「outer shrine of Ise」を含む例文一覧(39)

  • Another is on 'Mt. Takakura' (in Ise City) behind the Outer Shrine of Ise-jingu Shrine in Ise City, Mie Prefecture.
    三重県伊勢市伊勢神宮外宮「高倉山(伊勢市)」。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He had the Geku (the outer shrine) of the Ise-jinja Shrine constructed.
    伊勢神宮外宮を建立。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Because of the legend that this shrine is Motomiya (an origin of Miya) of the Toyouke Dai-jingu Shrine, it is also known as 'Motoisegeku Shrine' (the old outer shrine of Ise Shrine).
    豊受大神宮の元宮であるとの伝承から、「元伊勢外宮」とも称される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Saio attends the second day of the Sansetsu-sai Festival, which is held on the sixteenth and the seventeenth in the Inner Shrine of Ise and the fifteenth and the sixteenth in the Outer Shrine of Ise.
    斎王は内宮は16・17日、外宮は15・16日に行われる三節祭の二日目に参加する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 690, she conducted the first shikinen sengu (transfer of a deity to a new shrine building once in a prescribed number of years) in the Geku (the outer shrine) of Ise-jingu Shrine.
    690年、伊勢神宮の外宮で第一回の式年遷宮を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some suggest that the Tenmangu Shrines are dedicated to Michizane SUGAWARA's servant, Haruhiko WATARAI who was a priest of Geku Shrine (the Outer Shrine of Ise-jingu Shrine).
    一説には、菅原道真の従者であった外宮祀官・渡会春彦を祀るという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Jinposho is a list of various districts of Ise-jingu Shrine (both Naiku (the inner shrine) and Geku (the outer shrine)) territory.
    神鳳鈔(じんぽうしょう)とは、伊勢神宮(内宮および外宮)の領地の諸国一覧表である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 767, when Michikata served as the Ise no suke (Assistant Governor of Ise Province), he and ABE no Azumahito reported to the Emperor that there was an auspicious cloud above the outer shrine of Ise-jingu Shrine.
    天平神護3年の伊勢介在職時に阿倍東人とともに伊勢神宮外宮上空に現れた瑞雲を奏上した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • She is known as Toyouke no Okami who is enshrined in Toyouke Dai-jingu Shrine (Outer Shrine of Ise).
    豊受大神宮(伊勢神宮外宮)に奉祀される豊受大神として知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, it may be related to the origin of the Yuki-den building (the chigi (ornamental crossbeams on the gable of a Shinto shrine) in the sotosogi (the ends of the chigi are terminated with a vertical cut) form just like in the Gegu (outer shrine) of Ise-jingu Shrine), and the Suki-den building (the chigi is in the uchisogi (the ends of the chigi are terminated with a horizontal cut) form, just as in the Naigu (inner shrine) of Ise-jingu Shrine) of Daijo-sai festival.
    しかし、大嘗祭の悠紀殿(千木は伊勢神宮外宮の様に外削ぎ)、主基殿(千木は伊勢神宮内宮の様に内削ぎ)の起源とも関係している可能性がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In April 1145, which was the year after 'the disturbance in the Obamikuriya estate,' Yoshitomo donated this Soma-go village to the Inner Shrine and the Outer Shrine of the Ise-jingu Shrine.
    そして、「大庭御厨の濫妨」の翌年の天養2年(1145年)3月、義朝は、その相馬郷を伊勢内宮外宮に寄進する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In order to rebuild the Ise-jingu Shrine, onshi who performed rituals of the shrine focused on Toyouke no Okami (Grand Divine Toyouke) enshrined in the geku (the outer shrine) and performed missionary work in various areas, such as distributing calendars, to encourage peasants to visit the Ise-jingu Shrine.
    その伊勢神宮を建て直すため、神宮で祭司を執り行っていた御師は外宮に祀られている豊受大神に目をつけ、農民に伊勢神宮へ参拝してもらうようにカレンダーを配るなど各地へ布教するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Originally, Watarai clan served in both the Inner Shrine and Outer Shrine of Ise-jingu Shrine, but Arakida clan of the Nakatomi lineage of Fujiwara clan became new shake for the Inner Shrine, and as the result, Watarai clan became the shake for the Outer Shrine only.
