Investmentincome can be further divided into portfolio investmentincome, direct investmentincome and income from other investment. 投資収益はさらに証券投資収益、直接投資収益、その他投資収益に分類される。 - 経済産業省
Raising taxes on investmentincome, you also see 投資収益への増税についても - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Notes: Return on Re-investment= Re-investment Earnings ÷ Income on Equity 備考:再投資収益率=再投資収益÷出資所得。 - 経済産業省
On the other hand, large portion of "Direct Investment Income" is "Income on Equity". 一方、「直接投資収益」で多いのは「出資所得」である。 - 経済産業省
The income balance can be broadly divided into employee compensation and investmentincome. 所得収支は雇用者報酬と投資収益とに大別される。 - 経済産業省
Direct investment includes stock acquisition, re-investment income, and capital leases. 直接投資には株式取得、再投資収益、資金貸借が含まれる。 - 経済産業省
income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments
投資金から定期的に支払われる所得 - 日本語WordNet
Next, seeing trends in "Investment Income", large portion of both balance and "Credit" in Japanese "Investment Income" is "Portfolio Investment Income" amounting to 70%, while the "Direct Investment Income" is around 20% of the whole.*6 次に、「投資収益」の変化をみると、我が国の「投資収益」は収支尻、受取のどちらも「証券投資収益」が7 割と多く、「直接投資収益」は全体の2 割程度である*6。 - 経済産業省
By contrast, Japan’s current investmentincome and balance on income surpluses are botharound the one percent mark. これらに対し、現在の日本の投資収益収支及び所得収支は依然1%台の黒字である。 - 経済産業省
The returns from foreign assets become investmentincome included in the income balance. こうした対外投資の果実となるのが所得収支における投資収益である。 - 経済産業省
(After mid 1970s: regional income gap contracted, dependency on public investment grew)In the mid-1970s, the consumption gap between cities and regions narrowed as did the per capitaprefectural income gap between the regions. また、働く人々が生み出す価値は、市場で評価される価値ばかりでない。 - 厚生労働省
Most of the “income balance” credit is income (dividends and interests) obtained by the purchase of overseas assets, such as “direct investment” and “securities investment.” 「所得収支」の受取は主に、「直接投資」、「証券投資」などの国外の資産を購入したことによって得られた収益(配当や利子)である。 - 経済産業省
Figure 2-3-1-10 InvestmentIncome constructed with GDP of Japan (Left: Gross, Right: Net) 第2-3-1-10 図 我が国の投資収益の対GDP 比(左:グロス、右:ネット) - 経済産業省
This is mainly due to the fact that the deficit of the government investmentincome balance expanded. これは主に、政府投資収益収支の赤字が拡大したことによる。 - 経済産業省
Owing to an expansion of direct investmentincome and increase of income such as patents in line with the increase of direct investment abroad, it can be said that these incomes are now important moneymakers in the foreign income of Japan. 対外直接投資の拡大に伴う直接投資収益と特許等収入の拡大が我が国の対外所得の重要な稼ぎ柱としての存在感を高めてきていると言える。 - 経済産業省
The breakup of the income account, which is considered to be more important than ever, clearly shows that direct investmentincome has been increasing in recent years, with the portfolio investmentincome constituting the largest share (see Figure 2-2-4). このように重要性が高まる所得収支の内訳を見ると、証券投資収益が最も大きいが、近年直接投資収益の受取額が大きく増加していることが特徴として浮かび上がる(第2-2-4図)。 - 経済産業省
Investmentincome reached 8.4056 trillion yen, or 1.7percent of GDP, revealing the bulk of the income surplus to be drawn from the investmentincome surplus. これに対し投資収益の収支は8兆4,056億円、GDP比1.7%となっており、所得収支黒字のほとんどが投資収益の黒字から成り立っている。 - 経済産業省
Their income and investmentincome surpluses subsequently expanded as net foreign assets accumulated, positioning them clearly as major creditor nations. 続いて所得収支黒字及び投資収益収支黒字が拡大するとともに対外純資産残高が累積して債権大国化が鮮明となった。 - 経済産業省
The expansion of the income balance, or the investmentincome which comprises the bulk ofthis, has proceeded as follows in other countries. 所得収支及びそのほとんどを占める投資収益の黒字拡大について、他国の例は次のとおりである。 - 経済産業省
In addition, "Re-invested Earnings" that are an amount re-invested in the local country are included in "Income on Equity" that is one item of the "Direct Investment Income". また、この「直接投資収益」の一項目である「出資所得」には、その国で再度投資される額である「再投資収益」が含まれている。 - 経済産業省
Recently, the tax rate limit on investmentincome was significantly relieved under the “Convention between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Japan for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on. Income revised in FY2003.” 近年では、2003年度に改正された日米租税条約で、投資所得に対する限度税率が大幅に引き下げられた。 - 経済産業省
Among income receipts, receipts from direct investment earnings were ¥4,083 billion (growing 21.9% over the previous year), growing to comprise about 21% of income receipts. 所得の受取のうち、直接投資収益の受取は4兆827億円(前年比21.9%)と約21%のシェアを占めるまで拡大している。 - 経済産業省
Namely, most of the breakdowns of "Portfolio Investment Income" produce relatively safe profit. つまり「証券投資収益」の内訳の多くは、比較的安全な収益ということになる。 - 経済産業省
The 2008 amendment of the tax code is to introduce a system to deduct up to \\10 million of investment from taxable income.
