「nine days」を含む例文一覧(50)

  • nine days
    ここのつの日数 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • wonder lasts but nine days
    人の噂も七十五日 - JMdict
  • A wonder lasts but nine days.
    人のうわさも七十五日. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • “A wonder lasts nine days.”【イディオム・格言的】
    人の噂も七十五日 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • “A wonder lasts but nine days.”【イディオム・格言的】
    人の噂も七十五日 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • A wonder lasts but nine days.
    不思議なことも9日しか続かない。 - Tatoeba例文
  • A wonder lasts but nine days.
    人の噂も七十五日。 - Tatoeba例文
  • I'll stay in Athens for nine days.
    9日間アテネに滞在します。 - Tatoeba例文
  • Queen of England for nine days in 1553
    1553年の9日間のイギリスの女王 - 日本語WordNet
  • a period of forty-nine days after a person's death
    人が死んでから49日の間 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • A wonder lasts but nine days.
    人の噂も七十五日 - 英語ことわざ教訓辞典
  • A wonder lasts but nine days.
    驚きは九日しか続かない - 英語ことわざ教訓辞典
  • A wonder lasts but nine days.
    不思議なことも9日しか続かない。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • A wonder lasts but nine days.
    人の噂も七十五日。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • A wonder lasts but nine days.
    《諺》 不思議なことも 9 日しか続かない, 「人のうわさも 75 日」. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • Rokuyo (6 days of the Buddhist calendar), Kyusei (nine stars having own color, respectively, used for astrology), and Sanrinbo (unlucky day)
    六曜、九星、三隣亡(さんりんぼう) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, he died suddenly nine days after Emperor Daigo's enthronement.
    だが、醍醐天皇即位の9日後に急死してしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The students spent nine days in Japan.
    生徒たちは日本で9日間過ごした。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • From seven in the morning of the 12th to a quarter before nine in the evening of the 21st there were nine days, thirteen hours, and forty-five minutes.
    12日の朝7時から21日の夜8時45分までの間は、9日と13時間45分あった。 - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』
  • a Roman Catholic devotion consisting of prayers on nine consecutive days
    連続した9日間の祈りから成るカトリック教徒献身 - 日本語WordNet
  • In April there is a series of performances that spans nine days from the 21st through the 29th, called the Dainenbutsu-e.
    4月21日から4月29日までの9日間大念仏会(だいねんぶつえ) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was just nine days before the opening of the Tokyo Olympics.
    それは東京五輪開会のわずか9日前のことだった。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • "In eighty days. On Saturday, the 21st of December, 1872, at a quarter before nine P.M.
    「千八百七十二年十二月二十一日、午後八時四十五分だ。 - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』
  • Sanyo talked to Shochiku SHINOZAKI about this dispute nine days after this had happened, and died six days later since then.
    山陽は、9日後の9月17日にこの論争に就いて篠崎小竹に語り、その6日後に没した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Then, you may ask the chief priest to transcribe the homyo of the deceased person onto the paper of homyo-jiku within forty-nine days after his or her death.
    四十九日までに住職に法名を書き写してもらう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As a result, the nine criminals, including Kumakichi TAKECHI, were arrested three days after the incident, on January 17.
    その甲斐あって事件の3日後の1月17日には、武市熊吉ら9人は逮捕された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He appointed the old man tending the fires who had finished the verse, 'When the days are put together, nine nights and ten days have already passed, as the kuninomiyatsuko of Azuma.'
    それに、「日々並べて(かがなべて)夜には九夜日には十日を」との下句を付けた火焚きの老人を東の国造に任じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • If a death occurs in the family, nobody of the family had better visit a shrine for fifty days (forty nine days based on Buddhism).
    身内に不幸があった人は50日間(仏式の49日)を経過するまで神社参拝は控える必要がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some sects follow the practice that define the chuin period as the period of 35 days after the death because when the chuin period of 49 days is over three months, it reminds about the phrase 'shiju ku ga mitsuki' (literally, "forty-nine days over three months," always suffer hardship), a pun based on the pronunciation of Japanese.
    他宗では、中陰(ちゅういん)が三ヶ月に跨る場合は、「四十九(日)が三月=始終苦が身に付く」との意味から、三十五日までとする風習に従う場合もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • These days, compartmental nokotsudo (called indoor cemeteries) have increased; in Tokyo there is a nine-storey nokotsudo, one of the largest in Japan.
