「integrated study」を含む例文一覧(16)

  • Afterwards, Daigaku-ryo comprised Kidendo (the study of Chinese history), Monjodo (literature), Myogyodo (the study of Confucian classics), Myobodo (study of Codes), and Sando (study of mathematics) while Kidendo and Monjodo were integrated later (people of succeeding generations assumed that Kidendo was absorbed by Monjodo but this is wrong. In reality, the name of the doctorate was 'Monjo Hakase' while the name of the department was 'Kiden (do).'
    後に紀伝道(中国史)・文章道(文学)・明経道(儒教)・明法道(法律)・算道の学科構成となり、更に紀伝と文章が統合された(紀伝が文章に吸収統合されたと言うのは後世の誤りで、実際は博士号は「文章(博士)」、学科は「紀伝(道)」と称した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Incidentally, Ondo (study of pronunciation of the Chinese language) taught by On Hakase (professors of pronunciation of Chinese language) and Shodo (calligraphy) taught by Sho Hakase (professors of calligraphy) were subjects that supplemented the study of Myogyodo, and it is considered that the two subjects were practically integrated with Myogyodo by the middle of the Heian period.
    なお、音博士の音道と書博士の書道(大学寮)は、明経道の学習を補助するための学科であり、平安時代中期には明経道に実質的に統合されたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Later, Juken senso (a system of fiercely competitive entrance examinations), Yutori education (more relaxed education policy) and integrated study, etc., were discussed, leading to socio-educational controversy.
    その後、受験戦争、ゆとり教育、総合学習などが話題に上がり、教育社会学的な議論がなされるに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kiden hakase refers to a post established in Daigaku-ryo (Bureau of Education under the Ritsuryo system) in the early Heian period and taught Kidendo (the study of the histories), but, was integrated into Monjo hakase (Professor of Literature) later.
    紀伝博士(きでんはかせ)とは、平安時代の初期に大学寮に置かれた役職で紀伝道を講じたが、後に文章博士に統合された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, such knowledge of history was required when creating documents such as official documents and Chinese poetry, and Kidendo (the study of the histories) was integrated with Monjodo (literature) on April 1, 836 by the idea that it overlapped with Monjodo.
    しかし、こうした歴史の知識を必要とするのは公文書や漢詩などの文章作成においてであり、文章道と重複するという考えから承和_(日本)3年3月8日_(旧暦)(834年4月20日)に紀伝道と文章道は統合された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yoshida South Campus Academic Center Building (formerly, Faculty of Integrated Human Study's A Building) stands at the place where the Professor Orita's Statue once had existed in front, but the reconstruction of the building totally changed the atmosphere around here.
    吉田南総合館(旧総合人間学部A号館)前はかつて折田先生像のあった場所だが、建物の改築によりすっかり雰囲気が変わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There are no integrated and systematized documents about Chusei Nihongi because they are described in many books about the study of waka poems, war chronicles, histories of temples and shrines etc., but the plentiful variety of Chusei Nihongi are preserved.
    主に歌学書、軍記物、寺社縁起などにおいて記述されているため、統一的・体系的な文献は存在せず、豊富なバリエーションが残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Integrated courses have introduced clusters of interconnected optional subjects (field-specific and comprehensive clusters of optional subjects) so as to enable students to engage in coherent learning and study subjects related to their future career course.
    総合学科においては、ある程度のまとまりのある学習や、生徒自身の進路の方向に沿った科目履修ができるよう、相互に関連する選択科目によって構成される科目群(系列・総合選択科目群)を開設している。 - 経済産業省
  • At a recent meeting of the Senior Vice Ministerial study team, it was agreed that the relevant supervisory and regulatory powers should be integrated under the Financial Services Agency (FSA). Could you tell me about the substance of that agreement and about when a relevant bill will likely be submitted and when the exchange will be established?
    総合取引所のことなのですけれども、先日、副大臣級で金融庁に監督規制を一元化するということで合意したということなのですが、その合意の中身と今後その法案提出や実施時期について見通しをお伺いできますでしょうか。 - 金融庁
  • On the topic of integrated exchange, which has been incorporated into the New Growth Strategy, a study team that cuts across ministries and agencies is to be established this month. Given the history of the failure of a similar scheme to come to fruition in the past, what is your understanding of the challenges of creating an integrated exchange?