平成20年度税制改正で1,000万円上限の投資額所得控除方式を導入予定。 - 経済産業省
Direct investmentincome is increasing as Japanese companies are eagerly and successfully expanding business overseas. 直接投資収益の増加の背景には、企業の海外進出の積極化がある。 - 経済産業省
(b) Impact of globalization on the Japanese household sector The household sector earns wages by providing labor to companies, while it gains investmentincome such as interest and dividend incomes by providing funds to corporations and financial institutions. ②グローバル化の影響にさらされる我が国の家計部門 - 経済産業省
Japan has an extremely small share of oil producer country direct investmentincome. また、我が国では直接投資収益に占める産油国のシェアが極めて小さい。 - 経済産業省
○ Growth in household financial asset management In order to stably expand household income through suitable management of household financial assets, it is important to provide the environment infrastructure for smooth overseas investment including the role of institutional investors for the management of household financial assets. ○家計金融資産の運用主体の成長 - 経済産業省
Incidentally, most income from direct investment is reserved overseas as reinvestment returns なお、直接投資による所得受取の多くは、再投資収益として海外に留保されている。 - 経済産業省
Japanese direct investmentincome (receipts) has been in an increasing trend for the last several years (Figure 3-3-1). そこで、我が国の直接投資収益(受取)の推移を見ると、ここ数年増加傾向となっている(第3-3-1図)。 - 経済産業省
Germany has extended income revenue and expenditure surplus by stimulating foreign investment (see Figure 3-1-3-18). 対外投資の活発化により、ドイツは所得収支黒字も伸ばしている(第3-1-3-18図)。 - 経済産業省
In 2008, the direct return on investment among income receivable was \\5.261 trillion, showing steady performance. 2008 年には、所得の受取のうち、直接投資収益の受取は5 兆261 億円と顕著に推移している。 - 経済産業省
Increasing investment for the future (children and child raising) and enhancing measures against poverty and income inequality 未来への投資(子ども・子育て支援)の強化と貧困・格差対策の強化 - 厚生労働省
Your filthy drug money has been transformed into nice, clean, taxable income, brought to you by a savvy investment in a thriving business. 合法的な現金になり 課税可能な収入に 賢い投資により 立派な収入を得るんだ - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Additionally, as a matter of course, if inward investment is made, dividends and interests for the investment are paid outside the country when its income is distributed. また当然のことながら、対内投資がされれば、収益を分配する際に、その投資分に見合う配当や利子が国外に支払われることになる。 - 経済産業省
In order to expand income from overseas, aggressive foreign investment is required as well as improvement in the rate of return on such investment. 海外からの収益を拡大していく観点からは、対外投資を積極的に行うと同時に、その収益率の向上も目指していく必要がある。 - 経済産業省
In fact, investment trusts are the vehicle for much overseas investment of household financial assets and, in contradistinction to listed stocks72, etc, it is possible to have small holdings corresponding to the investor's income and asset holdings. 特に、投資信託が家計金融資産の海外運用も含めた効率的な運用の受け皿として期待される。 - 経済産業省
The return of investment is Japan's direct investment outstanding in the emerging nations of Brazil, India and Russia has been lower than that in the emerging nations of China and ASEAN nations, and the return on investment in regard to the former is very volatile. Such direct investment pushed up the Japanese income surplus, which has exceeded trade balance surplus since 2005. こうした直接投資の成果として、我が国の所得収支黒字が大幅に拡大しており、2005年以降は貿易収支黒字を上回っている。 - 経済産業省
Using international balance-of-payments statistics, we will look into region-by-region profit margins by Japanese companies on their overseas investment. (annual credit from direct investment income/ direct investment position(assets)) Their investment profit margins in China had been higher than those in ASEAN4 until 2002. But since 2003, Japanese companies have been reaping higher returns on their investment in ASEAN4 than they have been reaping returns on investment in China. 国際収支統計を利用して、我が国の地域別の投資収益率(直接投資収益受取額/直接投資資産残高)を見ると、2002年までは中国の投資収益率がASEAN4を上回っていたが、2003年以降ASEAN4の投資収益率が中国を上回っている。 - 経済産業省
