「live in」を含む例文一覧(2081)

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  • (This performs an installation using the ``prefix scheme,'' where the prefix is whatever your Python interpreter was installed with--/usr/local/python in this case.)If you maintain Python on Windows, you might want third-party modules to live in a subdirectory of prefix, rather than right in prefix itself.
    (この操作を行うと、 ``prefix スキーム'' を使ったインストールになり、 prefix は Python インタプリタがインストールされている場所-- この場合には /usr/local/python になります。 )Windows 用の Python を管理しているのなら、サードパーティ製モジュールを prefix そのものの下ではなく、 prefix の下にあるサブディレクトリに置きたいと考えるかもしれません。 - Python
  • The Chinjufu Shogun was granted regional autonomy in the form of military rule within Mutsu Province and Dewa Province, and as this position was formally one of an officer commanding the standing army on the border (in the case of the Seii Taishogun, it was commanding a temporary expeditionary force), it was not necessary for the holder of this title to live in Kyoto, which was very convenient for a regional leader.
    鎮守府将軍は、陸奥国、出羽国内で軍政という形での地方統治権が与えられており辺境常備軍(征夷大将軍の場合は臨時遠征軍)の司令官という性格を持つが故に京都在住の必要が無く、地方政権の首領には都合が良かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He became a priest at a young age and at first practiced Zen meditation under Ninjo Shugyo (1483 - 1574) of the Issanha sect, but in 1584, he started to live in the ruined Shokoku-ji Temple, then converted to the Musoha sect by becoming a disciple of Chuka Shoshun, rebuilt Shokoku-ji Temple and, the following year, he became the Rokuon Soroku, in charge of choosing head priests of Zen temples.
    幼い時に出家し、はじめ一山派の仁如集堯(1483年-1574年)らに参禅して学んでいたが、天正12年(1584年)に荒廃していた相国寺に住するようになり、中華承舜の嗣法となって夢窓派に転じ、相国寺を再建、翌年には鹿苑僧録となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Tadaoki had his fourth son Tatsutaka HOSOKAWA live in the main keep of Yatsushiro Castle and seemed to desire him to inherit the retirement gratuity of 95,000 koku and establish his own domain, but he died young in May 1645 and Tadaoki followed him in January 18, 1646.
    忠興は四男の細川立孝を八代城本丸に住まわせ、いずれ自分の隠居料9万5千石を継がせて立藩させることを望んでいたようだが、正保2年(1645年)閏5月に立孝は若くして没し、忠興も同年12月2日に没した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1582, to avoid subjugation of Takeda by the Oda army led by her former fiance, the supreme commander Nobutada ODA, she went to Ongata, Tama County, Bushu (Hachioji City, Tokyo) where many old retainers of the Takeda clan lived to live in kosatsu Kinsho-an (ancient temple, Kinsho-an Retreat) (located in Kamiongata-machi, Hachioji City).
    天正10年(1582年)、かつての婚約者であった織田信忠を総大将とする織田軍の武田征伐を避ける為、仁科盛信の娘・小督姫ら3人の姫を連れて、武田旧臣が多く住む武州多摩郡恩方(現・東京都八王子市)へ向かい、古刹・金照庵(現・八王子市上恩方町)に入る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1203, his father Zenjo was killed due to the conflict between his nephew, who was the second shogun, MINAMOTO no Yoriie, but with the help of his grandfather on his mother's side, Tokimasa HOJO, and aunt Masako HOJO, he was able to escape complicity and live in seclusion in Ano-sho, the Province of Suruga, his father's property inheritance.
    建仁3年(1203年)、父の全成は甥で二代将軍の源頼家と対立して殺害されるが、この時は母方の祖父北条時政や伯母の北条政子の尽力もあって連座を免れ、父の遺領である駿河国阿野荘に隠棲した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Unlike the usual characteristics of Japanese mountain castles, in which they had residences at the foot of mountains for their convenience and had facilities for combat and defense on mountaintops, the Kannonji-jo Castle had Kuruwa, which were like areas for residential complexes, comfortable to live in, throughout the entire area of the foot of the mountain, which is the biggest difference between other mountain castles in Japan.
