「lifetime employment」を含む例文一覧(29)

  • lifetime employment
    終身雇用. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • Regular Employment, Lifetime Employment, Full Employment
    正規雇用・終身雇用・完全雇用 - 厚生労働省
  • the system of seniority and lifetime employment
    年功序列と終身雇用制度 - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • an employment system in which employees remain at a company until retirement, called the lifetime employment system
    企業が従業員を定年まで雇い続ける雇用の制度 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • Although long-term employment is not the same as lifetime employment, they both aim for stable employment.
    長期雇用システムは終身雇用システムとは異なるが、どちらも安定した雇用を目指すものである。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • 4. Changes in "lifetime employment" and "seniority-based wage" systems
    4.「終身雇用制」と「年功賃金制」の変化 - 経済産業省
  • The country's lifetime employment system may be in jeopardy.
    この国の終身雇用制度は危うくなっているかもしれない。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
  • Lifetime employment is a long-established practice in large Japanese firms.
    終身雇用は日本の大企業では古くからの慣習です。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
  • Lifetime employment and seniority-based promotion are not working.
    終身雇用や年功による昇進はうまく機能していない。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
  • Japan's fabled lifetime employment system died over a decade ago.
    日本の名高い終身雇用制も10年前に消滅した。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
  • It aimed at the enforcement of the labour contract law for lifetime employment and employment stability, and correction of income difference by a rise in the minimum wage.
    終身雇用等の雇用安定のための労働契約法の施行や、最低賃金の上昇による労働収入格差の是正が目的とされる。 - 経済産業省
  • In practical significance, the "lifetime employment" systems of SMEs and large enterprises differ slightly.
    「終身雇用制」の実質的な意味も、中小企業と大企業で若干の違いがある。 - 経済産業省
  • As lifetime employment is becoming less popular, labor transfers between corporations must be made smoother.
    終身雇用が減ってきていますから、企業間の労働移動を円滑化していかなければならない。 - 厚生労働省
  • As employment practices such as lifetime employment and seniority-based pay continue to be overhauled, the movement of human resources in the labor market-including such changes in employment status-is expected to intensify.
    今後は、終身雇用や年功賃金等の雇用慣行の見直しが一層進むことで、このような就業上の地位が変わるケースを含めて、労働市場における人材の移動が活発化することが予想される。 - 経済産業省
  • In addition, amid the declining birthrate and the aging of the population, it is becoming difficult to secure the necessary capabilities what with Japan’s traditional uniform employment system centered on male employees and includes the bulk hiring of new graduates, promotion by seniority and lifetime employment.
    また、少子・高齢化の中で、従来のような新卒一括採用、年功序列、終身雇用といった男性従業員を中心とした画一的な雇用体系で必要な能力を確保することは困難になっている。 - 経済産業省
  • Traditionally, young people have been hired mainly by large enterprises fresh out of college, and their career path after joining a company has been based on the Japanese employment practices of lifetime employment and promotion by seniority.
    従来、若年者は新規学卒者を大企業が中心となって採用し、従業員の入社後のキャリア形成は終身雇用・年功序列といった日本的雇用慣行をベースに行われてきた。 - 経済産業省
  • According to the Cabinet Office, the loss in lifetime income in the case of leaving work to have a child and then returning to employment as a part-time or arubaito worker compared with continued employment as a permanent employee is in the region of \\200 million.
    内閣府によれば、出産を機に退職し、その後パート・アルバイトとして再就職した場合、正社員として就業を継続した場合と比べて、逸失する生涯所得は約2億円に上るとの試算もある。 - 経済産業省
  • In terms of this issue, let us review the relationship between labor productivity on the one hand, and "lifetime employment" and the "seniority-based wage system" on the other hand, which are said to be Japanese-style employment practices.
    こうした観点から、日本的雇用慣行と言われた「終身雇用」や「年功序列型の賃金体系」と労働生産性との関係を見てみよう。 - 経済産業省
  • Mirai Industries, Co., Ltd. in Gifu Prefecture shows its respect for employees by adopting an employment and labor scheme with a lifetime employment program with a retirement age of 70 years, 140 days off a year, and no overtime work.
    岐阜県の未来工業)株)は、70歳定年の終身雇用、年間休日140日、残業ゼロ、など社員を尊重する雇用・労働形態を採用。 - 経済産業省
  • However, they do suggest the possibility that high labor productivity has been achieved through the simultaneous improvement of employee skills and accumulation of know-how within the enterprise as a result of prolonged periods of employee service that come from the Japanese style employment practice of lifetime employment.