    近年では屋内霊園と呼ばれるマンション形式で設置する例も増えており、都内では日本最大級となる9階建ての大型のものもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As during these forty-nine days, the soul hovers in between the old and the next lives; that state is called 'chuin' or 'chuu.'
    また、その、元の生と次の生との中間的な存在である、49日間の状態「中陰」、もしくは「中有」と呼んでいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The name "Kyureki" was given in posterity by combining the 'nine' (ku/kyu) from Kujo (the ninth avenue) and 'calendar' (reki) from guchureki (a kind of almanac-like calendar), as many diaries were kept in guchureki in those days.
    『九暦』は、九条の「九」と、当時の日記に多くが具注暦に書かれることから、具注暦の「暦」をとって後人が付けた名称である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, soon after, Emperor Higashiyama suddenly fell ill from smallpox and died just nine days after Motohiro's retirement from the Daijo-daijin position.
    ところが、その直後に東山上皇が疱瘡に倒れて基熙の太政大臣辞任からわずか9日後に崩御してしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The nine yen in those days corresponded to about two-months average salary which a woman could earn with hard working.
    当時の9円というのは、成人女性が精一杯働いて稼ぐことの出来る平均給与の約2か月分に相当する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nine days later, the Bakufu held a banquet in celebration of Tenka seihitsu (pacification of the whole country) to mark the end of the major civil war that had continued for 11 good years.
    その9日後に、幕府によって「天下静謐」の祝宴が催され11年に及ぶ大乱の幕が降ろされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Two days after, on February 11, Nobunaga established denchu on okite containing sixteen Articles, which consisted of the above nine Articles and seven additional bylaws, and also made Yoshiaki accept them.
    信長は2日後の1月16日には、この9か条にさらに7か条の細則を追加した16か条の殿中御掟を制定し、これも義昭に承認させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is thought that these Bosatsu were not the Bosatsu who were doing Bosatsu-gyo practice for the enlightenment of themselves, but the Nyorai, who had gotten enlightenment and entered the spiritual realm of Buddhahood, came to the Kukai (nine various realms except the Buddhahood) to give relief to the mappo days, called Daibosatsu (great Bosatsu).
    この場合、自らの解脱の為に菩薩行を行なう菩薩ではなく、悟達し既に仏界へ昇った如来が末法救済のために九界へ降り立った大菩薩であるとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This is because the topic on the stupidity of a person of power, which is common now and in the old days, a simple and clear story outline, the interesting Tengu Mai (dance), and a well-kown dialogue, ` Hojo kyudai menmen taru' (the Hojo clan lasted for nine generations), are loved by audiences.
    これは、昔も今も変わらぬ権力者の愚かさというテーマ、単純明快な筋と天狗舞の面白さ、「北条九代綿綿たる」などの名セリフなどが観客に受けるからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the age of around six, he started to study reading, calligraphy, sodoku (reading aloud without comprehension) of shishogokyo (the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism, the Nine Chinese Classics) under a chief priest, Priest Ryokai, at Enmei-in Temple (in Utsunomiya City) in a neighbor town, Izumi-cho, and 'Ihoki' (the narrative of changing the territory) transcribed by Gamo in those days has been passed down to today.
    6歳の頃から近所の泉町にある延命院(宇都宮市)で、時の住職・良快和尚の下で読書・習字・四書五経の素読を学び、この折筆写した蒲生氏の「移封記」が今も伝えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also, divided prevailing price in the cities into three ranks as upper, middle, lower (each was described as three ranks further such as expensive or cheap, so it was actually nine ranks) every 10 days (once a month in the 'Engishiki' [an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers]).
    また、10日ごとに(「延喜式」では毎月1度)市における時価を上中下の3等に分けた(その中でも更に高値安値などの3段階表記をしたため、実質は9等)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Testing food material A is material A is dished out by a moderate weight according to the amounts of food ingested in the morning, noon and evening for the past several weeks of each subject as a tested subject, and testing food C for three days, that is, nine times in total is prepared.