    山城の特徴として、居住に便利なように山麓に居館を設け、山上付近に戦闘、防備施設があるのが一般的だが、観音寺城は山麓全体に分譲地、もしくは団地のような居住性の高い曲輪が配されている点が他の山城とは大きく異なる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After Koan no Eki, in order to prepare for the next attack by the Yuan army, bakufu tried to strengthen its control over the vassals, but the vassals came to live in debt because they did not receive sufficient rewards in Koan no Eki as well as Bunei no Eki.
    弘安の役後、幕府は元軍の再度の襲来に備えて御家人の統制を進めたが、文永の役に続き弘安の役においても十分な恩賞給与がなされなかったため、戦費で窮迫した御家人達は借金に苦しむようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Osaka, where warehouses of rice and other products stood densely, the price of rice continued rising from around 1862, and since Iemochi TOKUGAWA entered Osaka-jo Castle as Seii Taishogun (literally, 'great general who subdues the barbarians') in 1864, major cabinet members of the Shogunate, territorial lords, hatamoto (direct retainers of Edo bakufu), and their vassals also came to live in Osaka, and its population increased rapidly.
    蔵屋敷が集中する大坂では、文久2年(1862年)頃から米価の高騰が続き、元治元年(1864年)に征夷大将軍徳川家茂が大坂城に入って以後、主だった幕閣や諸侯、旗本及びその家臣たちが大坂に集中して急激に人口が増加した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Joshu daimyo (daimyo who is allowed to live in a castle) is a social status in the early-modern times of the Edo period, and refers to a daimyo, who was allowed to have a castle as his residence in his kunimoto (hometown), among Daimyo families (feudal lord families) classified according to their resident provinces and resident castles into five ranks: kokushu (landed daimyos), jun (associate) kokushu, joshu (lord of a castle), joshukaku (joshu class), mujo (without a castle) (jinya [regional government office]).
    城主大名(じょうしゅだいみょう)とは、近世江戸時代における大名の格式の一つであり、大名家をその居地・居城で区別する国主(国持大名)-準国主-城主-城主格-無城(陣屋)の5階級のうち、国許の屋敷に城が認められている大名をいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To win the fight against poverty, an increase in per capita income through economic growth is of course essential. What's equally essential is to pay greater attention to the social aspect of development. This includes the provision of better education, better health services, and better medical care for those who live in poverty; and an improvement in the social safety net.
    貧困問題の解決には、経済成長を通じた1人当たり所得の向上ばかりでなく、貧困層をターゲットとした教育、保健・医療の充実や、ソーシャルセーフティネットの整備等、開発における社会的側面をより重視していくことが大切です。 - 財務省
  • When the employee information of a person desiring to live in the company house is inputted in an authentication screen, a company house condition is determined on the basis of the employee information and company regulations in a company house condition determination means 26, and the company house condition information is transmitted to an extraction means 28.
    認証画面において社宅入居希望者の社員情報が入力されると、社宅条件決定手段26では当該社員情報と社内規定に基づいて社宅条件が決定され、該社宅条件情報が抽出手段28に送信される。 - 特許庁
  • In the extraction means 28, the real estate information matched with the company house condition is retrieved from all the real estate information stored in the storage device 24, and the retrieval result is displayed on the display screen of the terminal 18 of the person desiring to live in the company house.
    抽出手段28では、記憶装置24に記憶されている全ての不動産情報の中から社宅条件に合致する不動産情報を検索し、当該検索結果が社宅入居希望者端末18の表示画面に表示される。 - 特許庁
  • Those who live inthe suburban towns of the metropolitan areas have a higher level of interest in NPO activities, which isnotable in terms of building a local community in the dormitory towns (Figure 30).
