
  • As for Nagoya Castle, "Kinjo-onko-roku records" mentions that 'Your great castle has roads open to four directions, and people gather from all over the world; like the world's castle, it places chokepoints at about 40 kilometers; it has mountains in the east, the sea in the south, Kiso-gawa River in the northwest, and in between it installs strategic stops at a distance of about 140 kilometers (omission); lying ahead, a fort on Mt. Yagoto in the east, Saya and the armed camp in Kiyosu in the west (omission); with the castle, camps and walls, these indicate the key castle of Shijin-so-o topography.'
    名古屋城についても『金城温古録』では、「名府御城の如きは、道を四道に開かれて、四方より人民輻湊する事、恰も天下の城の如く十里に嶮地を置き、東は山、南は海、西北は木曾川あり、その中間、三五里を隔て要害設し給ふ(中略)、先は東は八事山の砦柵、西は佐屋、清州の陣屋(中略)、城、場、郭の三を備へ、四神相応の要地の城とは、これを申奉るなるべし」と記述されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
