
  • August: O-TA-I-KO Hibike (Let the drum echo)
    8月O・TA・I・KO響 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Representative examples are Ko Sogi, Ko Enbu, and O Fushi.
    その代表は黄宗羲や顧炎武、王夫之である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (Example) 'Uchino Ko-o, yo-u nakaharuyaro' (literally, 'As you see, our child cries very much')
    (例)「うちの子ぉ、よう泣かはるやろ」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There are 'O-hichiriki' and 'Ko-hichiriki,' but the hichiriki flute usually indicates 'Ko-hichiriki.'
    「大篳篥」と「小篳篥」の2種があり、一般には篳篥といえば「小篳篥」を指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the era of Taku So (Song), there were Ko Shin of "Koshi Nisho" (Ko's reading diary) and O Orin known for "Gyoku Kai" and "Kongaku Kibun."
    度宗(宋)の時には『黄氏日抄』の黄震、『玉海』『困学紀聞』で知られる王応麟がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The era was also called 'the era of Ko-Ro-Sho-O,' that of Koyo OZAKI, Rohan KODA, Shoyo TSUBOUCHI, and Ogai MORI.
    また尾崎紅葉、坪内逍遥、森鴎外と並んで、「紅露逍鴎時代」と呼ばれることもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • An o-umajirushi and a matoi which respectively represented a commander (samurai general) and his lord were placed around a banner (either an o-umajirushi or a matoi, or both an o-umajirushi and a matoi should be placed) in their camp, and a ko-umajirushi was placed near the commander to display his majesty and position.
    備には指揮官である侍大将やその主家を示す大馬印・纏を幟の側に(纏と大馬印は片方、又は双方が置かれる)、侍大将の側には小馬印を置き、それぞれ武威と位置を示した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Juichimen Kannon standing statues, the principle image of the Nigatsu-do hall of Todai-ji Temple (Nara), come in two statues, O-gannon and Ko-gannon both of which have never been unveiled.
    東大寺(奈良)二月堂本尊 十一面観音立像 大観音、小観音の2体があるが、いずれも絶対の秘仏。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The first two sometimes work as furi (giving the audience a sense of expectancy to the story line) for ochi (there are some cases in which the three serve as 'furi, ko ochi [small punch line], and o ochi [big punch line]'.)
    そのうち最初の2つは最後のオチのフリとして用いられる(「フリ・小オチ・大オチ」の例もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the generation of Yoshishada's child Yoshimitsu, received the master of "ko-ke" (shogunate official in charge of advising kyo-o-yaku in taking care of envoys) status provided with 3,000 koku in former Kiranosho.
    その子義弥の代に至り旧吉良荘内で3000石を領して、高家筆頭の家格を付与された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Traditional ones which were in a flag shape were called hatajirushi and others which were not in a flag shape were regarded as umajirushi, and in later years, o-umajirushi (large umajirushi) were distinguished from ko-umajirushi (small umajirushi); additionally, hatajirushi whose size was equivalent to o-umajirushi were called matoi.
    以前の旗の形をしたものは旗印、旗の形ではないものを馬印とし、更に時代を下ると馬印は大馬印と小馬印に分かれた(大馬印に比例する旗印は纏と表記される)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • While many Wagakki, such as the "Gagaku Biwa" (a Japanese lute traditionally used for ceremonial court music), have retained their original forms (and these forms can no longer be found in mainland Asian), other instruments, such as the Shamisen (a three-stringed musical instrument), the Shakuhachi (a five-holed traverse bamboo flute), the Nohkan (a traverse flute used in Noh), and the Ko-tsuzumi and O-tsuzumi (small and large drums, respectively, that are used in Noh), have developed in a unique fashion in Japan.
    「雅楽の琵琶」(楽琵琶)のように、大陸では失われてしまった古い姿を残している楽器も多いが、「三味線」「尺八」「能囃子」「能囃子・能囃子」のように独特な進化を遂げたものもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the days of Michinaga, FUJIWARA no Naritoki and FUJIWARA no Kinto of the collateral line also built villas in Shirakawa, so that the Shirakawa betsugyo was called 'O Shirakawa' (Big Shirakawa) to distinguish it from their villas ('Ko Shirakawa' - Small Shirakawa.)
    道長の時代には庶流の藤原済時・藤原公任も別業を白河に設けたために、これら(「小白河」)と区別するために「大白河」と呼んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Genso believed the 'Kinbun' to be the base, and he wrote his commentaries while adopting those written by Ko Ankoku, Teigen, I Sho (Wei Zhao), and O Shuku (Wang Su).
    玄宗は「今文」を基本としながらも、孔安国・鄭玄・韋昭・王粛らの注釈のうち優れたものを採用し、これら諸説を斟酌しながら注釈を加えたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • They were appointed as banto (subdivided into 'ko-banto', 'chu-banto', and 'o-banto' and are called 'xx suke'), and at the age of around 30 when judged sufficiently skilled enough, they were given permission of sharing the goodwill to use the shop's symbol printed on a noren cloth to hang over the entry of a branch shop of their own (Noren-wake).
