application.
実用新案証の付与又は拒絶の前は何時でも,実用新案証出願人は,第130条にいう所定の手数料を納付の上,自己の出願を特許出願に変更することができ,当該特許出願には原出願の出願日が認定される。 - 特許庁
Following the filing of a written request and payment of the fixed fee by the applicant or his representative, the time limits provided for in paragraph 5 of Article 18, paragraph 3 of Article 19, paragraph 1 of Article 20, paragraph 1 of Article 22, paragraph 4 of Article 23, paragraph 1 of Article 31 may be renewed once, but for not longer than two months from the day of expiry of the initial time limit. 第18条 5.,第19条 3.,第20条 1.,第22条 1.,第23条 4.及び第31条 1.に規定する期限は,出願人又はその代理人による請求書の提出及び所定の手数料の納付後,1回更新することができるが,最初の期限の満了日後2月を超えてはならない。 - 特許庁
3. The filing of a divisional application shall be subject to payment of the fees required for the filing of a patent application and to the fees that are due again by reason of the annual fees that have fallen due since the filing date of the initial application. The fees applied shall be in those in force at the time of the filing of the divisional application. (3) 分割出願には,特許出願に要する手数料の納付,及び最初の出願日以来納付を要することになっている年金を理由とする滞納料金の納付を条件とする。適用される料金については,分割出願時に施行されている料金とする。 - 特許庁
An applicant for registration of a trademark that relates to more than one good or service may request to OSIM to divide the initial application into two or more applications, and he may distribute the goods and services over the divisional applications, upon payment of the prescribed fee. 複数の商品又はサービスに関する商標登録出願人は,所定の手数料の納付をもって,原出願を2以上の出願に分割するようOSIMに請求することができ,商品又はサービスを分割出願に配分することができる。 - 特許庁
At any time before the grant or refusal of a patent an applicant for a patent may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, convert his application into an application for a utility model certificate, which shall be accorded the filing date of the initial application.
特許の付与又はその拒絶前であればいつでも、特許出願人は、所定の手数料を支払うことにより、特許出願を実用新案証書の出願に変更することができる。その場合、特許出願の出願日を実用新案証書の出願日とする。 - 特許庁
At any time before the grant or refusal of a utility model certificate, an applicant for a utility model certificate may, upon payment of the prescribed fee convert his application into a patent application, which shall be accorded the filing date of the initial application.
実用新案証書の付与又はその拒絶の前であればいつでも、実用新案証書の出願人は、所定の手数料を支払うことにより、実用新案証書の出願を特許出願に変更することができる。その場合、実用新案証書の出願日を、特許出願の出願日とする。 - 特許庁
110.2. At any time before the grant or refusal of a utility model registration, an applicant for a utility model registration may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, convert his application into a patent application, which shall be accorded the filing date of the initial application. 110.2実用新案登録出願人は,実用新案登録の付与又は拒絶の前のいつでも所定の手数料を納付することにより実用新案登録出願を特許出願に変更することができ,当該変更された特許出願には当初の出願の出願日が付与される。 - 特許庁
To provide a general purpose terminal device, home voting processing method and home voting service providing program for processing home voting with which payment, voting, settlement, and the like from a common screen can be performed by performing initial registration of IDs and passwords of a plurality of public-operated race sponsors. 複数公営競技主催者のIDとパスワードの初期登録を行い、共通の画面から入金、投票および精算等が行える在宅投票を処理する汎用端末装置、在宅投票処理方法および在宅投票サービス提供プログラムを提供する。 - 特許庁
(11) Upon making a contribution prescribed in paragraph (8) of this Article, a Subsequent Partner shall have the same rights and obligations under this Agreement as if the Subsequent Partner had made contribution on the Initial Closing Date (and, if any contribution was made pursuant to a Capital Call Notice, on the payment date therefor).