    元は、内宮、外宮ともに度会氏が担っていたのだが、内宮は藤原氏、中臣氏系の荒木田氏が新たな社家となり、その結果、渡会氏は外宮のみの社家となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As it was performed in combination with yudate (a ceremony in which Shinto priests sprinkle hot water over worshippers using bamboo leaves that they have dipped in a large pot of hot water before the gods), it is sometimes called Yudate kagura, and because it is performed at the geku (outer shrine) of Ise-jingu Shrine, it is also sometimes called Ise-ryu kagura (Ise-style kagura).
    湯立と組み合わせて行われていたことから湯立神楽(ゆだてかぐら)とも呼ばれ、また伊勢神宮外宮の神楽を祖型としていることから、伊勢流神楽(いせりゅうかぐら)とも呼ばれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also, Amenominakanushi no Mikoto is enshrined in Toyuke no Miya in Ise, which suggests Amenominakanushi no Mikoto is the same as Toyouke no Okami in Geku (the outer shrine of Ise).
    また、天御中主尊は伊勢の止由気ノ宮に祭ると記され、外宮の豊受大神と同一であることを示唆している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition to security of the two grand shrines Geku (outer shrine) and Naiku (inner shrine), he also controlled the supervision of suspicious foreign ships in Ise Bay and the southern sea, even outside of Ise-Shima shrine territory, but the most important duty of the Yamada Bugyo, who was equal in standing to the Nikko Bugyo, was to carry out the '21st year rebuilding of Ise Shrine.'
    外宮・内宮両大神宮の警固は勿論の事、伊勢湾・南海での異国不審船の取締りや伊勢志摩神領以外も支配したが、「日光御奉行」と同等同格の「山田御奉行」の最重要任務は「二十一年目御遷宮奉行」を取り仕切る任務であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Jinno-jitsuroku", the Shinto book of Ise Shinto (also known as Watarai Shinto; a school of Shinto teachings transmitted by priests of the Watarai clan at the Outer Shrine [Geku] of Ise Jingu), describes that Amenosakahoko is one of the sacred treasures belonging to Sarutahiko-jinja Shrine, and "Shinto Gobusho"(five-volume apologia of Shinto belonging to Ise Jingu) states that Amenosakahoko was thrown down from heaven by Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess) and is stored at the Sanctuary Misakadono in Ise Jingu's Naiku.
    伊勢神道(度会神道)の神道書『神皇実録』ではサルタヒコの宮処の璽(しるし)とされており、『神道五部書』では天照大神が天から天逆鉾を伊勢に投げ下ろしたとし内宮御酒殿に保管されているとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The temple is also famous as a temple for a prosperous trade as it enshrines Toyouke-Omikami, Geku (the outer shrine) of Ise-jingu Shrine, in the gardens.
    春光院はその庭園に伊勢神宮の外宮(豊受大御神)を祀っている為に、商売繁盛の寺としても有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Outer Shrine of Ise (Ise City, Mie Prefecture), Nagu-no-yashiro Shrine (Takeno-gun, Kyoto Prefecture), Kono-jinja Shrine (Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture), Okumiya Manai-jinja Shrine, she is considered to be shusaijin (main enshrined deities), and also in most of Shinmei-jinja Shrines and many shrine in precincts, she is enshrined together with Amaterasu Omikami.
    伊勢神宮外宮(三重県伊勢市)、奈具社(京都府竹野郡)、籠神社(京都府宮津市)奥宮真名井神社で主祭神とされているほか、神明神社の多くや、多くの神社の境内社で天照大神とともに祀られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The oldest case of someone worshipping their own soul was related to Haruhiko MATSUKI (824 - 924)in the Heian period when he was a Shinto priest of Geku (outer shrine) in Ise-jingu Shrine, he worshipped his soul included in stones or rocks in Obe, Watarai-gun, Ise in 923.