As these data are same as until now, in comparison of ratios of "Currents without Trade" contrasted with GDP of Japan with Germany, the U.K. and the U.S., we can see that "Portfolio Investment Income" accounts for considerable portion in Japanese "Currents without Trade" while "Direct Investment Income" is huge in the U.K. and the U.S. これまでと同様に我が国とドイツ、英国、米国の「貿易以外」の対GDP 比を取り比較すると、我が国の「貿易以外」は、「証券投資収益」が多いのに対し、英国と米国では「直接投資収益」が多いことが分かる。 - 経済産業省
Despite this, however, the margin of surplus of income balance from 2005 onward declined for two consecutive years. The reason is that, the margin of surplus for direct investmentincome balance increased gradually from 2003 onward, the deficit in balance of returns on government investment continued to expand significantly on the other hand. しかしながら、2003 年以降直接投資収益収支の黒字幅が緩やかに増加する中、政府投資収益収支の赤字が大幅な拡大を続けた結果、2005 年以降の所得収支の黒字幅は2 年連続で減少となった。 - 経済産業省
However, comparing the ratio of direct investmentincome (receipts) to nominal GDP, Japan was at 0.80% as of 2006, with the U.S. at 2.23%. It can be said that Japanese direct investmentincome was still at a considerably low level compared to the U.S. (about 1/3) (Figure 3-3-2). しかし、日米の直接投資収益(受取)の対名目GDP比を比較すると、2006 年時点で我が国が0.80%、米国が2.23%と、我が国の直接投資収益は依然米国と比べかなり低い水準(約3分の1)にあることが分かる(第3-3-2図)。 - 経済産業省
As a result of the expansion of the "overseas-overseas transaction" business model, wealth obtained by companies is now recorded in the income balance account as direct investmentincome, instead of in the GDP as export income. こうした「外・外取引」の拡大の結果、企業が獲得する富がGDPに計上される輸出から所得収支に計上される直接投資収益へとシフトした。 - 経済産業省
In fact, if it is structural, it will be meaningful to devise a new way to supplement the income of the household sector with something other than wage income (investment income such as interests and dividends) for the expansion of domestic demand. 仮に構造的なものであるとすれば、家計部門の所得を賃金以外の所得(利子・配当などの投資所得)により補完し、内需の活性化につなげていくという発想も重要となるだろう。 - 経済産業省
As rising globalization makes wages as a single source of income risky, it is important to build a sturdier income distribution structure that includes investmentincome. グローバル化が進む中では、賃金だけを所得の源泉とすることはリスクが高いため、投資所得を含めた厚みのある所得分配構造を構築することが重要である。 - 経済産業省
In recent years, the receipt of income generated from foreign investments has increased. In 2009 the foreign investmentincome balance was 12.3 trillion yen, which greatly exceeded the trade balance of 4.0 billion yen. Foreign investmentincome has exceeded the trade balance for the fifth consecutive year (see Figure 3-2-3-17). 近年では、こうした海外投資から生み出される所得の受取が増加し、2009 年の所得収支が約12.3 兆円と、貿易収支の約4.0兆円を大きく上回っており、5 年連続で所得収支が貿易収支を超過している(第3-2-3-17 図)。 - 経済産業省
For example, if Japan achieves a ratio of direct investmentincome to GDP which is equal to that of the U.S., this would add ¥7.3 trillion to its current ¥4.1 trillion of direct investmentincome (receipts), will be expanded to ¥11.4 trillion, thus the effect of expanding Japanese disposable income (GNI) by over 1%. 仮に、我が国が米国と同等の直接投資収益対GDP比率を達成した場合、直接投資収益(受取)の額は、現在の4.1兆円から7.3兆円拡大して11.4兆円となり、我が国の可処分所得(GNI)を1%以上拡大させる効果を生む。 - 経済産業省
In order to raise household incomes and vitalized domestic consumption, a review of Japan's income distribution structure, which has been centered on wages, is required as well as the building of a comprehensive income distribution structure that includes income sources such as investmentincome and social benefits. 家計所得を底上げし国内消費を活性化していくためには、従来までの賃金中心の所得分配構造を見直し、投資所得や社会給付等も所得の源泉に含めた総合的な所得分配構造を構築する必要がある。 - 経済産業省
To potentiate investment in real estate of a price equal to or higher than an investment by an investor and to allocate a dividend of income gain by such an investment to the investor. 本発明は、投資家の投資額に見合う以上の価格の不動産に対する投資を可能とし、投資家にそのような投資によるインカムゲインの配当を分配することを目的とする。 - 特許庁