11. 追加出資組合員は、本条第8 項に定める払込みにより、当初クロージング日(及び追加出資請求通知に応じた出資がなされている場合には、その払込日)に当該出資をなした場合と同様に本契約に基づく権利及び義務を取得する。 - 経済産業省
Following the filing of a written request and payment of the fixed fee by the applicant, the proprietor of a mark or the holder of an international registration, or his representative, the time limits provided for in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 13, paragraph 3 of Article 14, paragraph 1 of Article 15, paragraph 1 of Article 17, paragraph 4 of Article 18, paragraph 1 of Article 25, and paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Article 34 of this Law may be extended once but for not longer than two months from the day of expiry of the initial time limit. 第13条5.及び6.,第14条3.,第15条1.,第17条1.,第18条4.,第25条1.並びに第34条1.,2.及び4.に規定する期限は,出願人,商標所有者若しくは国際登録の所有者,又はその代理人による請求書の提出及び所定の手数料の納付後,1回延長することができるが,最初の期限の満了日後2月を超えてはならない。 - 特許庁
Sec.110 Conversion of Patent Applications or Applications for Utility Model Registration 110.1. At any time before the grant or refusal of a patent, an applicant for a patent may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, convert his application into an application for registration of a utility model, which shall be accorded the filing date of the initial application. An application may be converted only once. 第110条 特許出願の実用新案登録出願への変更 110.1特許出願人は,特許の付与又は拒絶の前のいつでも所定の手数料を納付することにより特許出願を実用新案登録出願に変更することができ,当該変更された実用新案登録出願には当初の出願の出願日が付与される。出願は,1回に限り変更することができる。 - 特許庁
The trustee only can terminate those bilateral contracts under which both parties have yet to fulfill their respective obligations. Therefore, license agreements for information property (for example, generic packaged software), which require no further payment aside from the initial purchase, do not fall under this category.
もっとも、解除の対象となる双務契約はともに債務の履行を完了していないものであり、例えば一般的なパッケージソフトウェアのように最初に対価を支払えばそれ以降使用の対価を支払う必要のないような情報財のライセンス契約の場合については、解除の対象とされることはないと解される。 - 経済産業省
(4) In the bankruptcy proceedings set forth in the preceding paragraph, even if any amount is paid for a bankruptcy claim set forth in paragraph (1) based on the rehabilitation plan set forth in said paragraph, the initial amount of the rehabilitation claim shall be deemed to be the amount of the claim that may enter into the procedure for a liquidating distribution, and the basis for calculating the percentage of distribution shall be determined by adding such amount paid to the bankruptcy estate; provided, however, that the bankruptcy creditor who holds such bankruptcy claim may not receive a liquidating distribution until any other bankruptcy creditor with the same priority as his/hers receives a liquidating distribution at the same proportion as he/she has received payment.
4 前項の破産手続においては、同項の破産債権については、第一項の再生計画により弁済を受けた場合であっても、従前の再生債権の額をもって配当の手続に参加することができる債権の額とみなし、破産財団に当該弁済を受けた額を加算して配当率の標準を定める。ただし、当該破産債権を有する破産債権者は、他の同順位の破産債権者が自己の受けた弁済と同一の割合の配当を受けるまでは、配当を受けることができない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(1) After the extension of the period of registration of a relevant design from the expiry of its initial period of registration, and upon the filing of a request by any person and the payment of the applicable fee referred to in the First Schedule, the Registrar shall (a) give the person making the request such information; and (b) permit him to inspect such documents, relating to the application for the extension of the period of registration (including any representation, sample or specimen of the design), as may be specified in the request. (1)関連意匠の登録期間の最初の登録期間の満了からの延長後に,かつ,ある者が請求を提出し附則1にいう適当な手数料を支払った場合は,登録官は,登録期間の延長申請(意匠の表現,見本又は試料を含む)に関して次のことを行う。(a)請求を行う者に請求に定める情報を与えること,及び (b)その者に請求に定める書類の閲覧を許可すること - 特許庁
Article 104-4 (1) A purchaser of a recording machine or a recording medium designated by the Cabinet Order set forth in Article 30, paragraph (2) (in this Chapter referred to below as a "designated recording machine" and a "designated recording medium", respectively) (limited, however, to the initial purchaser of a retailed designated recording machine or designated recording medium) shall, upon request by the relevant designated management association, at the time of purchase and as a lump-sum payment of the compensation for private sound and visual recordings to be made using said designated recording machine or designated recording medium, pay the amount fixed, pursuant to the provisions of Article 104-6, paragraph (1), as the compensation for private sound and visual recordings with respect to such designated recording machine or designated recording medium, in the event that said designated management association requests such payment.
