「letter of resignation」を含む例文一覧(35)

  • Iezane KONOE's letter of resignation from Sessho
    近衛家実摂政辞表文書 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Then, SAIGO submitted his letter of resignation on that day, and ITAGAKI, GOTO, ETO, SOEJIMA were submitted their letter of resignation on the following day, the October 24.
    そして西郷は当日、板垣、後藤、江藤、副島は翌10月24日に辞表を提出。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • February 8: submission of a letter of resignation as Inner Minister
    2月8日内大臣の辞表を提出 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • We'd like you to hand in your letter of resignation.
    私たちはあなたからの退職願の提出を求めます。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • I'd like your letter of resignation.
    私はあなたから退職願の提出を求めます。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • "Hyo" is a report to the throne, and in particular refers to a letter of resignation.
    表は天子への上奏文で、主に辞表をさす。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He presented a letter of resignation and retired in 1221.
    承久3年(1221年)12月上表して辞任。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • TERAUCHI offered his resignation to Aritomo YAMAGATA on August 31 and submitted his letter of resignation officially on September 21.
    寺内は8月31日に山縣有朋に辞意を告げ、9月21日に正式に辞表を提出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Then-prime minister, Tsuyoshi INUKAI, submitted his letter of resignation but was persuaded to stay in office.
    時の首相犬養毅は辞表を提出するも慰留された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Today, June 4, I submitted a letter of resignation at the extraordinary cabinet meeting.
    今日、4日でございますが、臨時閣議で辞表を提出させていただきました。 - 金融庁
  • The councilors of opponents (pro-postponement) OKUBO, KIDO, OKUMA, OKI, submitted their letter of resignation, and the Udaijin (minister of the right) IWAKURA also offered his resignation.
    反対(延期)派の参議である大久保、木戸、大隈、大木は辞表を提出、右大臣の岩倉も辞意を伝える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He submitted his letter of resignation to the prefectural assembly chairman on July 14, and the prefectural assembly accepted the resignation on July 18.
    彼は7月14日に県議会議長に辞職願を提出し,18日に県議会が辞任を受(じゅ)諾(だく)した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Tom: I don't know how to write a letter of resignation. Carol: You can find a lot of examples on the net.
    トム:退職願の書き方が分からないんだ。 キャロル:ネットを見ればたくさんサンプルがあるわよ。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • If you don't have a letter of resignation, you can't draw dole money.
    もし離職票を持っていなければ、失業給付金を受け取ることができません。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • This problem became controversial within the army, but in the end his letter of resignation was submitted.
    陸軍内部でもこの問題への賛否が分かれていたが、最終的に辞表は提出された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the Diet was over, YAMAGATA submitted a letter of resignation because he had no confidence in Diet management.
    議会終了後に議会運営に自信がないとして山縣は辞表を提出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In June, other Cabinet members submitted the letter of resignation one after another, and in July, replacement of SHIRANE, YASUBA and others was determined, and then on 27th of the same month, Military ministers who were negative to such punishment submitted the letters of resignation all together, which made MATSUKATA submit the letter of resignation.
    6月に入ると、他の閣僚からも辞表提出者が相次ぎ、7月に白根・安場らの更迭が決定されると、同月27日には処分に消極的であった軍部大臣が揃って辞表を提出、これを見た松方は自らも辞表を提出したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Saionji was later summoned by Emperor Taisho, and he was told by the Emperor directly about the Minister of Army's submission of his letter of resignation.
    西園寺は、この後大正天皇に呼び出され、天皇の口から直接陸相の辞表提出の件を知らされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Next year, after execution of Shunsui KOTOKU, he and Prime Minister Katsura submitted a letter of resignation to assume responsibility for the occurrence of the incident.
    翌年幸徳秋水らの処刑後、事件発生の責任を負って桂首相らとともに待罪書(辞表)を提出する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The head of the administration handed in a letter of resignation to President Roh Moo Hyun to take responsibility for Namdaemun’s destruction.
    同庁の長官は南大門崩壊の責任を取ってノ・ムヒョン(盧武鉉)大統領に辞表を提出した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • However, MATSUKATA could not find any strategy at all for government management after election and submitted a letter of resignation on the same day.
    だが、選挙後の政権運営の方策が全く見出せなかった松方はその日のうちに辞表を提出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, SAIGO sent a letter to Toshimichi OKUBO who was traveling abroad as a member of Iwakura Mission to apologize that he could not protect YAMAGATA after his resignation (according to the letter from SAIGO to OKUBO written on August 12, 1872).
    さらに、辞任後岩倉使節団の一員として洋行中の大久保利通に対して山縣を擁護出来なかったことを詫びる手紙を送っている(1872年8月12日付大久保宛西郷書簡)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Army exerted itself in order to succeed in adding two military divisions even if that meant overpowering the Saionji Cabinet, but when the cabinet indicated an absolute refusal, Yusaku UEHARA, the Minister of the Army at the Ministry of the Army submitted a letter of resignation directly to the Emperor.
    陸軍は西園寺内閣を倒してでも2個師団増設を達成すべく奔走し、内閣があくまでも拒否との方針を示すと、上原勇作陸軍省陸軍大臣は天皇に直接辞表を提出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the 'issue regarding the addition of two army divisions' that occurred in 1912, Yamagata issued a written opinion requesting that Yusaku UEHARA, who was the Minister of War in the second Saionji Cabinet, submit a letter of resignation.
    大正元年(1912年)に起きた「陸軍二個師団増設問題」において、第2次西園寺内閣の陸軍大臣であった上原勇作に辞表を提出するように意見書を出している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His stubborn side becomes apparent when we note that at the age of 15 he submitted a letter of resignation in protest to the Emperor Gonijo in response to the promotion of a lesser, unqualified person to the same rank as him.