    であるが、終身雇用といった日本的雇用慣行により従業員の勤続年数が長くなり、従業員のスキルが向上すると同時に社内にもノウハウが蓄積されることで、高い労働生産性を実現してきた可能性が示唆される。 - 経済産業省
  • Since around the latter half of the 1970s, the tone of argument as follows could be seen a lot; 'Japanese-style management' such as lifetime employment and a seniority system form the foundation of economic development in Japan (Japanese-style management).
    1970年代後半頃から、終身雇用・年功序列などの「日本的経営」が日本の経済発展の基盤にあるという論調が多く見られるようになった(日本的経営論)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Fig.2-1-29 indicates that many enterprises with a high level of labor productivity provide lifetime employment as a given and, in their wage systems, place more importance on seniority than on results.
    第2-1-29図によれば、労働生産性の水準が高い企業では、終身雇用を前提とし、また、賃金体系について成果給よりも年功序列を重視している企業が多くなっている。 - 経済産業省
  • Even if a company cannot provide lifetime employment to its employees, the company and the government must at least develop workers' employability so that they can become competitive and find future work.
    1つの企業が労働者に対して終身雇用を提供できなくても、少なくともその企業、政府は、その労働者が競争力を持ち、次の雇用に就くことができるように、労働者のエンプロイアビリティ(雇用可能性)を開発すべきです。 - 厚生労働省
  • Surveys of employer attitudes toward the so-called lifetime employment indicates that "scheduled to continue as a rule" and "partial modification unavoidable" accounted for more than half of the total, which is roughly at the same level as in 1999
    いわゆる終身雇用について企業の意識をみると、「原則としてこれからも維持」と「部分的な修正はやむを得ない」の合計は大半を占めており、1999年と比べてもほぼ同水準となっている - 厚生労働省
  • The lifetime employment and seniority-based wage systems identified as characterizing the Japanese labor market were major characteristics of large enterprises in particular. However, in relation to employees as a whole, including employees of SMEs and women, such arrangements have not predominated.
    日本の労働市場の特徴として指摘されてきた終身雇用制と年功賃金制は、大企業を中心に大きな特徴ではあったが、中小企業の雇用者や女性を含めた雇用者全体について見ると、支配的ではなかった。 - 経済産業省
  • In 1986, the seniority-wage curve at large enterprises was steeper than at present, and the proportions of male workers at SMEs employed under "lifetime employment" and "seniority-based wage" systems were, respectively, just 46.5% and 40.0%. (By comparison, the figures for large enterprises were 66.1% and 70.0%.)3)
    1986年当時においては、大企業の年功賃金カーブの傾きは現在より高かったが、当時、「終身雇用制」「年功賃金制」の下で働いていた勤労者の割合は、中小企業に勤務する男子ではそれぞれ46.5%と40.0%(大企業ではそれぞれ66.1%と70.0%)にとどまっていた3。 - 経済産業省
  • It is essential that the government to create a new restructured frame to support development of the next generation, securing employment and creating an environment where everyone can work according to his or her willingness and abilities. Along with these, the government should appropriately operate its social security system so as to ensure that people can have a secure economic base throughout their lifetime.
    次世代育成支援のための新たな枠組みの構築、すべての人が意欲と能力を発揮できる雇用の確保と環境整備、さらには雇用の確保や環境整備と併せて社会保障制度を適切に運営し、生涯を通じて経済的基盤を確保することができるようにすることが重要。 - 厚生労働省
  • The estimated lifetime earnings of high school graduates are higher in the manufacturing industry than in construction, wholesale, retail, medical care and welfare, suggesting that the manufacturing industry provides quality work opportunities, and during the stage of economic expansion, the unemployment rate is lower in the prefectures where the ratio of the employed working in the manufacturing industry is high; it is considered that the manufacturing industry has a great effect on employment .
    また、高等学校卒業者の生涯年収を推計すると、建設業や卸売、小売業、医療、福祉と比較して高水準となっており良質な雇用の場を提供していること、景気拡張局面において製造業就業者比率が高い都道府県ほど完全失業率は低く地域経済を支えていることからも、雇用に与える効果は大きいと考えられる 。 - 厚生労働省
  • Second, when we think of issues such as employability, education and training, and employment, we must ensure that young people do not enter into careers that will only lead them into a dead end. In order to ensure that young people, who may need to work for 30 years or 40 years to come, can continue meaningful work throughout their lifetime, and that they can make contributions to society and realize their potential in their own way, we must focus particularly on careers for youth, careers that progress into the future, not the careers of the past.
    また、エンプロイアビリティや教育訓練、雇用という問題を考えるとき、若者が袋小路に入るようなキャリアに入らないようにする、つまりその先30年40年と働き続ける若者が生涯を通じて意義のある仕事をし続けられるように、そして社会に自分なりに貢献できる、自分なりに自己実現できるようにするためには、とりわけキャリアに焦点をあてる、しかもそれは過去形ではなく未来形のキャリアです。 - 厚生労働省