    そして、番頭を任され(大店では“小番頭”“中番頭”“大番頭”と分けられる時があり、呼び名は「*助」である。)30歳前後には暖簾分けされ自分の商店を持つことが許される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • An inner room called naijin in the Nigatsu-do hall houses two Juichimen Kannon statues called O-gannon (big kannon) and Ko-gannon (small kannon), both of which have been treated as hibutsu and put under strict control, although it is not known since when they have been treated as such; even priests who perform the 'Omizutori' ritual never get to see them.
    二月堂内陣には大観音(おおがんのん)、小観音(こがんのん)と称する2体の十一面観音像が安置されるが、いつの時代からか両方の像とも厳重な秘仏とされ、「お水取り」の行事を執り行う寺僧もこれらの像を目にすることはない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is known that among the 50-character syllabary used today, 14 sounds were written in two types of Manyo-gana, namely A-type and B-type, in ancient Japan before the Nara period, and this distinction of the types was strictly maintained; these 14 sounds were "キ, ヒ, ミ" (ki, hi, mi) with the vowel of イ (i), "ケ, へ, メ" (ke, he, me) with the vowel of エ (e), "コ, ソ, ト, ノ, (モ), ヨ, ロ" (ko, so, to, no, [mo], yo, ro) with the vowel of オ (o), and the vowel "エ" (e).
    現代日本語の50音のうち、イ段のキ・ヒ・ミ、エ段のケ・へ・メ、オ段のコ・ソ・ト・ノ・(モ)・ヨ・ロ及びエの14音について奈良時代以前の上代には甲類と乙類の万葉仮名の書き分けが見られ、両者は厳格に区別されていたことがわかっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the past, the Minami-za Theatre of Kyoto, which had been as famous as the Kabuki-za Theatre of Tokyo, had 'ko-zeri' for moving actors, but however, didn't have 'o-zeri' for moving big sets, so one of the masterpieces of kabuki "Sanmon" hadn't been performed in the theatre for a long time.
    ところが東の歌舞伎座と並び称される西の京都南座には、役者を上げ下げする「小迫り」はあっても大道具を上げ下げできる「大迫り」がなかったので、歌舞伎の代表作の一つであるこの演目を上演することが長らく出来なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also, each of the scriptures had annotations written by specific authors, such as Gen TEI and Hitsu O for "Shueki," Ankoku KO and Gen TEI for "Shosho" and "Kokyo," Gen TEI for "Shurai," "Girai," "Raiki" and "Moshi," Ken FUKU and Yo TO for "Shunju Sashiden," Gen TEI and An KA for "Rongo."
    なお、用いる経典の注釈書についても『周易』は鄭玄・王弼、『尚書』・『孝経』は孔安国・鄭玄、『周礼』・『儀礼』・『礼記』・『毛詩』は鄭玄、『春秋左氏伝』は服虔・杜預、『論語』は鄭玄・何晏のものと定められていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In November 2005, he succeeded to the stage name, Tojuro SAKATA and became the fourth thereof, which is a great stage name in Kamigata-kabuki (the kabuki society in the Kansai region) when he played Yaegaki-hime, the princess of Jusshu-ko (10 kinds of incense), O-Hatsu of Sonezaki-shinju and Izaemon of Yuen-no-Tsuki in the all-actor show-up performance at the Minami-za theater in Kyoto (however, he didn't refer to himself as 'the fourth' in the New Year's performance at the Kabuki-za theater in 2006 but said the stage name was the one he had revived after its 231-year absence).
    2005年11月 京都・南座顔見世にて十種香の八重垣姫、曽根崎心中のお初、由縁の月の伊左衛門で上方歌舞伎の大名跡・四代目坂田藤十郎を襲名(但し、2006年歌舞伎座の初春興行では「四代目」を名乗っておらず、231年ぶりに復活させた名跡であるとしている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, there are various theories concerning Joro-otoshiyori as in the following: One theory is that the female servants who were positioned in the highest post of the female servants in O-oku, or the Joro-otoshiyori post described above, were simply called Joro, and of those in the Joro post, the persons who were also appointed to the Toshiyori post were called Joro-otoshiyori, and the other theory is that the persons in the Joro-otoshiyori post, in the Ko-joro (female servants training to become Joro servants) post, and in the Otoshiyori post were totally called Rojo.
    しかし上臈御年寄に関しては諸説あり、先述した上臈御年寄の役にある大奥女中最高位の女中を単に上臈と言い、その上臈の役にある者で御年寄の役を兼ねていた者を上臈御年寄と言うという説や、上臈御年寄・小上臈(上臈の見習い役)・御年寄の総称を老女とする説も存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