第百四条の四 第三十条第二項の政令で定める機器(以下この章において「特定機器」という。)又は記録媒体(以下この章において「特定記録媒体」という。)を購入する者(当該特定機器又は特定記録媒体が小売に供された後最初に購入するものに限る。)は、その購入に当たり、指定管理団体から、当該特定機器又は特定記録媒体を用いて行う私的録音又は私的録画に係る私的録音録画補償金の一括の支払として、第百四条の六第一項の規定により当該特定機器又は特定記録媒体について定められた額の私的録音録画補償金の支払の請求があつた場合には、当該私的録音録画補償金を支払わなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(10) In case a separated patent application is filed on the basis of subsections 9(2) or (3) of this Act, the applicant shall, within two months as of the actual filing date of the specified application with the Patent Office, pay state fees for all preceding years of validity, taking into account that the filing date of the initial patent application shall be the basis for the calculation of years of validity of a separated patent application. If, in the case of a year of validity the due date of payment for which has passed, the term of six months for the payment of a supplementary state fee specified in subsection (3) of this section has not yet passed, the state fee for such year of validity may be paid without an additional state fee within two months as of the actual filing date of a separated patent application with the Patent Office. If a state fee is not paid for the last year of validity within the specified two months’ period, the state fee may be paid until the end of the six months’ period provided for in subsection (3), if a supplementary state fee is also paid. (10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(10) 第9条(2)又は(3)に基づいて特許分離出願がなされた場合は,出願人は,原特許出願の出願日が特許分離出願の有効年度の計算の基礎であることを考慮して,分離出願の特許庁への実際の出願日から2月以内に,先行するすべての有効年度に係る国の手数料を納付しなければならない。納付期日が過ぎた有効年度の場合,(3)に定めた国の追加手数料の納付に係る6月の期間がまだ経過していないときは,当該有効年度に係る国の手数料は,国の追加手数料を加えずに,特許分離出願の特許庁への実際の出願日から2月以内に納付することができる。前記2月の期間内に最終有効年度に係る国の手数料が納付されなかった場合は,当該国の手数料は,国の追加手数料も納付することを条件として,(3)に規定する6月の期間末まで納付することができる。 (2004年3月10日。2004年5月1日施行-RT I 2004, 20, 141) - 特許庁
Each accomplishment of formalities of regularization in relation to the filing of a patent application, the filing of a divisional application, the filing of a new patent application under Article 14, paragraph 2 of the Law, the filing of a request for drawing up or for the validation of the search report, the filing of a request for undertaking a procedure of grant of Luxembourgian patent on the basis of an international application, the filing of a request for conversion of an European patent application, the filing of an application for supplementary protection certificate, as well as the filing of a request for satisfying the conditions relating to the representation set forth in Article 83, paragraphs 2 to 4 of the Law, to which it is carried out after the filing of the initial corresponding request, shall cause the payment of a regularization fee. 特許出願,分割特許出願,法第14条(2)に基づく新規特許出願,調査報告書の作成若しくは認証の請求書提出,国際出願を基礎とするルクセンブルク特許の付与手続をとる請求書の提出,欧州特許出願の変更請求書の提出,補充的保護証明書の申請,及び法第83条(2)から(4)までに規定された代理に関する条件を満たす請求書の提出であって,対応する原出願又は請求書の提出後に実施される補正に関する各手続履行については,補正手数料の納付を必要とする。 - 特許庁