
  • nonchalantly unconcerned
    無頓着に無関心である - 日本語WordNet
  • a state or act of walking nonchalantly
    のこのこ歩くさま - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • to sweep nonchalantly
    ごみを掃いて周辺に散らす - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • You just can't let things slip around this nonchalantly smart girl.
    さりげなく聡いこの子にはうかつな事はとても言えない。 - Tatoeba例文
  • You just can't let things slip around this nonchalantly smart girl.
    さりげなく聡いこの子にはうかつな事はとても言えない。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • I helloed to her with a wave of the hand, but she cut me dead and passed by me nonchalantly.
    手を振りながら「やあ」と言って挨拶したのに, 彼女は知らん振りをして通り過ぎてしまった. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • On this occasion, as opposed to the hanashika who was about to do '(abbreviated) "iwo te sando" dodon ga don' the danjiri association nonchalantly took the rhythm of '(abbreviated) "yo itosa" don sutton ton.'
    その際、噺家が「...(略)『祝ぉて三度』ドドンがドン」とやろうとしたのに対して、地車講は平然と「...(略)『よーいとさ』ドンすっトントン」と囃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Transcendentalism refers to a philosophy in which individuals stand firm in their position detachedly (nonchalantly) without being influenced by the state of things that surround them.
    超然主義(ちょうぜんしゅぎ)とは、外の動静には関与せず、超然(平然)として独自の立場を貫く主義をいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Benkei raises his voice, 'Oh, it's strange! Over the sea from here is the Heike clan that was ruined at Saigoku,' to which Yoshitsune replies nonchalantly that he is not suprised the Heike clan might create a curse in this way, since they themselves sank into the ocean after many bad deeds.
    弁慶が「あら不思議や海上を見れば、西国に滅びし平家の一門」と声をあげると、義経はいまさらおどろくことではないではないか、悪逆の限りをつくして海に沈んだ平家一門のことだ、たたりをするのはあたりまえだろうと平然といいはなつ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Chokichi keenly felt that people, as they get older, forget entirely about the worries that only young people know about and that they themselves experienced in their youth; and that they nonchalantly take this convenient disposition where they judge harshly the circumstances of the young persons born of the next generation. He felt that there was truly an irreconcilable gap between the old and the young.
    長吉は人間というものは年を取ると、若い時分に経験した若いものしか知らない煩悶不安をばけろりと忘れてしまって、次の時代に生れて来る若いものの身の上を極めて無頓着に訓戒批評する事のできる便利な性質を持っているものだ、年を取ったものと若いものの間には到底一致されない懸隔のある事をつくづく感じた。 - Tatoeba例文