    これらの結果から高齢者が加齢に伴って、経済的な動機から就業を希望するのではなく、健康、生き甲斐、社会参加等の動機で就業を希望するようになり、また、短時間労働を希望する者の割合が上昇する傾向がある。 - 厚生労働省
  • One-stop Service In order to provide a wide range of support for the livelihood of people forced to live in evacuation shelters, the one-stop service, in which counseling services on welfare & living as well as on employment & labour are jointly offered by the staffs of the Labour Bureaus, the Social Welfare Councils and the Japan Pension Service, is implemented.
    避難所生活を余儀なくされている方々の生活支援に幅広く対応するため、福祉くらしの相談、雇用労働の相談等を、労働局、社会福祉協議会及び年金事務所の職員が共同で行うワンストップサービスを実施 - 厚生労働省
  • (18) The term "medical payment for services and supports for persons with disabilities" as used in this Act means necessary medical service for persons with disabilities, or others to ease their conditions of physical disabilities or mental disorders and to help them to live independent daily or social life, which is prescribed in the Cabinet Order.
    18 この法律において「自立支援医療」とは、障害者等につき、その心身の障害の状態の軽減を図り、自立した日常生活又は社会生活を営むために必要な医療であって政令で定めるものをいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Shinran thought that we are all Gensho shojoju, which means we are saved by the Great Vow of Amida Butsu and already destined to go to the Pure Land, so he decided to live in this world illustrating how much his life is filled with joy and happiness derived from the life in the Pure Land.
    阿弥陀仏に救われている私であるとして、信一念時に、極楽浄土に往生出来る身に定まった現生正定聚(げんしょうしょうじょうじゅ)の身となり、浄土の功徳を現生に感得し証明しながら生きていくこととした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • One theory has it that although Yukinaga was basically an educated person, he failed to recall two of the seven virtues described in the dance music named 'Dance of the Seven Virtues' which had followed the seven virtues of the military arts of Emperor Taiso of Tang (Tang Taizong,) thereby being scornfully nicknamed the 'Young man of the Five Virtues,' and therefore he became thoroughly tired of this world and retired to live in seclusion.
    行長は本来は学識ある人物だったが、唐の太宗の武の七徳に基づく舞曲「七徳の舞」の内の二つの徳を忘れたことから「五徳の冠者」と渾名され、世間に嫌気がさして遁世したという説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, the level of subordination was also different and it was noted in "Jikata Hanreiroku" (a guide to regional governance) that there were various forms, for example, people who lived with their wives, people who were de facto kosakunin (a tenant farmer) given land by their masters, people who were forced to live in their masters' houses and cultivated fields under orders from their masters and so on.
    また、従属の度合いも異なり、『地方凡例録』には夫婦を構成して生活している者や主家から土地を預けられて事実上の小作人であった者から、主家の屋敷内に住まわされてその命令下で田畑を耕す者など様々な形態があった事が知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Instead, this "shikimoku" is a law that has been created for the local warriors who cannot read Chinese characters, and this shikimoku is based on the very common reason called "dori" for the native residents to be able to live in peace by respecting honesty in people's minds and eliminating dishonesty, as followers who are loyal to their master and children who are dutiful to their parents.'
    この『式目』は漢字も知らぬこうした地方武士のために作られた法律であり、従者は主人に忠を尽くし、子は親に孝をつくすように、人の心の正直を尊び、曲がったのを捨てて、土民が安心して暮らせるように、というごく平凡な『道理』に基づいたものなのだ。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To oppose such a posture of Tang, Silla used Anseung, an illegitimate child of King Bojang of Goguryeo, who escaped to Silla with their remaining forces, by allowing him to live in Kinbasho (Iksan City, North Jeolla Province) to achieve a dominance relationship with him regarded as King of Goguryeo in August 670.