    自己の霊魂を祀った生祀の文献上で最も古い事例は、平安時代の923年、伊勢神宮の外宮の神官であった松木春彦(824年-924年)が、伊勢度会郡尾部で、石に自己の霊魂を鎮め、祀ったことである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Even after Yamatohime no Mikoto was enshrined at Ise-jingu Shrine, there was no chapel specifically dedicated to her until the Taisho period, when a proposal was made by the administrative branch of Ise-jingu Shrine and Ise City to erect a separate shrine for Yamatohime no Mikoto; the proposal was approved by the government on January 4, 1920 and on November 5, 1922, she was enshrined in Yamatohime no Miya Chapel on Mt. Kurata located between the inner shrine and the outer shrine.
    伊勢神宮鎮座後も倭姫命を祭る神社は存在しなかったが、大正にはいり神宮司庁と地元伊勢市から倭姫命を祭る神社を創建する運動を生じ、1920年1月4日に皇大神宮別宮として倭姫宮の創立が許可、1922年11月5日内宮と外宮の中間である倉田山に鎮座した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He held the positions of the Saigu no suke (Assistant Director of the Office of the Grand Priestess in the Ise Jingu Shrine), Shoryo no suke (Assistance Director of the Imperial Mausolea Bureau), Tachihaki no osa (the Chief of the Imperial Gardes), Saemon no jo (third-ranked officer of the Left Division of Outer Palace Guards), Hitachi no kuni no suke (Assistant Governor of the Hitachi Province), Dewa no kuni no kami (Governor of the Dewa Province), and Echizen no kuni no kami (Governor of the Echizen Province).
    斎宮助、諸陵助、帯刀長、左衛門尉、常陸国介、出羽国守、越前国守。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Saigyo also organized another poetry contest "Miyagawa Utaawase" and it is significant that he asked FUJIWARA no Teika, who was nothing more than a budding poet in those days, to be the judge of the contest (These two utaawase were dedicated to the Inner Shrine and the Outer Shrine of the Grand Shrine of Ise, respectively).
    またさらに自歌合『宮河歌合』を作って当時いまだ一介の新進歌人に過ぎなかった藤原定家に判を請うたことは特筆に価する(この二つの歌合はそれぞれ伊勢神宮の内宮と外宮に奉納された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Ise Shinto, or a school of Shinto thought established by Watarai clan who were the Shinto priests for the Outer Shrine and were prosperous during the Kamakura period, it became clear that Seoritsu-hime was the god of the Aramatsuri-no-miya Shrine of the Inner Shrine.
    瀬織津姫は鎌倉期に興った外宮神官の渡会氏による伊勢神道において、内宮の荒祭宮の神であることが明らかにされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Later, the simultaneous Jingu Shikinensengu (rebuilding of the inner and outer shrines of the Ise-jingu Shrine) was realized by its disciples in 1585.
    その後、門人たちによって天正13年(1585年)に内宮外宮同時の神宮式年遷宮が実現することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, at Ise-jingu shrine, the main god of Kotai-jingu Shrine and Toyouke Dai-jingu Shrine are female, Amaterasu Omikami and Toyoukebime, respectively, but the chigi is cut in the uchisogi style and the number of katsuogi is ten for the inner shrine, and the chigi is cut in the sotosogi style and the number of katsuogi is nine for the outer shrine.
    ただし、伊勢神宮の場合、皇大神宮の祭神天照大神、豊受大神宮の祭神トヨウケビメとともに主祭神が女神であるのにもかかわらず、内宮では千木・鰹木が内削ぎ・10本、外宮は外削ぎ・9本である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Watarai clan, who had served as priests of Gegu (the outer shrine of Ise jingo) organized and re-edited myths and the records of Shinto ceremonies in order to compile the Shinto Gobusho (five-volume apologia of Shinto); their work laid the foundation for Ise Watarai Shinto.
