「lowest common multiple」を含む例文一覧(9)

  • the least [lowest] common multiple
    最小公倍数. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • the lowest common multiple of two or more natural numbers
    二つ以上の自然数に共通な最小の公倍数 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • When video/audio information is coded and recorded on the disk, a coding rate is set by adopting a data size of an integral multiple of the lowest common multiple of a packet data size and a sector size of the disk as the standard.
    ディスク上に映像/音声情報を符号化して記録する際に、符号化レートをパケットデータサイズとディスクのセクタサイズの最小公倍数の整数倍のデータサイズを基準として設定する。 - 特許庁
  • On the basis of resolutions of the data, e.g., lowest resolution or the common multiple of the respective resolutions, a band-shaped division width detection section 10 computes the width, when dividing the data into band-like areas.
    帯状分割幅検出部10は、各データの解像度をもとに、例えば最低解像度に基づき、あるいは各解像度の公約数に基づいて、各データにおける帯状領域への分割の際の幅を計算する。 - 特許庁
  • Further, the multiple frequency common antenna is provided with conductors (9a and 9b, and 9c and 9d) in pairs with each other one-side ends of which are opposed to open ends of the dipole elements for emitting the radio wave with the lowest frequency, and the other-side ends of which are connected to the reflection plate.
    また、一端が、最も低い周波数の電波を放射するダイポール素子の開放端と対向し、他端が前記反射板に接続される一対の導電体(9a,9b,9c,9d)を備える。 - 特許庁
  • This tire pressure detection system is configured to satisfy such transmission cycle conditions that the lowest common multiple of transmission cycles of the predetermined two transmitters 2 selected from a plurality of transmitters 2 is a predetermined value higher than the transmission cycle of any one of the transmitters 2 regardless of how the two transmitters 2 are selected.
    複数の送信機2のうちから選択される所定の2つの送信機2についての送信周期の最小公倍数が、何れの送信機2の送信周期よりも所定値以上である送信周期条件を、2つの送信機2の選択の仕方にかかわらず満たすように構成する。 - 特許庁
  • In the transfer of data from a reading channel processor 13 to a demodulation part 14, decoding data is set to be a six channel parallel being the lowest common multiple of both data and an address and a clock whose frequency is divided into six is used so that a bit unit convenient for the address as well as is obtained in the demodulation part 14.
    リードチャネルプロセッサ13から復調部14へのデータの転送を、復調部14にとってアドレス、データのどちらにも都合が良いビット単位になるように、復号データについては両方の最小公倍数である6チャネルパラレルとし、クロックについては6分周クロックとする。 - 特許庁
  • The electric pump is set so that the a value obtained by multiplying the number of slots of a rotor of the motor and the minimum common multiple of the number of discharge per revolution of the pump by a primary number of revolution frequency corresponding to the lowest number of revolution of the motor becomes a predetermined frequency or more.
    モータの回転子のスロット数とポンプ一回転あたりの吐出回数の最小公倍数にモータの最低回転数に対応する一次回転数周波数を乗算した値が、所定の周波数以上となるように設定した。 - 特許庁
  • If the lowest common multiple of the transmission cycles of the predetermined two transmitters 2 (referred to as transmitters A, B) is a value sufficiently larger than the transmission cycle of either one of the transmitters A, B (for example, several tens of times), transmission timing for the transmitters A, B does not successively overlap.
    所定の2つの送信機2(送信機A,Bとする)の送信周期の最小公倍数が、その送信機A,Bの何れの送信周期よりも十分大きな値(例えば数十倍)であれば、送信機A,Bの送信タイミングが連続して重複しないようになる。 - 特許庁


  • 特許庁
    Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
  • 研究社 新英和中辞典
    Copyright (c) 1995-2024 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • EDR日英対訳辞書
    Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All Rights Reserved.