    こうした唐の姿勢に対抗しようとして、高句麗の宝蔵王の庶子である安勝が残存勢力とともに新羅に亡命してきたのを利用し、金馬渚(全羅北道益山市)に住まわせて670年8月に高句麗王として封じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • For fuyu no ken to be recognized, it was necessary to apply for each rich field, but as desaku (an act in which farmers who live in a certain shoen cultivate lands of other)became common and the shoen side wished to include this as part of the land with fuyu no ken, a conflict arose with the Kokushi side, which wanted to stop this.
    不輸が認められるには、個々の田地ごとに申請を必要としていたが、出作が盛んになるとともに不輸地の一部に含めようとする荘園側とこれを阻止しようとする国司側の間で紛争が生じるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was designed by the court architect Tokuma KATAYAMA, a pupil of the architect Josiah Conder, and built on the site where the house of the former domain of Kishu used to be, but since it was too luxurious to live in and not suitable for a residence, the Crown Prince (later Emperor Taisho) in fact did not often use it.
    建築家ジョサイア・コンドルの弟子である宮廷建築家片山東熊の設計により、元紀州藩の屋敷跡に建てられたが、あまりに華美に過ぎることや、住まいとして使いにくかったことから、実際には皇太子(後の大正天皇)はあまり使用しなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Appropriate disclosure relating to financial instruments is deemed extremely important in view of protecting investors, which is our top priority, as well as building trustworthy and vibrant markets. As we live in a country ruled by law, the FSA will properly tackle this problem pursuant to laws and regulations.
    金融商品に係る適切な開示は、一番大事な投資者保護及び信頼と活力ある市場の構築の観点からして極めて重要と考えておりまして、この問題点に関しては、法治国家でございますから当局としても法令に基づいて、適切に対処してまいりたいというように思っております。 - 金融庁
  • Where a submission has been made by two or more persons not all of whom live in Austria, in doubt the Austrian resident whose signature first appears on the submission shall be deemed to be authorized to receive service of documents on behalf of all interested parties.
    全員がオーストリア居住者とは限らない2名以上の者によって書類が提出された場合において,疑義があるときは,提出書類の最初に記載されているオーストリア居住者が関係者全員の代表として書類の送達を受領する権限を与えられているとみなす。 - 特許庁
  • While the number of registered foreign nationals residing in Japan indicates the state of the “stock”, which shows how many foreign nationals live in Japan for a certain period and what is their purpose, the statistics of foreign nationals on entry and departure from Japan show the “flow” of foreign nationals to and from Japan.
    我が国における外国人の「フロー」が出入国に関する統計であるとすると,どのような目的を持った外国人がある時期においてどれだけ在留しているかという外国人登録者数は,その「ストック」の状況を見る手掛かりとなる。 - 特許庁
  • Even though the harmful insect such as lasiodactylus pictus tries to lay eggs onto the plum fruits 16 on the receiving net 34 they cannot lay eggs or eat them because there is a distance from the plum fruits 16 because the bottom side protecting net 36 is arranged in a proper interval; therefore, there is no risk for larvae to live in the plum fruits 16.
    アカマダラケシキスイなどの害虫が受止ネット34の梅の実16に産卵しようとしても、底側防護ネット36が適宜の間隔を置いて設けられているため、梅の実16との間に距離があって産卵や食入ができず、幼虫が梅の実16につく恐れはない。 - 特許庁
  • To emake it possible to easily restore the health of a person of invalidity or with lowered immunizing capacity by setting a space wherein concentrated oxygen can be filled in a room of a general home and letting the person live in the space for a long time.
    一般家庭の一室に濃縮酸素を充満させることのできる空間を設け、この空間内で生活したり長時間過ごすことにより病弱や免疫力の低下した人の健康を容易に回復させることができるようにする。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an entrance of a two-family house capable of improving a communication between upper and lower stories even if an aged family lives in the upper story, two families live in cooperation with each other.
