「posthumous work」を含む例文一覧(6)

  • His posthumous work was "Rokuwa no Kamome" scripted by So KURAMOTO in which he played the role of a manager.
    遺作は倉本聰脚本『6羽のかもめ』のマネージャ役。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Thanks to the work of Buddhist monk Tenkai, Ieyasu was given the posthumous name of 'Tosho Daigongen' by the imperial court and was enshrined at the Toshogu Shrine.
    僧天海などの働きもあり、朝廷より、「東照大権現」の名が下され、東照宮に祭祀された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His research on Basho MATSUO's posthumous work came to fruition as the trilogy "Basho okina hokku shu" (Collection of hokku (haiku) of Basho the Elder), "Basho okina bunshu" (Collection of anthologies of Basho the Elder), and "Basho okina haikai shu" (Collection of haikai of Basho the Elder), which were the first anthology of Basho's works.
    また松尾芭蕉の遺作を研究し刊行した『芭蕉翁発句集』『芭蕉翁文集』『芭蕉翁俳諧集』の三部作は、はじめて芭蕉の著作を集成したものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During 2002, as the director of filming (in this case motion capture filming), Fukasaku finished the CG animation for the Playstation 2 game "Clock Tower 3" (the finished product becoming his posthumous work).
    2002年中は、カプコンのプレイステーション2用ゲームソフト『クロックタワー3』のイベントCGムービーの監督として撮影(モーションキャプチャ収録)、これを撮り終えた(撮り終えたという意味ではこちらが遺作である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Despite managing to publish his "Consideration on the Emperors' Posthumous Names," his health began to worsen so he personally selected and asked Masuzo YOSHIDA to succeed his work, and Yoshida later contributed to completing the unfinished "Gengoko" (Consideration on the Era) and proposed the era name 'Showa.'
    しかし『天諡考』は刊行したものの、病状の悪化により、自ら見いだした吉田増蔵に後を託しており、後年この吉田が未完の『元号考』の刊行に尽力し、元号案「昭和」を提出することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sakunosuke KOYAMA, who was the first person to have studied the details of establishing Kimigayo as the national anthem and wrote "Kokka Kimigayo no Yurai (literally, Origin of Kimigayo, Japan's National Anthem)" as his posthumous work started his study from consideration on words.
    国歌君が代制定の経緯を初めて研究し、遺作として『国歌君が代の由来』を残した小山作之助も、まずは歌詞についての考察から始めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