    試験用食品素材(A)を、検査の対象となる被験者1人1人の過去数週間の朝昼晩の摂食量に基づいて、適度な重量に取り分けると共に、3日分・計9回の試験用食品(C)を作る。 - 特許庁
  • Generally, December 29th at the end of the year is called kunchi-mochi (mochi on the 9th) because of the sound 'ku-wo-tsuku' (literally, to pound nine, meaning to pound agony) and there is a custom of avoiding pounding and purchasing mochi only on this day among the several days at the end of the year and, on the other hand, in some areas, the 29th is welcomed reading 29 as fuku (happiness) taking another way of reading the numbers 2 and 9.
    一般に年末の12月29日は「苦を搗く」音韻から九日餅(くんちもち)と呼び、年の暮れの数日間のうちその日だけは餅を搗いたり購入を避ける風習がある一方で二九を音韻からフク(福)と読み29日を迎える地域もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the official report (September) which was submitted nine days after the incident describes that Japan approached Korea's camp by warship to meet the Korea's bureaucrats for the purpose of measuring and so on, and when they advanced more (toward Seoul) without permission from Korea, they were attacked from Korea's gun battery.
    しかし、事件から9日後に提出された公式報告書(9月)では、測量等のために朝鮮側の官僚と面会しようとして武装端艇でその陣営近くまで遡航し、さらに朝鮮側に断ることなく奥(ソウル方面)へと進もうとして砲台から砲撃されたと記されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • If, then - for there were "ifs" still - the sea did not become too violent, if the wind did not veer round to the east, if no accident happened to the boat or its machinery, the Henrietta might cross the three thousand miles from New York to Liverpool in the nine days, between the 12th and the 21st of December.
    それでもしも—またもしもだ—海があまり荒れないで、いい風が東から吹き続けて、船体やエンジンに事故が起こらなかったら、アンリエッタ号はニューヨークからリヴァプールまでの3000マイルを、12日から21日までの9日間で渡りきれるかもしれないのだ。 - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』
  • Usually, several shops form a group and travel around local fairs but, in old towns in urban areas, some groups do business at the festivals which held in the main towns at the fair dividing on days which there is a one and six, two and eight, three and seven, and five and ten (four and nine are considered unlucky so even tekiya close on those days), and some only travel to irregular, limited-period fairs other than annual events, such as summer festivals, New Years or cherry blossom viewing festivals.
    一般的には数件の店が一つのグループを作り、地方の縁日などを回っているが、都心の古くからある地域では一と六、二と八、三と七、五と十(四と九は縁起が悪いのと休みは的屋にも必要)の付く日で縁日を主要な町々で分けており、夏場や正月や花見など年中行事以外の限られた日数だけ地方に赴く団体もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Heihanki" (Diary of TAIRA no Nobunori) which was written in the late Heian period, FUJIWARA no Motozane held 'Otodo no daikyo' in 1156, following the example of Otodo no daikyo held by FUJIWARA no Tadamichi in 1116; he began making preparations nine days before the banquet, ordering small dining tables varnished with red lacquer, spreading white silk cloth over them like a tablecloth, and foods were arranged on lacquered tableware, which were specially ordered for the banquet as well as oshiki (a wooden placemat with raised edges).
    平安末期の『兵範記』に書かれた藤原基実の保元元年(1156年)「大臣大饗」は、永久(元号)4年(1116年)の藤原忠通のそれを参考とし、事前の準備は宴会予定日の9日前から始められ、赤漆塗の膳を特別にあつらえ、その膳の上には白絹を現在のテーブルクロスの如く敷き、これまた特別にあつらえた折敷や漆塗の食器に料理を盛りつけたとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • If an application to register a patent term extension cannot be filed within three months after the date of the disposition for any reason not attributable to the applicant, the applicant must file the application within 14 days after the reason ceases to exist (or within nine months after the date of the disposition, whichever period expires earlier) (Article 4 of the Order for Enforcement of the Patent Act).