    新成長戦略に盛り込まれた総合取引所について、今月中に省庁横断的な検討会を設けるということなのですが、かつてそういった構想があったときに実現しなかった経緯もあると思うのですが、総合取引所の創設に向けた課題について大臣はどのように認識されていますか。 - 金融庁
  • (1) Development of Systems and Measures to Promote the Establishment of Integrated Exchanges Handling Securities and Other Financial Instruments as well as Commodities The Integrated Exchange Study Team was launched, comprised of the Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries of the FSA, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. This team will publish an interim report by the end of this year. Whether to submit related bills to the next ordinary session of the Diet will be discussed, if considered necessary on the basis of the report.
    (1)総合的な取引所(証券・金融・商品)創設を促す制度・施策金融庁・農林水産省・経済産業省の副大臣・大臣政務官で構成する「総合的な取引所検討チーム」が年内に取りまとめる中間整理に基づき必要が認められれば次期通常国会での法案提出を検討する。 - 金融庁
  • Given that the study has just commenced, it would not be appropriate for me to comment on it at this time. The respective Senior Vice Ministers and the Parliamentary Secretaries of the FSA, MAFF and METI will first be required to work hard. Discussions on the integrated exchange have only just begun, so it would not be appropriate for me to comment on the future direction at this stage.
    今、具体的な話は出ましたけれども、今、検討を始めたばかりでございますから、私から今は申し上げるのは適当でないと思います。まずは一生懸命3省(庁)の副大臣、政務官にまず汗を流してもらわなければいけませんし、今の所まだ始まったばかりですから、将来についてコメントするのは適当でないというように今は思っています。 - 金融庁
  • At the May 2005 ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers Meeting this progress was taken into account and, with a view to further development of the bond markets, it was agreed to establish regular self-assessment by member countries, develop a new framework to gather and share information in an integrated manner, launch a study on Asian currency-basket bonds, and commence consideration towards the development of international bond markets in Asia in the future.
    2005年5月のASEAN+3蔵相会議では、これらの進捗を踏まえ、債券市場の更なる発展に向け、各国の定期的な自己審査、情報の一元的管理のための体制整備、バスケット通貨建て債券の研究の開始や、将来のアジアにおける国際債券市場の発展に向けた検討を開始することで合意がなされた。 - 経済産業省
  • Furthermore, the East Asia Vision Group ("EAVG") advised the ASEAN+3 Summit with respect to institutionalization for the purpose of establishing an integrated East Asian community. In 2002, the East Asia Study Group ("EASG") advised on specific measures to take in such respect, including 17 measures which should be achieved in the short term and 9 measures which should be achieved in the medium and long term. Thus, the impetus to establish the East Asian Community grew.
    また、2001年にEAVG(東アジアビジョングループ)が共同体実現に向けた基本理念や制度化の方向性についてASEAN+3首脳会議へ報告し、2002年にはEASG(東アジアスタディーグループ)が短期的に実現すべき17項目、中長期的に実現すべき9項目の具体的方策について報告したことで東アジア共同体形成への機運が高まった。 - 経済産業省
  • On the topic of integrated exchange, a study meeting was held yesterday by Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries cutting across ministries and agencies. What is your vision of the integrated exchange? Presuming that the government is going to be developing institutions and so forth to enable the creation of an exchange and leave the rest to the management judgment of the exchange, one exchange each may be created in, for example, Tokyo and Osaka. In your opinion, what would be the ideal form of the exchange?
    総合取引所についてなのですが、昨日、副大臣、政務官と省庁をまたがって検討会があったということですけれども、総合取引所のあるべき姿というのをどのようにお考えなのかという点なのですが、つまり政府としては取引所が創設できるような制度等を整備して、あとは取引所の経営判断に委ねるという形だと思うのですが、そうなると例えば東京と大阪に1つずつ取引所ができるような事態もあると思うのですが、大臣御自身としては、取引所はどういう形が望ましいとお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁
  • In fact, we announced in the Committee on Financial Affairs in the Diet (Upper House) session yesterday that the first meeting would be held by the respective Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries of two ministries and one agency. In the first meeting held yesterday, the ''Integrated Exchange Study Team'' was launched, comprised of the respective Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries of the Financial Services Agency (FSA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
    この話は、実は昨日の国会(参議院)の(財政金融)委員会でも3省(庁)の副大臣、政務官で第1回の会合をやるということを発表させていただいたわけでございますけれども、昨日、検討の場として金融庁、農林水産省、経済産業省の副大臣、大臣政務官で構成する「総合的な取引所検討チーム」を立ち上げたところでございまして、昨日は第1回ということでございました。 - 金融庁
