「last half-year」を含む例文一覧(27)

  • the last half-year
    下半期 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • The Expo will last half a year.
    万博は半年間続く。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Our company has done very good business during the last half year.
    わが社の後半期の営業成績は良好であった. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • October 20: The 15th group of the Ko-type preparatory pilot training course was enrolled in the last half year.
    10月20日 甲飛第15期生後期入隊 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the recovery pace continued to decrease in the last half of the same year.
    しかしながら、同年後半以降は回復ペースが低下し続けている。 - 経済産業省
  • This year’s catch of herring in Canada was only about half of last year’s.
    カナダでの今年のニシンの漁獲量は昨年のものの約半分しかなかった。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • This is over 20 percent less than the number of motorcycles shipped in the first half of last year.
    これは,昨年の上半期に出荷された二輪車の数より2割以上少ない。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • This reduced the number of problems with the audio devices to half the number that occurred last year.
    これにより,オーディオ機器のトラブル件数は昨年の発生件数の半分に減少した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Since the second half of last year, the government, led by the FSA, has been implementing a variety of measures to facilitate financing.
    昨年後半から金融危機対策ということで、政府の方で、金融庁が中心になって諸々の金融円滑化策をとられてきたと思うのです。 - 金融庁
  • For five and a half months after the terror attacks in New York and Washington D.C. on Sept. 11 last year, United States President Bush's approval ratings were over 80 percent.
    昨年9月11日のニューヨークとワシントンでのテロ攻撃後5か月半の間,アメリカのブッシュ大統領の支持率は80%を超えていた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • This February, orders for Chinese clams dropped to almost half compared with the same month last year at Tokyo’s Tsukiji Market.
    今年2月,東京の築(つき)地(じ)市(し)場(じょう)では,中国産ハマグリの注文が昨年同月と比べて半分近くに落ち込んだ。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • In the last half of 2010, the growth rates decreased to the level of 10% from the same period of the previous year.
    2010年後半にかけては、世界経済の減速等を背景に前年同期比で10% 台半ばまで伸び率が低下した。 - 経済産業省
  • Particularly noteworthy is the fact that while there has been a perceived shift of employment from full-time to parttime workers in recent years, the rise in part-time workers’ share of regular employment at last entered a lull in the latter half of last year, creating the conditions for an improvement in employment feeding through into growth in incomes (Fig. 1-1-5).
    特に、近年一般労働者からパート労働者への移行が進んでいるとされるが、昨年後半になり、ようやく常用雇用に占めるパート比率の上昇にも一服感が出ており、雇用の改善が所得の伸びにつながりやすい環境となっている(第1-1-5図)。 - 経済産業省
  • The earliest possible date for the diary's last entry is said to be April 14, 953; however, as this is a date one year and a half prior to the death Imperial Prince Shigeakira (the Imperial Prince passed away on October 18, 954), the possibility that which he did not make any entries in his diary during this period may be significantly low (Morosuke FUJIWARA, who was a court noble contemporary with Imperial Prince and also his farther-in-law, made entries in his diary until two days before his death).
    これらのことから、親王は天暦7年10月13日迄日記を筆録していたことがわかるが、いつを下限とするかは明確ではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Last year, the ADB published a report titled "Asia 2050," based on the analysis of Asia in the next 40 years and challenges the region will face. This report depicted a future in which Asia will continue to grow to account for more than half of the global GDP.
    ADBが40年後のアジアの姿と課題を分析し昨年発表した「Asia 2050」では、アジアの経済成長が継続し世界のGDPの半分以上をアジアが占める未来が描かれています。 - 財務省
  • According to Oki (2011?2012), in regular years, the rivers would flood due to a temporary increase in the volume of stream flow from rainfall in the latter half of the rainy season (May October). However, a large volume of water flow last year was caused by a huge amount of rainfall during the entire course of the rainy season.
    沖(2011-12)によれば、例年の洪水は雨期(5~10 月)後半の降雨によって一時的に水嵩が増すことで氾濫するのに対し、昨年の洪水は雨期の全期間に渡る多量の降雨による大規模な氾濫であった。 - 経済産業省
  • When the change in production in the manufacturing sector, which incurred a huge damage by flooding, is examined, the figures dropped during October and November, the period in which industrial estates were inundated, and the level of production in November fell to nearly half of the previous year with a negative growth of 47.2% compared to the same month of the previous year (down by 29.4% in October and down by 23.5% in November in comparison to the same month last year on a seasonally adjusted basis) (Figure, Table 2-3-2-4).