    また、延長登録の出願をする者がその責めに帰することができない理由により政令で定める処分を受けた日から3月以内にその出願をすることができないときは、その理由がなくなった日から14日(在外者にあっては、2月)を経過する日までの期間(当該期間が9月を超えるときは、9月)内にしなければならない(特許法施行令第4条)。 - 特許庁
  • (3) When the applicable period referred to in item (ii) of paragraph (1) of Article 32-4 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "the applicable period" in this Article) exceeds three months, annual working days stipulated by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare referred to in paragraph (3) of Article 32-4 of the Act shall be limited to 280 days in the applicable period. However, in case where the applicable period exceeds three months and there had been the other agreement (including resolutions by a labor-management or resolutions by a working hours reduction task force committee) (if there had been more than one agreement, an agreement just before the new agreement shall be applicable; hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as "the former agreement") under the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 32-4 of the Act with its applicable period exceeding three months and containing one year or less whose last day is followed by the first day of the applicable period, yearly working days shall be shorter one, either days determined by subtracting one day from the yearly working days in the applicable period stipulated under the former agreement or 280 days, if the daily limited working hours exceed longer one, either the daily limited working hours stipulated under the former agreement or nine hours, or the weekly limited working hours exceed longer one, either the weekly limited working hours stipulated under the former agreement or 48 hours.
    3 法第三十二条の四第三項の厚生労働省令で定める労働日数の限度は、同条第一項第二号の対象期間(以下この条において「対象期間」という。)が三箇月を超える場合は対象期間について一年当たり二百八十日とする。ただし、対象期間が三箇月を超える場合において、当該対象期間の初日の前一年以内の日を含む三箇月を超える期間を対象期間として定める法第三十二条の四第一項の協定(労使委員会の決議及び労働時間短縮推進委員会の決議を含む。)(複数ある場合においては直近の協定(労使委員会の決議及び労働時間短縮推進委員会の決議を含む。)。以下この項において「旧協定」という。)があつた場合において、一日の労働時間のうち最も長いものが旧協定の定める一日の労働時間のうち最も長いもの若しくは九時間のいずれか長い時間を超え、又は一週間の労働時間のうち最も長いものが旧協定の定める一週間の労働時間のうち最も長いもの若しくは四十八時間のいずれか長い時間を超えるときは、旧協定の定める対象期間について一年当たりの労働日数から一日を減じた日数又は二百八十日のいずれか少ない日数とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Article 10 (1) An applicant for a patent may convert his/her application (excluding patent applications filed based on a utility model registration under Article 46-2(1) of the Patent Act (including patent applications deemed to have been filed at the time of filing of the original patent application under Article 44(2) of the said Act (including its mutatis mutandis application under Article 46(5) of the said Act))) into an application for a utility model registration; provided, however, that this shall not apply after the expiration of 30 days from the date the certified copy of the examiner's initial decision to the effect that the patent application is to be refused has been served or after the expiration of nine years and six months from the date of filing of the patent application.
    第十条 特許出願人は、その特許出願(特許法第四十六条の二第一項の規定による実用新案登録に基づく特許出願(同法第四十四条第二項(同法第四十六条第五項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により当該特許出願の時にしたものとみなされるものを含む。)を除く。)を実用新案登録出願に変更することができる。ただし、その特許出願について拒絶をすべき旨の最初の査定の謄本の送達があつた日から三十日を経過した後又はその特許出願の日から九年六月を経過した後は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (2) An applicant for a design registration may convert his/her application (excluding applications for a design registration deemed, under Article 10-2(2) of the Design Act as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 13(5) of the Design Act, to have been filed at the time of the original patent application which was filed based on an application for a utility model registration under Article 46-2(1) of the Patent Act (including applications for a design registration deemed to have been filed at the time of filing of the original application for a design registration under Article 10-2(2) of the Design Act)) into an application for a utility model registration; provided, however, that this shall not apply after the expiration of 30 days from the date the certified copy of the examiner's initial decision to the effect that the application for a design registration is to be refused has been served or after the expiration of nine years and six months from the date of filing of the application for a design registration.
    2 意匠登録出願人は、その意匠登録出願(意匠法第十三条第五項において準用する同法第十条の二第二項の規定により特許法第四十六条の二第一項の規定による実用新案登録に基づく特許出願の時にしたものとみなされる意匠登録出願(意匠法第十条の二第二項の規定により当該意匠登録出願の時にしたものとみなされるものを含む。)を除く。)を実用新案登録出願に変更することができる。ただし、その意匠登録出願について拒絶をすべき旨の最初の査定の謄本の送達があつた日から三十日を経過した後又はその意匠登録出願の日から九年六月を経過した後は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
