
  • The section around the current Noe and Doi was elevated.
    現在の野江~土居付近高架化。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Kojiki, there is a description that "Emperor Keiko's misasagi is in Yamanobe no michi noe."
    『古事記』は「御陵は山邊の道上にあり」と記す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Noe and Morishoji stations on the old line were closed.
    旧線の野江駅、森小路駅廃止。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • November 30, 1969: The route between Tenmabashi Station and Noe Station was changed.
    1969年(昭和44年)11月30日天満橋~野江間経路変更。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Noe, Sekime, Shin-morishoji, Morishoji and Takii stations opened.
    野江駅、関目駅、新森小路駅、森小路駅、滝井駅開業。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • February 21, 1968: The groundbreaking ceremony to construct an elevated quadruple-track line between Tenmabashi Station and Noe Station was celebrated.
    1968年(昭和43年)2月21日天満橋~野江間、高架複々線建設事業起工式。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • October 14, 1931: The section (known as "the seven curves of Noe") between Gamo Station (current Kyobashi Station) and Moriguchi Station (current Moriguchishi Station) was straightened and equipped with an exclusive track.
    1931年(昭和6年)10月14日蒲生(現在の京橋)~守口(現在の守口市)間(通称『野江の七曲がり』)を直線化し専用軌道化。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • January 27, 1993: At six stations located in between Noe Station and Doi Station, the platform extension work to cope with the eight-car trains was finished.
    1993年(平成5年)1月27日野江駅~土居駅間の6駅、8両編成化対応のホーム延長工事が完成。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Due to the construction work of the elevated quadruple track in the Tenmabashi - Noe signal station section, the station was relocated toward the Kyoto side and became slightly farther from the station of Japan National Railways (JNR).
    のち、天満橋~野江信号所間の高架複々線化工事のために、京都方に移設、国鉄駅とは若干離れるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Affairs bewseen the thinker Sakae OSUGI and a feminist activist Noe ITO were kept being reported during the period from the Hikage Chaya Incident in 1916 to the Amakasu Incident in 1923.
    大正5年の「日蔭茶屋事件」から同12年の「甘粕事件」にいたる間の、思想家・大杉栄と女性開放活動家・伊藤野枝を取り巻く動きについては逐一新聞などで報道された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the same time, when performing main photographing, it is determined whether the face is present in the end and when the face exists in the end, a state where the shading correction amount is large is maintained, but when the face does noe exist in the end, the shading correction amount is reduced in order to reduce noises.
    一方、本撮影を行う場合には、端部に顔が存在するか否かの判断し、端部に顔が存在する場合に、シェーディング補正量が大きい状態で維持し、端部に顔が存在しない場合には、ノイズを低減させるために、シェーディング補正量を小さくする。 - 特許庁
  • Yumeji TAKEHISA, Kasho TAKABATAKE, Yaso SAIJO, Ujo NOGUCHI, Hakushu KITAHARA, Shinpei NAKAYAMA, Kosaku YAMADA, Hougetsu SHIMAMURA, Sumako MATSUI, Kaoru OSANAI, Hyakuzo KURATA, Mantaro KUBOTA, Saisei MUROO, Sakutaro HAGIWARA, Ryunosuke AKUTAGAWA, Saneatsu MUSHANOKOJI, Naoya SHIGA, Takeo ARISHIMA, Kan KIKUCHI, Sanjugo NAOKI, Junichiro TANIZAKI, Kaizan NAKAZATO, Jiro ABE, Sakuzo YOSHINO, Nyozekan HASEGAWA, Gaikotsu MIYATAKE, Sakae OSUGI, Noe ITO, Raicho HIRATSUKA and others.
    竹久夢二・高畠華宵・西條八十・野口雨情・北原白秋・中山晋平・山田耕筰・島村抱月・松井須磨子・小山内薫・倉田百三・久保田万太郎・室生犀星・萩原朔太郎・芥川龍之介・武者小路実篤・志賀直哉・有島武郎・菊池寛・直木三十五・谷崎潤一郎・中里介山・阿部次郎・吉野作造・長谷川如是閑・宮武外骨・大杉栄・伊藤野枝・平塚らいてう等… - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The initial plan was as follows: bifurcate a feeder line from Morishoji Station on the Keihan Main Line (corresponding to the current Senbayashi Station); at Akagawa, connect it with the line proceeding from the project site of Kami-shinjo Station to the south, and then extend the line to Umeda Station via Sakuranomiya Station and Tenma Station on the Joto Line (later Osaka Loop Line); at Umeda Station, construct a general terminal station (after the inauguration of Tenjinbashi Station; subsequently, the plan was changed to bifurcate the Keihan Main Line at Noe Station and extend the Shinkeihan Line from Tenjinbashi Station, but the plan was abandoned in 1932 and the license lapsed in 1942 (see also the section on the Keihan Umeda Line); however, since the elevation of the Joto Line was postponed due to the investment policy that prioritized the reconstruction of the Great Kanto Earthquake, Keihan, which had anticipated extending the line up to Umeda Station by making use of the site of the Joto Line once it was elevated, decided to look for an alternate site, based on the perspective that this new line project wouldn't be feasible for some time.
    当初は京阪本線森小路駅(現在の千林駅に相当)から支線を分岐させて、新京阪線上新庄駅予定地から南へ延長した路線に赤川で合流させ、城東線(後の大阪環状線)桜ノ宮駅・天満駅を経由して梅田まで延伸し、同地に総合ターミナル駅を作ろうという構想(天神橋駅開業後に京阪本線は野江駅分岐、新京阪線は天神橋駅からの延伸に計画変更し、1932年に断念、1942年に免許失効。京阪梅田線も参照)を打ち出したが、城東線の高架化が関東大震災復興工事優先投資の方針から遅れることになったため、梅田延伸に関して高架化に伴う跡地の利用を考えていた京阪では、この新線は当面は実現不可能と考えて、代替地を探すことにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
