「new criticism」を含む例文一覧(17)

  • an act of writing an introduction or a criticism of a new book
    新刊の書物の内容の紹介,批評を書くこと - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • an introduction or criticism of a new book
    新刊の書物の内容の紹介や批評 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • His new novel received much unfavorable criticism.
    彼の新しい小説は酷評された - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • At the end of the 1990s, vacant seats in the ceremony hall were marked, and criticism that new adults did not enter the hall became more vocal.
    1990年代末ともなると、都市部では式典会場の空席が目立つようになり、新成人が会場に入らないという批判が聞かれるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the eighth month of 1334, as a criticism of the new government, a satire of the government called "Scribblings by the Nijo Riverbed" was published.
    新政を批判したものとして、1334年(建武(日本)元年)8月には新政を風刺した『二条河原の落書』が書かれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Who is Ogai Gyoshi ?' (criticism on the literary world), 'Naojiro HARADA' (about western painting in the modern period of Japan), 'Ryokyuroku' (about modern art), 'If I were a wealthy man in Kyushu' (about social issues), 'Observations on one aspect of the Boxer Uprising' (lecture records), 'Joint review on new society' (a criticism of "New Society" written by Ryukei YANO, in which mentioned socialism and so on).
    「鴎外漁史とは誰ぞ」(文壇時評)、「原田直次郎」(日本の近代西洋絵画)、「潦休録」(近代芸術)、「我をして九州の富人たらしめば」(社会問題)、「義和団の乱の一面の観察」(講演録)、「新社会合評」(矢野竜渓『新社会』の評論で社会主義などを記述)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the end, Osaragi could not disprove the harsh criticism of his films being trash and did not shoot the ten films as scheduled but finished with the third film "Shin Kurama Tengu, Yudachi no Bushi" (The New Kurama Tengu, The Samurai in the Shower).
    結局、大駄作という酷評を覆す事はできず、全10作を予定するも、第3作『新鞍馬天狗夕立の武士』を最後に打ち切りとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Due to mounting criticism of forcing hard labor on prisoners, forced labor was gradually abolished since around 1894, and Shujikan were renamed Kangoku and dissolved to form new facilities after 1903.
    収容者に強制労働を強いたことに批判が集まったこと、1894年頃から徐々に強制労働的な受刑者の使役を廃止、1903年以降は監獄と名を改め発展的に消滅した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Criticism of the new government was not limited to warrior families and commoners, however; in 1338, before Akiie KITABATAKE led his army out, he remonstrated with Emperor Godaigo about the failures of the new government, and his father Chikafusa KITABATAKE's "Shokugensho" as well as other nobles' diaries record comments critical of and indicating their dissatisfaction with the government, showing that later on, even nobles like the Kitabatake father-son duo, who fought to oppose the Northern dynasty, did not fully support the new government.
    1338年(延元3年/建武(日本)5年)には北畠顕家が出陣前に新政の失敗を諌める諫奏を行い、北畠親房の『職原抄』や公家の日記などにも新政への批判や不満を述べる文章があるなど、武家や庶民のみならず、後に後醍醐天皇方について北朝と対立した北畠父子のような公家でさえ、新政を支持していなかったことが示唆される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Under increasing criticism for the sake grading system begun in 1940, the nine categories, such as regular sake and the sake with a specific class name, has been replaced as a new way of classification of sake since 1990, the details of which is mentioned later in the section of classification.
    昭和15年(1940年)に始まった日本酒級別制度への批判が高まり、平成2年(1990年)からそれに代わる日本酒の分類として使われるようになったのが、のちに分類の項で詳しく述べられるような普通酒、特定名称酒など9種類の名称である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In response to growing criticism, the government began to seek other quality-focused classification system to replace the Classification of Sake in the Liquor Tax Act, and in 1990, introduced a new sake classification composed of nine different class names such as 'Futsushu (standard sake)' and 'Tokutei meishoshu (special designation sake),' which was tentatively utilized in combination with the traditional classification system in the earliest years.
    批判が高まってきたのを受けて、政府は日本酒級別制度に替わりうる品質本位の分類体系を模索し始め、平成2年(1990年)から「普通酒」「特定名称酒」など9種類の名称からなる日本酒分類を導入し、当初は旧来の級別制度と暫定的に併用した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the same time however, due to the 'criticism of the Bakufu (feudal government),' which said that one-party rule was incompatible with Japanese politics, and the Association's position at the core political activities remaining unclear, totalitarianism failed to become established and on October 12, at the inauguration ceremony of Taisei-Yokusankai (Imperial Rule Assistance Association), he abandoned the new order movement saying 'neither the program or proclamation is necessary.'