    洪水により大きな影響を被った製造業の生産推移をみると、工業団地に浸水被害が発生していた期間にあたる昨年10 月から11 月にかけて大幅に落ち込み、11月の生産水準は前年同月比▲ 47.2%と前年の半分程度の水準となった(季節調整済み前月比では、10 月は▲ 29.4%、11 月で▲ 23.5%)(第2-3-2-4 図表参照)。 - 経済産業省
  • Looking at the international economic circumstances surrounding Japan, it is clear that the world economy has been witnessing a slowdown. One of the reasons is that the US economy, which had been the locomotive behind the world economy, has been decelerating since the second half of last year because of a slump in IT and IT-related industries.
    我が国経済を取り巻く国際経済情勢をみますと、これまで世界経済を牽引してきた米国経済が、IT関連産業の業況悪化を契機として昨年後半以降減速したこともあり、世界経済の成長には減速がみられます。 - 財務省
  • As has already been shown (see Figure 1-2-14), since the second half of last year when the subprime mortgage problem surfaced, the lending standards practiced by financial institutions in the United States for loans to businesses has shifted dramatically toward a tightening stance. Consequently, there are concerns that businesses in the United States will be hampered in their procurement of funds, such as for capital investments.
    米国金融機関の企業向け融資基準は、すでに見たとおり(第1-2-14図)、サブプライム住宅ローン問題が顕在化した昨年後半以降引き締め基調へ大きくシフトしており、米国企業による設備投資資金等の資金調達に支障が生ずることが懸念される。 - 経済産業省
  • According to a survey by MHLW, the number of Hello Work’s placement of people with disabilities generally remains at the lower level from the same period last year. Additionally, the number of dismissed persons with disabilities largely increased to 1,987 in the latter half from 787 in the first half of FY 2008. There is concern for the deteriorating employment status of people with disabilities in the future (Figures 2-3-3 and 2-3-4).
    厚生労働省の調査によると、2008年度におけるハローワークにおける障害者の就職件数は、おおむね前年同期を下回って推移しているほか、障害者の解雇数も、2008年度上半期787人に対し下半期1,987人と大きく増加しており、今後の状況の悪化が懸念される(図表2−3−4)。 - 厚生労働省
  • Meanwhile, as you know, Japan's 11 major banks incurred a total of 234.1 billion yen in losses related to the disposal of non-performing loans in the fiscal first half, up more than 90 billion yen from the same period of last year, and the country's 110 regional banks -- although two of them have not yet announced their financial results -- incurred 148.8 billion yen in such losses, up 66.5 billion yen from the same period of last year. I believe that the increase in such losses partly reflects growing downside risks for the economy, so we will keep a close watch on the effects of the economic condition on financial institutions.
    同時に、ご案内のとおり主要行、それから地方銀行の不良債権処理につきましても、主要11行の第1四半期で、不良債権の処分損が2,341億(円)、前年の同月比で900億(円)以上の損失の拡大、地銀につきましては110行中まだ2行残っているところはあると思いますが、処分損が1,488億(円)ということで665億(円)前年同期に比べて拡大をしているという状況でありまして、これはやはり景気の下振れリスクといったものが高まっている中で、引き続き注意深くフォローしていきたいと思っているところであります。 - 金融庁
  • The earliest possible date for the diary's last entry is said to be April 14, 953; however, as this is a date one year and a half prior to the death Imperial Prince Shigeakira (the Imperial Prince passed away on October 18, 954), the possibility that which he did not make any entries in his diary during this period may be significantly low (Morosuke FUJIWARA, who was a court noble contemporary with Imperial Prince and also his farther-in-law, made entries in his diary until two days before his death).
    日記終了の下限とされる天暦7年2月23日は、親王薨去の1年6ヶ月前(親王は天暦8年9月14日に薨去)であるため、その間の日記が存在しなかったとは考えがたい(同時代の公卿で親王の舅でもある藤原師輔は、薨去2日前まで日記を筆録している。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In recent years the crisis-hit Asian countries have enjoyed a rapid recovery and have significantly lessened their vulnerability by reducing their short-tem external debt and increasing their foreign reserves. However, since the latter half of last year their stock and exchange markets have softened and growth has decelerated noticeably as a result of the worsening world economic environment.