    伊勢外宮の神官である渡会(わたらい)氏は、神話・神事の整理や再編集により、『神道五部書』を作成、伊勢渡会神道の基盤を作った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Ise Shinto, the Watarai clan, household in charge of priesthood for Ise-Geku (outer shrine of Ise-jingu Shrine) - trying to upgrade Toyoukebime, a deity enshrined in Geku, as a deity either equaling or surpassing the one enshrined in Naiku (inner shrine/enshrined deity: Amaterasu Omikami) - identified Toyoukebime with Ame no Minakanushi no Kami and Kunitokotachi no Kami, deities who had appeared prior to tenchikaibyaku (creation of heaven and earth in Japanese mythology), and created a variety of legends to endow Toyoukebime with universal divinity surpassing Amaterasu Omikami.
    伊勢神道においては、伊勢神宮外宮の神職であった度会氏が、外宮の祭神であるトヨウケビメを内宮(祭神・天照大神)と同等以上の存在として格上げするため、天地開闢(日本神話)に先立って出現した天之御中主神・国之常立神と同一神とし、天照大神をしのぐ普遍的神格とするため、様々な伝承が作成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Ryobu Shinto, Amaterasu Omikami, the enshrined deity of Ise-naiku (inner shrine), is the Dainichi nyorai of Garbhadhatsu, a Brahma-Deva, and a juniten (twelve deities), while Toyouke no Omikami of Ise-geku (outer shrine) is the Dainichi nyorai of Vajradhatsu, a Brahma-Deva, and a juniten.
    両部神道では、伊勢内宮の祭神、天照大神(あまてらすおおみかみ)は胎蔵界の大日如来であり、梵天であり、十二天であるとし、一方、伊勢外宮のトヨウケビメ(とようけのおおみかみ)は、金剛界の大日如来であり、梵天であり、十二天であるとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The night of the day in which the festival is held, an emperor goes to the Kairyu-den building, taking Omi no oyu for purification, wearing Saifuku (priestly vestments), and after that, in the late-evening, goes into the Yuki-den building (the figure of Chigi [ornamental crossbeams on the gable of a Shinto shrine] is Sotosogi, or the ends of the former are terminated with a vertical cut, and is same as that of the Outer Shrine of Ise-jingu).
    祭の当夜、天皇は廻立殿(かいりゅうでん)に渡御し、小忌御湯(おみのおゆ)で潔斎して斎服を着け、深夜、悠紀殿(千木は伊勢神宮外宮と同じ外削ぎ)に入る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to the majority of the traditional theories, it is viewed that Ise Shinto was created as the result of Watarai clan, who sought private interests, asserting that the status of the deity enshrined in the Outer Shrine was above that of the Inner Shrine.
    伊勢神道は、従来の学説では、外宮神官が、外宮祭神の格を内宮祭神より上であるとして、渡会氏が私的な利害をかけて主張したものである、という見方が大勢を占めているようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Jihen, a priest during the Kamakura period, wrote a commentary, "Kuji Hongi Gengi" (Deep Significances in the Kuji hongi) with the thought that the "Sendai Kujihongi" was the core of the Shinto concept, influencing Watarai Shinto (A school of Shinto teachings expanded by priests of the Watarai clan at the Outer Shrine (Geku) of the Ise-jingu Shrine).
    鎌倉時代の僧・慈遍は、『先代旧事本紀』を神道の思想の中心と考えて注釈書『舊事本紀玄義』を著し、度会神道に影響を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Toyukegu Gishikicho" (Register of Ceremonies for Toyuke-gu Shrine) written in 804, Geku (the outer shrine of Ise) was built to enshrine Toyuke Omikami (Toyuke Great God) as Miketsukami (the God of Food) invited from Tanba Province, as Emperor Yuryaku had received an oracle from Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess).
    延暦23年(804年)の『止由気宮儀式帳』に、雄略天皇が天照大神の夢託を蒙り、御食津神として等由気太神(豊受大神)を丹波国から伊勢に迎えたのが外宮であると記す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The colophon indicates that all of the above were completed before the Nara period, but in fact it is said that a Geku gikan (an official of the outer shrine), such as Yukitada WATARAI, wrote the books in the Kamakura period in view of ancient records handed down to Ise-jingu Shrine.