    二世帯が協力して生活する一体感を住宅の外観に形成し、上階で生活する世帯が高齢者であっても上下階の連絡および外出時の利便性を大幅に向上できる二世帯住宅の出入り口構造を提供すること。 - 特許庁
  • Specifically, Japan should endeavor to establish a sustainable society where the economy grows in harmony with the environment, a society with low carbon and low pollution, that is recycling–based and where people can adapt to climate changes and live in harmony with nature as well as promote more green markets.
    具体的には、環境と共生しつつ経済発展を図る持続可能な社会の構築を目指し、低炭素型・低公害型社会の実現、循環型社会の実現、気候変動に適応し自然と共生する社会の実現、市場のグリーン化の促進を図る。 - 経済産業省
  • We will provide support for low-income elderly who have difficulty in living independently, so that they can comfortably continue to live in the community they are used to; the support will include securement of low-rent empty houses, watch-over services, daily life consultations, etc. which are implemented by social welfare corporations, etc.
    自立した生活を送ることが困難な低所得の高齢者等が住み慣れた地域で安心して暮らせるよう、社会福祉法人等が実施する、家賃の低い空家等の確保や、見守り・日常的な生活相談等の支援を行う。 - 厚生労働省
  • Contemporary legends such as the "underground pipe-line to Canada." attached themselves to him, and there was one persistent story that he didn't live in a house at all, but in a boat that looked like a house and was moved secretly up and down the Long Island shore.
    たとえば、「カナダへのアンダーグラウンドなパイプライン」みたいな現代的伝説がかれの身辺にまつわり、また、ギャツビーはひとところに住んでいるわけではまったくなくて、家のように見える船舶に住みこみ、ロング・アイランドの海岸を密かに上り下りしているのだと、しつこく噂されていた。 - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』
  • Nirvana is a fundamentally different notion from the phenomenon of posthumous transmigration and as represented by Shaka, human beings can live in the same world as before until their death even after awakening to Buddha since no special world is prepared for Buddha.
    涅槃は死後に別世界にて生まれ変わる現象とは根本的に意味合いが異なり、仏専用の別世界が用意されている訳ではなく、釈迦に代表されるように、仏として目覚めた後も死亡(入滅)までは従来の世界で暮らし続ける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although there is no administrative district called Nishijin, most of the weavers live in the northwest of Kyoto City such as Kamigyo Ward and Kita Ward (Kyoto City), especially areas encircled by Imadegawa-dori Street to the south, Kitaoji-dori Street to the north, Horikawa-dori Street to the east, and Senbon-dori Street to the west.
    ただ、西陣という行政区域は特別にはないが、この織物に携る業者がいる地区は、京都市街の北西部、おおよそ、上京区、北区(京都市)の、南は今出川通、北は北大路通、東は堀川通、西は千本通に囲まれたあたりに多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When he was reading a book sometime, he came across the phrase that says, 'As a tree cannot stop a wind though it wants to live in a calm weather, so parents do not wait their child to grow up and take care of themselves,' and he shed tears from regret at his inability to take care of his mother.
    あるとき読書をしていると「至於樹欲靜而風不止。子欲養而親不待。」(木は静かにしようとしたが風はやまなかった。子は育ててほしいと望んだが親はいなかった。)の句に出会い、実母に孝行できなかった後悔から落涙した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There are still many areas where the introduction of ICOCA isn't anticipated, including the Sanin and Hokuriku districts, and the fact is that for those who live in these areas but don't travel frequently to the ICOCA area, this function might not be necessary, so a separate type card can be somewhat convenient.
    また、山陰・北陸地区など当面ICOCA導入計画のない地域も多数あることから、これらの地域在住で、なおかつICOCAエリアへの行き来の少ない人であればこの機能はすぐには必要ない場合もあるので、分離型の方が都合がよいという事情もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Only the students of the Daigaku-ryo (or students preparing for entrance to it) were allowed to live in a Daigaku-besso which was a dormitory equipped with a library and a room to study, and the students had to attend the Daigaku-ryo to take classes and examinations.
    大学別曹はあくまで寄宿舎であり、自習場所や書庫などが設置されていたものの、大学寮の学生であること(あるいはその入学準備者)が寄宿の要件であり、試験や講義は全て大学に通って受けることとなっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, I also believe that the IDB and other multilateral development banks should play an active role, too, as a crisis can jeopardize the fruits of development and will certainly affect those who live in poverty most.
    その中心的な役割を担うのはIMFですが、危機によって長年にわたる開発の成果が失われ、貧困層が深刻な打撃を被るおそれがあることを考えれば、IDBなどの開発金融機関も積極的な役割を果たすべきと考えます。 - 財務省
  • The concrete-made water channel comprises the bottom 10 of normal concrete and a rise section 11 of porous concrete, and the concrete-made water channel 1 can also forms a culvert section 22 for making the aquatic creatures live in the rise section 11.
    普通コンクリートからなる底部10と、ポーラスコンクリートからなる立上り部11と、より構成する、コンクリート製水路であり、前記立上り部11に水棲生物が生息するための暗渠部22を形成することもできる、コンクリート製水路1である。 - 特許庁
  • Therefore, even though the harmful insect such as the lasiodactylus pictus tries to lay eggs onto plum fruits 16 from the upper part or side part of the plum trees 10, they cannot lay eggs or eat them because there is a distance from the plum fruits 16, and there is no risk for larvae to live in the plum fruits 16.
    このため、アカマダラケシキスイなどの害虫が、梅ノ木10の上部や側部から梅の実16に産卵しようとしても、梅の実16との間に距離があるため、産卵や食入ができず、幼虫が梅の実16につく恐れはない。 - 特許庁
  • Owing to a combination of the water-cleaning effect of the steelmaking slag, high dissolved oxygen concentration of slag interstices and the formation of space easy for organisms to live in, etc., a favorable organism-living environment is formed and high bottom-of-water cleaning effect is realized as well.
    製鋼スラグの水質浄化作用、スラグ間隙中の高い溶存酸素濃度、生物が棲息しやすい空間の形成などが複合化されることにより、良好な生物棲息環境が形成され、また、優れた底質浄化作用が得られる。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a bird damage prevention apparatus which is used to share a living space since damages are more obvious caused under the circumstances that the life environments of human beings have dramatically changed, and birds that used to live in the wild come into the living space of human beings.
    人間生活の環境が劇的に変化を起こし、今までは、野山に住んでいた鳥たちが人間の生活空間に入り込んで来て人間の生活空間を共有し始めた為に起こる被害が顕在化してきました、そこで生活空間を共用する為に使用する、鳥被害予防装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • A credit company 1 builds a profitable building on the part of a residual area obtained by subtracting the architectural total floor area necessary for a land owner 2 himself or herself to live in from a constructable volume specified by an architecture related regulation.
    信託会社1が建築関連法規によって規定された建築可能な容積から、土地所有者2が自らの居住により必要とする建築延べ床面積を差し引いた残りの面積の部分に、収益性のある建築物を建てる。 - 特許庁
  • To provide an apartment house which can ensure the privacy and independency of each dwelling unit, which has high habitability and safety, which allows the rebuilding and extension of each dwelling unit to be performed without a hindrance to neighboring dwelling units, and where dwellers can continuously live in the future.
    各住戸のプライバシーと独立性を確保でき、居住性と安全性が高く、かつ住戸ごとの建て替えや増築が近隣住戸に支障を及ぼすことなく可能で、将来に渡って継続して住み続けられるようにした集合住宅を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • that, ultimately, the industrial/factory mode of software production was doomed to be outcompeted from the moment capitalism began to create enough of a wealth surplus that many programmers could live in a post-scarcity gift culture.