    しかし、一党独裁は日本の国体に相容れないとする「幕府批判論」もあって、会は政治運動の中核体という曖昧な地位に留まり、独裁政党の結成には至らず、10月12日に大政翼賛会の発足式で「綱領も宣言も不要」と新体制運動を投げ出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1869 Montblanc had an audience with Tadayoshi (a.k.a Mochihisa) SHIMAZU in Kagoshima, moved to Tokyo and advised the new government about diplomatic issues, such as the territorial rights issue of Sakhalin, and religious matters (resulting from the criticism by foreign countries of the four crackdowns on Christians in Nagasaki - "Urakami Yoban Kuzure" in Japanese).
    明治2年(1869年)、モンブランは鹿児島で島津忠義(茂久)に謁見した後、今度は東京において、樺太の領有権問題や宗教問題(浦上四番崩れにより日本が諸外国から抗議されたのを受けたもの)など、新政府の外交に助言をよせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Traditionally, a perception of 'art in the 1920s' (a perception to collect every piece of mainly avant-garde art trend in the 1920s) has been asserted in Japan as well, and a perception of 'new art movements in the Taisho period' includes the following criticism to 'art in the 1920s'
    従来から、日本においても「1920年代の美術」というとらえ方(1920年代の主として前衛的な美術動向をすべてまとめるとらえ方)が主張されているが、「大正期新興美術運動」というとらえ方は、この「1920年代の美術」に対する次の批判を内包している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was said that wishes of Tetsuji TAKECHI, his master, had strong influence on this succession, but during kojo (a ceremony to announce that an actor takes a new stage name), he received a remark 'He is essentially, not the person who should succeed to the family name of Takenojo', from the leader of troupe Uzaemon ICHIZAWA XVII, which may be taken as a severe criticism, and the discord with Tachibana head family was clearly brought to light.
    この襲名には、師である武智鉄二の意向が強く働いていたと言われるが、襲名披露の口上の席で座頭である市村羽左衛門(17代目)より「本来ならば、竹之丞の名跡を継ぐべき人ではない」との強烈な批判ともとれる発言をされるなど、橘屋宗家との確執が浮き彫りになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1956 he moved to Toei Kyoto Movie Studios, directing many masterpieces featuring Toei star Kinnosuke YOROZUYA, such as "Kaze to onna to tabigarasu" (The Wind, a Woman and a Traveling Crow), in which the main characters daringly appeared with no makeup on in an age when stars generally wore white Shironuri makeup; "Mabuta no haha" (Mother of My Dreams), a reworking of Shin HASEGAWA's novel; and the unique "Sanada fuunroku" (Tale of the Sanada Family), a highly regarded example of the 'New Wave of Toei Jidaigeki,' which encompassed musicals, science fiction and social criticism.
    1956年、東映京都撮影所に移籍し、白塗りのスターが活躍するのが主流だった時代に、あえて主要キャストがノーメイクで出演する『風と女と旅鴉』、長谷川伸の名作を甦らせた『瞼の母』、そしてミュージカルやSF、リアルタイムの時代批判などさまざまな要素を詰め込んで「東映時代劇のヌーヴェルヴァーグ」と絶賛された異色作『真田風雲録』など、東映の看板スターだった萬屋錦之介と組んで数々の傑作を監督する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • I might add my personal comment, though – the action plan for the New Growth Strategy, which we developed recently, advocates growth of financial institutions themselves and it is therefore quite critical for various financial segments, including securities, to have as many trading activities as possible, which makes any potential impact on them from taxation quite significant. At the same time, there are the principles of simplicity, fairness and neutrality in taxation that we should bear in mind as I realize, from many years of my involvement in the area of taxation when I was with the ruling party, that this is the kind of area in taxation that is traditionally prone to general criticism as a tax break for the rich. That being the case, in the context of a growing consensus on international cooperation between nations – each of which has its own economic, financial, and fiscal policies and is faced with its own challenges in the wake of the Lehman crisis, and is also founded on its own economic, historical, and traditional qualities – we are hoping to ultimately make a decision on how to add more vitality to financial and economic activities, bearing in mind the points that I have just made and incorporating, as a democratic nation, inputs from various people.
    ただし、これからは私のコメントですが、税制でございますが、できるだけ今度の成長分野でも金融機関そのものの成長ということをうたっておりますし、できるだけ証券はじめ、証券税制についてもできるだけいろいろな金融が活発化することが非常に大事でございますが、それに与える税制の影響も非常に大きいわけでございますが、同時に税制というのは私も長い間税制の実務を与党のときにやらせていただきましたが、簡素・公平・中立というのもございまして、そういったことを踏まえつつ、特にこういう分野は昔から一般的に金持ち優遇税制だと、こういうご批判を受ける部分でもございますけれども、しかし同時に金融の活性化、経済の活性化をどういうふうにきちっと、民主国家でございますから、そしてなおかつ各国がリーマンショックの後それぞれの経済あるいは金融、財政政策、非常にある意味でいろいろな問題点を持ちながら各国、この前の大きな問題を抱えながら国際協調をしていこうというようなところでございますし、各国にはそれぞれの経済のやっぱり歴史と伝統もあるわけでございますから、そういったことも勘案しつつ、きちっと最終的にはいろんな人の意見を聞きながら判断をさせていただきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁
