
  • an outcast
    のけもの - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • I feel like I'm being made an outcast.
    私はのけ者にされる気分です。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • a social outcast
    公然と社会に出られない人 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a previously outcast class of society that is newly accepted into the mainstream
    明治以降,平民に加えられた下層民 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • he was outcast from life's feast.
    彼は生の饗宴からの追放者だった。 - James Joyce『痛ましい事件』
  • in movies or drama, the role of social outcast
    映画や演劇で,世間から好ましく思われない人物を演じる役 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • For example, there were some people in the eta outcast group living in villages who were takamochi.
    例えば、村落に住むエタ身分のなかには、高持の者がいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • he felt that he had been outcast from life's feast.
    彼は自分が生の饗宴からの追放者であったと感じた。 - James Joyce『痛ましい事件』
  • Since aburakasu is prepared by using waste obtained after taking meat out of livestock animals, it was conventionally produced and consumed secretly only among burakumin (modern-day descendants of Japan's feudal outcast groups), many of whom were engaged in the butchery trade.
    食肉を採取した後の廃棄物を原料として作られるため、従来は屠畜業に携わる者の多い被差別部落民の間でのみ密かに生産・消費されてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In December, when the powerful figure disappeared from the shogun family, Sozen YAMANA ordered Yoshinari HATAKEYAMA, who had once been an outcast, to enter Kyoto; moreover, he ordered that he be granted a pardon through Yoshimasa.
    これにより将軍家内部で実力者がいなくなると、山名宗全は12月、追放されていた畠山義就を上洛させ、義政に仲介して赦免の許しを出させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the Edo period, on the south of the urban area of Osaka City, there was a settlement of Burakumin (modern-day descendants of Japan's feudal outcast group) called 'Watanabe-mura Village,' manufacturing leather, drums and such, and this place also was a good distance from the location where Watanabe no tsu used to be.
    江戸時代以降、大坂市街地の南にかつて「渡辺村」と呼ばれた被差別部落民の集落があり皮革製造、太鼓製造などを行ってきたが、ここも本来の渡辺津の場所からはかなり離れている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Seiseifu fortress of the Southern Court was defeated by Sadayo IMAGAWA (Ryoshun) who was dispatched by Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and the Shoni clan restored Dazai-fu, but outcast by the Ouchi clan in the Sengoku period (period of warring states).
    南朝方の征西府は室町幕府が派遣した今川貞世(了俊)に敗れ、少弐氏は大宰府を回復するが、戦国時代(日本)には大内氏に追われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However some of those people who had discriminated them rebelled against this movement, and they caused incidents of raids on Burakumin (modern-day descendants of Japan's feudal outcast group) through uprisings.
    しかし従来彼らを差別してきた他の民衆の中にはこれに反発するものがあり、一揆をなして被差別部落民を襲撃する事件を起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A person of mushuku who became sick during detention pending trial or a person under the age of 15 who had no relatives was taken to tamari, which was managed by hiningashira (the head of people who belonged to none of the four "classes" of the Edo period and was therefore considered an outcast)..
    未決中に重病になった無宿の拘留者や身寄りのない15歳未満の幼年者は、非人頭が管理する溜に預けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However there was a system in place which allowed them to rise to a higher status once they reached a certain age; therefore, their status was not as tightly fixed as those who were discriminated in the Edo period who were treated as a kind of outcast segregated from samurai, farmers, and townsmen for their filth.
    だが、一定の年齢に達すれば上の階層に上がる事ができる制度などもあり、穢れなどを理由に武士、百姓、町人などと隔絶した一種の身分外身分と言える扱いを受けた江戸時代の被差別民の身分ほど固定されたものではなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Burakumin (modern-day descendants of Japan's feudal outcast group) was then registered as commoners based on the Lowly People Liberation Law, they were registered as new commoners, Eta (one group comprising the lowest rank of Japan's Edo-period caste system (people whose work usually involved handling human bodies or animal carcasses)), Hinin (one group comprising the lowest rank of Japan's Edo-period caste system (often ex-convicts or vagrants)), etc., in the family register of certain areas, leaving a strong sense of discrimination (a part of which was also registered in the family register or the social status registration of 1886).
    このとき被差別部落民は賎民解放令に基づき、平民として編入されたが、一部地域の戸籍には新平民や、穢多、非人等と記載されたり等、差別は色濃く残った(一部は明治19年式戸籍や身分登記簿にも登載された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Convicts were eligible for a pardon after serving the specified period of term; namely, 11 years for banishment from one's residence (tokorobarai); 14 years for banishment from Edo (Edobarai); 17 years for banishment from Edo and its outskirts (Edo Juri Shiho Tsuiho); 20 years for light banishment (Keitsuiho); 23 years for medium banishment (Chutsuiho); 26 years for heavy banishment (Jutsuiho); 29 years for exile to a remote island (ento); 10 years for outcast; and 11 years for rehabilitation for Samurai and Buddhist monks.
    所払は11年、江戸払14年、江戸十里四方追放17年、軽追放20年、中追放23年、重追放26年、遠島29年、非人手下10年、武士や僧侶の処分取消は11年という基準が定められ、これを越える服役をして初めて資格を得たのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