    いずれも奥付には奈良時代以前の成立となっているが、実際には鎌倉時代に度会行忠ら外宮祀官が、伊勢神宮に伝わる古伝を加味しつつ執筆したものとみられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to Jinmyocho Kosho: historical investigation on shrines listed in Engishiki jinmyocho (a register of shrines in Japan), which was organized after Nobutsune DEGUCHI's death and completed in 1733 by Hiro KUWAHARA, a Shinto priest of Geku (the outer shrine of Ise), and his son 弘世, Ikutsuhikone is defined as the enshrined deity of Ikune jinja Shrine (presently enshrines Sukunahikona no mikoto and others) in Oshisaka (also pronounced as Ossaka or Osaka) and Sumiyoshi.
    出口延経の死後、外宮神官の桑原弘雄、弘世父子によって整理、1733年に完成し、延喜式神名帳記載神社の考証を行った神名帳考証によると、忍坂と住吉にある生根神社の祭神(現在は少彦名命等)とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ise Shinto (or Watarai Shinto) (School of Shinto thought) established by Ieyuki WATARAI who was a Shinto priest of Geku (the outer shrine) thinks that Toyouke no Okami was identical to Ame no Minakanushi no Kami or Kuninotokotachi no Mikoto, and she was the first primordial god who came into the world.
    外宮の神職である度会家行が起こした伊勢神道(度会神道)では、豊受大神は天之御中主神・国之常立神と同神であって、この世に最初に現れた始源神であるとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the study of history and Japanese literature, it is assumed that the Watarai clan, the Shinto priests of the outer Ise-jingu Shrine, wrote the books so as to raise the status of the outer shrine up to or higher than the Naiku (inner shrine - enshrined deity: Amaterasu Omikami, the Sun Goddess), insisting that its enshrined deity Toyoukebime was equivalent to Ame no Minakanushi no Kami (one of the gods in Japanese mythology) and Kuninotokotachi no mikoto and was the universal godhead superior to Amaterasu Omikami.
    歴史学・日本文学の分野からの研究では、伊勢神宮外宮の神職であった度会氏が、外宮を内宮(祭神・天照大神)と同等以上の存在として格上げすることを目的に、祭神であるトヨウケビメを天之御中主神および国之常立神と同一神とすることで、天照大神をしのぐ普遍的神格であることを主張するために執筆されたと推定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to the biography of the Outer Shrine of Ise ("Toyukegu Gishikicho"),Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess) appeared by the Emperor Yuryaku's bedside, and told him to bring in Toyouke no Okami who was a Mike no Kami (god of foodstuffs) and lived in Hinuma-no-manai, Tanba Province because Amaterasu Omikami did not want to worry about her own food any more.
    伊勢神宮外宮の社伝(『止由気宮儀式帳』)では、雄略天皇の夢枕に天照大神が現れ、「自分一人では食事が安らかにできないので、丹波国の比沼真奈井(ひぬまのまない)にいる御饌の神、等由気大神(とようけのおおかみ)を近くに呼び寄せなさい」と言われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was not a mere historical researcher of gardens but also produced gardens himself such as Tennoji-koen (Tennoji Park), outer park of the Ise Kotai-jingu Shrine and the Toyouke-daijingu Shrine and he restored scenery in Ritsurin-koen park and even produced a Nihon teien exhibited in The Japan-British Exhibition held in London, and Kyuka-koen Park for centennial festival of Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA at his own birth place, Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture built in 1928.
    小沢は単なる庭園史の研究家でなく自らも日本庭園を作庭し、天王寺公園や伊勢皇大神宮・豊受大神宮の外苑、栗林公園の修景のほか、ロンドンで開催された日英博覧会に出展された日本庭園、また自身の故郷三重県桑名市では1928年に松平定信百年祭にともない造られた九華公園などの作品がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
