「less developed countries」を含む例文一覧(13)

  • LDCs, or least developed countries, refer to countries whose development has been particularly delayed. The UN defines an LDC as a country with GNI per capita of US$ 750 or less and a population of 75million or less.
    後発開発途上国(LDC:Least Developed Countries)とは、特に開発の遅れた国のことで、国連では一人当たり国民総所得(GNI)が750ドル以下かつ人口が7,500万人以下等を基準としている。 - 経済産業省
  • control by a powerful country of its former colonies (or other less developed countries) by economic pressures
    経済的圧力により、強国がその旧植民地(または他の低開発諸国)をコントロールすること - 日本語WordNet
  • It is said that various countries became less influenced by China and each developed their own culture around that time.
    アジア諸地域ではこの頃から中国の影響を離れ、文化の地方化が進んだといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Support for fostering supporting industries (cooperation for industrialization, etc.) in less-developed countries in the region
    域内後発国における裾野産業育成支援(工業化戦略への協力等) - 経済産業省
  • Our ultimate objective is to provide more and better jobs for our citizens, to promote social inclusion in all countries, and to foster development and poverty reduction particularly in less developed countries around the globe.
    我々の究極的な目標は,より多くかつ良質な雇用を我々の市民に提供し,すべての国での社会的包摂を促進し,特に世界中の低開発国での開発及び貧困削減を促進することである。 - 財務省
  • Japan already has duty-free and quota-free measures for the Less Developed Countries (LDCs), which include many African countries. It will become important to promote business utilizing such schemes.
    我が国も既にアフリカ各国が多く含まれるLDCに対して無税無枠措置を設けており、今後は、こうした制度を活用した取引を促進していくことが重要と考えられる。 - 経済産業省
  • Apart from fair trade, a Japanese company named Mother House Co. & Ltd. has attracted attention as a company exporting products from one of the least less developed countries to industrialized countries, by positively responding to the market needs.
    これとは全く異なる形で、市場のニーズを踏まえて、それに積極的に対応する形で最貧国から先進国市場へ商品展開を行っている、我が国企業の株式会社マザーハウスが注目されている。 - 経済産業省
  • With various changes taking place in Japanese young people, Japanese youths are less positive than their counterparts in other developed countries and other Asian countries about being their own bosses, that is, the will to become leaders, or to establish companies or open shops.
    今の日本の若者に起きているさまざまな変化の中で、自分でリーダーになるとか自分で会社をつくろうとか、自分のお店を持ちたいとか、他の先進国に比べてやや弱くなっている。アジアの中で見ても。 - 厚生労働省
  • More specifically, with the improvement of income levels and other developments, the tastes and preferences of consumers in the East Asian market are beginning to approach those of consumers of developed countries, and as differences between countries become less pronounced, marketing and advertising activities can be-and must be-conducted rapidly over a broad geographical area.
    具体的には、所得水準の向上などから、東アジア市場の消費者の嗜好が先進諸国に近くなり、国ごとの違いが薄れてくるにつれ、より広い範囲で迅速なマーケティングや広告宣伝活動を展開することが可能となり、また求められるようになっている。 - 経済産業省
  • A declining birthrate and a growing proportion of elderly people is a common phenomenon in many developed countries. Japan is progressing ​​rapidly in this regard in comparison with other countries. (Various impacts of an aging population) ・Change of course of life ... Diversification of course of life (late marriage, unmarried, etc.), longer period of retirement life, etc. ・Impact on the economy ... The potential growth rate decreases due to a decrease in the labor force and the reduction of savings. The consumption in general is getting smaller due to a decrease in the size of the working generation, resulting in less demand. ・Impact on local communities ... Aging of the metropolitan area, and depopulation of the non-metropolitan areas is becoming more pronounced. There is a concern for difficulty in maintaining communities. ・Impact on finance ... Spending on social security programs, such as pensions, medical and long-term care, has increased more.
    少子高齢化は、多くの先進国に共通の現象ではあるが、日本の場合は、諸外国と比較して急速に進展。 (少子高齢化による様々な影響) - 厚生労働省
  • With regard to the FTAs concluded among developed nations/major countries in recent years, an increasing number of them achieved the liberalization rate of no less than 95% on a tariff line basis.
    近年先進国・主要国が結んだFTA について品目数ベースで自由化率を見ると、95% 以上の高い自由化を達成しているものが多くなってきている。 - 経済産業省
  • This reflects the fact that Japan has set up many exceptions to the liberalization. As mentioned before, an increasing number of FTAs, especially those between developed countries, have achieved liberalization rates of no less than 95%, and almost 100% on a tariff line basis. In view of this fact, there is no denying that the liberalization rate of the FTAs concluded by Japan thus far has been low (see Figure 5-2-1-4).
    これは、我が国が自由化の例外を多く設けてきたからにほかならないが、前述のように、近年、特に先進国間では通常、品目数ベースで95% 以上、100% 近い自由化を達成するFTA も多くなっていることを考えると、日本がこれまで結んできたEPA の自由化率は低いと言わざるを得ない(第5-2-1-4 図)。 - 経済産業省
  • Looking at the breakdown of exports of service from developed countries, over half are mainly dominated by travel, which is consumption abroad (Mode 2). Even when totaling the share of all services that are mainly provided through cross-border supply (Mode 1) such as transport, other business services (mainly trade intermediation commissions), and finance, they comprise less than half of the total (Figure 3-2-13).
    先進諸国のサービス輸出の内訳を見ると、その半分以上を主に国外消費(第 2モード)である旅行が占めており、越境取引(第 1モード)によって主に提供される輸送、その他営利業務(主に貿易仲介手数料)、金融などのシェアをすべて合計しても全体の半分にも満たない(第3-2-13図)。 - 経済産業省