    15歳の時に自分の同役に本来なら任命されるべきでない官位の低い人物が任命された事に抗議して後二条天皇に辞表を出すなど剛直な面を見せる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Tomoito settled the situation in the form of kenka ryoseibai (in a quarrel, both parties are to blame), by receiving the letter of resignation from Saihei thanks to help of Kinmochi SAIONJI and dismissing OSHIMA.
    しかし友純は西園寺公望の力を借りて宰平の辞表を受け取り、同時に大島をも罷免して、喧嘩両成敗の形をもって取り収める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Even though the Minister of Army was allowed, in principle, to state his intentions directly to the Emperor, a power known as iaku-joso (to make comments on military affairs to the Emperor with full responsibility for the results), in reality this was the very first time a cabinet member bypassed the Prime Minister and submitted a letter of resignation directly to the Emperor.
    陸軍大臣には直接天皇に上奏する帷幄上奏が制度上認められてはいたが、閣僚が首相を通さずに直接天皇に辞表を提出したのは前代未聞のことであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His discourtesy made Masamichi TAKATSUKASA, Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), furious and Akiteru was dismissed from Kurodo in November 1847 and from other posts including Sashoben (Minor Controller of the Left) in January 1848. (The official record reads that he tendered his letter of resignation voluntarily.)
    そのため、関白鷹司政通の怒りを買い、同年10月には蔵人を、12月には左少弁などの兼職を全て解任されて失脚した(表向きは自発的辞退)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Among others, Takayoshi KIDO, who continued to oppose, submitted a letter of resignation on April 18 and resigned from his post as a councilor, saying that dispatching troops to Taiwan was inconsistent with rejecting Seikanron because both means sending troops to foreign countries.
    特に木戸孝允は征韓論を否定しておきながら、同じ海外である台湾に出兵するのは矛盾であるとして反対の態度を崩さず、4月18日参議の辞表を提出して下野してしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Against such backdrop, Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA submitted his letter of resignation as shogunate on October 24, obviously anticipating to be refused and was, in fact, put on hold by the Imperial court.
    こうした状況下、10月24日徳川慶喜は将軍職の辞表を提出するが、これは当然不受理となることを見越した上でのものであり、実際朝廷から保留されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Akiteru had his will to return to the post of Kurodo after the recuperation, so he tendered his letter of resignation over consultation with his biological father, Toshiaki BOJO; although he secretly hoped that his resignation would not be accepted or would be given a chance to come back to the position, he was dismissed and he wrote 'all I can do is to sigh and lament over the past' in his diary (the section of twelfth and thirteenth of October, the fourth year of Koka era of "Akiteru Diary").
    ただし、顕彰自身は蔵人の仕事自体には意欲を持ち、静養の後に復職したいという希望はもっていたらしく、実父の坊城俊明と相談して一旦蔵人の辞表を提出したものの、そのまま解任となり、「仰天嘆息之外無之者也」(『顕彰日記』弘化4年10月12・13日条)と書き記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After that, when both Isaburo YAMAGATA, the Minister of Correspondence and Yoshio SAKATANI, Minister of Finance, were going to hand in their resignationletters to the Emperor Meiji after their conflict over the railway budget problem, Saionji, who was only expected to take them to the emperor, handed in his own letter of resignation; Hara and Masatake TERAUCHI, Minister of Army, worked very hard to persuade Saionji to take back his resignation.
    続いて山縣伊三郎逓信大臣と阪谷芳郎大蔵大臣が鉄道予算の問題で対立して共に辞表を明治天皇に提出しようとした際には、両名を天皇の前に連れてくるだけの西園寺までが辞表を提出してしまい、原と寺内正毅陸軍大臣が必死に説得して西園寺の辞表のみを撤回させる騒ぎも起きた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Though Otsugu was an excellent choice with appreciation of Otsugu's ability, Otsugu submitted a resignation letter three times with the reasons that he had objected the subjugation of Ezo which was the most important task of the position, that he was a genuine nobleman and, therefore, he did not know much about the military strategies and, in addition, that he was physically weak.
    緒嗣の力量を買われた人選ではあったが、同職の最大の課題である蝦夷平定に反対した前歴があること、生粋の貴族で兵法にも疎く体も丈夫ではない事を理由に3度にわたって辞表を提出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Subsequently, ITO schemed to take the previous prime minister Masayoshi MATSUKATA and the leader of the Progressive Party (Japan), Shigenobu OKUMA into the Cabinet, but ITAGAKII who had a strong rivalry against OKUMA and YAMAGATA who persisted in the doctrine of superiority rebelled against this, and as a result, ITO considered that it was difficult to keep administration anymore and submitted the letter of resignation.
    続いて前総理・松方正義と進歩党(日本)党首の大隈重信の入閣を計画するが、これに大隈にライバル意識を抱く板垣と超然主義を固守する山縣が反発、これを見た伊藤はこれ以上の政権維持は困難であるとみて辞表を提出したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Toshikata's name was not included among the Court Council members present at a fierce debate between Fujiwara Sanesuke and Shinagon when faced with the Toi invasion in 1019, because he had already submitted his Johyo (letter of resignation) from the position of Gon Dainagon (which was accepted in November 1019), and he was therefore not invited.
    なお、寛仁3年(1019年)に発生した刀伊の賊の際に藤原実資と四納言が激しく議論したことで知られる朝議に彼の名前が無いのは、彼が既に権大納言の上表(辞表の提出)を行っていたため(同年10月に受理)に召集されなかったためであるが、 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
