「one thirty-second」を含む例文一覧(9)

  • In 974, she was awarded Junii (Junior Second Rank), and in 975, she died at the age of thirty-one.
    天延2年(974年)従二位に進み、同3年(975年)31歳で薨去。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Then, the data of one second of the program data of a second valid channel are stored in the memory every thirty minutes, after one second.
    次に、1秒ずらして30分毎に第2の有効チャンネルの番組データの1秒分のデータをメモリに記憶させる。 - 特許庁
  • Further, the data of one second of the program data of a third valid channel are stored in the memory every thirty minutes further in one second.
    更に、1秒ずらして30分毎に第3の有効チャンネルの番組データの1秒分のデータをメモリに記憶させる。 - 特許庁
  • At present, a whole tanka (thirty-one syllables arranged as 5-7-5-7-7) is written on each yomi-fuda, however, until the end of the Edo period, a poet's name and only ue-no-ku (the first phrase, the second phrase, and the third phrase) was written on each yomi-fuda, and on each tori-fuda, only shimo-no-ku (the forth phrase and the fifth phrase) in hiragana characters of kuzushi-ji (cursive hand) was written.
    江戸期までの百人一首は、読み札には作者名と上の句のみが、取り札には下の句が、崩し字で書かれており、現在のように読み札に一首すべてが記されていることはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He also built and founded the Yoshida-jinja Shrine, that was one of nineteen hoheisha (Shinto shrine to which a wand of hemp and paper streamers are offered) and Soji-ji Temple, that was the twenty-second fudasho (an office in a temple where ofuda (a strip of paper or small wooden tablet, often considered talismanic, on which were written words of religious significance) were distributed to worshippers) of the Saigoku Thirty-three Kannon Pilgrimage of Shingon sect (Ibaraki City).
    また十九奉幣社のひとつ吉田神社と真言宗西国三十三箇所観音霊場・二十二番札所總持寺(茨木市)を建立・創建している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The descendants of Munenaga, the eldest son, continued as the Nanba family, and those of Masatsune, the second son, continued as the Asukai family into the later generations, and they both played central roles in the ways of kemari (a game played by aristocrats in the Heian period) and waka (a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables).
    長男宗長の子孫は難波家、次男雅経の子孫は飛鳥井家として後世に続き、蹴鞠・和歌の道において重きをなしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • If the television broadcasting of a valid channel is detected, the data of one second of the program data of a first valid channel are stored in a memory, for example, every thirty minutes.
    有効チャンネルのテレビ放送が放送中であることが検出されると、例えば30分毎に第1の有効チャンネルの番組データの1秒分のデータをメモリに記憶させる。 - 特許庁
  • The drive wheel (5) carries a mechanism (10) including a first finger (6) driving the ring (1) through one step each day and a second finger (7) which is inserted, at the end of a month of less than thirty-one days, into a trajectory of teeth (4) of the ring (1) to move the ring forward one additional step.
    回し車(5)は、リング(1)を毎日一段階進める第1のフィンガ(6)と、さらに第2のフィンガ(7)とを含む機構(10)を保持しており、第2のフィンガ(7)は、31日に満たない月の終わりに、リング(1)の歯(4)の軌跡内に挿入されて、これにより、リングを一段階追加して前進させる。 - 特許庁
  • (1) For an international application to be accepted for national processing, an applicant shall file a corresponding request together with the Estonian translation of the international application with the Patent Office and pay a state fee not later than within thirty-one months as of the date of priority. In the case provided for in subsection 42(9) of this Act, the applicant must pay the state fees for the first, second and third years of validity within two months as of the filing date of the said request. (29.01.2003 entered into force 01.04.2003 - RT I 2003, 18, 106)
    (1) 国際出願が国内処理のために受理されるためには,出願人は,優先日から31月以内に,国際出願のエストニア語翻訳文を添付し,その旨の請求書を特許庁に提出し,国の手数料を納付しなければならない。第42条(9)に規定した状況においては,出願人は,前記の請求書の提出日から2月以内に,第1,第2及び第3の有効年度に対する国の手数料を納付しなければならない。 (2003年1月29日。2003年4月1日施行-RT I 2003, 18, 106) - 特許庁