    つまり多くのプログラマがポスト稀少性時代の贈与文化の中で生きられるだけの富の余剰を資本主義が作り出せるようになった瞬間から、最終的にはソフト生産の産業資本主義様式は競争に負けるべく運命づけられているのだ、という考察だ。 - Eric S. Raymond『ノウアスフィアの開墾』
  • Jesus Christ with His divine understanding of every cranny of our human nature, understood that all men were not called to the religious life, that by far the vast majority were forced to live in the world, and, to a certain extent, for the world:
    人間の本性のあらゆる裂け目を神として理解しているイエスキリストは、すべての人々が宗教的生活に召されるわけではないこと、はるかに莫大な大多数が俗世間で生き、そしてある程度は世間のために生きざるをえないことを理解している。 - James Joyce『恩寵』
  • To quickly remove any organic compound which becomes high concentration just after building and which is a cause of the so-called sick house syndrome, shorten an interval where the organic compound becomes concentration at which any person can live in the house, and further form a comfortable dwelling environment by removing harmful matter in air in the house and humidity in the same also after any person lives in the house.
    建築直後には高濃度になり、所謂シックハウス症候群の原因になる有機化合物を速やかに除去すると共に、入居可能な濃度になる期間を短縮することができ、入居後も家屋内の空気中の有害物質や湿気を除去することにより、快適な居住環境を形成する。 - 特許庁
  • Article 16 The State and Local governments shall take such necessary measures as giving Crime Victims special consideration for moving into public housing (public housing stipulated in Article 2, item 2 of the Act on Public Housing (Act No. 193 of 1951)), in order to stabilize residence for Crime Victims who have difficulties in continuing to live in their prior housing due to Crimes.
    第十六条 国及び地方公共団体は、犯罪等により従前の住居に居住することが困難となった犯罪被害者等の居住の安定を図るため、公営住宅(公営住宅法(昭和二十六年法律第百九十三号)第二条第二号に規定する公営住宅をいう。)への入居における特別の配慮等必要な施策を講ずるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • It is considered that it follows Shaka-muni Buddha in the Touriten (Trayastrimsa heaven) and senses the capability of living things each morning in Dhyana (meditation), and that it is a Bosatsu that relieves living things who live in the wheel of life of Rikudo (the six realms of Jigoku-do (Naraka realm, or hell realm) (地獄道), Gaki-do (Preta realm, or hungry ghost realm), (餓鬼道), Chikusho-do (Animal realm) (畜生道), Shura-do (Ashura realm, or realm of demigods) (修羅道), Jin-do (Human realm) (人道) and Ten-do (Deva realm, or realm or blissful state) (天道), while there exists no Buddha in this world after Shaka entered nirvana and before Miroku Bosatsu (Maitreya Bodhisattva) appears, 5670 million years later.
    とう利天に在って釈迦仏の付属を受け、毎朝禅定に入りて衆生の機根(性格や教えを聞ける器)を感じ、釈迦の入滅後、56億7000万年後に弥勒菩薩が出現するまでの間、現世に仏が不在となってしまうため、その間、六道(地獄道・餓鬼道・畜生道・修羅道・人道・天道)を輪廻する衆生を救う菩薩であるとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1467 his father Rennyo was declared 'an enemy of Buddhism' by Enryaku-ji Temple and driven away from Kyoto; during the period Rennyo was depressed by Enryaku-ji Temple's persecution, he was forced to live in retirement, to disinherit his eldest sun Junnyo, and to transfer the family headship to Jitsunyo, who at that time was known as Mitsutanemaru (光養丸), but Rennyo regained his influence following the resurgence in Hongan-ji Temple's own power, which left the inheritance question up in the air, until eventually things went back to the way they had been, with Junnyo reinstalled as his successor.
    1467年(文正2年)延暦寺から「仏敵」とされ京都を追われた父・蓮如がやむなく延暦寺に屈した時に蓮如の隠居と長男順如の廃嫡、そして当時光養丸と呼ばれていた実如への家督継承が強要されるが、本願寺の勢力回復とともに有耶無耶となり、元のように順如が法嗣とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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