    危機に見舞われたアジア諸国は、これまで急速な回復を遂げるとともに、短期対外債務の減少や外貨準備の増加等経済の脆弱性も大きく減少しましたが、昨年後半から世界経済環境が悪化している影響を受け、株式・為替市場が軟化し、成長に顕著な減速が見られます。 - 財務省
  • Although the export trend of the last half of 2011 is difficult to assess since it is affected by various factors in addition to the impact of supply shortage of HDDs due to Thai floods, such as the continuation of adjustment aspect in the production cycle, the global economy, such as the European debt crisis situation, and competition with tablet devices, etc., it registered 1.3% in December 2011compared to the same month a year ago (Figure 2-3-4-26).
    昨年後半の輸出動向は、タイの洪水によるHDD の供給不足の影響の他にも、生産循環の中での調整局面の継続や、欧州債務危機等による世界景気の動向、タブレット端末等との競争状況などに左右され、一概には判断が難しいが、昨年12 月には前年同月比で▲ 1.3%とマイナスを記録している(第2-3-4-26 図参照)。 - 経済産業省
  • Where the provisions of clause (i) of subparagraph (f) of paragraph 1 apply: (i) in respect of taxation by withholding at source, a resident of a Contracting State shall be considered to satisfy the conditions described in that clause for a taxable year in which the payment is made if such resident satisfies those conditions during the part of that taxable year which precedes the date of payment of the item of income (or, in the case of dividends, the date on which entitlement to the dividends is determined) and, unless that date is the last day of that taxable year, during the whole of the preceding taxable year; and (ii) in all other cases, a resident of a Contracting State shall be considered to satisfy the conditions described in that clause for a taxable year in which the payment is made if such resident satisfies those conditions on at least half the days of the taxable year.
    1(f)(i)の規定を適用する場合には、次に定めるところによる。(i)源泉徴収による課税については、一方の締約国の居住者が、その所得の支払が行われる日(配当については、当該配当の支払を受ける者が特定される日)が課税年度終了の日である場合には当該課税年度を通じて、当該支払が行われる日が課税年度終了の日以外の日である場合には当該課税年度中の当該支払が行われる日に先立つ期間及び当該課税年度の直前の課税年度を通じて、1(f)(i)に規定する要件を満たしているときに、当該居住者は当該支払が行われる課税年度について当該要件を満たすものとする。(ii)その他のすべての場合については、一方の締約国の居住者は、その所得の支払が行われる課税年度の総日数の半数以上の日において1(f)(i)に規定する要件を満たしているときに、当該支払が行われる課税年度について当該要件を満たすものとする。 - 財務省
  • In order to examine the actual state of financing in various regions without any prejudice, including whether or not there is such a move, we are conducting a questionnaire survey by dispatching senior FSA officials to regions, as I already said -- at my press conference before last, I said the survey would be completed in the first half of this year. According to the survey, the balance of outstanding loans provided to small- and medium-size enterprises have been declining since September last year. However, the main reason for this is a problem related to borrower companies' sales, rather than financial institutions' restrictive lending stance, as I told you. We intend to grasp how the situation has changed, including with regard to matters like this.
    そういったことも含めて、先入観を持たずに、実態の地域の貸出状況等々がどうなるか、こういうことを把握したいということで、繰り返しになりますが、金融庁の幹部を地域に派遣しながら、少なくとも前々回の会見の時はアンケート調査を今年の前半でやります、と申し上げましたが、それによりますと、確かに中小企業に対する貸出残高は昨年の9月からマイナスになっておりますが、その主な要因といいますのは、貸し出し態度よりも、むしろ企業側の営業の問題と、こういうお話を申し上げましたが、それがその足元でどのように変わっているか、こういうことも含めてまずはきちんと把握したいと思っているところです。 - 金融庁
  • It is said that financial institutions have become cautious about selling investment trusts since the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act entered into force last September. Now that more than half a year has passed since then, have you detected any improvement in this situation? It has been pointed out that despite calls for a shift "from savings to investment," there is still strong preference for savings. What are your views on this?
    投信販売手数料の減少が主な要因と見られますけれども、投信の販売に関しては昨年9月の金融商品取引法施行で金融機関の販売手控えがあったと一つには言われているわけですけれども、法施行から半年以上が経って、現状、こうした販売を手控える状況は改善されたと見ていらっしゃるのか、また「貯蓄から投資」という掛け声がある一方で、相変わらず貯蓄の指向が高いという指摘もあります。この点についても併せてお聞きしたいと思います。 - 金融庁


  • 研究社 新和英中辞典
    Copyright (c) 1995-2024 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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  • 経済産業省
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  • 金融庁
    Copyright(C) 2024 金融庁 All Rights Reserved.
  • 財務省
    Copyright(C) 財務省
  • 厚生労働省
    Copyright © Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, All Right reserved.
  • 斎藤和英大辞典
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